>subject: CPA: East Timor -situation on Ground.
>The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper
>of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
>March 1, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
>Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
>Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au
>Subscription rates on request.
>5. East Timor - situation on the ground
>5. East Timor - situation on the ground
>Ceu Brites was member of the Pacific Concerns Resource Centre
>(PCRC) /Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific (NFIP) Executive Board
>between 1996 and 1999. She works for the East Timor Relief
>Association (ETRA) which comes under the umbrella of the National
>Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT). Ceu returned to East Timor in
>late September last year to help with the rebuilding of East Timor as
>the first wave of UN Peacekeepers moved into the island. The
>following is the report (abridged) that she sent to the Pacific News
>Bulletin December 1999 about the experiences of the building process.
>Tension and controversy
>The current situation can be said to be the first period of the
>first three months since the international Force for East Timor
>(INTERFET) landed in Timor Lorosae. This period is probably the most
>tense and controversial one due to two reasons. One is the uncertain
>situation regarding security, which led to "Operation Stability" led
>by Australian forces under the INTERFET umbrella.
>The second problem was the issue of a "mandate". No one knew exactly
>what the United Nations Assistance Mission for East Timor (UNAMET)
>was supposed to do in Timor Lorosae, no one knew exactly what was the
>role of the National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT), no one
>knew exactly what was the role of Portugal and no one knew exactly
>who was supposed to be in charge of law and order in the territory.
>This uncertainty contributed to the high level of tension
>and controversy, which characterised this first three-month period in
>East Timor since INTERFET landed in September.
>Have we passed the line?
>In a way, the situation has improved. UNAMET's role has
>become increasingly clear. Law and order has not been clearly solved
>but concrete actions have been undertaken.
>In Darwin, about 20 Timorese lawyers received intensive training
>to conduct work related to prosecution and judging. These "emergency
>law officials" placed in East Timor will fill an important gap. That
>is the gap of prosecution and unclear guidelines for arresting
>people, interrogating them and putting them on trial to prove their
>guilt or innocence. So this is a positive step forward.
>The arrival of Mr Sergio de Mello, the Special Representative of the
>Secretary-General of the UN, has added to the
>positive environment. Prior to his arrival, there was reluctance from
>UNTAET leadership in East Timor to deal with CNRT on a formal
>capacity. His arrival appears to have changed that.
>The agreement between the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), INTERFET and
>CNRT/FALINTIL to jointly control the border has also contributed to a
>better environment of trust. The humanitarian crisis can be
>summarised as being lack of food, shelter, security, electricity,
>water, public transport, hospital treatment and basic health
>Although the above list seems to be a standard humanitarian
>crisis inventory card, solving this crisis has proven to be more
>complex than many expected. One reason for this complexity is that
>not all the NGOs and Humanitarian
>Agencies of the UN in East Timor were familiar with the
>political developments in East Timor. Many did not even know who
>"Xanana Gusmao" was, others never had experience in real crisis
>situations. Even with this lack of understanding of the political
>realities on the ground, most of the NGOs refused to contact Timorese
>political organisations, such as CNRT, to liaise with them and to
>understand what is what and why this and that.
>Only two or three NGOs took that initiative and these, as it
>became clearer, did not face major problems in the delivery of their
>services. OCHA, the coordinating body for the UN Humanitarian
>Agencies, did not want to work with CNRT, only with the Catholic
>The first rice distribution was chaotic because the political
>structures on the ground, led by CNRT, did not get involved. Although
>it is fair to say that even CNRT, at the early period of September to
>the end of October, was devastated due to the attacks against its
>cadres by the TNI and their militias.
>The in-principle refusal to work formally with CNRT did not help
>with the situation. Now it seems Sergio de Mello might have to
>overcome this political impasse.
>Shortage of everything led to price inflation in the country.
>Shortage of water continues. Sewerage system problems remain
>unsolved. The shortages of food were gradually overcome with the
>imports of goods for general consumption. Health problems continue to
>be a threat to the future of East Timor. TB, malaria and dysentery
>coupled with malnutrition constitute a real problem for the people.
>The crisis of ``refugees''
>Right now, thousands of people are still without emergency
>shelter. Those in the West Timor camps, initially 300,000 in number,
>have been assisted by the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to
>return home. However, until now, only 115,000 have returned. The
>remaining 185,000 are still either in the camps, or elsewhere in
>There have been reports of transmigration plans for these
>Timorese held hostage in West Timor and this needs to be investigated
>properly. Of the 300,000 more than 185,000 were held in the camps of
>West Timor, whereas the rest either disappeared or were taken away to
>other islands.
