>- that without any further delay, a comprehensive agreement between the FR
>of Yugoslavia and the United Nations on regulating the status of the
>international presence under the auspices of the United Nations in Kosovo
>and Metohija and on other relevant issues, be concluded without further
>Belgrade, 1 March 2000
>O V E R V I E W
>of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain violations of
>Security  Council resolution 1244 (1999) in the Province of Kosovo and
>Metohija since the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK in the period from 12 June
>1999 to 27 February 2000
>(1) Number of terrorist attacks: 4,354
>Out of which 4,121 were committed against Serbs and Montenegrins, 96
>against Albanians and 137 against Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and members
>of other nationalities.
>(2) Number of killed persons: 910
>Out of whom 811 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 71 were Albanians and 28
>members of other nationalities in Kosovo and Metohija.
>(3) Number of abducted and missing persons: 821
>Out of whom 757 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 37 Albanians and 27 members of
>other nationalities.
>The fate of 716 persons is still unknown; 76 abducted persons were killed,
>4 persons escaped while 25 were released.
>(4) The latest brutal crimes: shelling of Serbian village Goracevac (7
>January); brutal murder of the Skenderis, a four member Muslim family, in
>Prizren (11 January 2000); murder of three Serb refugees in the village of
>Pasjane (16 January); rape and killing of an 11-year old Albanian girl by a
>KFOR member near Vitina (11 January 2000); RPG attack on an UNHCR bus (2
>February) killing two and wounding several Serbs; hand-grenade attack on
>"Belami" cafe in Kosovska Mitrovica (3 February), wounding 30 Serbs,
>several seriously; attack on the building of the Committe on Human Rights
>in downtown Obilic (3 February), armed attacks on villages Banje, Svinjare
>and Suvo Grlo (5 February), Lipljan and Bresje (7 February); destruction of
>a monument to the Serb hero Milos Obilic in the town under the same name (7
>February); terrorist attack on a police patrol in the vicinity of Konculj
>village near Bujanovac, killing one and wounding three police officers;
>killing Dr. Josif Vasic who was a member of the Serb National Council in
>the centre of Gnjilane (26 February).
>(5) New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanian population:
>KFOR's security actions against Serbian and other non-Albanian population
>increasingly demonstrate force, harassment, physical violence, including
>causing damage to Serb property. Drastic incidents occurred in Kosovska
>Mitrovica (on 20-25 February) as well as in the villages of Mogila (on 25
>February), in which Serbian houses were searched by using the method of
>most brutal physical violence, Draganovac (Gnjilane municipality) and
>Miolice (Leposavic municipality). The seraches were conducted by KFOR
>jointly with the terrorists of the so-called KLA, who wore international
>security forces uniforms, thus proving the co-ordination between KFOR and
>Albanian terrorists.
>(6) Situation in Kosovska Mitrovica:
>Since KFOR and UNMIK were deployed in Kosovo and Metohija, the security
>situation is particularly serious in and around Kosovska Mitrovica,
>characterized by:
>- the looting and destruction of 2,365 homes belonging to Serbs,
>Montengrins and other non-Albanians (1,200 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 1,060 in
>Vucitrn; and 105 in Srbica);
>- 700 Serbian families being thrown out of their flats (500 in Kosovska
>Mitrovica; 150 in Vucitrn; and 50 in Srbica);
>- the looting and destruction of the property of the following companies:
>1. In Kosovska Mitrovica: Socially-owned companies "Kosovo-Sirovina", DP
>"Betonjerka", "Lux", "AMD", "Kosmet-Prevoz", "Trans-Kosovo", Duvanska,
>Minel, Zemljoradnicka zadruga (cooperative), Hortikultura, Mitrov~anka,
>DES, "Ibar-Rozaje" warehouse, the utility company "Vodovod" (water), the
>printing company "Progres", the public company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT and a
>larger number of bars and cafes owned by non-Albanian residents.
>2. In Vucitrn: Socially-owned companies "Sartid", "Vucitrn-Prevoz",
>"Ratar", the local cooperative, the paints and coatings factory "Ekstra",
>the cponstruction company "Kosovo", the utility company "Sitnica", the
>private company "Cicavica", the Labour Exchange, the local community
>centre, the municipal authorities of Vucitrn, the Building Land Fund, the
>local department store, the Auditing Office building, Jugobanka, primary
>and secondary schools, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol, the public company
>"Elekro-Kosovo", PTT.
>3. In Srbica:  Hunting munitions factory, plastics factory, the
>socially-owned company "Budu}nost", local cooperative, the public utility
>company, the socially-owned company "Dijamant-produkt", the local community
>centre, the local self-managing community of intrest, the socially-owned
>company "Zitopromet" and its silos.
