Greetings to Guyanese President

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, sent a message of greetings to Bharrat Jagdeo,
President of the Cooperative Republic of
Guyana, on Feb. 19 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its proclamation.
    The message sincerely wished him great success in his work for the
stability and development of the country
and expressed the belief that the good friendly relations between the two
countries would be boosted in the days

Greetings to Sultan of Brunei Darussalam

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, on Monday sent a message of greetings to Sultan of
Brunei Darussalam Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
on the occasion of its National Day.
    The message sincerely wished him and the Brunei people greater success
in their work for progress and
prosperity of the country and good health and happiness to him.

Greetings to Serbian party leaders

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea on sunday sent a
message of greetings to Slobodan Milosevic and Gorica Gajevic on their
election as chairman and general secretary
of the Socialist Party of Serbia at the 4th congress of the party.
    The message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative
relations between the two parties and the two
peoples would further develop in the future and sincerely wished the
chairman and the general secretary great
success in their responsible work for implementation of the decisions of
the 4th congress of the party.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from the secretariat of the
workers world party of the United States on the occasion of his birthday.
    Member of the secretariat of the party Brian Becker on a visit to Korea
handed it to an official concerned.

Floral basket to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a floral basket from Sazhi
Umalatova, chairperson of the Party for Peace and Unity of Russia, on the
occasion of his birthday.
    It was handed over to an official concerned.

Thai Prime Minister on Thailand-DPRK relations

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai
received a DPRK delegation led by
Minister of Foreign Trade Kang Jong Mo participating in the 10th meeting of
the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development on Feb. 12.
    Expressing his satisfaction with the favorably developing friendly and
cooperative relations between the two
countries, the Prime Minister expressed belief that these relations would
continue to grow stronger and develop in
the interests of the two governments and the two peoples.
    He said that the ties between the Democratic Party of Thailand and the
Worker's Party of Korea have long given
an impetus to the close friendly relations between the two countries.
    He hoped the DPRK would overcome temporary difficulties and certainly
build a powerful nation as soon as

Korea's reunification supported by Mexican political party

   Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- A special resolution supporting the
independent and peaceful reunification
of Korea was adopted at the 20th congress of the Socialist People's Party
of Mexico on Feb. 12.
    The U.S. military presence in South Korea and military assistance to
the South Korean authorities are the main
obstacle to the peaceful reunification of Korea, the resolution noted, and
    Korea's reunification would signify a great advance in easing tensions
and preventing arms race in this region
and contribute to the improvement of the standard of people's living of
reunified Korea, their wellbeing and
democratic development.
    Proceeding from this stand, the 20th congress of the Socialist People's
Party of Mexico decides to extend full
support and encouragement to the Korean people in their struggle to achieve
the peaceful reunification of the country
and put an end to the U.S. military presence in the Korean peninsula and
its interference in the internal affairs of

4th Kimjongilia Show closes

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- The 4th Kimjongilia Show which was
open on Feb. 14 in the run-up to
the auspicious February holiday, the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong
Il, closed yesterday.
    The hall where at least 4,500 immortal flowers contributed by Korean
people and foreign friends were on
display was visited by senior party and state officials, working people
from all walks of life, overseas Koreans and
foreign diplomatic envoys and embassy officials here and foreign guests.
    A closing ceremony took place at the Pyongyang International House of
Culture on the same day.
    At the ceremony the highest and high prizes and prizes of merit and
labour were awarded to the Ministry of the
People's Armed Forces, the central committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist
Youth League and other units, working
people, servicemen and students that distinguished themselves in the show.
    Jang Chol, chairman of the DPRK Kimjongilia Federation, in his closing
address said that through the show the
Korean people came to cherish higher pride and stronger self-confidence of
being blessed with the illustrious leaders
generation after generation and firmer conviction that their country will
enjoy grandeur and prosperity only when
they uphold the leadership of Kim Jong Il with single-hearted loyalty and
filial piety.

