>  "we (the people of India) must fight this - neo
>  American imperialism that Clinton symbolizes"
>Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 16:15:58 +0530
>From: Medha Patkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: For wider circulation
>Dear All friends of NBA, NAPM, USA and Europe,
>I hope you have already received you detailed note on Why people oppose Bill
>Clifton's visit as also the press note issued from NAPM convention.
>Will you please circulate it and also issue statement to press in USA using
>the information there in?
>URGENT please.
>National Alliance of People’s Movements
>National Office:   c/o Chemical Mazdoor Sabha,   Haji Habib Building,
>‘A’ wing,   First Floor,   Naigoan Cross Road,   Dadar (E),   Mumbai  400 014
>Tel: 022-4150529 (O)  022-5369724 (Res.-Sanjay MG)
>Why the People of India Oppose Bill Clinton's Visit
>Statement by People's Movements and Organisations of
>National Alliance of People's Movements
>The powerholders and the capitalists in India and their retinue seem to be
>quite thrilled with the proposed visit of Mr. Bill Clinton, the President on
>United States of America. An  anticipatory appeasement competition is on to
>prepare way for the satisfaction of the American decision makers. Nothing is
>allowed to mar this auspicious occassion. Not even the terse reminder by the
>Secretary of State, Mandeline Albright regarding the status of Kashmir and
>CTBT would affect the lacherous attitude of the present government -
>politicians and bureaucrats alike- and the big business, captalists who are
>in league to 'privatise' and 'globalise' the economy and polity of this
>country.  They and a section of English language press have been making out
>as if the visit of U.S. President  were a decisive moment in the history of
>India and the Indian sub-continent as a whole.  There has been a flurry of
>activities and an atmosphere is being  built up. The Kumarmangalams and Arun
>Jaitleys are out to show the progress in the liberaliation and privatisation
>agenda. They want to make it known to the American decision makers and
>capitalists that there are no problems, no opposition to the free entry of
>the capital and acquisition of resources of the people of this country.
>The people of the country are ashamed of the way the Chief Ministers of
>Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have been vying for the visit of the American
>President to their capitals like two children eager to show their progress
>card to the master. A different and virtual reality regarding the major
>issues and problems is being created by the capitalist media and the
>government-big business. All this IT hype is to marginalise the real issues
>and concerns of the common people - the farmers, toilers, dalits, backward
>classes and castes, adivasis, fisherpeople, workers  and other depressed
>classes of Indian  society. The elites in this country are out to submerge
>the reality  of this nation, the real concernes of the people and the visit
>of the American president provides them an apt moment to reinforce their
>However, the people and people's movements in this country will not allow
>the real issues to be hijacked with the visit of Mr. Clinton. We, the
>representatives of people's movements from all over India oppose the visit
>and the entire built up correponding to that visit. We see the American
>President's visit as another attempt to thrust the 'globalisation' agenda
>down to the throats of Indian people. The American capitalists and
>powerholders, through their President, have been trying to achieve what they
>failed to do at Seattle COnclave of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in
>November, 1999.
>We oppose and the visit of Mr. Clinton' as the United States has been
>instrumental in imposing the unequal multilateral treaties on the developing
>nations. Be it in the form of the trade agrements or the impending the
>Agreement on Agriculture, the rights of the Third  World countries are
>seriously curtailed in such unequal treaties.
>We question the rationale behind the newly touted Agreement on Agriculture.
>While the US. and European Union nations can have the state support to the
>agriculture in their countries on various pretexts, the developing nations
>are being told to cut subsidy and state support to agriculture which has
>already been in doldrums. The food security of India is being jeopartdised
>with the usurpation of the seeds, patents on bio-diversity, people's
>knowledge and the monopolisation of the agribusiness in the hands of a few
>conglomerates from the developed nations.
>The U.S. has been hypocritical in insisting on the labour and environmetal
>standards about the imports from the Third World countries, while
>encouraging the movement of capital and development pattern which has been
>highly violative of the environmental norms and labour rights. The entire
>gamut of 'globalisation' and WTO kind of development has been usurping the
>resources like land, water and water bodies from the hands of the people in
>this country and has been resulting in squeezing the employment
>opportunities, causing large scale retrenchment and unemployment.  The WTO
>sponsored development pattern has given precedence to the monetary capital
>at the cost of the human and natural capital. Third World countries like
>India have been used as as dumping grounds and production grounds of
>hazardous and unwanted products in the Developed countries. The onslaught of
>capitalist development has posed a threat to the lands, land rights,
>forests, fisheries and livelihood of billions of people in this country.
>The WTO and 'free trade' hype has been eroding the already minimal
>decision-making powers in the nhands of local and national institutions.
>Decisions have been taken somewhere else and the people and people's
>organisations in this country are not at all being informed, let alone
>consulted. Laws are being changed and the rights of the people being
>curtailed.  The Indian government too has been busy in consulting the
>multinational companies, multilateral institutions, big business and
>votaries of ' free market', but does not discuss the matter with the common
>people and their organisations. We consider this as the serious erosion of
>the rights of civil society in India. Civil society, the Indian powerholders
>and their cohorts in media and international scene must understand, does not
>consist of the big business and blue eyed IT brats, but millions of the
>farmers, labourers, adivasis, dalits,fisherpeople and workers of this
>country. We hold the United States as one of the responsible party for the
>continued erosion of the democracy and powers of the civil society in India.
