>Kosovo: One Year Later
>0303 GMT, 000317
>Nearly one year after NATO first intervened in Kosovo,
>it appears the alliance has failed to fulfill its
>chief objectives, both in waging the war and keeping
>the peace. Increasingly, Kosovo seems beyond the
>allianceís control as crime, weapons and drug
>trafficking resurface. Alliance forces are now on the
>defensive against former allies within the ethnic
>Albanian community; the guerrillas of the Kosovo
>Liberation Army (KLA) now appear to hold positions of
>considerable power. Nine months after the war, the
>West faces a choice. It can increase its grip on
>Kosovo, committing more troops and confronting the
>KLA, or the alliance can resign itself to losing
>control of Kosovo.
>NATOís war against Yugoslavia set a precedent at
>considerable cost. It was the first instance of
>unilateral NATO intervention in a sovereign nation
>during the allianceís 50-year history. NATO sent more
>than 1,000 aircraft to fly more than 38,000 sorties,
>at an eventual estimated cost of tens of billions of
>dollars. The alliance deployed 38,000 peacekeepers,
>drawn from 28 countries, with no foreseeable end to
>their mission. Reconstruction has barely begun and is
>expected to cost another $32 billion.
>But one year later, the allianceís peacekeeping
>mission, known as KFOR, is failing. Not only does
>ethnic violence persist, but the alliance appears to
>be further losing control. The murder rate in the
>rural breakaway province now equals that of the
>worldís largest cities. Sources on the ground report
>that weapons are increasingly in the hands of former
>guerrillas. NATO troops have come under attack by the
>ethnic Albanian majority as well as the Serb minority.
>The alliance is steadily headed toward a daunting
>choice. It must increase its grip on Kosovo or resign
>itself to providing a garrison force that safeguards a
>tumultuous province, which is effectively in the hands
>of the KLA.
>Kosovoís State of Violence
>KFOR entered the province to fulfill three missions:
>to ensure safety, enforce compliance with the June
>1999 cease-fire agreements and temporarily assist the
>United Nations with civilian functions, such as
>policing and reconstruction. But Kosovo has steadily
>become an upside-down world of reversed roles. The
>guerrillas were supposed to disarm and disband but
>have in fact maintained a strong hold on power.
>Increasingly, KFOR troops are defending themselves not
>just against remaining pockets of Serbs, but
>apparently against their wartime allies in the KLA.
>It appears that elements of the guerrillas are
>orchestrating violence that threatens international
>forces. Even Western military officials have come
>grudgingly, though privately, to the conclusion that
>extremist elements of the KLA are making a bid for
>outright independence. NATO troops were stoned last
>October in the western city of Pec. The recent
>violence in the northern city of Mitrovica included a
>grenade attack that wounded 17 KFOR troops. In
>February, KFOR Cmdr. Gen. Klaus Reinhardt said, ìWhen
>NATO came into Kosovo we were only supposed to fight
>the Yugoslav army if they came back uninvited. Now
>weíre finding we have to fight the Albanians.î
>Violent crime is falling but the largely rural
>province is far from safe. In the southeast corner of
>Kosovo, the American sector, there were 615 incidents
>of hostile fire, 15 mortar attacks, 20 altercations
>with unruly crowds, 129 grenade attacks and 58
>landmine explosions ñ in the first six months of
>peacekeeping, according to NATO figures. The murder
>rate for the entire province has dropped from 127
>murders per 100,000 people at the end of the war to 23
>murders per 100,000. Still, the murder rate of rural
>Kosovo now equals the murder rate of Los Angeles,
>California ñ one of the worldís largest and most
>densely populated cities.
>Under the June cease-fire agreement, the KLA was
>supposed to disband and disarm, but there is evidence
>that former guerrillas now enjoy easy ñ even
>sanctioned ñ access to weapons. Some 5,000 former KLA
>guerrillas have joined the Kosovo Protection Corps
>(KPC), a sort of national guard for emergency and
>disaster response. They are allowed to carry sidearms
>with the proper permit cards. But the permit cards are
>being copied and distributed to other former
>guerrillas, according to an international police
>The Power of the KLA and Drug Trafficking
>In many ways, the state of affairs in Kosovo is the
>result of a lack of government. The United Nations has
>never had a complete plan to set up a government; nine
>months after peacekeeping began there is none. In this
>vacuum, the KLA has flourished.
>While the KLA was to have disbanded, two important
>wartime figures remain at the core of the still
>existent KLA power structure. Hashim Thaci, who led
>the KLAís political wing and became the chief contact
>for the West, is now Kosovoís most important ethnic
>Albanian politician. The commander of the KLAís
>military wing, Agim Cequ, commands 5,000 former
>guerrillas who are now in the Kosovo Protection Corps.
>The KLA is indebted to Balkan drug organizations that
>helped funnel both cash and arms to the guerrillas
>before and after the conflict. Kosovo is the heart of
>a heroin trafficking route that runs from Afghanistan
>through Turkey and the Balkans and into Western
>Europe. It now appears that the KLA must pay back the
>organized crime elements. This would in turn create a
>surge in heroin trafficking in the coming months, just
>as it did following the NATO occupation of Bosnia in
>the mid-1990s.
