DPRK News March 10

Kim Yong Nam receives credentials

DPRK order awarded to Chinese ambassador

Restart of investigation into whereabouts of "missing" Japanese

Scientists contribute to building powerful nation

S. Korean "Defence Minister's" remarks

S. Korean authorities hit for suppression of students

S. Korean students' anti-U.S. Struggle supported

S. Korean authorities' false propaganda refuted

U.S. call for revision of Japanese constitution blasted

Japan for persistent moves to become military power

Kim Jong Il's works published in Russia

Korean books presented to Tajikistan


Kim Yong Nam receives credentials

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, received credentials from newly-appointed Ambassador E. P. of the
Kingdom of Norway Haakon
Hjelde and newly-appointed Ambassador E. P. of the Republic of Italy Paolo
Bruni to the DPRK at the mansudae
assembly hall today.
    Present there was Pak Tong Chun, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs.
    After receiving credentials, Kim Yong Nam conversed with the ambassadors.

DPRK order awarded to Chinese ambassador

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Friendship order first class of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
was awarded to Wan Yongxiang, outgoing Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, for
his contribution to upgrading the
DPRK-China relations of friendship and cooperation.
    Attending the awarding ceremony, which was held at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall on March 9, were President
Kim Yong Nam of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly,
vice-Minister Pak Kil Yon of Foreign
Affairs and Chinese embassy officials here.
    The ambassador said that the order awarded to him is an expression of
warm friendly feelings of the DPRK
party, government and people toward their Chinese counterparts as well as
to himself. He would in the future, too,
make every possible effort to upgrade the friendly relations between china
and the DPRK.

Restart of investigation into whereabouts of "missing" Japanese

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- At the DPRK-Japan Red Cross talks in
Beijing on December 21 last year the
two sides agreed to restart an investigation into whereabouts of the
"missing" Japanese and missing Koreans.
    Under the agreement the central committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society
sent to its affiliated provincial, city
and county branches a notice on the restart of the investigation into the
"missing persons" proposed by the Japanese
side and the competent relevant organs kicked off the investigation as a
matter of routine.
    The investigation will be made our own way.
    Judging from the recent kidnapping in Niigata, Japan, a more
thorough-going investigation should be made into
the whereabouts of those reported "missing" in Japan, too.

Scientists contribute to building powerful nation

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Korean scientists are registering signal
scientific and technological successes
though they are hard pressed for everything.
    They have solved scientific and technological problems arising in the
realities and make their results pay off in
production so as to make tangible contributions to the building of a
powerful nation.
    The Vinalon institute of the Hamhung branch of the Academy of Sciences
successfully solved a new scientific
and technological problem in drastically raising economic efficiency. This
helps streamline production processes in
various domains, and remarkably decrease the consumption of electricity.
    The institute developed a new material applicable to medical treatment.
    The inorganic chemistry institute succeeded in researches, development
and application of an electrode for
producing shoe moulds its own way.
    The organic chemistry institute made researches and developed highly
efficient agricultural chemicals by use of
locally available raw materials. The experimental apparatus institute
developed a hydrogen analyzer, a flow meter, an
automatic temperature and humidity log its own way to contribute to helping
chemical factories put production on a
steady footing.
    Besides, the scientists of the branch solved many scientific and
technological problems arising in various
domains of the national economy, including the Sungri Motor Works, the
Hungnam Fertilizer Factory and the
Sunchon Vinalon Factory.
    Such dazzling successes have been gained since General Secretary Kim
Jong Il's on-site guidance to the
Hamhung branch in March last year.
    During his inspection he acquainted himself with the successes gained
by the scientists under the difficult
conditions of the country, highly praised them for their achievements and
indicated the way of researches for the
nation's economic development and the improvement of the standard of
people's living.
    After the inspection he sent valuable medicines to the scientists for
their health.
    The scientists throughout the country, moved by the great loving care,
push ahead with the scientific researches
to glorify the year, the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.