>Many have been killed.
>There are reports of male Timorese forced into boats that went
>away for half an hour and returned empty. Numbers are very difficult
>to establish, but the above figures were supplied by a health worker,
>part of the international and Asian teams who managed to enter the
>camps in September.
>On December 7, a UN investigator stated in Jakarta that her team
>found evidence of "systematic" murder in East Timor. Being true and
>we all know this is true, just imagine what would have happened to
>those Timorese who crossed the border. In my view, all this
>information must be taken into account to assess the real loss of
>lives and to find all those who were further forced away to other
>Indonesian islands.
>One can only register with scepticism what the UNHCR said about
>the improvement of the situation in the camps of West Timor.
>Rain and shelter
>The wet season is increasingly being felt because of the heavy
>rain and difficult access to roads outside the capital,
>Dili. Emergency shelters have not arrived.
>Right now the CNRT's own Emergency Commission, with the help
>from Australian friends from Melbourne, is setting up 200 emergency
>shelters in Oecusse and more are expected within these two weeks to
>be set up in Lospalos and Manatuto, totalling 10,000 shelters. These
>shelters are a result of creativity of Melbourne supporters.
>They brought in a machine to make parts of these shelters, and are
>training Timorese the skills to make them, acquire raw material from
>Australia and set them up.
>Another plan from Australian trade union, Construction, Forestry,
>Mining and Energy Union is about to be implemented.
>This emergency shelter plan is also to provide much needed temporary
>shelter for those who are returning and those who come down from the
>mountains but have nothing left of their previous houses and
>These emergency shelter plans are supported with water purification
>systems, also from supporters in Melbourne, to provide clean and safe
>drinking water for the Timorese refugees.
>UNHCR and OCHA are also looking into providing some support to the
>CNRT Emergency Commission.
>Other aspects
>* Postal services
>The postal services are going to be provided by the Portuguese CTT
>(Correios Telegrafos in Telefones). They will provide postal services
>in Dili Comoro International airport and in Bacau and Ailcu.
>In a second phase, this will increase to other areas and likely to
>go international as well.
>* Education
>No school is functioning at the moment, but many schools have been
>running "informal classes" in Portuguese and English.
>These classes warrant proper support from the outside world since
>their students are so enthusiastic that many have been carrying their
>own chairs and tables from home to the schools and return home with
>their chairs and tables as well.
>* Development and reconstruction - World Bank
>The World Bank has met in Tokyo, Japan, to appreciate the
>proposals of the World Bank/CNRT Timorese joint assessment teams on
>December 17. The World Bank members expressed their commitment to
>grant (not lend but give) financial assistance to East Timor. The
>World Bank appears to be committed to the creation of a lean
>and efficient public service for East Timor.
>Small business and private investments are beginning to appear
>but there is a need to recognise these initiatives.
>* Telecommunications
>The Australian telecommunications company Telstra has recently
>extended its services to Dili, so now all the mobile telephones from
>Telstra can receive and make calls as though from Australia. It is
>expected that this arrangement, which lasts for six months, may be
>replaced by a more permanent contract with a company, maybe Telstra
>if it wins the tendering process to cover the entire East Timor.
>CNRT reality and NGO work
>The work of the NGOs is not easy. Communication infrastructure
>does not exist, schools are not functioning, and community meeting
>places do not exist. Timorese NGOs suffer the same trend as the
>Timorese people, without much needed basic survival conditions - let
>alone working conditions to become viable partners with foreign NGOs.
>The foreign NGOs enter with material and financial capacity
>which transcends any capacity of the Timorese NGOs. This, in part,
>contributed to the ill-feelings reported in the media, about the
>international NGOs. The international NGOs are not to blame solely
>for the uneasiness in the environment of NGOs in East Timor, but
>there is a need to tackle this problem in a serious manner so that
>long-term relation and interaction between international NGOs and the
>national NGOs can improve.
>NGO capacity building in East Timor is now top of the priority list.
>Most Timorese NGOs, including those that may be formed soon,
>need support. Technical skills, trades skills, accounting, reporting
>and meeting procedures, are all needed. If you can help, please
>don't think twice. CNRT is now looking into strengthening the
>Timorese civil society. As an umbrella organisation, CNRT does not
>see its role as just waiting for the UNTAET to do what needs to be
>done, but to take serious and professional initiatives to also
>undertake its mission of preparing the Timorese civil society towards
>a sustainable independence, prosperous democracy.
>As such, CNRT needs your help. In its work of emergency, CNRT
>deals with the people to supply basic needs." JC


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