>                         No to Globalisation!
>                  From Seattle to San Vicente Caguán —
>         The Revolt against the Dominion of Injustice is Advancing!
>The course of history is subject to an alarming acceleration. Capitalist
>countries have closer relations than ever due to globalisation under the
>aegis of the USA and its military arm on an international scale, NATO. They
>succeeded to deal destructive blows to their enemies. Nevertheless the main
>contradictions have become more acrid and new contradictions have emerged.
>Expanding and developing its forces of productions, capitalism is less and
>less capable to provide for the needs of the majority of humankind, and
>capitalism is destroying the basis of civilisation. In the periphery of the
>imperialist centres, ever more people are starving, and even in the “rich”
>countries old and new misery is spreading, exploitation and alienation, side
>effects of the consumerist pattern. Capitalism and imperialism did win, but
>we do not see any peace and the world became more unstable than ever before.
>Not even the great masters of the US and European governments know where
>they are leading us.
>The battle of Seattle has caused the whole West to awake. This revolt is a
>turning point, in spite of its limitations. The belle époque is over, the
>enchantment that wants to lead us to believe that this system is the best
>possible system, this enchantment which capital has cast over the masses, is
>collapsing. We slowly emerge from the darkness: The peace of intoxication is
>over, the ghost of revolt is haunting again, not only in the semi-colonial
>countries, where the flame of revolution has never been extinguished despite
>great difficulties, but even in the heart of imperialism. The traditional
>workers’ movement seems to have lapsed into a condition of paralysis, but
>new actors are ascending to the stage, driven by those contradiction, to
>devote themselves to the cause of humanity, political passion and an
>instinctive, primitive anti-capitalism.
>What should be the answer to globalisation, to new colonialism that is
>destroying the poorest countries, to political-cultural Americanism that is
>strangling Europe and Japan? How can we exploit the contradictions among the
>imperialist countries? How can we work against Echelon, international
>computer totalitarianism, that is oppressing individual freedom as well as
>basic political and  democratic rights? How can we unite the mass struggles
>in the semi-colonial countries with the revolts in the hearts of the
>imperialist countries? How can we join workers’ class struggle with the
>fight to defend our environment, for a non-capitalist use of science,
>information, nutrition and knowledge? What should be our answer to mass
>migration, to racism, to xenophobia and neo-fascism? How shall we deal with
>the religious popular movements that fight imperialist globalisation? How
>can we render a meaning to the meaningless chaos? How can we convert the
>revolt into a great revolutionary movement?
>We have to prepare for the great struggles of resistance, to decide the
>challenge of world capitalism to our favour. We call on all
>anti-imperialists who have led a heroic struggle to resist in this decade,
>to defend the unity we have reached already, and to go one step further.
>In this sense we shall organise in the first week of August 2000 an
>anti-imperialist camp in Italy, a great international meeting to enable us
>to draw a balance together, to define a path for the future.
>On the camp there are going to be various discussions on problems and events
>of anti-imperialist struggle, and especially seven great topics with
>contributions by renown guests:
>1. The revolt of Seattle. What is globalisation and how can we fight it.
>2. Columbia: liberation struggle and construction of people’s power.
>3. Yugoslavia: the NATO criminals shall not get away without being punished.
>4. Echelon: how to resist the USA/NSA information totalitarianism?
>5. Amnesty! The political prisoners and the special security laws in Italy
>and Europe.
>6. Against capitalist “development”: Defence of the ecological system as a
>precondition for civilisation.
>7. Islam and the New World Order
>Numerous guests have already confirmed their active participation, and we
>address all those who share the spirit of this call and who want to support
>the summer camp and who want to actively participate in it. We invite you to
>an introductory plenum on May 27th in Italy (the exact location will be
>given in due course) to decide on the programme and agenda, the
>international delegations and the speakers.
>The preparatory committee for the Anti-Imperialist Camp
>Italy, February 2999
>For Any Information: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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