>(7) Prison and labour camps run by the so-called "KLA" for abucted Serbs:
>The abducted Serb civilians are detained by the so-called "KLA" in the
>labour camps located in the village of Mati~ane and in the wider area of
>Prizren and in Drenica.
>The prisons run by the so-called "KLA" for Serbs, Montenegrin and other
>residents who are not supportive of Albanian terrorists are also situated
>around the village of Brod, Dragas municipality, and along the Djakovica
>road towards the village of Junik, Decani municipality.
>(8) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR and UNMIK: 185
>Arrested Serbs are detained in prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Sojevo near
>Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Kolokot Banja.
>They have been arrested without any explanation or charges, only on the
>ground of information provided by the Albanians, most frequently by the
>members of the terrorist so-called "KLA".
>(9) Recent killings of Albanians loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia:
>The terrorist so-called "KLA" has stepped up execution of Albanians who do
>not back it, in particular in the areas of Pri{tina, Podujevo and Pec. The
>most drastic examples are: the murder of Hejdi Sejdiu, a member of the
>Serbian Socialist Party Committee in the province, in his hometown of
>Urosevac in front of his wife and three children (on 10 February), the
>killing of Danus Januzi in Vitina (on 10 February); the massacre of Tahir
>Bekim, who was abducted and later killed by the terrorists of the so-called
>"KLA" (parts of his mutilated body were found on 24 February).
>Besides Serbs, the terrorist so-called "KLA" also round up Albanians loyal
>to the State of the FR of Yugoslavia and bring them to their prison camps
>(around the village of Brod, Dragas municipality)
>(10) Number of wounded persons:  802
>751 Serbs and Montenegrins, 20 Albanians and 31 persons of other
>(11) Reported cases of physical assault, harassment and inflicted grave
>bodily harm:  424
>(12) Registered cases of serious threats in Pristina:  356
>(13) Registered number of private dwellings broken into and forcibly taken
>occupancy of:  776 in Pristina, over 700 in Kosovska Mitrovica, 190 in
>Gnjilane, 124 in Orahovac, a large number in Kosovo Polje and Lipljan.
>(14) Ethnic cleansing:  In the campaign of ethnic cleansing following the
>deployment of KFOR and UNMIK over 350 000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma,
>Muslims, Goranci, Turks and other non-Albanians were expelled from Kosovo
>and Metohija, of whom 270 000 are Serbs.
>The following towns and villages are ethnically cleansed of Serbs, Roma,
>Muslims, Goranci and other non-Albanians:
>Pristina (all Serbs have been driven from its largest surburbs of Ulpijana,
>Suncani Breg, Dardanija, Univerzitetsko Naselje), Gnjilane, Uro{evac,
>Prizren (only 100 Serbian families remained), Djakovica, Pec, Srbica,
>Podujevo, Vucitrn, Glogovac, as well as the  the wider areas of Kosovska
>Mitrovica, Lipljan, Kosovo Polje, from which 80 per cent of Serb residents
>were expelled (their homes are burned, looted and property is seized from
>the owners of cafes and shops, while Albanian terrorists brutalize and
>mistreat those Serbs who refuse to sell their homes and leave Kosovo and
>Metohija, in the presence of KFOR), the villages in the municipality of
>Istok; Djakovo, Osojane, Tucepom, Koc, Zac, Belica, Krnjine, Maticane,
>Kacanik, Stimlje, Kmetovacka Vrbica, the surroundings of Urosevac, Slivovo,
>Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica, Ljestar, Cegra (municipality of Gnjilane),
>Citnje, Pozaranje, Grmovo, Drobec, Kabac and Binac (municipality of
>Vitina), the area of Kosovska Kamenica (villages of Bratilovce, Fireceja
>and others), the area around Vitina and Kosovsko Pomoravlja, as well as the
>villages of Toplicane, Rujice, Magure, Slovinja, Staro Gracko, Klobukar -
>Novo Brdo. (All Serb houses have been burned down and all its owners forced
>to leave.)
>Members of the terrorist "KLA" exercise particularly strong pressure on the
>region of Gora populated by an indigenous ethnic group - Goranci, who are
>not allowed to use their mother tongue, i.e. the Serbian language, in
>schools and in everyday life, in an attempt to misrepresent this ethnic
>group as members of Albanian nationality.
>In the area of Istok municipality, expulsion of the Muslim ethnic
>community, who are loyal citizens of the FR of Yugoslavia, has been
>particularly intensified.
