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>From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>subject:  Cuba press release 32, WW -"Stand with Cuba"
>HAVANA.- Cuban President Fidel Castro received former Cuban Vice
>Consul in Washington, Jose Imperatori, on his return from Canada. The
>diplomat had carried out a five and a half day hunger strike in the
>country after his surprising expulsion from the U.S. on Saturday. An
>IL-62 aircraft from Cubana Airlines flew Imperatori back to Havana,
>landing at 17:27 local time (22:27 GMT). On his arrival, he  received
>immediate medical attention.
>Declared "person non grata" in Washington, Imperatori resigned his
>position, forfeited diplomatic immunity and began a hunger strike
>which concluded in the early hours of yesterday, when a "reasonable
>and satisfactory" solution to the case was found, according to an
>official release published in Havana. In a statement to national and
>foreign press gathered at Havana's Airport, the Cuban President said
>relations with Canada continue "good, as normal".
>HAVANA.- Being handicapped is no obstacle, thus, with gestures and
>movement, or without sight, men and women in Havana demanded the
>return of Cuban child Elian Gonzalez, retained in the U.S. for more
>than three months. Deaf, blind and handicapped people joined the
>demonstrations which have taken place throughout the entire Island
>since December 5, demanding the child's return to his family. The
>minor survived a shipwreck in which his mother died. The open tribune
>held at the PABEXPO fair centre, west Havana, was attended by Cuban
>Vice President Carlos Lage and other Cuban government and
>State leaders. Participants spoke out against the extraterritorial
>Torricelli (1992) and Helms-Burton (1996) Acts.
>WASHINGTON.- A U.S. federal judge promised that on March 9 he will
>decide if he has jurisdiction in the case of Cuban child Elian
>Gonzalez, retained in Miami, Florida. "Judge Michael Moore will
>determine whether he can revise the U.S. Immigration and
>Naturalization Service (INS) decision", said a judicial source, who
>asked to remain anonymous. In January, the INS determined that the 6
>year old minor should be returned to his Cuban based father, Juan
>Miguel Gonzalez, who has been demanding his return, maintaining that
>his son has been kidnapped by distant relatives in Miami.
>CARDENAS, CUBA.- The father of Cuban child Elian Gonzalez, retained
>in the U.S. since the end of November, said at no time did he
>suggest to his Miami-based relatives that he wanted his son to remain
>with them. Juan Miguel Gonzalez said his uncle Lazaro, with whom
>Elian has been living since November 25, had assured him that all his
>phone conversations with his son had been recorded. "If this is true,
>let them prove that I said it", he emphasized. According to press
>cables, at an U.S. Senate Judicial Commission on Wednesday, Lazaro's
>daughter Marisleysis said Elian's father stated over the phone his
>"true wish" for the child to remain in the U.S. However, Gonzalez
>told Prensa Latina that his greatest wish is for the retention
>to end, and the child be returned to Cuba.
>WASHINGTON.- Various experts on migration issues, lawyers and
>specialists on childhood themes will participate today in a
>conference being held in Miami, Florida. Those attending will
>reiterate the need to return child Elian Gonzalez to Cuba and his
>father. The meeting, organized by the Miami Coalition Supporting
>Elian's Return to his Father, will take place at the Holiday Inn
>Hotel, Coral Gables, between 19:45 and 23:00 local time.
>Andres Gomez, from the Antonio Maceo Brigade and one of the sponsors,
>said the conference was called because of concern about the damage
>Elian is suffering due to the delay of President Bill Clinton
>Administration in returning the child.
>HAVANA.- The Union of Cuban Workers (CTC) called for protests to be
>carried out on May 1 against the laws, which reinforce the U.S.
>blockade on Cuba, says Granma daily. Under the slogan "Unidad, Patria
>y Dignidad", (Unity, Homeland and Dignity) union workers and
>representatives from diverse social sectors will march to the
>country's public squares demanding an end to the Torricelli and
>Helms-Burton Act which reinforce the economic blockade undergone by
>Cuba during the last 40 years.
>HAVANA.- The U.S. economic blockade and aggressive policy against
>Cuba between 1960 and 1998 has endangered basic industry, costing it
>over US$ 1.084400 billion, said Vicente Llano, Basic Industry Vice
>Minister. Llano was giving expert evidence before the court that is
>hearing a suit for economic damages issued on January 3 by Cuban
>social and grass root organizations against the U.S. The Vice
>Minister spoke of the direct and indirect consequences of the U.S.'
