>From: "Int'l Leninist Current" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Protest against the expulsion of four Japanese anti-imperialists and
>political refugees from Lebanon
>We call upon all anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist forces to support this
>protest resolution. (Up to now it had only be spred in German language,
>therefore the supporters are only from this region.)
>The Committee for Anti-Imperialist Solidarity (KAS, Austria) and the
>undersigned organisations express their dismay and their protest
>against the expulsion of the four fighters of the Japanese Red Army
>(Nihon Sekigun, JRA), Tohira Kazuo, Adachi Masao, Yamamoto Mariko und
>Wako Haruo to Jordan, from where they were extradited to Japan, where
>they face long gaol sentences or even the death penalty.
>This step is even more incomprehensible and appalling, as a Lebanese
>court had rejected just a few weeks ago an application from Japan for
>extradition of the JRA members. This was owed to the pressure of the
>Lebanese population and international solidarity. The Japanese
>anti-imperialists enjoy broad sympathy and support in Lebanon and the
>Arab countries, because they had risked their lives for the liberation
>of the Arab peoples from constant imperialist and Zionist aggression
>and occupation, and they had suffered long years of detention and
>In particular in view of the continued Israeli aggression in South
>Lebanon, there was broad consent to the demand for political asylum
>for the JRA members in Lebanon. Nevertheless the Lebanese government
>is partly guilty for the extradition of four out of the five JRA
>members to Japan, because of the expulsion of them to Jordan. The
>Lebanese government in a most incomprehensible way ignored the
>expressions of solidarity in Lebanon and all over the world, and they
>ignored their right of political asylum. Only Okamoto Kozo, the only
>survivor of the 1972 PLO operation with JRA cooperation against the
>Israeli airport Lod, was granted asylum.
>Okamoto Kozo was freed after 13 years in inhuman conditions in Israeli
>prisons in 1985 in an exchange of prisoners between the PLO and the
>Israeli government. He had to undergo therapy for more than one year
>to recover from the torture he had suffered. Finally he found refuge
>in Lebanon.
>But in 1997 Okamoto and the four other JRA members were arrested for
>illegal residence in Lebanon and forgery of documents, and they were
>sentenced a three-year gaol term. Since then there was a broad
>movement in Lebanon and on an international scale demanding to grant
>political asylum to the Japanese anti-imperialists in Lebanon.
>We - part of the international solidarity movement "Friends of Okamoto
>and His Comrades" - had rejoiced as we got the news that the Lebanese
>courts had rejected a Japanese demand for extradition of these
>anti-imperialists to Japan. We are deeply concerned about their recent
>The recent intensification of Israeli attacks against South Lebanon
>and the Lebanese civilian population should oblige the government of
>Lebanon to show special solidarity with all persecuted international
>comrades-in-arms for the liberation of the Arab peoples, and against
>the Israeli crimes. The five Japanese anti-imperialists are
>outstanding examples in this struggle and have gained high esteem from
>all freedom-loving people.
>This is why we want to express to the Lebanese authorities our concern
>and our protest about these actions.
>It is now the duty of all democratic governments, organisations and
>individuals, to put pressure on the Japanese government to protect the
>lives and the freedom of the JRA anti-imperialists.
>We ask the Lebanese authorities that are guilty for the sad fate of
>the four fighters at least to join the international declarations of
>solidarity for the Japanese anti-imperialists.
>Committee for Anti-Imperialist Solidarity
>Vienna, March 21st 2000
>Movement for Social Liberation / Austria
>Casa del Pueblo Latinoamericano / Vienna
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Communist Action (Komak) / Austria
>Communist Youth of Austria (KJOe)
>Revolutionary Leftist Movement Chile / Austria
>Revolutionary Communist League (RKL) / Austria
>Revolutionary Communist League (RKL) / Thuringia
>Marxist Circle / Hamburg
>Autonomous Palestine Group (APG)
>Trial Groups to the DHKP-C Trials
>Committee for International Solidarity (KL)
>Alliance for Peace and Social Justice / Germany
>Coordinators of the Alliance of Anti-Imperialists, Communists and
>Socialists / Saxonia
>Representatives of the "Internationalism" Platform / Saxonia
>autonomi-kollektivet / Denmark
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10


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