[STOPNATO] FWD: Rebels say Colombian 'peace' plan paves way to  war, more
confrontation and more intervention in Colombia's internal affairs."
>_____________________   ======================
>Thursday, 9 March 2000

Rebels say Colombia peace plan paves way to war.

>                                --------------
>BOGOTA -- Marxist rebels accused Colombian President Andres Pastrana
>Thursday of paving the way to more war despite a vow that his $7.5
>billion U.S.-backed "Plan Colombia" aimed to solve the root causes of
>the long-running conflict.
>A proposed $1.6 billion U.S. package of mostly military aid, due to be
>voted on by the House Appropriations Committee Thursday, would be a
>mainstay of the controversial three-year plan to fight both the
>guerrillas and the rampant drug trade.
>Colombia hopes Europe and Japan will also donate heavily to the plan,
>which includes funds to bolster the military, boost the economy and
>tackle social problems such as poor health care and education.
>One guerrilla leader says the plan has been dictated by Washington,
>desperate to smash what it alleges are the close ties between the
>guerrillas and narcotraffickers. They fear the plan will drag the United
>States deep into the conflict that has cost more than 35,000 lives in
>just the last decade.
>"We need greater clarity about the objectives of Plan Colombia. It seems
>even the government isn't fully clear about the plan," said Raul Reyes,
>a senior commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
>He was speaking after FARC chieftains met with government National
>Planning Department head Mauricio Cardenas and special presidential
>advisor Jaime Ruiz in a Switzerland-sized area of the southeast cleared
>of security forces as a forum for year-old peace talks.
>"At the moment (this plan) means more war, more confrontation and more
>intervention in Colombia's internal affairs," Reyes added.
>The government and FARC, Latin America's largest surviving 1960s rebel
>force, launched slow-moving peace talks more than a year ago. In a
>series of recent visits, a number of government officials have met the
>FARC to explain aspects of Pastrana's economic policy.
>The Pastrana administration has described Plan Colombia as an effort to
>"build a better and safer country for the generations of today and
>tomorrow" and create "social justice that protects citizens and their
>Some of the $7.5 billion outlined in the plan are for nonlethal projects
>such as helping peasant farmers switch from growing illegal drug crops
>to legal produce and assisting thousands of internal refugees who have
>fled their homes to escape the cross-fire of the war.
>But more than half is destined to strengthen the police and army.
>In contrast to the U.S. offer of aid, Europe has so far offered no cash.
>But Colombia hopes a donor's meeting scheduled for mid-year in Spain
>will yield fresh finance.
>                Copyright 2000 Reuters
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