DPRK News March 27

Kim Jong Il inspects Taehongdan county integrated farm

Hong Song Nam congratulates Nepalese Prime Minister

Vietnamese President on relations with DPRK

U.S. Patriot missiles replaced by latest ones

U.S. hit for apache replacement in S. Korea

Anti-DPRK campaign may imperil DPRK-Japan inter-governmental talks

Settlement of historical outstanding issue no further delay

Independence Day of Bangladesh observed

Three-point charter for Korea's reunification supported

Korean books presented to Thailand

Firm solidarity to Korean people's just struggle

Preparatory committees formed abroad

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspects Taehongdan county integrated farm

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il gave
guidance to the Taehongdan county
integrated farm in Ryanggang Province. He visited its power station, branch
farm and demobilized soldiers' village.
    He was accompanied by Kye Ung Thae and Kim Yong Sun, secretaries of the
Central Committee of the WPK,
and Jang Song Thaek, first vice director of a department of the WPK Central
    He went first to Taehongdan Power Station no. 1.
    He acquainted himself with the construction and operation of the power
station and encouraged its employees in
the drive for increased production. He noted with great satisfaction that
Taehongdan county has not only fully met
its needs for electricity for production by building many power stations on
its own efforts but realized the electrical
heating of houses for thousands of families and schools and is forcefully
pushing ahead with the construction of
new power stations.
    He highly praised party members and other working people in the county
for improving the standard of their
living by fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance.
    He said that the efficiency of investment should be ensured by cutting
down the norm of electricity use as much
as possible and effectively using produced electricity.
    He then went to the Sinhung branch farm.
    He acquainted himself in detail with its potato farming last year.
    He said that, in hearty response to the WPK's policy on effecting a
revolutionary turn in potato farming, the
Taehongdan county integrated farm registered a lot of successes and set
forth highly important tasks which would
serve as guidelines in drastically boosting potato harvest.
    Efforts should be concentrated on the cultivation of potato, a
high-yield crop in the alpine area to significantly
increase the grain production, he said, adding that it is imperative to
take proper measures to transport, store and
process potato in advance in keeping with the drastic increase of potato
    If the Taehongdan county integrated farm is to have high and stable
harvests at all times, it is important to
prevent damage by wind, he said, stressing that the size of fields should
be fixed properly and more windbreak
forests be created.
    He learned about the level of mechanization of the farm work and set
forth a task to convert it into a model
communist farm in a short span of time where comprehensive mechanization is
fully realized.
    Now that the state has supplied the farm with a sufficient number of
modern farm machines including large
lorries and tractors with strong horsepower, he said it should meticulously
organize the work to make an effective
use of them and realise the comprehensive mechanization in a short period
so as to build an ideal communist village,
a paradise for people, on the Paektu plateau before others.
    He looked round the demobilized soldiers' village in the Sodu branch farm.
    He dropped in at the house of Min Won Sik, a demobilized soldier, and
looked round its kitchen and rooms,
taking care of his family's life down to all details as his real father
would do.
    He posed for a photograph with min won sik and his wife who had thrown
themselves in his arms.
    On the same day, he appreciated an art performance given by
agricultural workers of the Taehongdan county
integrated farm in a field education room of the Sodu branch farm.

Hong Song Nam congratulates Nepalese Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam
sent a congratulatory
message to Girija Prasad Koirala on his appointment as Prime Minister of
the Kingdom of Nepal.
    The message extended sincere congratulations to the Prime Minister and
expressed the belief that the friendly
and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop.
    It also wished him greater success in his responsible work.

Vietnamese President on relations with DPRK

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong spoke
of the relations between
Vietnam and the DPRK when he met DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and his
party on March 25. He said
that the Vietnamese party, government and people would strive to steadily
strengthen the friendly and cooperative
relations with the Korean people in the future.
    He stressed that the Vietnamese people would always stand on the side
of the Korean people and support them
in socialist construction and the cause of national reunification.
    He highly appreciated the achievements made by the Korean people under
the wise guidance of the great leader
Kim Jong Il.

