Kim Jong Il meets participants in meeting

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il met with
the participants in a meeting of
KPA company political instructors to congratulate them on February 28.
    At the photographing place he sent cordial regards to the cheering
participants, waving back to them.
    He warmly congratulated the participants upon their great achievements
in educating and leading forward
soldiers of companies, sharing life and death, sweets and bitters with them
like their eldest sister and building up the
companies into ranks of human bombs each of whose members is a match for a
hundred foes to greatly contribute to
the growth of the people's army into invincible revolutionary armed forces
unfailingly loyal to the WPK, the leader,
the country and the people true to the military line of the party, and
posed for a photograph with them.
    He expressed expectation and conviction that the political instructors
of companies would register greater
success in their efforts to build up a company, a cell and basic combat
unit of the people's army, politically and
militarily and thus strengthen and develop the people's army into an
unconquerable fortress of socialism and the
driving force for the building of a powerful nation.
    Among those accompanying him were Jo Myong Rok, director of the KPA
general political department= Kim
Yong Chun, chief of the general staff= Kim Il Chol, Minister of the
People's Armed Forces= vice marshals Jon Jae
Son and Pak Ki So= and general officers of the KPA.

Kim Jong Il sees performance of KPA merited choir

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il
appreciated, together with the participants
in a meeting of company political instructors of the Korean People's Army,
a performance given by the KPA
merited choir at the April 25 House of Culture on Monday.
    Seeing the performance with him were director of the KPA general
political department Jo Myong Rok, chief of
the KPA general staff Kim Yong Chun, Minister of the People's Armed Forces
Kim Il Chol, KPA vice marshals
Jon Jae Son and Pak Ki So, commanders of arms and services and other
general officers of the KPA.
    The program included chorus items "Song of Comradeship," "Where Is the
Dear General," "We Will Advance
Full of Confidence," "We Will Devotedly Safeguard the Headquarters of the
Revolution" and others.
    The performers sang of the undying feats of Kim Jong Il who has been
conducting energetic activities all day
and night to strengthen the heroic KPA into invincible revolutionary armed
forces. They also demonstrated the faith
and will of all the KPA men and officers to reliably ensure the building of
a powerful nation and the victory of the
revolutionary cause of Juche with arms under his leadership.
    Kim Jong Il expressed great satisfaction at their successful
performance of high ideological and artistic value
and highly appreciated the feats performed by the merited choir.

Greetings to President of Guinea-Bissau

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, on Feb. 28 sent a message of greetings of Kumba Ialla
upon his assumption of office as
President of Guinea-Bissau.
    In the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries
would continue to develop, the message
wished the President fresh success in his responsible work for the
prosperity of the country.

Yugoslav Foreign Minister's visit to DPRK wrapped up

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- Zivadin Jovanovic, Foreign Minister of
Yugoslavia, and his party left here
today at the end of their four-day visit to the DPRK.
    While staying in Korea they visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace to pay
homage to the President Kim Il Sung
and laid bunches of flowers before his statue on Mansu Hill.
    They also visited Mangyongdae, the tower of the Juche idea, the
Pyongyang metro, the Mansudae Art Studio
and other places.

