>from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - ISWoR
>If you appreciate receiving this mail please distribute it to your friends and
>post it to internet forums; if not, send a "no more" message to:
>International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In London? Come to planning meeting this Friday! - details below.
>Top Russian oligarchs, government leaders and extreme right racists are all
>gathering in London for the Russia 2000 Exposition to meet with western big
>business leaders. Stop Russia-Expo 2000! - must be our aim.
>Chubais, Chernomyrdin, Zhirinovsky , Zyuganov, the heads of Alfa-Bank and
>Yukos Oil - these are just some of those who will address the conference on
>19-20 April 2000. It is even possible that acting President Putin could also
>attend this event. The political leaders will present their case before top
>executives of the most powerful western multinational companies at the Queen
>Elizabeth II Conference Centre, the most prestigious meeting venue in London.
>A decade of  free-market privatisation, imposed by the west, has devastated
>the Russian economy, closing down nearly half of all industry , leaving
>millions unemployed and millions more owed enormous wage arrears, with many
>unpaid for over a year. The education, social welfare and health systems are
>collapsing; diseases like TB have become epidemic. Many tens of thousands
>have had to evacuate northern areas where they were lived for decades due to
>lack of heating fuel, while oil and gas are exported at immense profit to the
>west. Out of this game, western and "new  Russian"  businessmen have become
>fantastically rich; meanwhile hunger is widespread and many people are eating
>potato peels to survive. The average life expectancy of an ordinary Russian
>worker , once close to western levels, is now just 56.
>Concurrently with the poverty has been a rise in ultra-nationalist and racist
>ideologies, which provide a smoke-screen for the rich and turn justified
>anger onto innocent scapegoats - the Jews, the Chechens, all dark-skinned or
>Muslim peoples etc... The presence at Russia-2000 of the fascist leader
>Zhirinovsky, the extreme antisemite Zyuganov, (head of the red-brown
>Communist Party of the Russian Federation), and reps of the FAR coalition
>whose leader organised the expulsion of thousands of people from Moscow for
>no other reason than for having a dark skin, is yet another victory for hate,
>following the success of the Austrian fascist Haider.
>After the rouble collapse of 1998 and especially the NATO intervention in the
>Balkans, understood by many Russians as  a stepping stone toward
>anglo-American conquest of the vital Caspian energy resources, the
>western-implanted "democrats" began to turn to nationalism. Russian relations
>with NATO were frozen as Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin dropped hints of nuclear
>war in a desperate attempt to regain popularity among the pauperised Russian
>population, and to defend the interests of Russian billionaires , now coming
>into major conflict with western ones.
>The cruel war against the Chechens (supported by nearly every political party
>represented at this event), was another expression of this appeal to
>nationalism. It saved the Kremlin from election defeat and a potential mass
>workers revolt. Thousands of civilians died as a result, huge numbers of
>Chechens were made homeless, and young soldiers lives thrown away. Meanwhile
>western oil companies profited massively from the situation as multibillion
>contracts for a pipeline bypassing Russia were hastily tied up.
>The price of just one ticket to attend this event is £567 sterling, the
>equivalent of more than a year and a half wages of a relatively well-paid
>worker in Russia today. Now is the time to demonstrate our solidarity with
>Russian workers, our refusal to accept the growth of racism and fascism, our
>opposition to the pointless murder of civilians in Chechnya. Now let us show
>our anger at all those whose relentless greed and drive for profits has
>destabilised this once-mighty country and put the possibility of global war
>once more on the agenda.
>OUTSIDE BRITAIN?  Join the email, phone and fax protest (details below). Send
>ISWoR a donation to help with posters, leaflets, stickers. (Please make
>cheques payable to ISWoR; cheques drawn on foreign banks are ok.)
>ASSEMBLE  Wednesday  19 APRIL 2000
>Queen Elizabeth Conference II Centre,
>Broad Sanctuary, London SW1
>Tube: Westminster
>at 7 PM
>(This demonstration targets the "Gala event" of the Conference, where all the
>delegates may be expected to be present; other actions will be carried out
>too where possible during the 2-day event.)
>PLANNING MEETINGS are being held to set up a broad umbrella committee for the
>event. All welcome.
>First planning meeting -
>Friday 10 March  7:30 pm at Queens Head pub, Acton St,
>(off Grays Inn Road) London WC1
>Tube - Kings Cross.
>Become a SPONSOR of the ad hoc umbrella committee now being set up to plan
>the actions against this Conference. (Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details.)
>INFORM others about the event, contact us for supplies of leaflets and
>posters. Spread this message widely over the internet and in the trade union,
>student, antiracist movements etc. Invite a speaker to your trade union or
>other organisation to explain the significance of opposing this event.
>Contact the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre reservations dept. and TELL
>THEM EXACTLY WHAT YOU THINK about their decision to let extreme racists and
>fascists use their facilities  in the heart of London.
>Email QE2 Centre   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Tel. Reservations dept:  0171 798 4426   Fax  0171 798 4200
>Outside Britain Tel. +44171 798 4426  Fax  +44171 798 4200
>Also contact the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce (organisers of the
>conference) to complain:  email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Tel  0171 403 1706  Fax   0171 403 1245
>Outside Britain: Tel  +44171 403 1706  Fax +44171 403 1245
>(Please send a copy of your letters to ISWoR - details below)
>Visit the Russia-2000 website to see just what they are up to.
>http:// www.rbcc.co.uk/russia2000
>For information on all of above, please contact
>International Solidarity with Workers in Russia (ISWoR)
>Box R, 46 Denmark Hill, London SE5 8RZ , England
>website http://www.members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html


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00841 Helsinki - Finland
+358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081



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