>Two to six tons of heroin, worth 12 times its weight
>in gold, moves through Turkey toward Eastern Europe
>each month. The route connecting the Taliban-run opium
>fields of Afghanistan to Western Europeís heroin
>market is worth an estimated $400 billion a year ñ and
>is dominated by the Kosovar Albanians. This ìBalkan
>Routeî supplies 80 percent of Europeís heroin.
>For the KLA, the Balkan Route is not only a way to
>ship heroin to Europe for a massive profit, but it
>also acted as a conduit for weapons filtering into the
>war-torn Balkans. The smugglers either trade drugs
>directly for weapons or buy weapons with drug earnings
>in Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy,
>Montenegro, Switzerland or Turkey. The arsenal of
>weapons smuggled into Kosovo has included:
>anti-aircraft missiles, assault rifles, sniper rifles,
>mortars, shotguns, grenade launchers, anti-personnel
>mines and infrared night vision gear, according to a
>NATO report cited in the Washington Times in June
>There is already anecdotal evidence that the drug
>trade is flourishing in Kosovo, in full view of
>international authorities. The bombed out, unpaved
>streets of Kosovo are the new home to sleek European
>sports cars with no license plates. There are 20
>percent to 25 percent more cars in Kosovo than there
>were before the war, according to an international
>police official recently returned from several months
>in Kosovo. The refugees claim Serbs took the plates,
>but the black Mercedes are signs of a prospering drug
>Beyond Kosovo
>Drug smuggling will make an impact beyond the Balkans
>and deep into the rest of Europe. Ethnic Albanians are
>the predominant smugglers in the Western European
>heroin market, according to Interpol data.
>Some 500,000 Kosovar Albanians live in Western Europe.
>Those living off the heroin trade rely on clan
>loyalties to tightly control their business partners.
>They gain access to Western European cities by
>exploiting their reputation as refugees. This gives
>them a distinct advantage over the Turks or Italians.
>Although Albanian speakers comprise about 1 percent of
>Europeís 510 million residents, they made up 14
>percent of all Europeans arrested for heroin smuggling
>in 1997, according to Interpol. The average quantity
>of heroin confiscated from arrested smugglers was two
>grams; ethnic Albanians arrested for the same crime
>carried an average of 120 grams, the agency said.
>The U.S. government has been ñ and likely continues to
>be ñ well aware of the heroin trade coming through
>Kosovo, as well as the KLA connection. Just two years
>before the war, the Clinton administration wanted
>national security waivers for 14 countries ñ including
>Yugoslavia ñ in order to send arms and stem drug
>trafficking. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency reported
>in 1998 that ethnic Albanian organizations in Kosovo
>are ìsecond only to Turkish gangs as the predominant
>heroin smugglers along the Balkan route.î
>Today, Kosovo poses for NATO an ironically similar
>problem to the one it posed in 1999. Kosovoís problems
>ñ smuggling, crime and violence ñ threaten to spill
>out into the Balkan region. Tensions between the Serbs
>and ethnic Albanians challenge stability in Montenegro
>and Serbia, the remaining Yugoslav republics. The
>alliance must not only contain Kosovoís problems, but
>prevent renewed war between the KLA and Yugoslav
>forces in Serbia.
>Montenegro threatens to become the next hot spot as a
>result of the Kosovo war. The provinceís leadership
>has taken its cues from the international communityís
>defense of Kosovo. Montenegrin President Milo
>Djukanovic has announced that the West is ready to
>offer help in the event of a Serb attack. Officials
>from the U.N. and human rights groups have made
>increasingly loud requests for Western attention to
>NATOís Next Move
>NATO now faces a dilemma. It must take control of the
>situation in Kosovo by increasing its troop presence
>and confronting its former allies in the KLA. Or the
>alliance can accept a role as vassal to the
>guerrillas, essentially safeguarding Kosovo from a
>Serbian invasion. The guerrillas, in turn, would run
>Kosovo as they see fit.
>Withdrawing altogether from Kosovo is out of the
>question; Yugoslav forces would quickly pour into the
>province. The prospect of vastly increasing forces is
>unpleasant. As it stands now NATO members are
>reluctant to deploy even enough troops to meet the
>current mandate of 50,000 peacekeepers.
>To maintain control, though, the alliance must do more
>than increase its presence; it must reconsider its
>allies in Kosovo. There are signs that the West may
>play a longtime moderate, Ibrahim Rugova, against
>Thaci. During his recent trip to Kosovo, State
>Department spokesman James Rubin met with Rugova, the
>first high-level public contact between U.S. officials
>and Rugova since he was abandoned last year. The
>prospect is stark. NATO would have to crush the KLA,
>risking more violence and a public relations
>NATOís other option is probably even more unappealing:
>handing the KLA the keys to Kosovo. In such a
>scenario, the alliance would give ethnic Albanian
>political and civil leaders ñ with a few Serbs thrown
>in to demonstrate multi-ethnic governance ñ political
>control. But in fact the KLA would retain the upper
>hand. Alliance troops would remain to safeguard
>whatever state the former guerrillas choose to build.
>CIS Intelligence Center
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