>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 3rd March, 2000.
>1) Editorial - Help is needed now! & Who gains, who pays?
>2) Lead story - Brown's new attack on the unemployed.
>3) Feature article - Thousands of teachers plan to quit.
>4) International story - Lebanese resistance strikes new blows.
>5) British news item - GM conference stacked against environmentalists.
>1) Editorial
>Help is needed now!
> THE catastrophic flooding in Mozambique is of such a scale that
>international help is needed immediately. The British government is no
>doubt right to be seeking out and underwriting the cost of helicopters and
>aircraft that are already in the region of south east Africa. But this does
>not provide Britain with an excuse for shilly-shallying about over the
>sending of British helicopters, other air transport and vital aid.
> It is utterly ludicrous for ministers to argue that Mozambique is so far
>away that it would take too long for supplies to come directly from Britain.
> It isn't true -- Hercules aircraft loaded with aid could be in Maputo
>within hours and even helicopters could be brought in by Antonov planes,
>naval carriers and British military facilities abroad.
> Government minister Clare Short told the House of Commons last week that
>money wasn't the main issue -- the difficulties she described were largely
>logistical. But there clearly is an issue of money since this disaster has
>destroyed everything -- crops, animals, homes, railways, bridges, roads,
>power supplies, water supplies -- over a vast swathe of a country that was
>poor to begin with.
> Countless thousands of people are now homeless and in urgent need of food,
>clean water, medical supplies and shelter. The restoration of the ruined
>infrastructure will take time and money and the flooded farmland will be
>out of production for the forseeable future. Without international aid
>there will be a tragedy of enormous proportions.
> The rich western states have directly or indirectly lived off the back of
>Africa for centuries. The poverty of countries like Mozambique is the
>legacy of past European colonialism, of Imperialist-led neo-colonialism, of
>economic pressure from big international banking interests and covert
>interference that fuelled civil war. That western aid should be sent now is
>beyond question.
> There should be no grumbling in the House of Commons over aid for
>Mozambique, whether that is in the immediate crisis of rescuing survivors
>from the rising waters or as the longer-term problems come to the fore.
>After all this government apparently thought nothing at all of spending
>millions upon millions for months on end m order to bomb Yugoslavia, and
>that enormous waste was not debated by the House at all!
>                              **************************
>Who gains, who pays?
> WHENEVER the imperialist powers turn to warfare, bombing and the
>slow-death tactic of sanctions, there is always the expectation of money
>and profit in the minds of the powerful capitalist interests that lie
>behind it all.
> While the leaders of the imperialist camp tell their own people that the
>cause of their current war is just, humanitarian, and in the interests of
>future peace, it is in reality nothing but a sordid attempt to penetrate
>other countries' economies, control world markets
>and prices, weaken states that don't behave like puppets ot Imperialism and
>to provide investment opportunities for the rich.
> Most of the people in the imperialist heartlands have nothing to gain from
>any of this. We Just get to pay the bill for the war. And when the
>immediate fighting ends the cost of restoration is left for the victims to
> In the Balkans the long years of western-imposed conflict has created many
>refugees -- people the Nato powers shamefully exploited in their propaganda
>campaign to start the bombing of Yugoslavia.
> Now they have served their purpose the western governments want to wash
>then hands of the displaced Kosovans, Bosnians, Serbs and others, including
>the very people the Nato propagandists wrung their hands over Just a year ago.
> When refugees, whether from Yugoslavia or the affected neighbouring
>countries, arnve in Britain as asylum seekers the capitalist ruling class
>gives nothing. The cost is put on local authorities for working
>people to meet.'The most backward elements even exploit the situation to
>whistle up a storm of xenophobia and racism among the local people who are
>encouraged to blame the refugees for their own misfortunes.
> The government went to war. The government bombed thousands of people's
>homes and brought catastrophe to the Balkans the government should
>therefore treat asylum seekers decently and should pay the full costs.
>                               **************************
>2) Lead story
>Brown's new attack on the unemployed.