>(15) Destruction of churches, monasteries and cultural monuments:
>About 84 churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments were burned
>down, demolished or seriously damaged including the following: the Church
>of Assumption of Our Lady in Dolac, monastery of St. Marco in Korisa from
>1467, monastery of Prophets Kosmo and Damien in Zociste from 14th century,
>the church in Kijevo from the 14th century, the Holy Trinity monastery from
>the 14th century near Musutiste, monastery Devic built in 1440,  Church of
>St. Paraskeva in Drenik from the 16th century, Church of St. Dimitri near
>Pe?, the Orthodox church in Grmovo near Vitina, Church of St. Ilija in
>•egra near Gnjilane, church of Holy Mother in Musutiste from 1315, Church
>of St. Prophet Ilija in Bistri`in, Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in
>Suva Reka, monastery of St. Uros in Nerodimlje, monastery of St. Archangel
>Gabriel from the 14th century in Bina~, Church of the Holy Virgin from the
>16th century in Belo Polje, Church of St. John the Baptist in Peca Banja,
>churches in the villages of Naklo, Vucitrn, Petrovac, Urosevac, Podgorce,
>Djurakovac, Kru{evo, Osojane, Samodreca, Dresna near Klina, Rekovac,
>Petric, monastery Binac near Vitina, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Djakovica,
>St. Nicholas' Church in Gnjilane.
>Clergy, monks were terrorized and persecuted. More than 150 parish
>residences were destroyed or damaged. Over 10,000 icons and other sacred
>objects, most of which are cultural monuments and landmarks under the
>special protection of the State, were stolen or destroyed.
>Assaults on members of the Catholic religious community by the terrorists
>of the so-called "KLA" have become more and more frequent in Prizren and
>Pec, particularly assaults on clergymen (The homes of two Franciscan
>priests were burned down.).
>The following cultural monuments were damaged and demolished:
>- monuments in memory of the giants of Serbian and Montenegrin literature
>Vuk Karadzic and Petar Petrovic Njegos in the very centre of Pristina;
>- monuments in memory of King Uros in Urosevac and King Dusan in Prizren;
>- memorial to Prince Lazar in Gnjilane and the memorial to Serbian rulers
>from the Nemanjic dynasty in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje.
>- memorial to Milos Obilic which was the symbol of the town of Obilic.
>Many of destroyed monuments are outstanding examples of the Serbian
>cultural heritage and are on the list of the monuments of exceptional
>cultural value under the protection of UNESCO.
>(16) Forced and illegal taking over of public institutions:
>- Forcible and illegal take-overs of premises and buildings of post
>offices, banks, medical institutions, water and power supply systems,
>university, elementary and secondary schools, municipal and other
>authorities of local administration, local communes, buildings of the
>Ministry of the Interior and the Army of Yugoslavia, factories,
>enterprises, cooperatives, etc. in Pristina (premises of the Clinical
>centre "Pristina" and the health station, the Federal Customs
>Administration, the Public Housing Company, Institute for Urban Planning,
>the public enterprise "Vodovod", thermal power plant "Kosovo B", depots and
>petrol stations of "Jugopetrol", the shareholding companies
>"Kosmet-Pristina", "Kosovo-Trans", the public enterprise "Energoinvest",
>the public enterprise "Autopristina", the Car shock absorbers factory,
>"Jugotrans", etc.)  as well as in Prizren, Dragas, Podujevo, Lipljan,
>Strpci, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje (with the assistance of KFOR),
>Djakovica (with the assistance of KFOR).
>- By forced and illegal taking over of public enterprises and institutions
>over 20,000 employed Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and
>other non-Albanians were sacked and left with no means to support
>(17) Registered armed attacks on villages: Slovinj, Maticane, Orahovac,
>Konjuh, Berivojce, Gornja Brnjica, the villages around Kosovska Kamenica:
>Grncar, Magila, Ajvalija, all the villages of the Istok-Klina region,
>Gorazdevac near Pec, Svinjare, Klokot, Novo Brdo, Zjum, Donja and Gornja
>Gu{terica, Susica, Badavac, Bresje, Vrbovac, Vitina, Cernice, (municipality
>of Gnjilane), Dobruca, Veliko Ropotovo (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica),
>Partec, Podgrdje, Mali{evo and Pasjane (municipality of Gnjilane), Ljestar,
>Budriga, Dobrotin (municipality of Lipljan), Grn~ar, Binac, Ranilug,
>[ilovo, Odovce, Rajanovce, Bosce, Caglavica, Paravolo, Lebane, Gojbulja,
>Suvo Grlo and Banje (municipality of Srbica), in the following villages in
>the area covered by the municipality of Gora: Brodosavce, Belobrod, Kukavce
>- frequent attacks against the houses of Goranci, Muslims and Albanians who
>are loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia.
