>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 22:39:04 -0800
>From: Campaign for Labor Rights <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: April 16: Endorse the demands
>Labor Alerts (6,388 subscribers): a free service of
>Campaign for Labor Rights, a member of the Alliance for Global Justice
>To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Web site: <www.summersault.com/~agj/clr>
>Phone: (541) 344-5410   Fax: (541) 431-0523
>Membership/newsletter: Send $35.00 to Campaign for Labor Rights, 1247 "E"
>Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. Sample newsletter available on request.
>posted March 12, 2000
>In this alert:
>April 16 key events
>April 16 outreach booklet
>ACTION REQUEST: Endorse the demands
>Video: Global Village or Global Pillage?
>THE BIG EVENT of the mobilization in Washington, DC will be the protest at
>the IMF on Sunday, April 16. Please come to DC for this important
>opportunity to show the decision-makers of the IMF (who are scheduled to
>meet on that day) that we want a world economy managed for people, not for
>corporate profit. Key events during the April 9-17 mobilization in DC:
>* April 9 - Jubilee 2000/USA - break the chains of debt
>* April 14 - sweatshop teach-in (organized by Campaign for Labor Rights and
>co-sponsored by United Students Against Sweatshops and Global Exchange)
>* April 14 - International Forum on Globalization
>* April 15 - Latin America solidarity conference
>* April 16 - protest the IMF meeting
>* April 17 - protest the World Bank meeting
>For lots more information, see the mobilization web site <www.a16.org>.
>If you have not yet ordered the 24-page outreach booklet for the April 16
>mobilization, be sure to do so now. It explains the reason for the
>mobilization. It also serves as a way to educate people about the IMF,
>World Bank and WTO long after April. To order "False Profits: Who wins, who
>loses when the IMF, World Bank and WTO come to town":
>Send mail orders to:
>Booklets/Campaign for Labor Rights
>1247 "E" Street SE
>Washington, DC 20003
>For Visa/MasterCard/Discover payment, contact:
>Campaign for Labor Rights
>Phone: 541/344-5410
>Fax: 541/431-0523
>and provide:
>Your name exactly as it appears on your card
>Credit card number
>Expiration date
>And don't forget to include your postal address!
>Quantity        Price/copy      Postage
>1                $1.45          55 cents
>2-10              1.00          $3.00 Priority
>11-24             1.00          $5.00 Priority
>25-99             1.00          Call Campaign for Labor Rights
>100 +               .75         Call Campaign for Labor Rights
>This is a call for ORGANIZATIONAL endorsements of the demands that the 50
>Years Is Enough Network is making to the World Bank and IMF. Please send
>the following three lines (not this entire alert!) to Campaign for Labor
>Rights by email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or fax (541) 431-0523:
>Our organization endorses the April 16 mobilization demands.
>March/April 2000
>On the occasion of the first meetings of the governing bodies of the
>International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the 21st century, we call
>for the immediate suspension of the policies and practices that have caused
>widespread poverty, inequality, and suffering among the world's peoples and
>damage to the world's environment. We assert the responsibility of these
>anti-democratic institutions, together with the World Trade Organization,
>for an unjust world economic system. We note that these institutions are
>controlled by wealthy governments, and that their policies have benefited
>international private sector financiers, transnational corporations, and
>corrupt officials.
>We issue this call in the name of global justice, in solidarity with the
>peoples of the Global South and the former "Soviet bloc" countries who
>struggle for survival and dignity in the face of unjust, imperialistic
>economic policies. We stand in solidarity too with the millions in the
>wealthy countries of the Global North who have borne the burden of
>"globalization" policies and been subjected to policies that mirror those
>imposed on the South.
>Only when the coercive powers of the international financial institutions
>are rescinded shall governments be accountable first and foremost to the
>will of their peoples. Only when a system that allocates power chiefly to
>the wealthiest nations for the purpose of dictating the policies of the
>poorer ones is reversed shall nations and their peoples be able to forge
>bonds - economic and otherwise - based on mutual respect and the common
>needs of the planet and its inhabitants. Only when integrity is restored to
>economic development, and both the corrupter and the corrupted held
>accountable, shall the people begin to have confidence in the decisions
>that affect their communities. Only when the well-being of all, including
>the most vulnerable people and ecosystems, is given priority over corporate
>profits shall we achieve genuine sustainable development and create a world
>of justice, equality, and peace where fundamental human rights, including
>social and economic rights, can be respected.
>With these ends in mind, we make the following demands of those meeting in
>Washington April 16-19, 2000 for the semi-annual meetings of the World Bank
>and the International Monetary Fund:
>1. That the IMF and World Bank cancel all debts owed them. Any funds
>required for this purpose should come from positive net capital and assets
>held by those institutions.