Joint communique on Korea visit of Yugoslav FM

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- A joint communique on the DPRK visit
of the Foreign Minister of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was released in Pyongyang.
    The communique says:
    Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic paid an official visit to
the DPRK from February 26 to 29, 2000
at the invitation of his DPRK counterpart Paek Nam Sun.
    At the talks and meetings both sides informed each other of the
situation in their countries and had an earnest
exchange of views on international issues of mutual concern, including the
situation in northeast Asia and in the
Balkans and issues of bilateral relations.
    Expressing deep apprehension as to ever more pronounced high-handed
acts for domination and hegemony in
the international relations, both sides strongly denounced such reckless
arbitrary practices as defying the UN Charter
and other international conventions and abusing international organizations
to meet the interests of big powers and
called on the progressive peace-loving forces to take concerted actions
against them.
    The DPRK and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia reiterated the need to
further strengthen support and
cooperation in international relations and make concerted efforts for peace
and development of humankind.
    The DPRK side highly praised the Yugoslav people for having defended
their freedom and independence from
the NATO's aggression and achieved unity in their struggle for the
rehabilitation and construction of the country
under the leadership of Slobodan Milosevic.
    It expressed full support to the Yugoslav government and people in
their legitimate efforts to guarantee dignity
and territorial integrity of the country, bring peace and stability to the
Balkans and rejoin international organizations
and the non-aligned movement.
    The Kosovo issue should be settled on the principle of equality among
citizens and ethnic communities in this
autonomous province as stipulated by the constitution of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, it stressed.
    The Yugoslav side expressed thanks to the DPRK government and people
for supporting the Yugoslav people
who are opposed to the aggression of the imperialists.
    It highly praised the Korean people for vigorously accelerating the
building of a powerful nation true to the line
of giving great importance to ideology, the military and science and
technology, single-heartedly rallied around the
great leader Kim Jong Il.
    It expressed firm support to the DPRK government and people in their
just struggle to achieve the national
reunification by a confederacy formula in accordance with the three-point
charter for national reunification and the
five-point policy for great national unity and held that the U.S. forces
should unconditionally and immediately
withdraw from South Korea and a peace agreement should be concluded between
the DPRK and the U.S. to defuse
the tensions on the Korean peninsula and defend the peace and security in
Asia and the rest of the world.
    Both sides agreed to have more brisk bilateral contacts and visits in
political, economic and all other fields and
actively cooperate with each other for a fair and peaceful settlement of
all the international issues.
    The Korean side, availing itself of the opportunity, expressed thanks
to the Yugoslav government for rendering
humanitarian assistance to the DPRK despite its hard conditions.
    The Foreign Minister of the federal republic of Yugoslavia invited the
DPRK Foreign Minister to visit his
    His invitation was accepted with pleasure and it was agreed to fix the
date for the visit through a diplomatic

DPRK FM spokesman on Korea visit of Australian FM delegation

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry today answered a question
put by KCNA as regards the recent visit of an Australian Foreign Ministry
    He said:
    As reported earlier the delegation of the department of foreign affairs
and trade of Australia headed by its first
assistant secretary visited our country from February 22 to 26 last.
    During the visit talks were held at earnest atmosphere between the
delegations of the foreign ministries of the
two countries.
    At the talks both sides discussed the issue of normalizing the
relations between the two countries, exchanged
opinions on several matters of common interest including that of regional
security and agreed to continue their
contact in the future.
    During its sojourn the delegation visited the assistance projects of
the United Nations Development Program
(UNDP) and the World Food Program (WFP), expressed its understanding of the
still strained food situation in our
country and reaffirmed the position of the government of Australia on
continuing its humanitarian assistance to our
country in the future, too.

Yugoslav Foreign Minister hosts reception

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- Zivadin Jovanovic, Foreign Minister of
the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, hosted a reception yesterday in connection with their visit to
the Democratic People's Republic of
    Addressing the reception, he expressed the conviction that their visit
to the DPRK would contribute to boosting
cooperation in all spheres between the two countries, saying that
Yugoslavia and the DPRK have excellent friendly
and cooperative relations and they share identical views on international
    The visit has provided us with an opportunity to know better about the
efforts of the Korean people to achieve
the country's reunification peacefully under the leadership of the great
Kim Jong Il, he noted, expressing support to
the Korean people's struggle to reunify the country and build a powerful
    He expressed the belief that the Korean people would surely achieve
their just cause.
    Foreign Minister of the DPRK Paek Nam Sun recalled that the Foreign
Minister of Yugoslavia and his party
voiced full support and firm solidarity to the Korean people's struggle to
reunify the country by a confederacy
formula on the three principles of national reunification--independence,
peaceful reunification and great national
    Their visit to the DPRK has marked an important occasion in
comprehensively expanding and developing the
friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, he added.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from President of Democratic Congo

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from Laurent Desire Kabila,
President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on the occasion of his birthday.
    The gift was handed to the DPRK ambassador to the DRC on Feb. 21.