>We make it clear that the present policies of Indian government and the
>bureaucrats, their cohorts in big business and big media do not represent
>the priorities and concerns, opinions of billions of Indians in the towns
>and villages, in the river valleys or on the sea coast. Their decisions,
>policies and projects are being opposed and will be resisted tooth and nail
>by the Indian people. Thus, though the American President and all the hype
>that follows him is being given red-carpet treatment by the Indian
>powerholders and big business, we the people of India oppose and resist it
>all as a symbol of the hegemony, exploitation of the rights and resources of
>the people and of this nation.  We also warn the Indian government and all
>the big business that any attempt to further usurp the rights and resources
>of the people will result in fierce resistance. If it thinks that it can
>overcome the resistance of the people with the aid of the multilaterla
>conglomerates, big business and the powers like U.S. and WTO, it is seriusly
>mistaken. We will not tolerate the attempts by these powers to erode rights
>and exploit the resources ann lives of the people of India.
>Kishan Patnayak, Siddharaj Daddha, Gabriele Deitrich, Sunil, Vimal, Medha
>Patkar, Sukhendu Bhattacharya, Ajit Narayan Bose, Aruna Roy (National
>Sanjay M.G. (National Co-cordinator)
>Thomas kocherry (National Coordinator)
>National Alliance of People’s Movements
>National Office: c/o Chemical Mazdoor Sabha, Haji Habib Building,
>‘A’ wing, First Floor, Naigoan Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai 400 014
>Tel: 022-4150529 (O) 022-5369724 (Res.-Sanjay MG)
>Press release:12.3.2000
>People's movements oppose Clinton's visit: Question the neo-colonial regime
>The power holders and the Indian capitalists, as also their followers,
>expectantly await the proposed visit of Mr. Bill Clinton, the President of
>the USA. Fastidious arrangements have been made, not only by the team of 60
>US officials who have taken pains to insure that the red carpet will be
>extended to their President, but also by the Indian bureaucrats who see this
>as a major event in taking India into the 21st century.
>While Mr. Clinton will be offered the traditional privilege of addressing
>the two houses of Parliament, little will be said about his role in imposing
>undemocratic sanctions against Iran and Cuba and also India. The fact that
>he is President of the so called democratic United States of America will
>mar the other basic fact that he also represents the interests of the
>American MNCs and the world corporates, the World Bank and IMF and actively
>supports the imperialist agreements of the WTO. In short, he has none other,
>but the interests of the USA foremost on his agenda and this visit is one
>among other attempts to achieve what America and other powers could not
>achieve at Seattle.
>The NAPM has always condemned the neo colonial designs of the multilateral
>lenders, multinational capital and the powers behind them. We feel this is
>the time for the people of India to protest against this American-global
>conspiracy and the Indian government's growing involvement in it. It is time
>for all the people of India who are marginalised in this process to expose
>this conspiracy and the undue pressure made on India to repeal democratic
>space and to sign the CTBT while they themselves increase the stock pile of
>nuclear weapons.
>Vajpayee government, claiming to be Swadeshi fighting against Videshi in all
>forms -in economy as well as politics, - pretends to be naïve and ignorant
>about Ms Mandeline Alb. Right's self-righteous statement on Kashmir
>suggesting mediation by Clinton. Remember our Prime Minister's attack and
>temper tantrums against Mandela's polite reference to Kashmir during his
>visit to South Africa? The power that Clinton be, the sovereign ruler of
>India has no comment this time!
>All this and much more suggests that we must fight this - neo American
>imperialism that Clinton symbolizes and represents. His agenda this time is
>certainly profit, profit and profit! Not being against social clause on
>labour and environment, NAPM condemns both the attempts of Clinton and
>Moron, our own foreign ministers, his Indian counterpart, towards
>export-oriented production. Our rulers should at least stop being slaves if
>they cannot gather strength and courage to lead an international force of
>the non-developed countries!
>NAPM, therefore, cannot welcome Mr. Clinton! It condemns American
>imperialism his brief of multi nationalism at the cost of local resources,
>local needs and people. Retrenched labourers in the unorganized and
>organized sector, especially women, displaced tribals, dalits, fish workers
>and farmers …  no one can remain silent any more. Tomorrow a rally is
>organised in the valley of Narmada. Some representatives will join the
>demonstration at Delhi on the 15th, to protest against the visit of US
>President Bill Clinton. Between 20 - 25th, protest programmes will be
>arranged in many places, including Bhopal, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Culcutta. The
>Holi festival of this year (on 19th March) will be observed as 'Vedeshiyata
>Holi'.. It pledges to a desi path to development. Clinton, keep away!
>Beware!! A war is on … through battles, here and now!
>(Siddharaj Daddha)
>(Kishan Patnayak)
>(Ram Kishore)
>(Lata PM)
>(Medha Patkar)
>(Gabriele Deitrich)
>(Thomas Kocherry)
>==========<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>==========
>   .............................................
>   Bob Olsen, Toronto      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   .............................................


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