>2. That the IMF and World Bank immediately cease imposing the economic
>austerity measures known as structural adjustment and/or other
>macroeconomic "reform," which have exacerbated poverty and inequality, as
>conditions of loans, credits, or debt relief. This requires both the
>suspension of those conditions in existing programs and an abandonment of
>any version of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative which
>is founded on the concept of debt relief for policy reform.
>3. That the IMF and World Bank accept responsibility for the disastrous
>impact of structural adjustment policies by paying reparations to the
>peoples and communities who have borne that impact. These funds should come
>from the institutions' positive net capital and assets, and should be
>distributed through democratically-determined mechanisms.
>4. That the World Bank Group pay reparations to peoples relocated and
>otherwise harmed by its large projects (such as dams) and compensate
>governments for repayments made on projects which World Bank evaluations
>rank as economic failures. A further evaluation should determine which
>World Bank projects have failed on social, cultural, and environmental
>grounds, and appropriate compensation paid. The funds for these payments
>should come from the institutions' positive net capital and assets, and
>should be distributed through democratically-determined mechanisms.
>5. That the World Bank Group immediately cease providing advice and
>resources through its division* devoted to private-sector investments to
>advance the goals associated with corporate globalization, such as
>privatization and liberalization, and that private-sector investments
>currently held be liquidated to provide funds for the reparations demanded
>6. That the agencies and individuals within the World Bank Group and IMF
>complicit in abetting corruption, as well as their accomplices in borrowing
>countries, be prosecuted, and that those responsible, including the
>institutions involved, provide compensation for resources stolen and damage
>7. That the future existence, structure, and policies of international
>institutions such as the World Bank Group and the IMF be determined through
>a democratic, participatory and transparent process. The process must
>accord full consideration of the interests of the peoples most affected by
>the policies and practices of the institutions, and include a significant
>role for all parts of civil society.
>The accession to these demands would require the institutions' directors to
>accept and act on the need for fundamental transformation. It is possible
>that the elimination of these institutions will be required for the
>realization of global economic and political justice.
>We commit to work towards the defunding of the IMF and World Bank by
>opposing further government allocations to them (in the form of either
>direct contributions or the designation of collateral) and supporting
>campaigns such as a boycott of World Bank bonds until these demands have
>been met.
>*The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is a division of the World
>Bank Group. Also included is the Multilateral Investment Guaranty Agency
>(MIGA), which insures private investments in Southern countries.
>50 Years Is Enough Network, United States
>Alternative Information & Development Centre, South Africa
>Anti Debt Coalition, Indonesia
>Campaign Against Neo-Liberalism in South Africa, South Africa
>Campaign for Labor Rights, United States
>Ecumenical Support Services, Zimbabwe
>Focus on the Global South, Thailand
>Food First, United States
>Freedom from Debt Coalition, Philippines
>Global Exchange, United States
>Institute for Policy Studies, Global Economy Project, United States
>Jubilee 2000 Afrika Campaign, United Kingdom
>Jubilee 2000 Afrika Campaign, United States
>Jubilee 2000 South Africa, South Africa
>Kenya Action Network, United States
>Kenya Human Rights Commission, Kenya
>LALIT, Mauritius
>Nicaragua Network, United States
>NICCA, United States
>Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt & Development,  Zimbabwe
>Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello, the authors of the book "Global Village or
>Global Pillage," have joined forces with Brendan Smith to produce a
>27-minute video with the same name.
>This video is designed as an entry point for people who have not previously
>thought much about the global economy. With its emphasis on recognizable
>names (narration by Ed Asner) and testimony by representative of
>institutions (economist Thea Lee of the AFL-CIO), the video reassures
>audiences that corporate globalization is a mainstream issue.
>This is not a video for audiences already up to speed on globalization. It
>would be a good video to show to union locals that are just getting ready
>to work on global economic issues. Two messages repeat again and again
>throughout, although not in the following words:
>* Corporate globalization hurts workers in the global north as well as
>workers in the global south.
>* If working people around the world get together, we can successfully
>challenge the kind of globalization we face today.
>Price: $25 per copy; $10 for students and low-income. Contact the Preamble
>Center's World Economy Project at (202) 265-3263 ext. 330, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
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>    The Socialism From Below listserve was created by the New Socialist
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>        of socialist renewal and on the ground activism. Views expressed on
>     the SFB list do not necessarily represent the views of the New Socialist
>   Group as an organization or those of its members. For more information on
>            the New Socialist Group and its politics and its activities contact
>                         [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit www.web.net/~newsoc
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