"Globalization" under fire

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- the "globalization" which has been
advertized by the United States and
other western countries as a trend of the times at the end of the cold war
is on the verge of bankruptcy and no more
than a delusion, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    Recalling that the "globalization" was unanimously denounced at such
international conferences as the the 10th
meeting of the u.n. Conference on trade and development and the 30th world
economic forum and talks, the article
    The "globalization" has not brought any progress and prosperity to the
world, except inequality, contradiction
and deplorable situation.
    Humankind should not go in for the "globalization" but opt to establish
a new international political and
economic order whereby to meet the interests of all countries and nations
and protect their sovereignty.
    A new free and peaceful world can be built only when the moves of the
imperialists for "globalization" are
frustrated and a new fair international order established.

Youth observation team for fair election formed

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- a youth observation team for fair
election was reportedly formed in South
    The organisation consisting of students affiliated with the youth
voluntary service team of the promotion council
of the movement for the restoration of humanity called for a fair election.
    Middle and high school students of the organisation held a meeting
denouncing those defeated in the nomination
of candidates, while groups of them appealed to passers-by in seoul for a
fair election.

Pyongyang streets of unique style

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- Foreign visitors to Pyongyang are
struck by its two qualities of the city --
beautiful to the eye and magnificent in appearance.
    The streets built in unique style and the splendid decoration add
beauty to the general composition of the city
    At the center of the city is built Changgwang Street with diversified
high-rise apartment blocks and other
majestic public buildings including the Pyongyang Koryo Hotel.
    Kwangbok Street lined with massive dwellings of various types stretches
from the center to the west, giving a
three-dimensional effect.
    Apartment blocks in the street are cylindrical, indented and polygonal
and symmetrically combined with the
Pyongyang Circus, youth hotel and Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace.
    All the buildings are in harmonious proportion to one another.
    Thongil Street situated south of the capital is characterized by
striking symmetry of architectural composition
and bright colors.
    Apartment blocks, public buildings and networks of welfare service
facilities present a wonderful ensemble.
    The green-tiled Pyongyang noodle house, the white- and grey-colored
dwellings and public buildings give an
effect of cleanness and neatness.

S. Korean political critic on future of nation

   Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- South Korean political critic Yu Chol
made public an article headlined
"Think of future of the nation in new millennium," according to radio Voice
of National Salvation from Seoul.
    The critic wrote about leader Kim Jong Il who formulated the Juche idea
of President Kim Il Sung as the
guiding idea of the present times and is glorifying the north as a fortress
of independence.
    There is no doubt that thanks to Kim Jong Il's politics of
independence, the sovereignty of the nation in the new
millennium will be defended by the north as the destiny of the nation was
safeguarded in the 1990s of upheavals, the
critic said, and went on:
    His politics of independence is becoming mightier for his famous
army-first politics, which is the key to
defending the destiny of the nation and opening its way.
    The prosperity of the nation is open in the north where he is
administering the politics of independence.
    A powerful country he is building is an ideal of humankind, the country
that has nothing to envy in ideology
and politics, the military and economy and that is the strongest in the world.
    He has already built up the north into an ideological power, political
power and military power, demonstrating
the dignity and honor of the nation all over the world.
    If the north reaches the co-ordinates of an economic power, it will be
a powerful nation.
    The north has set the year 2000 as a year of a general advance for the
building of a powerful nation and is now
opening a bright future of the new millennium with the three-point strategy
-- giving priority to ideology, arms and
science and technology.
    He is the banner of independent reunification.
    He formulated the President's policy of independent reunification as
the three-point charter of national
reunification, providing all the fellow countrymen with an all-powerful sword.
    The five-point policy of great national unity he set forth is a library
of national unity which encourages anyone
who wants reunification to a great road of reunification.
    The South Korean authorities, pro-American flunkeyists, have no
"proposal of reunification" but a scenario of
confrontation such as "sunshine policy" and "engagement policy" to do harm
to fellow countrymen in league with
foreign forces.
    The future of the nation is in the north which is led by Kim Jong Il,
the sun of independence. The future of the
nation is bright under his leadership.