>by Daphne Liddle
>CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown last week launched a new Government attack on the
>unemployed -- along much the same lines as the former Tory government.
> He claims the official figures for unemployment, around 1.1 million, are
>roughly equal to the number of job vacancies in Britain, just over one
> During a visit to an unemployment blackspot in east London last week, he
>said that almost all the unemployed could get jobs if they really made an
> And to help them he is launching a new initiative -- hit squads to descend
>on unemployment blackspots and to harry the unemployed into taking any work
> The Govemment will even help out by lending the unemployed free mobile
>phones (funded by industry) so their personal advisers from the job centres
>can ring them up within minutes if a vacancy comes up.
> There will also be some funding so the jobless can travel about seeking
>work and small grants so they can subsist between the cutting off of their
>benefits and the arrival of the first wage packet.
> This sounds so much like Thatcher-style monetarism that Michael Portillo,
>in the House of Commons, was accusing Gordon Brown of rank hypocrisy in
>having campaigned against Thatcher's policies.
> The policies of course just do not add up and will help very few.
> For a start, although official figures put the number of unemployed at 1.1
>million, this figure is produced using the Tory method of calculating the
>number of unemployed which Brown himself once exposed as extremely misleading.
> The International Labour Organisation method of calculating puts the real
>figure at around 1.7 million.
> Many of the job vacancies are in London and the south east. They are also
>for very low quality, low paid jobs.
> Former miners and steelworkers from Wales, Scotland and the north of
>England cannot just upsticks, get on their Tebbit bikes, and head for the
>capital to seek jobs flipping burgers for tourists, because they would have
>nowhere to live.
> House prices and rents in the south east are rising astronomically and the
>average private sector rent is now well above the average burger-bar wage.
> Most burger-bar workers are students still living in their parents' homes
>or they could not afford to remain in the capital. With their student loan
>and low wage and parental help they can just about scrape by.
> The queues for housing association homes or council housing are very, very
> Many unemployment black spots are in old pit villages or degenerated
>industrial areas. Public transport in these places is abysmal.
> If work is to be had beyond walking or cycling distance, it is only for
>those with cars because there is no other way of getting there. And people
>who have been unemployed for any length of time cannot afford to run cars.
> Mr Brown's transport grants may get someone to an interview, but they are
>not enough to cover the cost of a car for daily travel.
> Most Job Centre staff, already severely overworked, are probably wondering
>how they're going to find time to do all this extra personal advising and
> The free mobile phones may give someone the edge in getting a new job
>within minutes of it being advertised. But if one unemployed person gets
>that job, another does not. The total number on the unemployed register
>stays the same.
> This is the problem with all the job schemes of both Labour and Tory
>governments. Not one of them creates one single job.
> And capitalism being capitalism, no government can guarantee jobs.
> Gordon Brown may think he has solved the riddle of the universe as far as
>the economy is concerned but the Confederation of British Industry last
>week came to the very Marxist conclusion that the cycle of boom and bust is
>not a thing of the past.
> The CBI warns that the high level of sterling is leading to a yawning
>trade gap -- last year it stood at £15.5 billion, a ten-year high. This is
>costing jobs in Britain.
> There may be lots of low quality, fast food bar jobs on the market but
>every week brings more news of good quality, high paid jobs going down the
>drain. Last month the Anglo-Dutch giant company Unilever announced
>cut-backs of around 25,000 staff at its plants around the globe -- around
>ten per cent of its total workforce. In Britain the company employs 16,500
>people at 27 locations.
> This came just two days after the Norwich Union and CGU announced a merger
>that will cut 4,000 jobs in the insurance sector.
> Banks have been announcing thousands of job cuts last month in spite of
>Government handouts of up to £70 million under a scheme to bring work to
>deprived areas. The Pearl and NPI insurance group is to cut 10 per centof
>its workforce.
> And the defence giant British Aerospace also announced up to 2,500 job
>cuts, mainly at management level, in Scotland.
> Brown's new initiative is not to help people find jobs but to coerce
>people into taking the very worst jobs or face losing their benefits.