U.S. Patriot missiles replaced by latest ones

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- The U.S. has replaced all the Patriot
missiles deployed in South Korea with
the latest ones, according to a radio report from Seoul.
    They attribute the replacement to defects found in the warhead and the
guided system of the Patriot missile, but
there is no doubt that the existing missiles have been replaced with the
improved types of missiles as part of the arms

U.S. hit for apache replacement in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson yesterday in a signed
commentary termed the replacement of the
existing helicopters "Apache" with new type ones in South Korea as fresh
arms buildup.
    The U.S. announced that it would begin replacing helicopters "AH-64A
Apache" deployed in South Korea with
helicopters "AH-64d Apache" in April, the commentary noted, and went on:
    The U.S., raising a hue and cry over the "nuclear threat" and "missile
threat", is shipping war equipment into
South Korea.
    Recalling that the commander of the U.S. forces in South Korea said new
arms system would be deployed in
South Korea in a few years to come, the commentary observed:
    It is obvious that the arms buildup now under way under the signboard
of the "replacement" is aimed at
implementing the "operation plan 5027-98" targeted against the DPRK.
    Through the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework the U.S. formally assured the
DPRK that it would not pose a
military threat to the DPRK. But it is massively introducing the latest war
equipment into South Korea to browbeat
the DPRK, backpedaling its promise. The DPRK will not remain a passive
onlooker to it but take a strong
counter-measure against this.

Anti-DPRK campaign may imperil DPRK-Japan inter-governmental talks

   Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Some Japanese politicians and media are
busy with a diatribe twisting the
nature of the relations between the DPRK and Japan and the pending issues
between them at a time when the
inter-governmental full-dress talks between the two countries are slated to
take place soon.
    In this regard, papers here continue carrying signed articles
clarifying the nature of the relations between the
DPRK and Japan and the pending issues between them.
    Rodong Sinmun yesterday in an article titled "fundamental issue is
settlement of past crimes" said that if the
relations between the DPRK and Japan are to be improved, hostile feelings
and distrust pent up between the two
countries should be rooted out, and Japan is entirely to blame for this.
    The article said:
    The present relations between the DPRK and Japan should be described as
those between the victim who
suffered tremendous spiritual, moral, physical and material losses but has
received neither apology nor
compensation for them and the assailant who has not uttered even a word of
apology for inflicting such enormous
losses upon the former.
    The main principle to govern the process of improving the relations
between the DPRK and Japan remains
    It means that Japan's apology and compensation for their past crimes
against the Korean people should be a
start point in the work to improve the relations between the two countries.
    The inter-governmental talks for the improvement of relations should be
held on the basis of this principle.
    The talks should take up the issue of Japan's apology and compensation
to the Korean people, the core of the
pending issues between the two countries.
    If this basic issue is not discussed, there will be no need for the
DPRK and Japan to sit together and waste time.
This being a stark reality, some Japanese politicians and media assert that
such unrealistic issues as "suspected
kidnapping" and "missile issue" should be taken up by the talks, talking
about "people's feelings" and "domestic
    This cannot be construed otherwise than a sinister intention to disturb
the process for the improvement of the
bilateral relations.
    If their mean trick to distort the nature of the relations and pending
issues between the two countries and moves
to stifle the DPRK are allowed to go on, it may imperil the
inter-governmental talks between the DPRK and Japan.
    Minju Joson yesterday in an article titled "Japan should redeem its
past crimes" said:
    The DPRK clarified more than once its principled stand on the
improvement of relations between the DPRK and
    But, the Japanese reactionaries are busy distorting its crime-woven
past and working hard to link such fictions
of their own making as non-existent "suspected kidnapping" and "mysterious
ship" with the DPRK on the eve of the
opening of the talks. Nothing is more base than these moves.

