DPRK News March 23

KPA navy command's important communique

Anniversary of world meteorological organization observed

Korean citizens cannot be plaything of Japanese politicians

Fight for establishment of democratic government called for

U.S. moves to embellish war of aggression on Korea

U.S. arms buildup in South Korea condemned

Efforts geared to united front

To conclude "general election" struggle with victory

Pakistani day observed

For Spanish-speaking people

KPA navy command's important communique

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The navy command of the Korean People's
Army today issued an important
communique "on declaring 'order of navigating to and from five islands' as
a follow-up measure related to the fixing
of Military Demarcation Line at the West Sea of Korea ."
    The communique reads:
    The general staff of the Korean People's Army, prompted by the desire
to ensure territorial stability and peace,
fixed the MDL at the West Sea of Korea and declared it to the world on
September 2, Juche 88 (1999).
    The MDL at the West Sea of Korea is the most reasonable, realistic and
fair and aboveboard one that is in full
accord not only with the Korean armistice agreement but with the
international law.
    The world people and even political, public and academic circles of
South Korea admit the illegality of the
"Northern Limit Line" and the legal validity of the new MDL at the west
sea, saying that the new MDL at the west
sea is based on a strong logic.
    The "silent recognition" and "maintenance" of the "Northern Limit Line"
on the lips of the U.S. forces side are
thinly-veiled excuses designed to get rid of the inextricable position into
which it was thrown by the just and fair and
aboveboard MDL fixed by us at the West Sea of Korea .
    Taking into consideration the fact that Paekryong, Taechong, Sochong,
Yonphyong and U islands are under the
U.S. forces side's control under the Korean Armistice Agreement but inside
our territorial waters, we have made
every possible effort to settle through negotiations navigation to and from
those islands and other issues that may be
raised between the two sides.
    The U.S. forces side, however, has insisted on the "Northern Limit
Line" it unilaterally fixed without any legal
ground. It is clamoring about "victory" in the last armed conflicts at the
West Sea of Korea in a bid to mislead public
opinion while ceaselessly infiltrating its warships into territorial waters
under our military control.
    Such moves cannot be construed otherwise than a premeditated action
intended to trigger off another shocking
incident at the West Sea of Korea and bring the situation to the brink of
war by instigating the South Korean
    We have been ready to settle through negotiations those issues that may
be raised while observing the extension
of the MDL at the west sea. Now that the U.S. forces side finally refused
to discuss them, we cannot wait any
longer for its response to our offer for a technical discussion.
    Therefore, the KPA navy command was authorized to confirm and declare
the following "order of navigating to
and from five islands" situated in the territorial waters north of the
extension of the MDL at the West Sea of Korea :
    1. Of the five islands under the U.S. forces side's control but inside
our territorial waters, waters surrounding
Paekryong, Taechong and Sochong islands shall be defined as first zone,
waters around Yonphyong Island second
zone and waters around U Island third zone.
    A) The northern line of the first zone shall be 38 degrees N. and the
eastern, southern and western lines shall be
lines drawn 2 km wide in parallel with the base lines of Paekryong,
Taechong and Sochong islands.
    B) The northern line of the second zone shall be 37 degrees, 41
minutes, 24 seconds N. And the eastern,
southern and western lines be lines drawn 2 km wide in parallel with the
base line of Yonphyong Island.
    C) The line of the third zone shall be a line drawn 2 km wide in
parallel with the base line of U Island.
    D) Military and civilian vessels of the U.S. forces side shall be free
to navigate in the first, second and third
zones unless it is hostile to our side.
    2. All military and civilian vessels of the U.S. forces side should use
the first waterway for navigating to and
from the first zone and the second waterway for sailing to and from the
second zone.
    A) The first waterway shall be one mile wide on both sides with the
line linked by the point 37 degrees, 10
minutes, 3 seconds north latitude and 125 degrees, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
east longitude on the extension of the
MDL at the west sea and the summit of the highest height on Sochong Island
as an axis.
    B) The second waterway shall be one mile wide on both sides with the
line linked by the point 37 degrees, 31
minutes, 25 seconds north latitude and 125 degrees, 50 minutes, 38 seconds
east longitude on the extension of the
MDL at the west sea and the summit of the highest height on Taeyonphyong
Island as an axis.
    C) Planes are not allowed to fly in the sky above the
U.S.forces-controlled islands in the territorial waters of
our side in principle and all planes are permitted to fly only in the sky
above these waterways in an unavoidable
    3. Warships and civilian ships of the U.S. Forces side should strictly
abide by the recognized international
navigation rules in the first, second and third zones and the first and
second waterways.
    4. If warships and civilian ships and planes of the U.S. forces side go
beyond the designated zones and
waterways, it will be an outright intrusion into the territorial waters of
our side and waters and airspace under our
military control.
    5. Neither threat nor hindrance to our side's movements are allowed
during the stipulated transit, and these
waterways and navigation zones shall not be used in blocking our warships
and civilian ships from sailing.
    6. The navigation zones and waterways have been designated this time in
any aspect in consideration of the fact
that the islands under the control of the U.S. forces side are inside the
territorial waters of our side, and these zones
and waterways shall not be waters of the U.S. forces side.
    Our proclamation of the "order of navigating to and from five islands"
is an expression of the strongest
magnanimity to prevent conflicts at the west sea and afford convenience in
islanders' life.
    The U.S. forces side should respect the MDL at the west sea and
strictly observe the instituted order of
    No one can predict where and when anything will happen if the order of
navigation is not observed.
    Our revolutionary armed forces solemnly declare they will retaliate
against the U.S. forces side without
warnings if it dares challenge our sincere efforts to prevent conflicts at
the west sea and ensure peace and security,
dancing to the tune of the South Korean authorities who are vociferating
about the so-called "victory in the
Yonphyong naval battle."

