>Subject: [STOPNATO] Int Conf on YU - final draft of conference speakers and
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 00:13:49 +0000
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>The Yugoslav Crisis: International Responses and the Way Forward
> University of Bradford
>25-26 March 2000
>Draft Timetable
>0930 Registration and Coffee
>1030 Plenary
>Welcome speech: Deputy Lord Mayor of Bradford
>Keynote Speakers: Father Sava, Decani Monastery, Kosovo; Paul Oestreicher,
>International Consultant, Coventry Cathedral, Stephen Henthorne, Defense
>Studies Foundation; Paul Watson, Los Angeles Times
>1200 Seminars/Workshops
>a) Strategic and International Issues: The Road to Kosovo
>Chair: Tom Gallagher, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford
>Alex Bellamy
>Department of International Politics, University of Aberystwyth
>The Path(s) to Peace? Reassessing the Kosovo Settlements
>John Allcock
>Research Unit in South East European Studies, University of Bradford
>Rural ressentiment and the break-up of Yugoslavia
>Zoran Lakic
>University of  Montenegro, Yugoslavia
>Breaking or Disintegration of Yugoslavia?
>b) The Aid and NGO Response
>Dragica Milinkovic
>Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, Belgrade
>Civil Society, Civil Disobedience and NGOs in Serbia
>Sanja Cosic
>The Yugoslav Independent Media: the impact of NATO bombing and survival
>David Chandler
>Leeds Metropolitan University
>The Lessons of Bosnia
>c) Challenging Nationalism 1
>Chair: John Allcock, RUSEES, University of Bradford
>Dennis Browne
>Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, USA
>Cultures of Deliberation and Expediency: an alternative to the nationalist
>Ana Devic
>Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, USA
>The Multilayered Amnesia of Yugoslavia's Breakdown: Social Sciences Troubled
>Vision of Nationalism
>1330 Lunch
>1430 Seminars/Workshops
>a) Strategic and International Issues 2: International Perspectives
>Chair: Dr Phil Wright, University of Sheffield and Sheffield Committee for
>Peace in the Balkans
>Dragan Simeunovic
>Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade
>Kosovo War in Yugoslavia: State and Perspective
>Luca Ratti
>Centre for European Studies, University of Southampton
>NATO Enlargement to the Balkans: The View from Rome
>Ekaterina Stepanova
>Moscow Centre, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
>Russia in the Kosovo Crisis
>b) Strategic and International Issues 3: Implications
>Wim van Meurs
>Centre for Applied Policy Research, University of Munich
>The Stability Pact: European Ideals and Regional Realities
>Chad Staddon
>Faculty of the Built Environment, University of the West of England, Bristol
>Militarism and Nature at the Millennium: the environmental consequences of the
>1999 NATO campaign in FRY
>Zoran Kusovac
>Sentinel Regional Security Assessment, Janes
>Disintegration, Division, Integration: Strategic Prospects for Balkans States
>and Sub-State Entities
>c) Direct Aid and Community Development
>Anya Hart
>IVS/Balkan Sunflowers
>Denis Rustovitz
>Chairman, Edinburgh Direct Aid
>Success and Failure in Rebuilding Shattered Communities in Bosnia and Kosovo
>d) Peace Activism
>Chair: Alan Brooke, West Yorkshire Committee for Peace in the Balkans
>Dick Withecombe, Greater Manchester Committee for Peace in the Balkans
>Dick Pitt, Sheffield Committee for Peace in the Balkans
>Nigel Chamberlain, Press and Information Officer, CND National
>Green Party representative
>e) Challenging Nationalism 2: Media
>Irena Ristic
>University of Passau
>Western media and NATO's Yugoslav War
>Bob Jiggins
>Research Unit in South East European Studies, University of Bradford
>Truth and Reality: the Media War in the West
>Sanja Pecujlic-Mastilovic
>BKCW Mental Health Trust, London
>'Disposable Identities: A personal account of media formation of national
>1600 Coffee
>1630 Plenary and Panel Discussion
>Alexsandar Lopasic, Stephen Henthorne
>1730 Closing Remarks