S. Korean "Defence Minister's" remarks

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Jo Song Thae, "Defence Minister" of South
Korea, recently cried out for
"maintaining full military readiness to cope with military threat of the north."
    His utterances are no more than a trite sophism of the South Korean
warhawks to justify their arms buildup and
design to invade the north.
    The South Korean authorities continue to purchase various kinds of
latest offensive means and war equipment
such as unmanned assault plane, ship-to-ship missile, submarine,
large-scale transport vessel so as to drastically
reinforce offensive armed forces for an aggression on the DPRK. At the same
time, they carried out the restructuring
of the army under the "operation plan 5027-98" and are staging adventurous
war exercises to implement it.
    They even set up the "air operation command," a new task force, while
stepping up on a full scale the
preparations for a war against the north. Nevertheless, they are impudently
raising a hue and cry over "threat" from
the north.
    Lurking behind the ado about "threat" is their sinister intention to
divert the people's attention elsewhere and
intensify the anti-DPRK confrontation and thus create a political
atmosphere in South Korea before the "National
Assembly election" favorable to them.
    The South Korean authorities must not act rashly, examining the
political and military situation on the Korean
peninsula and the requirement of the times squarely.

S. Korean authorities hit for suppression of students

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- The secretariat of the Committee for the
Peaceful Reunification of the
Fatherland issued information bulletin no. 804 on March 9 denouncing the
South Korean authorities for viciously
suppressing students in the anti-U.S. struggle.
    Students under the South Korean Federation of University Student
Councils on March 6 staged an anti-U.S.
demonstration in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul, scattering copies of
literature critical of the U.S.'s crimes and
carrying placard reading "U.S., murderer of civilians, go away."
    The South Korean authorities threw the protesters behind bars.
    The fascist suppression is another clear evidence of despicable
flunkeyist and treacherous colors of the South
Korean authorities who are working hard to defend the U.S. masters, afraid
of infringement upon their safety and
interests. The information bulletin says, and continues:
    The CPRF secretariat bitterly denounces suppression, considering it to
be an unpardonable anti-national
criminal act to put down at any cost the ever-growing the spirit of
independence against the U.S. in South Korea and
prolong their remaining days in reliance upon the U.S.
    The South Korean authorities should have a correct understanding of the
trend of the times and stop cracking
down upon the struggle of the South Korean students and people of other
social strata for independence against the
U.S., the information bulletin says.

S. Korean students' anti-U.S. Struggle supported

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary supports the anti-U.S.
struggle for independence staged by students under the South Korean
Federation of University Student Councils
(Hanchongryon) in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul a few days ago. The
presence of the U.S. aggressors in
South Korea that has lasted for over half a century is a bloody history in
which they have brought to its people
nothing but national maltreatment, contempt and death, the commentary says,
and goes on:
    Unable to bear all this any longer, the South Korean people are coming
out in the anti-U.S. struggle to give vent
to their pent-up resentment.
    The anti-U.S. struggle of students under Hanchongryon for independence
represented the firm will of the
popular masses.
    Their brave struggle is fully supported by the whole nation.
    Branding the South Korean authorities' crackdown upon their anti-U.S.
struggle as a treacherous act, the
commentary declares that nothing can arrest their just and patriotic struggle.