Settlement of historical outstanding issue no further delay

   Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- The 9th intergovernmental full-dress talks
between the DPRK and Japan will
be held soon.
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today runs a commentator's article.
    Whether the talks can settle all the issues in line with the interests
of the peoples of the two countries and their
wishes or not depends entirely upon Japan's stand and attitude towards the
atonement for the past wrongdoings,
says the article.
    It goes on:
    The soon-to-be-resumed talks should be productive to make progress. If
the talks run in name only, failing to
make any progress, they are of no use.
    To improve the bilateral relations is the desire and demand of the
peoples of the two countries for reconciliation,
good neighborliness, peace and cooperation.
    The improvement of the bilateral relations is, in essence, for Japan to
atone for the past crimes against the
Korean people and, based on this, establish new good neighbor relations in
conformity with the interests of the
peoples of the two countries and the requirements of the times.
    The core of the efforts to establish diplomatic ties between the two
countries is Japan's atonement for the past.
    It is also at the core of the settlement of the outstanding issues
between the two countries.
    At the historic turn of the century Japan's atonement for the past
crimes against the Korean people brooks no
further delay.
    As for Japan's atonement for the past wrongdoings, it is the issue that
has remained unsettled for more than half
a century. It is not a mere economic and business-like matter of paying
compensation and receiving it.
    For its political importance and seriousness the atonement for the past
wrongdoings is an urgent problem that
should be solved within the year 2000.
    The crimes the Japanese imperialists committed for nearly half a
century are the grisliest ones. They inflicted
immeasurable spiritual, moral, human, material and cultural losses upon the
Korean people.
    The DPRK has regarded Japan as the sworn enemy because Japan still
refuses to atone for the past crimes. If
Japan's atonement for the past crimes is resolved, other issues will be
settled smoothly. Japan should properly
understand this and begin the normalization process with atoning for the
past crimes, the DPRK's principled
    The talks are imminent, but anti-Japanese feelings of the people's army
and people and their caution against
Japan are growing stronger than ever before because of the recent
ill-boding moves in Japan.
    The Japanese reactionaries defined the DPRK as their enemy and have
amassed their armed forces in the coastal
areas of Japan, the western region in particular. They are advocating a war
theory, principle of aggression which
calls for a "preemptive attack" on the DPRK and its "destruction."
    The DPRK, however, is to have talks with Japan, in good faith with
    At the soon-to-be-held talks the Japanese reactionaries intend to raise
"kidnapping" and "missile" issues under
the pretext of "sentiment of the Japanese." This compels the DPRK to cast a
doubt about Japan's attitude toward the
    The Korean People's Army and people are greatly angry at the insincere
stand and shameless attitude of Japan.
They insist that they feel no need to have any dealing with Japan but use
other means to force Japan to settle the
crimes it has committed for one hundred years as well as its past
wrongdoings, to satisfy the grudge of the nation.
    Japan should have a proper understanding of the resentment and will of
the people's army and people and take a
correct approach toward the talks. It should not seek to get any
"concession" from the DPRK by using issues other
than the basic outstanding issue as a ploy for political bargaining and a
means for fleeing from the responsibility for
the atonement for the past. This attempt is not good for Japan itself, in
the long run.
    Japan should be mindful of its past lesson and, at the same time, face
up to the present realities and come out to
the talks with sincerity.

Independence Day of Bangladesh observed

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Papers here yesterday observed the 29th
Independence Day of Bangladesh.
    Papers in their signed articles referred to the successes the
Bangladeshi people have made in the efforts to create
a new life despite various difficulties since independence.
    Papers noted that the Bangladeshi government, pursuing a non-aligned
policy externally, has developed friendly
and cooperative relations with many countries.
    Rodong Sinmun said the DPRK is convinced that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the peoples of
the DPRK and Bangladesh will as always develop on good terms.
    Minju Joson noted that the Korean people sincerely wish the Bangladeshi
people greater success in the work to
build a new, independent and prosperous society.

Three-point charter for Korea's reunification supported

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- The general secretary of the leading
committee of the People's Rally for
Socialism of Democratic Congo at its meeting held on March 20 said that the
meeting of the executive committee of
the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea
called for an international signature
campaign for supporting the three-point charter for Korea's reunification.
    He stressed that it is the consistent stand of his party that the
Korean peninsula should be reunified according to
the charter.
    Then the general secretary and the members of the leading committee of
the rally signed a signature paper
supporting the charter on behalf of 2,000 party members.

Korean books presented to Thailand

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Korean books were presented with due
ceremony in Bangkok on March 21.
    At the ceremony, reminiscences "With the Century" and other famous
works of the President Kim Il Sung and
immortal works of General Secretary Kim Jong Il including "On the Juche
Idea" and Korean books were presented
to the Palang Dharma (Righteous Force) Party of Thailand.

Firm solidarity to Korean people's just struggle

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Hannu Harju, chairman of the for peace
and socialism-the Communist
Worker's Party of Finland, giving his impressions of the DPRK, expressed
firm solidarity with the righteous
struggle of the Korean people.
    He stressed that the Korean people have been able to defend socialism
despite manifold hardships because the
great Kim Jong Il is pursuing the army-first policy after training the army
as the core and main force of the
    The U.S., behaving like an "emperor" on this planet, do not hesitate to
interfere in the internal affairs of other
countries but they can never overpower the Korean people, he said.
    He called on the communists and the progressive people of the world to
follow the example of the iron-willed
Korean people who uphold their leader with loyalty and strengthen
solidarity with them, in the fight to defend the
socialist system.
    The communists of Finland will always stand on the side of the Korean
people and victory belongs to the
Korean people, he added.