Anecdotes on Kim Jong Il's on-site guidance

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- Many anecdotes praising lofty popular
traits of the leader are told in the
    It happened in January, Juche 87 (1998) when General Secretary Kim Jong
Il was visiting a factory on a
guidance mission.
    He, among other things, learned about how supply service for workers
was conducted. Officials couldn't
answer properly when asked about agricultural and livestock production in
side-line bases and the production of
daily necessaries.
    Kim Jong Il told them to pay special attention to supply service for
the people in order to serve them with
sincerity. Setting the order of priority in summing-up all officials' work,
he said a review of supply service for
workers should come first to be followed by that of production.
    It happened when he was making a trip to Jagang Province on his on-site
guidance. One day, officials there
prepared a special food for him. Upon hearing this, he declined their
offer, saying that he could hardly take it
because the people were on the forced march tightening their belts and that
he was encouraged by their good faith.
    And he recognized a lathe operator whom he had met 12 years ago and
unreservedly grasped his hand stained
with grease. Learning that representatives of workers could not reach the
theatre on time, he waited for over one
hour so that they might enjoy an art performance in his presence.
    These are only some of many anecdotes about his lofty popular traits.

Fundamental question of Juche philosophy

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- A fundamental question of philosophy
means the most basic one that
serves as a starting point among the questions which the philosophy should
answer to fulfil its mission.
    The former philosophy presented the correlation between matter and
consciousness, between being and thinking
as the fundamental question of philosophy.
    But the Juche philosophy raised from a new angle the relations between
the world and man, and man's position
and role in the world as the fundamental question of philosophy.
    The fundamental question of the Juche philosophy indicates a most right
path of shaping man's destiny.
    Since man lives and develops in the world his destiny is hewed out in
the relationship with the world.
Therefore, the popular masses should dominate and transform the world to
hew out their destiny and have a correct
understanding of and view on the world. For this, it is necessary to
correctly know what is the essential
characteristics of man and what kind of force dominates, transforms and
develops the world.
    Hence, the Juche philosophy raised from a new angle the relations
between man and the world as its
fundamental question alone can give a correct answer as to who is the
master of the world and what is the motive
force for transforming and reshaping it.
    The human history of philosophy has thus been enriched with a
philosophy which has raised man's position
and role in the world as its fundamental question different from the former
one which takes relations between matter
and consciousness as its fundamental question.
    The Juche philosophy's clarification of this fundamental issue marked a
miracle in the history of human
thinking as it ushered in an era guided by the man-centred philosophy.

Worldwide signature campaign against U.S. war moves

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- The "Citizen's Network for the Peace
on the Korean Peninsula" in
cooperation with the "Globe Net", a movement organization for peace and
disarmament based in Britain, is
conducting a worldwide signature campaign against the U.S. plan to develop
intercontinental ballistic missile,
including the establishment of its "Theatre Missile Defence" system
targeted against the northern half of Korea, etc,
according to a news report from Seoul.
    This organization called for a halt to the establishment of the plan of
"ICBM Defense" system and its test-fire
and development in its signature appeal to the U.S. President and congress.
    It also accused the aerospace command of the U.S. air force of trying
to control and dominate the middle and
low altitude of space.
    "Globe Net" and other movement organizations for world peace plan to
hold an "International Conference
Against Missile Defense" system in Washington on April 13 to submit a
signature list to the U.S. President and

Kim Jong Il registered as honorary citizen

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was
registered as an honorary citizen of
Latakia city, Syria.
    A ceremony for awarding the certificate of honorary citizen was held at
the city on Feb. 19.
    The certificate was handed by the chairman of the city council to DPRK
Minister of Finance Rim Kyong Suk,
chairperson of the Korea-Syria Friendship Association, who is leading its
    The certificate says that the title of honorary citizen is awarded to
Kim Jong Il on the occasion of his 58th
birthday in appreciation of the feats he performed in developing the Korean
and world revolution and the friendly
and cooperative relations between the Syrian Arab Republic and the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The chairman of the city council said that he was glad to award him the
title, noting that it was for the first time
to award the title to a foreign head of state.