          March 23, Juche 89 (2000)

Anniversary of world meteorological organization observed

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA)-- Minju Joson today devotes a signed article
to the half centenary of the world
meteorological organization.
    Since its foundation the organization has developed geophysics,
including meteorology and hydrology, thus
contributing to the promotion of the wellbeing of humankind, the article
notes, and goes on:
    The meteorologists and hydrologists in the DPRK, keeping in touch with
the world meteorological
organization, are making accurate and scientific weather forecasts for all
areas of the country and admirably and
promptly analyzing meteorological data on it.
    The DPRK will as always boost cooperation with the organization and
take an active part in its activities in order
to meet the people's needs for weather forecasting and make an input to
harnessing the nature in keeping with their
requirements and will.

Korean citizens cannot be plaything of Japanese politicians

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Kim Il Sung
Socialist Youth League made
public a statement on Wednesday, denouncing some Japanese impure elements
for scheming to undermine the
community of Koreans in Japan with "local suffrage."
    The attempt to legislate on "local suffrage" is a political plot aimed
at undermining the community of Koreans in
Japan, destroying Chongryon (the General Association of Korean Residents in
Japan), an overseas Koreans'
organization, and assimilating Korean youths in Japan to Japanese, said the
    The attempt is an unpardonable criminal act of repeating in Japan the
misfortune, sufferings and sacrifice
inflicted upon the Korean people by the Japanese during their colonial rule
over Korea a half century ago, the
statement pointed out, and went on:
    It should be allowed to make overseas citizens of a recognized
sovereign state a plaything of Japanese
    Japan should not make an anachronistic play for "suffrage" but make a
sincere apology and compensation for its
past crimes as demanded by the Korean and Japanese peoples and make a
switchover in Korea policy.
    The South Korean authorities should immediately give up their
anti-national schemes to extend the tragedy of
national division to the community of Koreans in Japan.
    We strongly demand once again that the Japanese reactionaries
unconditionally and immediately stop legislating
on "local suffrage," a product of their hostile policy toward the DPRK.