S. Korean authorities' false propaganda refuted

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today comments on the base
false propaganda launched by the
South Korean authorities through their media.
    Some days ago, Yonhap News spread misinformation that the DPRK
delegation to the IIHF Asian Oceanic
Junior U18 Championships held in February proposed the south side
delegation to have "joint training" in Seoul and
Pyongyang alternately and "form a unified team" for a world tournament.
Dong-a Ilbo also reported that a South
Korean press exchanged an "agreement" on joint printing business with the
publications export and import agency
of the DPRK.
    Dismissing this as a sheer lie, the commentary says: The DPRK side has
never discussed any issue nor struck
any deal with the south side.
    The South Korean authorities' false propaganda is designed to garner
even one more vote at the "National
Assembly election" slated for April.
    The ruling "Democratic Party" stands ostracized by a broad section of
people for its sycophantic treacherous
politics and anti-social rule. On top of this, it finds it difficult to
hold the majority of seats in the "National
Assembly" owing to the secession of the "United Liberal Democrats" from the
ruling coalition.
    The present ruling quarters, upset by this, work hard to convince the
public that they are doing something to
improve the north-south relations.
    It is foolish and pitiful of them to try to win popularity through such
poor false propaganda.
    This will not help them get rid of the dilemma into which they have
been driven.
    The South Korean media should feel ashamed of being involved in a false
propaganda, tricked by the ruling
quarters, forgetting their ethics that they should be unbiased in any case.

U.S. call for revision of Japanese constitution blasted

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary assails the call of some
American politicians for Japan's constitutional revision.
    The commentary says:
    At a seminar on the U.S.-Japan relations at the U.S. strategic affairs
institute U.S. senator Libermann did not
bother to cry out for the revision of the constitution for the use of the
military force of Japan overseas, claiming that
the constitutional revision is positive for the U.S.
    The assistant to former U.S. president bush for national security
underscored the need for Japan to rewrite the
constitution, asserting that during the Persian Gulf War Japan played only
a limited role because of the constitutional
restriction and "frankly speaking, if Japan had dispatched its forces to
the war it would have been better for it."
    The U.S. ruling quarters' call for the revision of the Japanese
constitution is just like adding fuel to the fire as it
is an act of egging the Japanese reactionaries on to abrogating "peace
constitution" and instituting instead a war
    A retrogressive revision of the present constitution called "peace
constitution" is now under formal discussion at
the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors of the Japanese
diet, the first of its kind after the war.
    This is aimed to make Japan a war state under the constitution and
mobilize all the manpower, material and
military potentials for full-scale overseas aggression.
    The U.S. seeks to use Japan as a shock brigade in realising its Asian
strategy. But the constitutional restriction
of Japan is a hurdle in its way. Though the U.S. secured a variety of
levers guaranteeing Japan's military assistance
to the U.S. in case of "emergency", its "peace constitution" bans Japan
from any war action. So the U.S. is so keen
on removing such constitutional restriction of Japan.
    It is the ulterior intention of the United States to achieve its
aggressive design with less efforts and with no
financial contribution by making Japan shoulder the war burden and bear its
brunt within the framework of the
shackling military alliance.

Japan for persistent moves to become military power

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan on
Wednesday approved a bill on
promoting the Defense Agency to "Defence Ministry" and decided to submit it
to the diet soon.
    This shows that the Japanese reactionaries' sinister moves to turn
Japan into a full-fledged military power have
reached an extremely reckless stage.
    In this way Japan is inching closer to the militarization of the
country and the wartime system.
    Last year it adopted and put into effect the legislation related to the
updated "guidelines," which legalizes its
military forces' actions overseas. It is, in essence, a wartime law.
Patronized by the United States, the Japanese
reactionaries have become so emboldened as to make desperate efforts these
days to revise its postwar pacifist
constitution which bans a war.
    Japan is second only to the U.S. in military appropriations in the
world. It is on a par with the U.S. in military
equipment and technology and outdistances the latter in some domains.
    It is not without reason that Asian nations are unionimous in
describing the Japanese militarists' moves to turn
Japan into a military giant as a prelude to reinvasion.
    Such moves will only lead Japan to self-destruction. The Japanese
reactionaries are forgetful of this, buoyed by
fever of reinvasion.