>hostile actions carried out against rubber and paper factories, the
>electricity sector, cement and fibber production, and mining and oil
>industries, among others.
>ASUNCION .- Paraguayan President Luis Gonzalez Macchi received Cuban
>Culture Minister Abel Prieto who arrived in Asuncion as a special
>envoy sent by Cuban President Fidel Castro. Prieto delivered an
>invitation from the Cuban leader to Gonzalez Machi to attend the
>Group 77 South Summit to be held in Havana next April. The Paraguayan
>statesman expresses his interest in the meeting, which will analyze
>important economic themes such as globalization, the foreign debt,
>collaboration and integration.
>HAVANA.- After evaluating globalization challenges for the Third
>World, Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) representatives are
>Analyzing the current world influence of the southern hemisphere's
>civil societies, in Cuba. Yesterday morning, participants debated the
>impact of globalization on the so called "emerging economies", and
>later analyzed the action capacity of Southern civil societies in
>international negotiations. The theme was presented by Dr. Julio
>Garcia Oliveras, Vice President of Amigos del Pais economic society.
>HAVANA.- As a sign of the recovering Cuban album market, 200,000
>cassettes produced by record companies established on the Island,
>including Bis Music and Caribe Productions, will be sold in Cuban
>pesos. Discuba manager Daniel Garcia said that the market will offer
>255 titles. Discuba is a recently created cassette distribution
>HAVANA.- Cubans, who love the films made in their country, will now
>be able to enjoy them once again, at home, including "Fresa y
>Chocolate" (Strawberry and Chocolate) by Tomas Gutierrez Alea and
>Juan Carlos Tabio. With the opening of a VHS video cassette producing
>sector by the Cuban Cinema Institute (ICAIC), the Island's cinema
>industry took another step towards preserving its archives and
>allowing the public to watch its best films. "
>            ************
>subject: Stand with Cuba
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>From: "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Subject: [WW]  Stand with Cuba
>Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000            Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Mar. 9, 2000  issue of Workers World newspaper
>After alienating virtually the entire world in the case of the
>kidnapped six-year-old Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez, U.S. imperialism can
>find no other followup but to intensify its lies and arrogance,
>launching a new attack on socialist Cuba.
>How else can anyone view the completely unwarranted charges against
>Cuban diplomat Jos‚ Imperatori and the illegal ouster of this
>representative of Cuba from the United States? How else can anyone
>view the trumped-up charges and entrapment against Immigration
>and Naturalization Service official Mariano Faget?
>Let there be no doubt. The FBI, the CIA, military intelligence and
>all the secret spy operations of the U.S government are cesspools of
>anti-Cuba operatives. Trained in the Cold War and nurtured with the
>most stupidly vicious anti-Cuba propaganda, having the closest ties
>to the anti- Cuba criminal gangs in Dade County, these operatives
>know only hostility to the island nation. They will tell any lie,
>frame up any person, and endanger any child to carry out this
>Even though INS policy is to return children in Elian Gonzalez's
>position to their home country immediately, U.S. authorities handed
>him to a distant relative and put him in the hands of the right-wing
>Cuban counterrevolutionaries.
>Even though Attorney General Janet Reno said INS policy should
>prevail, she has allowed viciously anti-Cuba officials in the Florida
>and federal courts to stop any action that would return Elian
>Gonzalez to his community and family in Cuba.
>As usual, the Clinton administration has capitulated to the most
>reactionary forces in the machinery of the capitalist state. We hold
>this administration responsible for the continued kidnapping of the
>boy and for the frame- up against INS official Mariano Faget. We hold
>it responsible for the unwarranted charges against Cuban diplomat
>Jose Imperatori, who was courageous enough to try to stay in this
>country and force the criminals in the Justice Department to try him
>in a public court, and who is continuing his struggle in Canada.
>We call on all those in this country with any feeling at all for
>justice and human rights to demand that Washington:
>Allow Jose Imperatori to return to his duties in the United States.
>Drop the charges against Mariano Faget.
>Return Elian Gonzalez to Cuba.
>                         - END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to copy and
>distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
>allowed. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 St.,
>NY, NY 10011; via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send
>message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)" JC


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