Fight for establishment of democratic government called for

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- Chief Pak Kwang Gi of the Pyongyang
mission of the National Democratic
Front of South Korea (NDFSK) had an interview with KCNA on March 22 36
years after the March 24 uprising.
    He said:
    The uprising was an eruption of the pent-up wrath of the South Korean
people at the United States and Japan as
well as of their resentment against the flunkeyist traitors.
    The situation in South Korea is more grim, though 36 years have passed
since the uprising.
    The U.S. should put an end to its domination over and interference in
South Korea and immediately pull all its
aggression forces out of it and the Japanese reactionaries should abandon
its anachronistic design for re-conquest
and make a proper apology and compensation for its past crimes, as demanded
by all the world people.
    The Kim Dae Jung group should discard its evil habit of depending on
outsiders and no longer join in the
wicked efforts of the U.S. and Japan for aggression but step down at once.
    The NDFSK in firm unity with the patriotic people from all walks of
life will push ahead with a more vigorous
struggle for the liquidation of Kim Dae Jung group that tops the list of
pro-U.S., pro-Japanese elements, drive
outsiders and traitors out of South Korea and courageously fight for the
establishment of an independent, democratic

U.S. moves to embellish war of aggression on Korea

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. government distributed to
schools across the country
"commemoration posters" on "southward aggression" by someone and its
"counterattack" 50 years after the
outbreak of the Korean War, according to a radio report from Seoul.
    It is part of criminal moves to embellish the war of aggression
provoked by the U.S. in the Korean peninsula 50
years ago.

U.S. arms buildup in South Korea condemned

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- Samuel Walker, chairman of the Labour
Union of Guyana, made public a
statement on March 14, denouncing the United States for extensively
reinforcing armed forces in South Korea to
aggravate the situation.
    Although the U.S. talks about "peace" on the Korean peninsula and
"improvement of relations" in public, the
realities clearly show that there is little change in its policy of
strength to stifle the DPRK by force of arms, said the
    It denounced the U.S. reckless acts of staging joint military exercises
of different forms while reinforcing the
U.S. forces present in South Korea and the South Korean armed forces and
introducing modern combat equipment
as a dangerous act of rendering the situation of the Korean peninsula
strained. The statement demanded that the
United States immediately stop all military action against the DPRK.

Efforts geared to united front

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- After its foundation the Worker's Party
of Korea has invariably worked hard
for a united front.
    Political parties and public organisations that represented the
interests of different classes and social strata were
active in Korea even after its liberation from the Japanese imperialist
occupation. Counterrevolutionary forces were
trying to win middle-of-the-road forces over to their forces.
    Under the situation the President Kim Il Sung put forward an idea of
conducting a united front movement in the
form of open united front of democratic political parties and public
organisations calling for a democratic, sovereign
and independent state and gave a wise guidance over the efforts to put the
idea into practice.
    He led political parties to take the road of democracy, while
encouraging them to conduct their independent
activities in conformity with their characters. The WPK under his guidance
led political parties to join in the efforts
for the establishment of a democratic provisional government, agrarian
reform, nationalization of major industries
and other democratic reforms in the society and, in that process, achieved
cooperation and unity. It steered the work
for a united front in such a way as to isolate and liquidate reactionary
political parties and public organisations that
grouped pro-Japanese elements and traitors to the nation.
    Basing itself on this, the WPK inaugurated a standing organisation such
as the Democratic National United
Front at a meeting of representatives of four political parties and 13
public organisations in July, Juche 35 (1946).
    In June 1949 it inaugurated the Democratic Front for the Reunification
of the Fatherland involving all
democratic forces in the north and south of Korea and abroad to foil the
moves of the U.S. and pro-American
authorities to perpetuate the division of the country. The DFRF grouped at
least 70 political parties and public
organisations in the north, south and abroad except the political parties
under the direct control of the then
pro-American authorities. The WPK maintained independence in its activities
and work for the united front, while
playing its leading part and, at the same time, adhered to the principle of
concentrating upon a united front of rank
and file and achieving, on this basis, a united front of the upper strata.
    The successes and experience of the WPK in the work for the united
front serve as precious wealth in the
struggle of all political parties, public organisations and people from all
walks of life in the north and south and
abroad to achieve the independent, peaceful reunification of the country in
firm unity.