Kim Jong Il's works published in Russia

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- The Paleya Publishing House of Russia
brought out a book "Socialism of
Juche" which contains famous works of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    The book carries his works "On the Juche Idea" (March 31, Juche 71 or
1982), "On Some Problems of
Education In the Juche Idea" (May 17, Juche 75 or 1986) and "Abuses of
Socialism Are Intolerable" (March 1,
Juche 82 or 1993).
    Written in the book are words "Library (treasure house of world
philosophies)" and "We publishes this book to
commemorate the 58th birthday of Marshal Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of
the Worker's Party of Korea,
chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and Supreme Commander of
the Korean People's Army who
is the faithful successor to President of the DPRK comrade Kim Il Sung, a
great son of the Korean people." The
publishing house presented this book to Kim Jong Il.

Korean books presented to Tajikistan

    Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of presenting Korean books was
held at the Leninabad regional
committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan on March 2.
    At the ceremony the DPRK ambassador conveyed Korean books to first
secretary of the regional committee
Khadiyev. Among those books were celebrated works of the President Kim Il
Sung and General Secretary Kim
Jong Il including "Kim Il Sung's Works" and "On the Juche Idea".
    Khadiyev said it was a great happiness and honor of the party members
in the region to receive the works of
Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    The Juche idea fathered by Kim Il Sung serves as the guiding idea
showing the road ahead of the Korean people
and the progressives of the world and as a valuable sword bringing
progress, prosperity and happiness to
humankind, he said.

For Spanish-speaking people

sofisteria rutinaria de belicistas surcoreanas comentario de atcc

pyongyang, 10 de marzo (atcc) -- jo song thae, "ministro de defensa"
surcoreano volvio a vociferar recientemente:
"se debe mantener la perfecta postura de preparacion militar para hacer
frente a la amenaza militar de norcorea".
    esta vociferacion no pasa de ser sofisteria rutinaria de belicistas
surcoreanos para encubrir su aumento
armamentista y ambicion de agresion al norte.
    ahora las autoridades surcoreanas introducen de afuera avion de asalto
sin piloto, misil buque-buque,
submarino, gran buque de transporte, medios de ataque ultramodernos y
equipos militares de toda indole para
reforzar en gran medida sus fuerzas armadas de agresion a la rpdc,
reorganizan su estructura militar de acuerdo con
el "plan operacional 5027-98" y desarrollan ejercicios belicos aventureros
a base de ello.
    en particular, crearon hasta la "comandancia de operacion aerea" que
son las nuevas fuerzas armadas de golpe
movil y dan espuelas a sus preparativos de guerra de agresion al norte.
pero descaradamente acusan a la rpdc de la
supuesta "amenaza". lo hacen para desviar la atencion de la poblacion
surcoreana, reforzar sus maquinaciones de
confrontacion con la rpdc y crear a su favor la atmosfera politica en
visperas de las "elecciones parlamentarias".
    las autoridades surcoreanas deben distinguir claramente la demanda de
la epoca y la situacion politico-militar de
la peninsula coreana y actuar con prudencia.

obstinada intencion de japon de convertirse en potencia militar, comentario de

    pyongyang, 10 de marzo (atcc) -- el pasado dia 8, el partido
democratico liberal del japon aprobo el proyecto de
ley para reorganizar la agencia de defensa en el "ministerio de defensa" y
decidio someterlo pronto a la dieta.
    esta medida de promocion demuestra que ha llegado a una etapa muy
temeraria la ambicion militarista de los
reaccionarios japoneses de dotar de condiciones perfectas de la potencia
    el japon avanza paso a paso en el camino de su perfeccion de la
militarizacion y conversion del pais en sistema
del tiempo de guerra.
    el ano pasado aprobo y puso en vigor la ley relativa a la nueva "guia"
que legaliza las acciones militares en el
ultramar de sus fuerzas armadas. en su esencia es la ley para el tiempo de
guerra. los reaccionarios japoneses
inflados por la activa instigacion de los estados unidos maniobran
obstinadamente para enmendar hasta su
constitucion pacifista que prohibe la guerra.
    no es jamas casual que los paises de asia condenan unanimemente las
maquinaciones de los militaristas
japoneses encaminadas a convertirse en potencia militar y las califican de
preludio de nueva agresion.
    ahora los reaccionarios japoneses no estan conscientes de que sus
maquinaciones de conversion en potencia
militar para la nueva agresion son el camino de la autodestruccion.

