KCNA March 5 2000

Anti-Japanese struggle of former "comfort women for army"
Civil organizations call for revision of "election law"
Books published in commemoration of Feb. 16
Signature campaign for opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations
Agreement between DPRK and Syrian governments
S. Korean ruler's moves to maintain "Northern Limit Line"
Minju Joson on DPRK-Japan relations
. advised to mind its own business

Anti-Japanese struggle of former "comfort women for army"

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Former "comfort women for the army" held
the 400th anti-Japanese rally in
front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on March 1, the rally held on every
Wednesday, according to a radio report
from Seoul.
    They gathered in front of the embassy, carrying placards demanding
official apology and compensation for the
Japanese imperialists' outrages against "comfort women for the army."
    They got angry at the Japanese government still refusing to apologize
for its crimes and declared that they would
continue their Wednesday-demonstration until their demand is met.
    Their demonstration has begun since the Japanese Prime Minister's visit
to South Korea in 1991.

Civil organizations call for revision of "election law"

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- The "Citizens' Solidarity for General
Election" held big rallies in 15 areas of
South Korea including Seoul all at once on March 1 demanding the revision
of "election law" and nullification of
nomination of corrupt and incompetent elements, according to a Seoul-based
radio report.
    The organization set March 1 as the "day of declaration of the voters'
independence" and declared
"independence from the regional politics and corrupt and incompetent politics."
    Various forms of demonstrations including a vehicle march against the
corrupt politics were held in Pusan,
Taejon and other areas after rallies at which resolutions on declaring a
campaign for defeat of candidates were made
    The organization continued a signature campaign on the street in front
of the "national tax office" on Feb. 29.
    Meanwhile, the Council of Citizens' Movement for Fair Election held a
starting ceremony of a 10 million
signature campaign and conducted the campaign on the street.

Books published in commemoration of Feb. 16

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- The Society for the Study of Independence
published a book "Future of
Nation Is In the North" in commemoration of Feb. 16, birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il, the Seoul-based
radio Voice of National Salvation said.
    The book, a collection of papers written by professors of political
science under the society, consists of 3
    The book is avidly being read not only among members of the society but
also at universities because it
describes in detail the peerless greatness of Kim Jong Il, the
greatest-ever man and commander, who led the fierce
confrontation with the United States to victory in recent years.
    Meanwhile, the society for philosophy of independence made public a
book "Torch of Dawn" on the occasion
of Feb. 16.

Signature campaign for opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- A 100,000-signature campaign for opening
the Japan-DPRK diplomatic
relations and reexamining the Japan-South Korea "agreement" was initiated
by Japanese dietmen and public figures.
In this connection a press conference was held in Tokyo on March 1.
    The press conference was addressed by many public figures.
    What is most important, they said, is that Japan should make a sincere
apology and state compensation to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea and reexamine the Japan-South Korea
"agreement" which hinders it.
    They called upon dietmen and people from all walks of life to pool
their efforts in order that the Japanese
government may rectify its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    The signature campaign will be conducted in all parts of Japan from
March 1 to December 18.
    The campaign is aimed at opening the Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations
based on the Japanese government's
sincere apology and liquidation of the past, establishing the relations of
genuine reconciliation and trust with all the
Korean people and contributing to the peace and reunification of Korea.
    During the period meetings, lectures, propaganda and other activities
will be held in different parts of Japan and
the signature paper presented to the Prime Minister of Japan.

Agreement between DPRK and Syrian governments

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- An agreement on prevention of double
taxation on income and property
between the governments of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and
the Syrian Arab republic was signed in
Damascus on February 21.
    The agreement was inked by the ministers of finance of the two countries.

S. Korean ruler's moves to maintain "Northern Limit Line"

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
assails the South Korean
warhawks for getting more reckless in their moves to maintain the "Northern
Limit Line".
    We have made it clear more than once that the "Northern Limit Line" is
a ghost line unilaterally fixed by the
U.S., the commentary says, recalling that we have never admitted such
brigandish line but declared it invalid.
    It continues:
    We can never tolerate the reckless provocations the South Korean
warhawks are perpetrating, while absurdly
insisting on the "Northern Limit Line."
    We make it clear once again that the Military Demarcation Line at the
west sea of Korea which was fixed and
proclaimed by the DPRK is the fairest and impartial line which fully
conforms with the Korean armistice agreement
and the international law.
    We can never remain a passive onlooker to the moves escalated by the
U.S. and the South Korean warhawks to
lead the confrontation and the situation to an extreme pitch of tension and
increase the danger of new war, doggedly
insisting on the "Northern Limit Line" which no one recognizes.
    A statement issued by a spokesman for the naval command of the Korean
People's Army reiterated the
unshakable will of the army and the people of Korea.
    The U.S. and South Korean warmongers should mind their P's and Q's
about the grave consequences to be
entailed by their reckless moves and withdraw the "Northern Limit Line."

Minju Joson on DPRK-Japan relations

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- It is the principled stand of the DPRK
government to develop the
DPRK-Japan relations on the basis of the latter's liquidation of its past,
says Minju Joson today in a signed
    It continues:
    The "dietmen's league for Japan-DPRK friendship", a supra-partisan diet
group, was formed in Japan on Feb.
23 to improve the DPRK-Japan relations. This is a clear indication of ever
mounting call in Japan for the opening of
the DPRK-Japan diplomatic relations, what matters is the Japanese
authorities' attitude and stand toward this issue.
    The relations between the DPRK and Japan have not yet been improved
because Japan has persistently pursued
a hostile policy toward the DPRK, refusing to liquidate its past wrongdoings.
    If Japan truly wants to improve the relations, it should stop the
anti-DPRK smear campaign, drop its hostile
policy toward the DPRK and honestly liquidate its past.
    There can be no improvement in the DPRK-Japan relations without the
latter's liquidation of its past.
    The Japanese reactionaries should bear in mind the DPRK-Japan relations
can never be improved if they
continue to behave improperly as today.
    The Japanese government should positively respond to public call at
home and abroad for the establishment of
new DPRK-Japan relations by completely abandoning the hostile policy toward
the DPRK and honestly mending its
past wrongdoings.

U.S. advised to mind its own business

    Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- The United States is well advised to mind
its own business, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed commentary blasting its state department's "annual
report on the world human rights
situation" in which it meddled in other countries' internal affairs.
    Dismissing the U.S. assertion that there is a sort of a "serious human
rights problem" in the DPRK as a sheer
and brazen-faced distortion of the reality, the commentary notes: The
United States does not have any right or face to
talk anything about the "human rights issue" in the DPRK. Though it is
plagued with the most serious violation of
human rights in the world, the U.S. is so much talkative about "human
rights issue" in the DPRK. It is not qualified
to be a "judge of human rights" or to utter anything about someone's "human
rights issue."
    The United States is, in fact, at a loss how to settle its knotty human
rights problem. That is why amnesty
international intends to bring the U.S. to an international human rights
court for its "serious human rights violation".

    It is, therefore, a height of folly for the United States to vociferate
about "human rights," impudently acting a
"world human rights judge." this is an intolerable insult and mockery of
human conscience and morality.
    The United States is well advised to stop foolish acts and take pains
to find a solution to its own human rights
    This is the only thing to be done by the U.S. as far as the human
rights issue is concerned.


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