To conclude "general election" struggle with victory

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea
(Hanminjon) in a declaration on the situation on March 17 called upon all
the people to conclude the April 13
"general election" struggle with victory through a vigorous campaign for
defeating right-wing conservative corrupt
political forces and bring earlier the dawn of independence, democracy and
    The declaration stressed that the issue of concluding the April 13
"general election" with a victory of the
democratic forces as of today when the right-wing conservative corrupt
political forces are criticized for recording
crimes in the 50-year odd history of South Korean politics depends entirely
on the action of all the people.
    The declaration called upon the people to turn out in the campaign for
defeating the right-wing corrupt
politicians, dirty bastards of the dictatorial "government" and despicable
political whores.
    It denounced the United States for making the political situation
reactionary by whipping together pro-American
right-wing conservative forces and called for leading the defeat campaign
to the anti-U.S. struggle.
    It also called for activating the spring struggle of different strata
in combination with the defeat campaign.
    Victory is in store for the people who have risen up in unity, said the
declaration. It laid stress on achieving the
unity and joint action of all the national democratic forces.

Pakistani day observed

    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate signed
articles to the Day of Pakistan.
    Rodong Sinmun says:
    The Pakistani people have registered a great many successes in the
efforts for the nation's political stability and
the building of a prosperous, new society.
    The DPRK Pakistan relations of friendship have developed on good terms.
    It is the desire of the peoples of the two countries to boost the
relations. The Korean people will in the future,
too, work hard to develop the friendly relations with the Pakistani people.
    Minju Joson expresses belief that the traditional relations of
friendship between the two countries will grow
stronger and develop and wishes the Pakistani people greater success in
their future efforts for building a new life.

For Spanish-speaking people

impostergable devolucion de presos de largas condenas no abjurados

    pyongyang, 23 de marzo (atcc) -- el comite coreano para la medida de
salvacion a presos de largas condenas no
abjurados retenidos en sudcorea, publico el dia 22 la informacion de que
varias organizaciones no gubernamentales
y habitantes de distintos sectores de sudcorea despliegan una vigorosa
lucha por la devolucion de esos presos a la
parte norte de corea.
    segun la informacion, a finales del ano pasado, en seul fue constituido
el comite por la promocion de la
devolucion de esos presos integrado por 30 organizaciones de derechos
humanos, religiosas y sociales. con motivo
de esta formacion se eleva cada dia mas el clamor por su devolucion.
    al entrar en el ano 2000 varias organizaciones civiles, personalidades
de distintos sectores y amplios habitantes
de sudcorea desarrollan la vigorosa lucha por alcanzar la meta de devolver
dentro del ano en curso a kim in so, kim
yong thae, ham se hwan y todos los demas presos de largas condenas no
abjurados a la parte norte de corea.
    las organizaciones de derechos humanos y ciudadanos de chongju de la
provincia de chungchong del norte se
reunieron en enero pasado para denunciar a las autoridades que impiden la
devolucion de esos presos.
    el comite surcoreano por la promocion de la devolucion de los presos de
largas condenas no abjurados celebro
el 18 de enero pasado en seul una conferencia en la cual anuncio la
disposicion de librar la campana de recogida de
firmas en demanda de devolucion incondicional de esos presos y el 23 de
febrero efectuo en seul un simposio del
particular con la participacion de muchas personalidades de los circulos
religiosos, de derechos humanos,
ciudadanos, prensa y cientificos.
    los budistas, cristianos, catolicos y otros religiosos participan en la
campana de recogida de firmas en demanda
de devolucion de esos presos.
    esta demanda refleja el sentimiento del pueblo surcoreano.
    lo prueba bien el hecho de que lo exigieron activamente mas del 78 por
ciento de los participantes en la encuesta
referida a la devolucion de dichos presos realizada recientemente por una
organizacion surcoreana.
    las autoridades surcoreanas deben abandonar su erronea actitud sobre el
particular y devolverlos cuanto antes a
la parte norte de corea donde les esperan sus familiares y parientes, segun
la unanime demanda de la opinion interna
y externa, senala la informacion.