Korean people's faith and will have grown stronger this winter

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- This winter has been a severe test for
the Korean people.
    It was not attributable to cold weather only, though the period from
December to February belongs to the dead
of winter in Korea. This hard winter witnessed the most serious shortage of
electricity in the history of the DPRK
that adversely affected all fields of the national economy and the people's
    Despite all those difficulties, the Korean people have firmly defended
socialism, their life and soul, and further
hardened their faith and will to win its victory.
    The annals of the arduous Korean revolution is recorded with the
tradition in which a breakthrough was made
towards victory in rigorous winter on which the destiny of the Korean
revolution hinged.
    This tradition was established by President Kim Il Sung and General
Secretary Kim Jong Il, the great leaders of
the Korean people.
    It was in January 75 years ago when Kim Il Sung set out on a "250-mile
journey for national liberation" with a
noble aim to win it. And he carried out the arduous march to overcome the
difficulties before the Korean revolution
in the winter from Juche 27 to 28 (1938-1939) in the period of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    He turned the adversity during the temporary strategic retreat of the
Korean People's Army in the days of the
Fatherland Liberation War into favourable conditions in the blizzards of
winter of Juche 39 (1950), thus bringing in
a final victory in the war.
    In December of Juche 45 (1956), when the political situation inside and
outside the country was difficult, he
called on the workers of the Kangson Steel Works to rouse them to the grand
Chollima advance, believing in their
    It is the firm will of Kim Jong Il to weather out manifold difficulties
and ordeals, no matter how hard they may
be to overcome.
    It was in January three years ago when the area of Pyongyang was hit by
the severest snowstorm.
    At that time he said he regarded that as the "snowstorm of Mangyongdae"
which instilled the faith in sure
victory into all of us and heralded a signal victory.
    It was again in winter when he visited Jagang Province to break through
manifold difficulties and effect a fresh
turn in the revolutionary development in recent years.
    He gave on-site guidance to the land leveling and rezoning and economic
fields in North Phyongan Province at
the end of last January, the dead of winter, thus lighting a torch to be
held aloft by the workers of the Rakwon
Machine Factory. This torch is giving a strong impetus to the second grand
Chollima advance like the Kanggye
spirit and the torch lit at the Songjin Steel Complex.
    The Korean people have a lot of work to do this year and the economic
situation still remains difficult. But they
are accelerating the building of a powerful nation with the faith and will
which the great leaders instilled.

DPRK ice hockey players win international game

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- DPRK players placed first at the 2000
IIHF Asian Oceanic Junior U18
Championships (division I) held in Changchun, China, from Feb. 17 to 20.
    Participating in the championships were the DPRK, China, Australia and
South Korea, first-class teams in Asia
and Oceania.
    The DPRK team defeated the Chinese, South Korean and Australian teams
5-1, 3-2 and 8-0.
    It was qualified for participation in the IIHF World Junior U18
Championships to be held next year.

Impressions of Korea given by foreign party figures

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- Several figures of foreign parties who
visited Korea to celebrate the
birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il had interviews separately with KCNA.
    Secretary of the central committee of the Party of Communists of the
Moldovan Republic Borgula Lyudmila
Viktorovna who is also the head of its delegation said that she
participated in the celebrations during the visit to
Korea and keenly felt how ardently the Korean people and foreigners
expressed respect and reverence for Kim Jong
    Possessed of the perfect traits and leadership qualities of socialist
political leader, Kim Jong Il has performed
immortal exploits, leading the party, the state and the army, she noted,
expressing belief that the Korean people and
army having him as their leader would always achieve only victory.
    Member of the leadership of the Unified Communist Party of Italy
Pasqufale Felice who is also the head of its
delegation said that during his visit to Korea he was more firmly convinced
that the just cause of the Korean people
will emerge victorious without fail.
    He continued:
    The difficulties lying in the struggle of the Korean people for
realizing the socialist cause are owing to the
vicious obstructive maneuvers of the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces.
    The issue of Korea's reunification has not been settled owing to the
presence of the U.S. troops in South Korea
under the signboard of "defence of peace" and persistent anti-reunification
moves of the separatists at home and
    He expressed belief that socialism of Korea will be ever-victorious
under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.