Congratulatory visit to DPRK embassy in Equatorial Guinea

    Pyongyang, February 29 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Democratic Party
of Equatorial Guinea headed by its
general secretary Agustin Nze Nfumu paid a congratulatory visit to the DPRK
embassy in Malabo on Feb. 14 on the
occasion of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's birthday.
    The general secretary warmly congratulated Kim Jong Il, the great
leader of the Korean people, on his 58th
birthday in the name of Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, founder-chairman of the
Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea.
    The revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by the President Kim Il Sung
is now being brilliantly carried
forward by Kim Jong Il, he said, stressing the Worker's Party of Korea has
developed into an ever-victorious,
iron-willed party that enjoys the deep trust of the popular masses under
his wise leadership.
    The proposals of the WPK for the realization of national reunification
by means of confederacy on the principle
of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity will
always get positive support from the DP of
Equatorial Guinea, he added.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il felicita a instructores politicos de epc

    pyongyang, 29 de febrero (atcc) -- el estimado comandante supremo kim
jong il, secretario general del partido
del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea felicito
el dia 28 a los participantes en el congreso de instructores politicos del
ejercito popular de corea.
    en el lugar de filmacion el comandante supremo respondio cordialmente a
las efusivas aclamaciones de los
participantes en el congreso.
    felicito calurosamente a los participantes que en pleno apoyo a la
linea militar del ptc sirviendo de hermana
mayor de la compania compartieron la alegria y pena con los soldados y los
educaron y orientaron para hacer de la
compania un destacamento de combatientes que sirvan de bala y bomba
peleando a solas contra cien enemigos y asi
contribuyeron activamente a fortalecer el ejercito popular en las
invencibles fuerzas armadas revolucionarias
infinitamente fieles al partido y el lider, la patria y el pueblo y se
fotografio junto a ellos.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il expreso la conviccion de que los
instructores politicos de compania lograran
aun mayores exitos en sus esfuerzos por reforzar en lo politico y militar
la compania, celula y unidad basica de
combate del ejercito popular y asi fortalecer el ejercito popular en una
inexpugnable fortaleza del socialismo, un
grueso de la construccion de potencia.
    estuvieron presentes jo myong rok, jefe de la direccion politica
general, kim yong chun, jefe del estado mayor
general, kim il chol, ministro de las fuerzas armadas populares, jon jae
son y pak ki so, vicemariscales y otros
generales del epc.

kim jong il presencia funcion de coro benemerito de epc

    pyongyang, 29 de febrero (atcc) -- el gran comandante supremo kim jong
il, secretario general del partido del
trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea, junto con
los participantes en el congreso de instructores politicos de compania,
presencio el dia 28 en la casa cultural "25 de
abril" la funcion del coro benemerito del epc.
    le acompanaron jo myong rok, jefe de la direccion politica general, kim
yong chun, jefe del estado mayor
general, kim il chol, ministro de las fuerzas armadas populares,
vicemariscales jon jae son y pak ki so, comandantes
de los ejercitos y armas y otros generales del ejercito popular de corea.
    el coro benemerito puso en la escena "cancion de la camaraderia",
"donde se encuentra el querido general",
"iremos con redoblada confianza", "defenderemos a ultranza la direccion de
la revolucion" y otras piezas.
    en la funcion los ejecutores cantaron en tono elevado las inmarcesibles
hazanas del comandante supremo kim
jong il quien con infatigable y dinamica direccion fortalecio el heroico
epc en las invencibles fuerzas armadas
revolucionarias y reflejaron bien el credo y la voluntad de todos los
oficiales y soldados del ejercito popular de
asegurar firmemente con armas la construccion de potencia y la victoria de
la causa revolucionaria del juche
siguiendo con lealtad su direccion.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il se mostro muy satisfecho de que los
miembros del coro benemerito
ofrecieron una funcion de elevado nivel ideo-artistico y evaluo altamente
sus hazanas.