>All Serb houses in the villages of Donji Livoc, Kmetova Vrbica, Lipovica
>and Cernice in the municipality of Gnjilane, and in the villages of
>Vaganes, Gradjenik and Orahovica in the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica,
>all forming part of Kosovsko Pomoravlje, were set on fire and destroyed by
>mortars or explosives.
>All this runs counter to assertions by KFOR and UNMIK that the terrorist
>"KLA" has been disarmed.
>(18) Sieges of towns and villages: Gadnje, Orahovac and Velika Hoca,
>Koretin, villages around Gnjilane, Priluzje, Gornja Srbica, Gora`devac.
>About 3,500 Serb residents of Orahovac have been living for more than eight
>months since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the first concentration
>camp in Europe after the Second World War, besieged by the terrorist "KLA".
>(19) Armed threats against villages and terror committed on a daily basis
>against non-Albanian population: Ugljari, Srpski Babus, [timlje, Novo Selo,
>Bresje, Obilic, the area around Kosovo Polje, Milosevo (against which the
>armed attack was carried out), village of Zebnice (dramatic humanitarian
>situation), the majority of the mainly Catholic Croatian population who
>lived in the villages of Letinice, Vrnez, Vrnavo Kolo and Csare have moved
>out, Drenovac (50 Serbs massacred), village of Cernice (a series of
>incidents in which  US KFOR soldiers maltreated Serbs), Pozaranje,
>Gotovuza, Gatnje, Zubin Potok, Veliki Ala{, Vrelo and Radevo, Plemetin and
>Slatina (municipality of Vucitrn), Crkolez (municipality of Istok), Ogo{e -
>municipality of Kosovska Kamenica (where almost all Roma families have been
>driven out).
>(20) The looted Serb villages from which the residents were forced out:
>Muzicani, Slivovo, Orlovic, Dragas, the area around Kosovo Polje,
>Livadice, Mirovac, Sirinicka Zupa, Medregovac, Grace, Zociste, Sofalija,
>Dragoljevac, Tomance, Koretin, Lestar, Donja Cipacnica.
>(21) Serb neighbourhoods set on fire: Istok, Klina, Donja Lapa{tica,
>Obrandza, Velika Reka, Perane, Lause, the villages around Podujevo, Grace,
>Donja Dubica, Zociste, Orahovac, Naklo, Vitomirice, Belo Polje, Kojlovice,
>Alos-Toplicane, Krajiste, Rudnik, Donji Strmac, Goles (municipality of
>Lipljan), Orlovic (municipality of Pristina), Krpimej and Lausa
>(municipality of Podujevo), Muzicane (all Serbian houses burned down),
>Zaimovo, Denovac, Lesjane, Gornje and Donje Nerodimlje (all Serbian houses
>looted and then burned down), Sinaje (municipality of Istok), Balovac, Mali
>Talinovac, Ljubi`da, Klobuka (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Zaskok
>and Novi Miros (municipality of Urosevac).
>(22) Registered number of homes burned down: About 50,000 houses of Serbs,
>Roma, Muslims, Goranci and other non-Albanians were burned down in Kosovo
>and Metohija.
>(23) Registered number of illegal entries of foreign citizens into the FR
>of Yugoslavia (Kosovo and Metohija) without the necessary papers (visas and
>registration of stay with the competent authorities):    748
>Over 200,000 foreigners have illegally entered into the Province with the
>consent of UNMIK and KFOR. The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia has
>officially requested their expulsion on several occasions. These requests
>have not been met, although those persons are international terrorists,
>criminals,  mafia members, women and child traders, organizers of brothels
>and other forms of international crime.
>(24) Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12,000
>As a result of open borders with Macedonia and Albania 250,000 vehicles
>were brought into Kosovo and Metohija without the payment of customs duties
>and most of these vehicles were stolen.
>(25) Registered number of cases of violation of the ground security zone by
>KFOR:     266
>1999 TO 27 FEBRUARY 2000
>Terrorism of Albanian separatists
>Total number of terrorist attacks 4,354
>- Serbs and Montenegrins 4,121
>- Albanians     96
>- members of other nationalities     137
>A. Killed   910
>- Serbs and Montenegrins   811
>- Albanians    71
>- members of other nationalities      28
>B. Wounded   802
>- Serbs and Montenegrins   751
>- Albanians    20
>- members of other nationalities       31
>C. Kidnapped and missing   821
>- Serbs and Montenegrins   757
>- Albanians    37
>- members of other nationalities      27
>Fate of kidnapped and missing
>1. Killed     76
>2. Escaped      4
>3. Unaccounted-for   716
>4. Released     25
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