tomaremos resueltas medidas de autodefensa, comentario de atcc

    pyongyang, 10 de marzo (atcc) -- segun informaciones el pasado dia 7
ishihara, gobernador de la metropoli de
tokio del japon en un seminario de los consejeros procedentes del partido
democratico liberal y el partido liberal
vocifero de "derrotar de un golpe a norcorea si esta hace boberia".
    esta vociferacion belicosa y muy seria que coincidio casi en tiempo con
la publicacion de la reanudacion de las
conversaciones intergubernamentales para la normalizacion de las relaciones
diplomaticas y de las conversaciones de
cruz roja entre el japon y la rpdc nos ofende mucho y da sospecha de que el
gobierno japones tenga voluntad de
normalizar sus relaciones con ella.
    esta vociferacion del gobernador de tokio que en efecto es una
declaracion de guerra contra la rpdc suscita a todo
el pueblo coreano vehemente odio, enemistad y sentimiento antijapones.
    la gravedad de su palabra es que el llamo de modo despectivo "norcorea"
a la rpdc digna y prestigiosa.
    el caso en cuestion demuestra que el gobernador de tokio es el
prototipo del elemento reaccionario
ultraderechista del japon que tiene hasta en los tuetanos la idea de
hostilidad a la rpdc y enemigo jurado de nuestro
pueblo, que actua desesperadamente para denigrarla.
    lo gravisimo es que el vocifero de "derrotar de un solo golpe" a la
rpdc si esta comete "boberia".
    esta perorata es sin duda alguna, la revelacion de la intencion de
recuperar la dominacion colonial del periodo
pasado por medio de aplastarla en lo militar. es la palabra propia de un
imbecil carente de sentido de epoca y politica.

    la vociferacion belicosa de ishihara pone freno a las conversaciones
principales intergubernamentales que
tendran lugar en el futuro entre la rpdc y el japon.
    no podemos estar indiferentes de tal peroracion del gobernador de
tokio, ciudad fijada como lugar de la segunda
ronda de conversaciones rpdc-japon.
    estamos listos tanto para el dialogo como para el enfrentamiento.
    logicamente debemos tomar resueltas medidas de preparacion de
autodefensa porque los reaccionarios japoneses
afilan el cuchillo detras de la cortina del dialogo.
    es precisamente la teoria de autodestruccion la estupida de los
reaccionarios japoneses de "derrotar de un solo
golpe" a la rpdc.
    estos deben saber claramente que tokio, en fin el archipielago japones
no esta fuera de nuestro campo visual.
    asestaremos despiadada represalia a ishihara y otros belicistas
japoneses si estos se precipitan por el camino de
la nueva agresion pese a nuestras advertencias.

informacion sobre reanudacion de averiguacion de paradero de "desaparecidos"

    pyongyang, 10 de marzo (atcc) -- en las conversaciones de la cruz roja
rpdc -japon sostenidas en beijing el 21
de diciembre del ano pasado se acordo efectuar la averiguacion del paradero
de los "desaparecidos japonses" y
    segun el acuerdo, el comite central de la asociacion de la cruz roja de
la republica popular democratica de corea
envio a sus sucursales provinciales, urbanas y distritales el aviso sobre
la reanudacion de averiguacion del paradero
de los "desaparecidos" propuestos por la parte japonesa y los organismos
competentes la iniciaron segun su metodo
    la haremos a la nuestra.
    tomando en consideracion el caso de secuestro revelado recientemente en
niigata es preciso que tambien en el
japon se haga mas estricta la averiguacion sobre los "desparecidos".


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