comunicado conjunto sobre visita de canciller yugoslavo a rpdc

    pyongyang, 29 de febrero (atcc) -- quedo publicado el comunicado
conjunto sobre la visita del ministro de
de la republica federal de yugoslavia a la republica popular democratica de
    segun el comunicado conjunto, el ministro de zivadin jovanovic
de la republica federal de yugoslavia
realizo del 26 al 29 de febrero de 2000 una visita oficial a la republica
popular democratica de corea cumplimentando
una invitacion de su homologo paek nam sun de la rpdc.
    en las conversaciones y encuentros ambas partes se informaron de la
situacion de sus respectivos paises e
intercambiaron en un ambiente sincero opiniones sobre la situacion del
noreste asiatico y de la region de los
balcanes, los problemas internacionales de interes mutuo y otros de
relaciones bilaterales.
    la rpdc y la rfy reafirmaron la disposicion de reforzar el apoyo y la
cooperacion en las relaciones internacionales
y de hacer esfuerzos comunes por el desarrollo y la paz de la humanidad.
    la parte coreana evaluo altamente al pueblo yugoslavo que bajo la
direccion de su excelencia slobodan milosevic
ha defendido su libertad e independencia contra la agresion de la otan y ha
logrado la unidad en sus esfuerzos por la
reconstruccion y la recuperacion del pais.
    expreso firme apoyo a los justos esfuerzos del gobierno y el pueblo de
yugoslavia por asegurar la dignidad e
integridad territorial del pais, lograr la paz y la estabilidad en la
region de los balcanes e incorporarse de nuevo a las
organizaciones internacionales y el movimiento de los no alineados.
    subrayo que el problema kosovar ha de ser resuelto segun la
constitucion de la rfy y conforme al principio de la
igualdad de los ciudadanos y las comunidades nacionales en esta provincia
    la parte yugoslava evaluo altamente al pueblo coreano que unido
monoliticamente en torno al gran dirigente
camarada kim jong il impulsa con vigor la construccion de potencia
adhiriendose a la linea de dar importancia a la
ideologia, las fuerzas armadas y la ciencia y tecnica.
    expreso firme apoyo a la justa lucha del gobierno y el pueblo de la
rpdc por realizar la reunificacion del pais por
el metodo del sistema confederal segun las tres cartas para esta causa
nacional y la orientacion de 5 puntos de la gran
unidad pannacional y sostuvo que las tropas norteamericanas deben retirarse
incondicional e inmediatamente de
surcorea y debe ser concertado el convenio de la paz entre la rpdc y los
ee.uu. a fin de relajar la tension en la
peninsula coreana y defender la paz y la seguridad en asia y el resto del
    ambas partes reafirmaron la disposicion de frecuentar los contactos y
las visitas bilaterales en la politica y
economia y todas las demas esferas y cooperar activamente para dar solucion
equitativa y pacifica a todos los
problemas internacionales.
    el canciller de la rfy invito a su homologo de la rpdc a realizar una
visita a yugoslavia.
    la invitacion fue aceptada con gusto y se acordo que el periodo de
visita se defina por via diplomatica.

vocero de minrex de rpdc se refiere a reciente visita de delegacion de minrex de

    pyongyang, 29 de febrero (atcc) -- al responder a la pregunta de un
reportero de la agencia telegrafica central de
corea formulada en relacion con la reciente visita a la rpd de corea de una
delegacion del ministerio de rr. ee. de
australia el vocero del ministerio de de la rpdc dijo el dia 29 como
    como se ha informado ya, la delegacion del minrex de australia
presidida por el primer secretario auxiliar del
ministerio de relaciones exteriores y comercio realizo del pasado 22 al 26
de este mes una visita a la rpdc.
    durante su estancia se desarrollaron en un ambiente sincero las
conversaciones entre las delegaciones de ambos
ministerios de rr. ee.
    ambas partes discutieron el problema de normalizar las relaciones
binacionales, intercambiaron opiniones sobre
el problema de seguridad regional y una serie de otros asuntos de interes
mutuo y acordaron continuar en el futuro el
    durante su estancia la delegacion recorrio proyectos de asistencia del
programa de las naciones unidas para el
desarrollo y del programa mundial de alimentos, expreso comprension de la
tensa situacion alimentaria de la rpdc y
reafirmo la posicion del gobierno de australia de brindar de continuo
tambien en el futuro ayuda humanitaria a la


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