Preparatory committees formed abroad

    Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- The coming April 15 is Sun's Day. This
day this year marks the 88th birth
anniversary of the President Kim Il Sung.
    On this occasion, preparatory committees are being formed with due
ceremony world-wide to commemorate
Sun's Day.
    The national preparatory committee of Peru for commemorating Sun's Day
was formed on February 10. Then
followed preparatory committees in scores of countries including Guyana,
Colombia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
Congo, Egypt, Uganda, Britain, France and Sweden and their number is on a
steady increase.
    Sun's Day is the greatest holiday not only for the Korean people but
for the world progressives because they
strongly wish to commemorate Sun's Day as an auspicious holiday common to
humankind, retrospecting
contributions made by the President to world peace and security and the
prosperity of the progressive mankind all
his life.
    This desire is reflected in the inaugural functions of the preparatory
committees for commemorating Sun's Day.
    Speakers at inaugural meetings stressed that President Kim Il Sung is
the great sun of the 20th century who
fathered the Juche idea, illumining the road progressive mankind should follow.
    The inaugural meeting of the all-India national preparatory committee
called upon the progressive people of the
world to grandly commemorate Sun's Day.
    The inaugural meetings set the period from mid-March to mid-April for
commemorations and announced action
programs to organize meaningful and multifarious April events. They include
rallies, symposiums, meetings, photo
exhibitions, film shows, etc.
    Among the members of the preparatory committees are officials of
governments, political parties and social
organizations and heads of friendship and solidarity organizations in those
countries the committees have been

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il dirige sobre terreno granja combinada de distrito taehongdan

    pyongyang, 27 de marzo (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il,
secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea
y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular
democratica de corea dirigio sobre el terreno la
granja combinada del distrito de taehongdan de la provincia de ryanggang.
recorrio la planta electrica, el lote y la
aldea de desmovilizados.
    le acompanaron kye ung thae y kim yong sun, secretarios del cc del ptc
y jang song thaek, primer subjefe de
departamento del cc del ptc.
    el dirigente kim jong il recorrio la planta electrica no. 1 de taehongdan.
    hizo conocimiento de la construccion, administracion y gestion de la
planta electrica y dio estimulo a los
empleados por sus esfuerzos por el aumento de generacion electrica.
    se mostro muy satisfecho de que el distrito de taehongdan construyo por
cuenta propia muchas plantas electricas
para asegurar con suficiencia la electricidad para la produccion y realizar
la calefaccion electrica de las escuelas y
viviendas para miles de familias y promueve con vigor la construccion de
las nuevas y evaluo altamente los exitos de
lucha de los miembros del partido y los trabajadores de este distrito que
organizan con mas esmero la vida
economica al desplegar plenamente el espiritu revolucionario de autoconfianza.
    subrayo que se debe rebajar al maximo la norma de consumo electrico y
usar con eficiencia la electricidad
generada para asegurar la efectividad de la inversion.
    el dirigente kim jong il recorrio el lote sinhung.
    se entero de los pormenores de cultivo de patata de la granja del ano
    dijo que se han logrado grandes exitos en la granja combinada del
distrito de taehongdan en pleno acato a la
politica del ptc de registrar un viraje revolucionario en el cultivo de la
patata y presento las tareas programaticas que
sirven de guia para el respecto.
    recalco que se debe concentrar la fuerza en el cultivo de la patata de
alto rendimiento en las zonas elevadas para
aumentar trascendentalmente la produccion cerealista y enseno que a medida
que aumenta en gran medida y la
produccion de esta planta agricola se debe tomar de antemano estrictas
medidas para la organizacion de transporte y
el almacenamiento y la elaboracion.
    senalo que es importante detener danos por viento para lograr siempre
el alto y estable rendimiento en la granja
combinada del distrito de taehongdan y anadio que para este fin se debe
definir adecuadamente el tamano de las
parcelas y crear muchos bosques de proteccion contra viento.
    hizo conocimiento de la mecanizacion de las faenas agricolas del lote y
presento las tareas para hacer en un corto
espacio de tiempo de esta granja una unidad modelo comunista en que sea
realizada por completo la mecanizacion
    el dirigente kim jong il subrayo que se debe realizar en un corto
espacio de tiempo la mecanizacion combinada al
organizar con esmero la labor de utilizar con eficiencia los potentes
medios mecanicos tales como los camiones de
gran tamano, tractores de gran potencia y otras diversas maquinas agricolas
de tipo moderno suministrados con
suficiencia por el estado a esta granja y asi construir por primera vez
aldea ideal comunista, paraiso de pueblo
comodo para trabajar y vivir en la planicie de paektu.
    acto seguido, el dirigente kim jong il recorrio la aldea de
desmovilizados del lote sodu.
    visito a la familia del desmovilizado min won sik y atendio con un
sentimiento de padre real los pormenores de
la cocina y cuartos y se fotografio junto con el y su esposa.
    ese dia el dirigente kim jong il presencio la funcion artistica de los
trabajadores agricolas de la granja combinada
del distrito de taehongdan ofrecida en la sala de educacion en parcela del
lote sodu.