50 aniversario de fundacion de organizacion meteorologica mundial

    pyongyang, 23 de marzo (atcc) -- hoy, el periodico "minju joson" dedica
un articulo individual al 50 aniversario
de la fundacion de la organizacion meteorologica mundial (omm).
    el articulo senala, en particular:
    la omm desde su fundacion hasta la fecha contribuyo a desarrollar la
meteorologia y la hidrologia, en fin la
geofisica para el fomento del bienestar de la humanidad.
    la meteorologia y la hidrologia de corea en estrecha vinculacion con la
omm estan en condiciones de hacer el
correcto y cientifico pronostico del tiempo sobre todas las regiones del
pais y realizar con satisfaccion la labor de
recoger, analizar y tratar a tiempo los datos de tiempo de todas las regiones.
    tambien en el futuro como en el pasado la republica popular democratica
de corea fortalecera su cooperacion con
la omm y participara activamente en las actividades de esta organizacion
para satisfacer la demanda de las personas
sobre el pronostico del tiempo y contribuir a la transformacion de la
naturaleza conforme a la demanda y voluntad del

informacion importante de comandancia de fuerza naval de epc

    pyongyang, 23 de marzo (atcc) -- la comandancia de la fuerza naval del
ejercito popular de corea publico hoy la
importante informacion "anunciar el 'orden de navegacion para 5 islas' como
medida siguiente al establecimiento de
la linea de demarcacion militar en el mar oeste de corea".
    la informacion senala:
    el estado mayor general del epc definio y anuncio el 2 de septiembre
del 88 (1999) de la era juche la linea de
demarcacion militar en el mar oeste de corea partiendo del unico deseo de
preservar la paz y estabilidad del territorio
    esta linea es la mas racional, realista e imparcial que conviene
enteramente al acuerdo de armisticio de corea y el
derecho internacional.
    tanto la opinion publica mundial como los circulos politicos, sociales
y cientificos de sudcorea reconocen la
ilegalidad de la "linea limite norte" de la parte surcoreana y la
adecuacion juridica de la nueva linea de demarcacion
militar en el mar oeste presentada por nuestra parte calificando a esta
ultima de "sumamente logica".
    el "reconocimiento taciturno" y el "mantenimiento" de la "linea limite
norte" de que habla la parte de las tropas
norteamericanas no pasan de ser miseras peroraciones tendentes a liberarse
del aprieto en que se halla por la justeza
de la linea de demarcacion militar en el mar oeste.
    al tomar en consideracion el hecho de que se encuentran dentro de
nuestras areas maritimas jurisdiccionales las
islas paekryong, taechong, sochong, yonphyong y u, sujetas a la
jurisdiccion de la parte de las tropas
norteamericanas segun el acuerdo de armisticio de corea, hemos venido
esforzandonos en todos los angulos por
solucionar por via negociada la navegacion de los barcos que frecuentan
estas islas y otros problemas que se
presenten entre ambas partes.
    pero, la parte de las tropas norteamericanas al insistir de continuo en
la "linea limite norte" unilateral y carente de
adecuacion juridica induce en error la opinion publica como si hubiera
logrado "victoria" en el pasado conflicto
armado en el mar oeste y actua arrogantemente infiltrando con frecuencia
sus buques en el area maritima de control
militar de nuestra parte.
    no podemos menos que calificar tal acto de la parte de tropas
norteamericanas de intencional y planeado complot
orientado a instigar a las autoridades surcoreanas a provocar nuevo caso
sensacional en el mar oeste de corea y
exacerbar mas la situacion.
    estamos dispuestos a resolver a traves de las negociaciones los asuntos
que se presenten para observar la linea
de demarcacion militar maritima en el mar oeste, pero la parte de las
tropas norteamericanas rehusa hasta el fin la
solucion negociada. asi no podemos esperar indefinidamente para que ella
acceda a la discusion practica.
    por eso la comandancia de la fuerza naval del ejercito popular de
corea, por encargo, define y anuncia el "orden
de navegacion para 5 islas" situadas en las areas maritimas al norte de la
linea de demarcacion militar maritima en el
mar oeste.
