DPRK News March 26

More preparatory committees for Sun's Day formed

Antiaircraft ball-firing exercise in S. Korea

Murderous atrocities by U.S. troops

"Benevolent Sunshine In Alien Land, Too" published

More truth about GIs' atrocities disclosed

U.S. forces' pullback from S. Korea called for

CSGE's new warning

For Spanish-speaking people

More preparatory committees for Sun's Day formed

    Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees for commemorating
Sun's Day, the birth anniversary
of the President Kim Il Sung, were formed in Nigeria, Zimbabwe and
Thailand, too.
    At the inaugural meetings speakers stressed that Kim Il Sung was a
distinguished thinker and theoretician who
founded the great Juche idea, an immortal guiding idea which guarantees
progress, prosperity and happiness for
humankind not only in the 20th century but in the 21st century, a great
statesman who gave a genuine life and
happiness to the people with the politics of love and trust and benevolent
politics and a great man who attracted all
people with his outstanding personality.
    The meetings decided to organize various commemoration functions on
Sun's Day.

Antiaircraft ball-firing exercise in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities have been
staging an antiaircraft ball-firing
exercise on the west cost since the middle of this month, according to a
radio report from Seoul.
    It was reported that the exercise would continue for nearly a month
till April 8.
    The ball-firing exercise on the west cost where the South Korean
authorities triggered off the exchange of fire in
a summer last year proves that they are recklessly rushing headlong toward
a new provocation.

Murderous atrocities by U.S. troops

    Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- The Peruvian Committee for Supporting the
Independent and Peaceful
Reunification of Korea made public a statement on March 15 in support of
the joint appeal of the Korean Democratic
Lawyers Association and the Korean National Peace Committee regarding the
U.S. troops' massacres of civilians
during the Korean War.
    The statement vehemently condemned the GIs' crimes violating the
elementary law which the warring countries
should observe.
    The South Korean authorities should discard the unclear stance taken by
them in the in international condemn
the murder case, a shame of all humankind, the statement said, and stressed:
    The Peruvian committee demands that the United States and international
organisations clarify the truth and that
the United States make a proper compensation.
    Hamilton green, leader of the Good Green Guyana, in a press statement
on March 20 said that the United States
should reflect on its mass killings during the Korean War and that the
united nations directly involved in them
should take a pertinent measure to prevent the recurrence of such unethical
crimes against humankind.

"Benevolent Sunshine In Alien Land, Too" published

    Tokyo, March 24 (KNS-KCNA) -- The General Association of Korean
Residents in Japan (Chongryon)
recently brought out a book "Benevolent Sunshine In Alien Land, Too" (vol.
4) which deals with the great love and
solicitude bestowed upon Chongryon officials and Koreans in Japan by the
President Kim Il Sung.
    Edited in the book are real stories written by chairman of the central
standing committee of Chongryon Han Tok
Su, former first vice-chairman Ri Jin Gyu, first vice-chairman So Man Sul,
chief vice-chairman Ho Jong Man and
other Chongryon officials and Korean traders and industrialists in Japan
about the great solicitude they received
from Kim Il Sung.
    The book contains 14 articles including "May You Live Forever" and "Our
Leader Is Best In the World."

More truth about GIs' atrocities disclosed

    Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- The investigation committee of the
Democratic Front for the Reunification of
the Fatherland issued indictment no. 2 yesterday after reinvestigating
monstrous mass killings and destruction
committed by the U.S. aggressors in the North Korea from early August to
the middle of September 1950 after the
outbreak of the Korean War.
    The committee, which was organized at the outset of the war, has
investigated and recorded GIs' massacres for
the last 50 years. It issued indictment no. 1 on Feb. 19 disclosing the
truth about massacres committed by GIs from
June 25 to early August, 1950.
    The indictment no. 2 said that the U.S. aggressors murdered over 3,590
peaceable civilians, destroyed or burnt
6,122 dwelling houses and reduced many cultural facilities and peaceful
industrial establishments to ashes in the
North Korea from early August to the middle of September 1950.
    Among the victims to the U.S. air raids were not only doctors and
nurses but mothers at childbirth and patients
and even nursery children.
    The U.S. aggressors also killed many rural women picking edible grass,
peaceable civilians at work to
rearrange and rehabilitate destroyed streets and houses, farmers on fields,
civilians walking on roads and women
washing clothes on the riverside.
    U.S. aggressors indiscriminately bombed, bombarded and strafed not only
defenseless major cities but farm
and fishery villages and any dwelling house, totally destroying or burning
    The indictment cited concrete data to prove that this barbarism
resulted in completely destroying 401,498
Phyong (one Phyong equals six feet square) of farmland in South Hamgyong
Province and 34,182 Phyong in
South Phyongan Province just before harvest.
    It continued:
    All the facts clearly prove once again that the U.S. aggressors are,
indeed, beasts in human skin who are fond
of man-hunting and the most shameless warmongers who regard aggression,
plunder and destruction as their
favorite amusement.
    The Korean nation can never forget the U.S. brutes' crimes in drenching
the land of Korea with the blood of
fellow countrymen, burning and destroying their cradles and wealth and will
force them to pay for them a thousand