> This in turn will lower the general level of wages and undermine working
>class living standards. It is the same old class war of the bosses
>attacking the workers, using their friend Mr Brown to spearhead the attack.
>                                   *********************
>3) Feature article
>Thousands of teachers plan to quit.
>by Caroline Colebrook
>MORE THAN 200,000 teachers are planning to leave the profession within the
>next ten years, according to an opinion poll conducted by the Guardian
>newspaper and published last week.
> This number represents around half the total number of teachers in England
>and puts a huge question mark over all Government plans concerning education.
> Many of the teachers are approaching retirement anyway -- some 40 per cent
>of the profession are aged over 40. But they are not being replaced by
>younger recruits and many who are younger are also planning to quit for
>another career.
> They blame the heavy workload, stress and bureaucracy that now goes with
> The survey conducted by ICM found a very high level of disaffection among
>younger teachers with more than a third of those under 35 planning to leave
>within ten years and 46 per cent within 15 years.
> The survey said the worst problems are in primary schools which have
>endured the biggest changes since Labour came to power in 1997.
> Nearly a third of primary teachers are expecting to quit within five years
>and more than half within ten years.
> Secondary schools are not much better with more than a quarter of teachers
>expecting to quit within five years and half within ten years.
> Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett can expect the problem
>to worsen with the introduction of performance related pay, which will put
>teachers in competition with each other and greatly increase stress in the
> Teaching unions warned that education faces disaster unless the Government
>addresses the needs of teachers.
> Doug McAvoy, the general secretary of the National Union ofTeachers,
>warned the Government to take notice of the poll and said: "For the
>children's sake, we hope teachers won't leave the profession. But it is a
>measure of how far the Government has ignored teachers' concerns that so
>many wish to do so."
> And Nigel de Gruchy, the general secretary of the National Association of
>School Masters and Union of Women Teachers, said: "More and more teachers
>will quit unless the Government acts to reduce the workload with a contract
>protecting staff from unlimited hours and ever-increasing demands."
> The general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, Peter
>Smith, said: "Ministers have a potential crisis on their hands. Their
>challenge is to find a way of motivating the generation of teachers needed
>to replace those who can't wait to retire."
> Meanwhile in Wales, teaching unions are uniting to put pressure on the
>National Assembly to show courage over the issue of teachers'pay.
> The NUT, NASUWT, the National Association of Head Teachers, the Secondary
>Heads Association, the ATL, and the Welsh teaching union, Ucac, staged a
>joint press conference to urge the National Assembly to show its teeth when
>it comes to the issue of pay and conditions.
> Performance related pay is due to be introduced next September. Some
>teachers will be eligible for an extra £2,000 a year if they pass a
>threshold of criteria, including the examination results of pupils.
> A handful could earn over £30,000 under the terms and conditions which
>have been set by Whitehall.
> The teaching unions in Wales are calling on the National Assembly to set
>different terms and conditions for the assessment of performance pay.
> Secretary of NUT Cymru, Gethin Lewis said: "This is a chance for Rhodri
>Morgan's administration to show they have political backbone and are not
>willing to just toe the line of Millbank and Westminster and I speak for
>all of us when I say that."
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>Lebanese resistance strikes new blows.
>by Our Middle East Affairs correspondent
>LEBANESE National Resistance fighters wiped out an Israeli army auxiliary
>patrol on Wednesday killing five members of the puppet "South Lebanon Army"
>(SLA) in the so-called "security belt" some 15 km north of the
>Israeli-Lebanon frontier.
> The "SLA" jeep was rocked by a powerful roadside bomb planted in the road.
>The guerrillas then raked the jeep with machine-gun fire to finish them
>off. In Beirut, the Hezbullah (Party of God) resistance movement said its
>fighters had carried out the mission.
> Things are not looking to good for Israeli premier Ehud Barak. When his
>Labour party won the elections last year he told the Israeli public that he
>would pull the troops out of Lebanon with or without an agreement by July
>2000. He also said he would put talks with the Palestinians and the Syrians
>back on the fast track to end the Middle East conflict once and for all.