>2000 Theatre Production '...is normal!', Bradford Alhambra Studio Theatre
>2200 Music and Dancing, Small Hall, Richmond Building
>1000 Plenary with Keynote Speakers
>Felicity Arbuthnot, Journalistt; Bob Marshall Andrews MP QC;  Larry
>Hollingsworth, former Head of UNHCR, Bosnia
>1130 Seminars/Workshops
>a) Economic Issues
>Chair: Marko Milivojevic, RUSEES, University of Bradford
>Boris Young
>An Emerging Political Crisis: Self-management and Market Reform in Yugoslavia
>During the Early 1980s
>Margaret Cobble
>University of Plymouth, UK
>Bosnia: neo-liberal development Strategies and Consequences for Economic and
>Human Development
>Phil Wright
>University of Sheffield
>The Effects of Sanctions on Yugoslavia
>b)  Municipalities and Peace-Building
>Chair: Ted Brown, Projects Manager,  City of Bradford Council
>Peter Redfern, External Liaison Manager, City of Bradford Council
>Marija Caric
>Association of Free Cities and Municipalities, Yugoslavia
>Diana Beckley, Norfolk and Norwich  Novi Sad Association
>Gordana Ciric
>University of Novi Sad
>Universities in Serbia: Status during the Crisis and a View towards the Future
>c) Environment 1: General Environmental Impacts of the War
>Chair: Dr. Chad Staddon
>Pekka Haavisto
>UNEP, Geneva
>The Joint UNEP/UNCHS(Habitat) Balkans Task Force
>Richard Clarke, Marija Anteric
>Birkbeck College and Kings College, University of London
>Conflict and Environment in the Former Yugoslavia
>Radoje Lausevic
>Serbian Ecological Society, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
>The Environmental Effect of NATO<?PC850(146)>s War
>d) Conflict Prevention and Reconciliation
>Chair: Dr. Andrew Rigby, University of Coventry
>David Steele
>Centre for Strategic & International Studies, Washington
>Religious Communitites' Role in Conflict Prevention and Resolution
>Svetlana Kijevcanin
>Group MOST/Centre for Anti-War Action, Belgrade
>1300 Lunch
>1400 Seminars/Workshops
>b) Refugees and Asylum Seekers
>Dusan Ignatovic, YUCOM, Belgrade
>Draft Evaders and Deserters
>Beth Logan
>c) Environment 2: Post-War Environmental Reconstruction
>Chair: Dr. Chad Staddon
>Jennifer Braswell
>Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary
>The REC's Involvement in Balkan Reconstruction
>Valentina Mileusnic Vucic
>Belgrade, Yugoslavia
>Environment Issues in the Context of Economic Sanctions Against Yugoslavia and
>War Destruction
>Catherine Euler
>Depleted Uranium and the Kosovo War
>d) Women and Peacework
>Jane Gregory
>Women's Aid to former Yugoslavia
>Pat Sanchez
>Women's Aid for Peace
>e) War and Yugoslav Culture
>Chair: Dr David Norris, Department of Slavonic Studies, University of
>prof. dr. Ljilijana Bogoeva
>Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Belgrade
>The Representation of the Yugoslav Crisis in Film and Drama
>prof. dr. Ratomir Ristic
>University of Nis
>Witnessing the rise of nationalisms and the teaching of literature
>Dragan Radovanovic
>Sculptor, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
>Bojan Bem
>Painter, Belgrade
>Ray Brown
>Broadcaster and Playwright
>1530 Coffee
>1600 Plenary
>Marija Caric, Association of Free Cities and Municipalities; Joan McQueenie
>Mitric, journalist, USA; prof . dr. Miroljub Radojkovic, Faculty of Political
>Science, University of Belgrade
>Conference Organiser (UK)
>Bob Jiggins
>RUSEES, University of Bradford & West Yorkshire Committee for Peace in the
>Tel: +44 (0)7050 615511 Fax: +44 (0)7050 644569 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Conference Organiser (Yugoslavia)
>Svetlana Djuric
>New Balkan Initiatives, Belgrade
>Conference Floor Manager
>Richard Johnson
>Tel: +44 (0)1484 863726 Mobile: +44 (0)7944 253405 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Private Accommodation Manager
>Rachel Sweeting
>Tel: +44 (0)1484 842428 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Bob Jiggins
>For the international conference on Yugoslavia see
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