U.S. forces' pullback from S. Korea called for

    Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA)-- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
assails the U.S. Defense
Secretary and the commander of the U.S. forces in South Korea for their
shameless outbursts reiterating the "need"
for U.S. forces' presence in Asia under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK.
    These outcries made by the U.S. warmongers are nothing but jargons
intended to shift the responsibility for the
increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula onto the DPRK and tone down the
mounting anti-U.S. sentiment in
South Korea, the commentary observes, and goes on:
    The U.S. forces in South Korea are neither "deterrent force" nor a
factor of bringing "peace" or "prosperity" to
it. They are the arch harasser of the peace and security on the peninsula
and the very source of all sorts of misfortune
and sufferings.
    During the Cold War era the United States justified its forces'
presence in South Korea under the pretext of
"threat from the Soviet Union". But now it works hard to justify it under
the pretext of non-existent "threat from
North Korea."
    The United States is well advised to drop its bad habit of slandering
others in a bid to conceal its despicable
colors and pull its forces out of South Korea at once in keeping with the
global trend.

CSGE's new warning

   Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- The Citizens Solidarity for General
Election (CSGE) in South Korea warned
the ruling and opposition parties that if those politicians and other
persons whom it had already termed as
unqualified are nominated as candidates in "national constituencies" for
"National Assembly election" it would make
a separate list of those to be defeated and conduct a campaign for their
withdrawal, a Seoul-based radio reported.
    The South Korean "National Assembly" consists of two categories of
"assemblymen," those from the "regional
constituencies" and "national constituencies" according to the undemocratic
"election law".
    It has been a usual practice in each "election" in South Korea that
vicious corrupt and degenerated elements who
had stood no chance of election at the "regional constituencies" are
nominated as candidates in "national
constituencies" to make them "national assemblymen".
    The CSGE served this new warning in a bid to prevent those who have
already been listed as unqualified for
"nomination" from proceeding to the "National Assembly" through the channel
of "national constituencies".

For Spanish-speaking people

se debe observar orden de navegacion

    pyongyang, 25 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserto un comentario
insistiendo en que los imperialistas norteamericanos y los gobernantes
surcoreanos deben respetar la linea de
demarcacion militar en el mar oeste que disfruta de simpatia unanime de la
opinion interna y externa y observar
rigurosamente el orden de navegacion establecido.
    el comentario senala:
    la comandancia de la fuerza naval del ejercito popular de corea dio a
conocer el orden de navegacion para 5 islas
situadas en areas maritimas al norte de la linea de demarcacion militar en
el mar oeste como una medida siguiente al
establecimiento de esta linea. el orden de navegacion aclara que las rutas
maritimas y los sectores de navegacion esta
vez establecidos no pueden ser areas maritimas de la parte de las tropas
    la publicacion del "orden de navegacion para 5 islas" por la
comandancia de la fuerza naval del epc es la
expresion de la posicion magnanima y amante de la paz de la rpdc de evitar
el conflicto militar en el mar oeste y el
peligro de estallido de la nueva guerra y brindar comodidades a la vida de
los habitantes de dichas islas.
    la "linea limite norte" en que insisten los imperialistas
norteamericanos y las autoridades surcoreanas es trazada
unilateralmente en desacato al acuerdo de armisticio y el derecho
internacional y como tal constituye un grave
atentado a la dignidad y la soberania de la rpdc.
    la publicacion del "orden de navegacion para 5 islas" por la
comandancia de la fuerza naval del epc es una
medida activa para prevenir de todas maneras el nuevo estallido del
conflicto militar de ambas partes y relajar la
tension creada en esas areas maritimas bajo las condiciones en que la parte
de las tropas norteamericanas rehusan la
via negociada para la solucion del problema.
    los imperialistas norteamericanos y los gobernantes surcoreanos no
deben insistir mas en la "linea limite norte".
    nuestras fuerzas armadas revolucionarias declararon solemnemente que
tomaran las resueltas medidas de accion
sin advertencia en el caso en que los imperialistas norteamericanos y los
gobernantes surcoreanos transgredan a su
antojo el "orden de navegacion para 5 islas".
    si los belicistas internos y externos desafian a los esfuerzos de la
rpdc por evitar el conflicto en el mar oeste y
asegurar la paz y la seguridad seran sepultados para siempre en este mar.


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