Japan keen on reorganizing "SDF"

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries are
reportedly keen on the moves to reorganize
the system of the ground "Self-Defence Force" designed to reinvade the
Korean peninsula.
    The Japan Defence Agency decided to replace the previous system of "13
divisions and two mixed corps" by
the system of "nine divisions and six brigades" in 1995. It also decided to
cut down the strength of two divisions in
Hokkaido in the northern part to a brigade-level and, at the same time,
expand mixed corps in Okinawa and Shikoku
near the Korean peninsula into brigades from 2001.
    Pursuant to the plan to reorganize the ground "SDF" system till Feb.
19, the Japan Defence Agency is going to
make some divisions and brigades units capable of disturbing the rear and
conducting special operations and
organize "strategic mobile divisions and brigades" and "mobile strike
divisions" under the pretext of "defending" the
coastal areas of Japan in a bid to concentrate armed forces for reinvasion
of Korea on the coastal areas near the
Korean peninsula.
    Reporting this, Yomiuri Shimbun on Feb. 20 said that Japan massively
deployed heavily equipped armed forces
in Hokkaido to confront the former Soviet Army during the Cold War but is
reorganizing and re-deploying armed
forces in areas close to the Korean peninsula after the cold war and, at
the same time, improving their quality.

GI kills S. Korean woman

   Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- A U.S. soldier stationed in South Korea
killed a Korean woman, 33, at a
bar for exclusive use of foreigners in Rithaewon-dong, Seoul, on the night
of Feb. 19, according to a news report.
    The woman was found bloody on a bed with a serious bruise on her face
and her neck strangled. Underwear
supplied to GIs was seen on the scene.
    A surnamed Ri, who worked with her at the night, said that he saw the
GI, who drank wine with her, fleeing
without wearing clothes at the time when the incident took place.
    This fully exposed the criminal act of the murderer who mercilessly
beat the Korean woman, bloodstained and
strangled her neck to death while committing despicable act against her.
    Though the GI proved to be a criminal, the South Korean ruling quarters
handed the key of the bar, the spot of
the incident, to its master and shunned investigation only to reveal the
ugly colors as a colonial stooge.

U.S. ambition for world domination assailed

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- 305.4 billion dollar-military spending
U.S. President Clinton proposed in
the budget of the U.S. administration for fiscal 2001 submitted to the U.S.
congress is a revelation of the U.S.
aggressive design to establish military control and domination over the
world, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed commentary.
    The commentary goes on:
    This clearly shows that the "peace," to which the U.S. is paying
lip-service, does not mean building a peaceful
world free from war but establishing a global order whereby the U.S.
dominates the world by aggression and war
and military intervention.
    The main thrust in the U.S. arms buildup is to establish a new "missile
defense system."
    The U.S. plans to spend 1.9 billion dollars for the development of the
"National Missile Defense" system and
2.6 billion dollars for the execution of other plans to develop missiles.
    In a word, the U.S. seeks to cover the world with its missile network
and completely take hold of it.
    The U.S. call for the establishment of the "missile defense" system
allegedly to "protect" its "security" and the
allies from the "nuclear and missile attack" of the DPRK is nothing but a
sheer sophism to justify its aggressive
    It is not the U.S., but the DPRK that is exposed to the nuclear and
missile threat.
    The U.S. is not a peace champion but the enemy of peace and chieftain
of war of aggression.
    If the U.S. persistently keeps to the road of a war of aggression,
disregarding the trend of the times and the
demand of the humankind aspiring after disarmament and peace, it will not
escape from isolation and destruction.

Japan moves to intensify information-gathering capacity against DPRK

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- The Japanese Nihon Keizai Shimbun Feb.
20 said that the Japan Maritime
"Self-Defence Force" plans to build in Iwakuni base in Yamaguchi Prefecture
an up-to-date plane "OP3C" unit
capable of collecting visual information about "mysterious ships," etc.
    "OP3C" plane which is capable of photographing coastal state in a broad
scale and instantly sending visual data
to ground base will reportedly make a test flight and be deployed for
action in a short span of time in place of the
present anti-submarine patrol plane "P3C".
    This shows well that the Japanese reactionaries are getting overheated
in the moves to collect information about
the DPRK in a bid to reinvade the Korean peninsula under the pretext of the
dramatic case of "pursuit of mysterious