> Barak has only himself and his own cabinet to blame. While the
>Palestinians and Syrians were ready to give the new Israeli government the
>benefit of the doubt Barak's negotiators have stubbornly refused to even
>meet the Arabs half-way in the talks.
> Palestinian President Yasser Arafat is angry at Israel's nitpicking
>third-stage withdrawal from the West Bank -- which has still to be fully
>implemented. The Syrians are sticking to the principle of a total
>withdrawal for a total peace -- which means an Israeli evacuation from
>every inch of the occupied Golan Heights.
> Barak no doubt hoped that the Arabs would kow-tow to the old Labour policy
>of half a carrot and plenty of stick. But the carrot -- partial withdrawal
>leaving Israel with the pick of the West Bank and Jerusalem plus parts of
>the Golan -- is unacceptable. And the Arabs have Lived under the Israeli
>stick for decades -- a few more months or years makes no difference now.
> Israel has tried pounding Lebanon to no avail. But the mounting death toll
>is firing demands from the Israeli peace movement for Barak to keep his
>promise and just get out.
> This year Israel admits to the loss of seven soldiers and 19 wounded in
>the fighting along with 12 "SLA" auxiliaries dead and another 12 injured in
>resistance actions. They managed to kill just five Lebanese partisans and
>the guerrillas, backed by the Lebanese people and supported by Syria and
>Iran, have long proved that they can keep up the fight.
> Reports that Tel Aviv has put out tenders for the dismantling of army
>installations in the "security zone" coupled with Israeli press reports
>that Israel plans to dump the "SLA" militia in Turkish-occupied Cyprus
>after a withdrawal suggest that the countdown has begun.
> Ehud Barak started his term of office talking about a "peace of the
>brave". Unfortunately his government has not shown the vision or realism
>yet to achieve
> Now, with the Palestinian talks stalled and the Syrian track going nowhere
>all he can definitely guarantee is a unilateral pull-out from south Lebanon
>-- one which looks increasingly likely to take place to the echo of the
>guns of the Lebanese resistance.
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>GM conference stacked against environmentalists.
> THE FEARS of environmentalists that their concerns would  be side-lined at
>a major international conference on genetically modified food proved well
> The conference in Edinburgh last week was organised by the Organisation
>for Economic Cooperation and Development.
> Cabinet Minister Dr Mo Mowlam was quick to deny that Prime Minister Tony
>Blair's admission that GM foods might have a potential for harm marked a
>Government U-turn on the issue.
> Most of the speakers were scientists working on GM foods, many within huge
>corporations with vested interests.
> Environmentalists like Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and the Soil
>Association were relegated to discussion panels.
> The agenda was firmly focused on direct risks to human health while the
>environmentalists wanted also to discuss the wider implications to the
>environment -- the possibility that untameable mutant weeds will be created
>or that creatures like the Monarch butterfly will become extinct.
> Even on the question of risks to human health, there is so far little
>evidence one way or an other and what there is, is contradictory.
> Dr Arpad Pusztai conducted a  study of rats fed on GM potatoes which
>showed damage to their internal organs. But this has been refuted by other
>scientists who have done the same test.
> The United States government came under heavy fire on the opening day of
>the conference from American lawyer Steve Druker, who accused it of a
>massive cover up on the safety of GM foods and of ignoring its own
>scientific advice.
> He said the Food and Drug Administration, which licences GM foods in the
>US, had not only ignored its scientific advisers but "set shoddy safety
> He said the FDA had introduced a standard of proof known as "substantive
>equivalence" which assumed GM foods carry the same risks as traditional ones.
> FDA scientists have expressed doubt on this policy but they have  been
>by-passed to allow GM foods to be licensed wholesale in the US illegally.
>Thus GM food has been fed into the British  market without proper safety
> The conference chairperson, Sir John Krebs called for a world body to
>police the development of GM foods. But current experience suggests that
>such a body would probably fall under the control of the major imperialist
>powers and add to their powers to exploit and control Third World countries.
>                               *********************
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