no se debe postergar problema pendiente entre rpdc y japon

    pyongyang, 27 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario insertado en el numero de hoy en
visperas de la novena ronda de conversaciones principales gubernamentales
de la rpd de corea y el japon subraya
que depende enteramente de la posicion y actitud del japon con respecto a
la liquidacion de su pasado el que las
conversaciones binacionales resuelvan o no todos los problemas conforme a
los intereses y la demanda de ambos
    el comentarista senala:
    las conversaciones binacionales que se reanudan deben ser foro que
tenga resultado y avance.
    la mejora de las relaciones rpdc-japon es la demanda y la aspiracion de
ambos pueblos a la reconciliacion,
vecindad, amistad, paz y cooperacion.
    la esencia de esta mejora reside en que el japon salde cuenta de sus
crimenes cometidos en el pasado contra el
pueblo coreano y a base de ello ambos paises desarrollen nuevas relaciones
de vecindad y amistad conforme a la
demanda de la epoca y los intereses de ambos pueblos.
    el problema clave en la mejora de las relaciones rpdc-japon es la
liquidacion del pasado que es la base del
problema pendiente entre ambos paises.
    hoy al umbral del nuevo milenio no se puede postergar la liquidacion de
crimenes perpetrados por el japon
contra corea. es un historico problema irresuelto de mas del medio siglo.
no es una simple cuestion practica
economica para pagar y cobrar cierta cantidad de dinero.
    la liquidacion del pasado del japon por su importancia y gravedad
politicas se presenta como cuestion
apremiante que ha de ser resuelta sin falta dentro del ano 2000.
    los imperialistas japoneses durante casi un medio siglo perpetraron
crimenes sin precedentes en la historia contra
el pueblo coreano y acarrearon a este incontables perdidas
espiritual-morales, humanas, materiales y culturales.
    las relaciones de enemigo jurado de largo tiempo entre la rpdc y el
japon no se han eliminado hasta la fecha
porque este ultimo pais no ha liquidado sus crimenes perpetrados en el
pasado. si se resuelve este problema se
resolveran sin complicaciones los demas problemas. el japon debe comprender
claramente esto y dar primeramente
la solucion al problema de liquidacion del pasado prestando oidos a la
demanda de principios de la rpdc.
    en visperas de las conversaciones con el japon nuestro pueblo y
ejercito tienen la aguda vision y sentimiento
contra el japon.
    en estos dias en el japon se manifiestan los movimientos insolitos que
suscitan nuestra vigilancia.
    los reaccionarios japoneses definen a la rpdc como enemigo, colocan de
modo concentradosus fuerzas armadas
en la zona litoral, particularmente en la zona occidental y preconizan la
teoria de guerra, la doctrina de agresion de
"primer golpe" y "destruccion" a la rpdc.
    sin embargo nos proponemos sostener con buena fe y generosidad las
conversaciones con el japon.
    pero el japon trata de presentarse en las conversaciones con el
"problema de secuestro" y el "problema de misil"
so pretexto de "sentimiento del pueblo". con respecto a esto abrigamos
sospecha de la actitud del japon sobre las
    nuestro ejercito y pueblo conservan extrema indignacion hacia la
malsana posicion y descarada actitud del japon
y dicen que no es necesario discutir con el japon y debemos valernos de
otro metodo para saldar la cuenta de los
crimenes del japon cometidos en 100 anos desde el pasado hasta la fecha y
descargar el rencor de la nacion.
    el japon debe distinguir claramente el sentimiento y la voluntad de
nuestro ejercito y pueblo y presentarse con
correcta postura en las conversaciones.
    no debe tratar de usar como carta de regateo politico, como escudo para
eludir la liquidacion del pasado los
problemas ajenos al principal problema irresuelto a fin de obligar alguna
"concesion" a la rpdc. hacerlo asi no sera
beneficioso tampoco para el mismo japon.
    el japon debe estar bien consciente de su leccion del pasado y ver
correctamente la realidad de hoy para acudir
con buena fe a las conversaciones.


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