    1. entre las 5 islas bajo la jurisdiccion de la parte de las tropas
norteamericanas situadas en nuestras aguas
jurisdiccionales definimos como el sector no. uno las areas maritimas de
los contornos de las islas paekryong,
taechong y sochong= como el sector no.2 las del contorno de la isla
yonphyong y como el sector no.3 las de la isla
    1) el limite norte del sector no.uno es la linea de 38 grados de
latitud norte y el limite este, sur y oeste es la linea
paralela de 2 km de ancho a la de calculo del mar territorial de las islas
paekryong, taechog y sochong.
    2) el limite norte del sector no. 2 es la linea de 37:41:24 de latitud
norte y el limite este, sur y oeste la linea
parelela de 2 km de ancho a la de calculo del mar territorial de la isla
    3) el limite del sector no. 3 es la linea paralela de 2 km de ancho a
la de calculo del mar territorial de la isla u.
    4) los buques de guerra de la parte de tropas norteamericanas y barcos
civiles tienen la libertad de navegacion en
los sectores no.1, no.2 y no.3 a menos que resulten hostiles a nuestra parte.
    2. los buques de guerra de la parte de tropas norteamericanas y barcos
civiles que frecuenten el sector no.1
pueden navegar solo por la ruta maritima no.1 y los que frecuenten el
sector no. 2 solo por la ruta maritima no.2.
    1) la ruta maritima no. 1 tiene una milla de derecha e izquierda de
ancho teniendo por eje la linea que liga el
punto de 37 grados, 10 minutos y 3 segundos de latitud norte y de 125
grados, 13 minutos y 19 segundos de
longitud este de la linea de demarcacion militar en el mar oeste con la
cima de la cota mas alta de la isla sochong.
    2) la ruta maritima no. 2 tiene una milla de derecha e izquierda de
ancho teniendo por eje la linea que liga el
punto de 37 grados, 31 minutos y 25 segundos de latitud norte y de 125
grados, 50 minutos y 38 segundos de
longitud este de la linea de demarcacion militar en el mar oeste con la
cima de la cota mas alta de la isla
    3) en principio, los aviones no pueden frecuentar dichas islas sujetas
a la jurisdiccion de la parte de las tropas
norteamericanas que se hallan en las aguas territoriales de nuestra parte y
en casos inevitables pueden volar solo
sobre las rutas arriba mencionadas.
    3. los buques de guerra de la parte de tropas norteamericanas y los
barcos civiles deben observar con
rigurosidad las reglas de navegacion internacional reconocidas en los
sectores no.1, no.2 y no.3 y las rutas
maritimas no.1 y no.2.
    4. en los casos en que se desvien de dichos sectores y rutas los buques
de guerra de la parte de las tropas
norteamericanas, los barcos civiles y los aviones lo consideraremos como
intrusion en las aguas y espacio aereo
jurisdiccionales y la zona maritima de control militar de nuestra parte.
    5. durante la navegacion por las rutas maritimas definidas no deben dar
amenaza ni obstaculo a las acciones de
nuestra parte y estas rutas y los sectores en cuestion no pueden ser los
que impidan la navegacion de nuestros
buques de guerra y barcos civiles.
    6. los mencionados sectores y rutas son definidos al considerar que las
islas sujetas a la jurisdiccion de la parte
de las tropas norteamericanas se hallan en nuestras aguas territoriales y
no pueden ser las areas maritimas de la parte
de las tropas norteamericanas.
    el anuncio de esta vez del "orden de navegacion para cinco islas" es
una manifestacion de la maxima
magnanimidad para evitar conflictos en aguas maritimas del mar oeste y
ofrecer comodidades a la vida de los
habitantes islenos.
    la parte de las tropas norteamericanas debe respetar la linea de
demarcacion militar en el mar oeste y observar
rigurosamente el orden de navegacion establecido.
    en el caso contrario nadie puede prever cuando, donde y que cosa sucedera.
    declaramos solemnemente que si la parte de las tropas norteamericanas
simpatiza con la vociferacion de las
autoridades surcoreanas sobre la "victoria en el combate maritimo de
yonphyong" y desafia a nuestros sinceros
esfuerzos por evitar las conflictos en el mar oeste y preservar la paz y la
seguridad, nuestras fuerzas armadas
revolucionarias le responderemos con acciones sin advertencias.


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