Fascist action of anti-reunification elements

    Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- The South Korean rulers have come in
for strong criticism by a signed
commentary of Rodong Sinmun today for sentencing to prison terms those who
visited the North Korea last year to
participate in the grand pan-national festival for reunification as
representatives of South Korean pro-reunification
    Their suppression of pro-reunification champions is an anti-national
and anti-reunification fascist action to
dampen the aspiration and desire of the fellow countrymen for reunification
and an unpardonable criminal act of
going against the trend of the nation for great unity and reunification,
the commentary notes, and goes on:
    Those pro-reunification personages who have been sentenced to jail
terms by the South Korean rulers are
patriots who have done praiseworthy things for national unity and
reunification and their visit to the North Korea
was a patriotic deed prompted by their desire for reunification.
    They participated in the grand pan-national festival for reunification
held in Pyongyang and Panmunjom on the
occasion of the August 15 liberation day, thus contributing to realising
the three-party unity of compatriots in the
north, south and abroad for the first time in the history.
    The South Korean rulers took this legal action against
pro-reunification patriots, while protecting such vicious
criminals as Jong Hyong Gun, who tortured and killed many pro-reunification
champions, as the director of the
anti-communist investigation bureau of the "Agency for National Security
Planning" during the last fascist dictatorial
    They will certainly be judged by the nation, the commentary warns.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il recibe presente de secretariado de pmo de ee. uu.

    pyongyang, 22 de febrero (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il
recibio presente que le dirigiera en ocasion de su
cumpleanos el secretariado del partido mundial de los obreros de ee. uu.
    brian becker, miembro del secretariado de este partido de visita en la
rpd de corea lo entrego a un funcionario

revela ambicion de dominacion de mundo

    pyongyang, 22 de febrero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de hoy senala que clinton,
presidente estadounidense demando destinar 305 mil 400 millones de dolares
de gastos militares en el proyecto de
presupuesto de su administracion del ano fiscal 2001 presentado al congreso
revelando la intencion agresiva de su
pais de realizar el control y la dominacion militares al mundo.
    el comentario constata que la "paz" de que habla ee.uu. no es para
construir un mundo pacifico exento de la
guerra sino para establecer el orden mundial bajo su control valiendose de
actos de agresion y guerra y la
intervencion militar y continua:
    lo importante en el aumento armamentista de ee.uu. es el
establecimiento del nuevo sistema de "defensa misil".
    este pais planea destinar un mil 900 millones de dolares al desarrollo
del sistema "defensa misil del estado" y 2
mil 600 millones de dolares al desarrollo de otros misiles.
    en una palabra estados unidos intenta cubrir el globo terraqueo de sus
redes de misiles y dominar completamente
el mundo.
    es un sofisma para racionalizar su politica de agresion la insistencia
de ee.uu. de que se debe establecer el
sistema de "defensa misil" para proteger la "seguridad" suya y a sus
aliados del "ataque nuclear y de misiles" de la
    el pais que es amenazado por armas nucleares y misiles no es ee.uu.
sino la rpdc. estados unidos no es defensor
de la paz sino enemigo de paz y el autor que trae el nubarron de la guerra
de agresion.
    si ee.uu. sigue el camino de la guerra agresiva en detrimento de la
corriente de la epoca al desarme y la paz y de
la demanda de la humanidad no podra evitar el aislamiento y la derrota.

ppsm apoya reunificacion independiente y pacifica de corea

   pyongyang, 22 de febrero (atcc) -- en el 20 congreso del partido popular
socialista de mexico quedo adoptada el
dia 12 una resolucion especial de apoyo a la reunificacion independiente y
pacifica de corea.
    la resolucion senala en particular:
    la ocupacion militar de sudcorea por ee.uu. y su apoyo militar a las
autoridades surcoreanas constituyen el
obstaculo principal de la reunificacion pacifica de corea.
    la reunificacion de corea sera un gran avance para lograr la distension
y prevenir la carrera armamentista en esta
region y contribuira al bienestar, y la mejora de vida y el desarrollo
democratico del pueblo de corea reunificada.
    partiendo de esta posicion el 20 congreso del ppsm decide exteriorizar
irrestricto apoyo y respaldo a la lucha del
pueblo coreano por lograr la reunificacion pacifica del pais y poner fin a
la existencia militar de ee.uu. y su
intervencion en asuntos internos en la peninsula coreana.

felicitaciones a presidente de guyana

    pyongyang, 22 de febrero (atcc) -- kim yong nam, presidente del comite
permanente de la asamblea popular
suprema de la rpd de corea envio el dia 19 un mensaje de felicitacion a
bharrat jagdeo, presidente de la republica
cooperativa de guyana con motivo del 30 aniversario de la proclamacion de
esta republica.
    el mensaje desea sinceramente al mandatario mayores exitos en su labor
para la estabilidad y desarrollo del pais
y expresa conviccion de que se ampliaran y se desarrollaran en el futuro
las excelentes relaciones de amistad entre
ambos paises.


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