>The Independent (UK)  
>Turks crush protests over arrest of mayors
>By Justin Huggler in Istanbul
>23 February 2000
>Turkish police waded into crowds protesting yesterday against the arrest
>of three democratically elected Kurdish mayors – arrests that could
>wreck Turkish hopes of becoming a full member of the European Union.
>"Freedom for the mayors!" chanted demonstrators in Diyarbakir, the
>biggest city in the Kurdish dominated south-east. It was the third day
>of peaceful protest, and the police broke it up with their customary
>brutality, beating demonstrators with truncheons and taking them into
>Crowds of angry young men were reported roaming the city's backstreets.
>It was an abrupt end to the atmosphere of peace and hope that has
>reigned briefly in the region.
>In Berlin, diplomatic sources were reported to be saying the EU
>presidency was preparing a formal diplomatic protest at the arrests.
>Feridun Celik, the mayor of Diyarbakir, was arrested at the weekend when
>gendarmes set up roadblocks and held up his official car. He and the
>mayors of Siirt and Bingöl are accused of aiding the outlawed
>Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which recently ended 15 years of bloody
>rebellion against Turkish rule.
>All three are members of the People's Democracy Party (Hadep), Turkey's
>only legally recognised Kurdish party, which dominated voting in the
>south-east in last year's elections. It was the first time in years
>Kurds had been able to vote for Kurdish representatives, and they turned
>out in force – Mr Celik polled 63 per cent.
>"The mayors' efforts for stability, democratic solutions and a lasting
>peace in Turkey are some of the reasons they were taken into custody,"
>Sehabettin Ozarslaner, a Hadep mayor who escaped arrest, told a special
>news conference yesterday.
>The arrests shattered an unprecedented atmosphere of hope in the
>south-east. The PKK recently renounced armed struggle, and 15 years of
>violence and terror in the region have all but ended. Kurds were
>convinced the EU would pressure Turkey to grant them long-witheld
>minority rights.
>Turkey was formally accepted as a candidate for EU membership last year,
>but the EU is demanding improved rights for the Kurds before it admits
>Turkey as a full member.
>Since the elections, EU members have increasingly looked to the Hadep
>mayors, with their mandate from the people, as legitimate
>representatives of Turkey's Kurds. Two days before his arrest, Mr Celik
>met the Swedish Foreign Minister to discuss the position of the Kurds.
>Ankara refuses to recognise Turkey's Kurdish population of about 10
>million as a legitimate minority. Their language is banned in schools
>and on television. Those who criticise this policy tend to end up in
>The arrest of democratically elected representatives will reawaken fears
>in the European Union over the respect given to democracy in Turkey. The
>last members of a Kurdish party elected to parliament are still
>languishing behind bars, and pro-Kurdish parties have been
>systematically closed by the courts.
>Lawyers for the arrested mayors claim marks have been seen on their
>bodies that could be evidence of physical abuse, and have demanded full
>medical examinations – a sign the arrests could renew EU scrutiny of
>Turkey's desperately poor regard for human rights. Under emergency laws,
>the mayors can be held for four days without formal charge or access to
>a lawyer.
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