DPRK News March 28

Kim Jong Il inspects newly-built power station

Italian Foreign Minister and his party arrive

Sustained efforts to preserve national customs

S. Korean warmongers of retaliation without warning

S. Korean authorities' ridiculous farce assailed

Japan hit for vicious anti-DPRK moves

Developments unfavorable to DPRK-Japan talks

Japanese reactionaries' moves against DPRK

Kim Il Sung praised by Indian public figures

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspects newly-built power station

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il inspected a
power station built by soldiers of
Korean People's Army unit no. 380.
    The soldiers of the unit successfully finished in a little over one
year a difficult and vast power station project,
including 2,000-odd-metre-long waterway tunnelling and building of a dam in
the revolutionary spirit of soldiers
and the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude.
    General Secretary went round a generator room, a power distribution
room and other places to acquaint himself
with the construction and the production of electricity.
    Noting that soldier-builders built a power station of eternal value,
courageously overcoming hardships and
difficulties at the hard time when they were hard pressed for everything,
he appreciated this as a great success.
    He highly praised their exploits and expressed thanks to them.
    He said this was a miracle that could be wrought only by the Korean
People's Army full of the revolutionary
spirit of soldiers and highlighted the need for the whole society to
actively follow the revolutionary and militant spirit
of the army.
    He stressed the need to manage the economic life of the unit more
assiduously and provide soldiers with better
living conditions and put forward highly important tasks to be carried out
by the KPA to this end.

Italian Foreign Minister and his party arrive

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Lamberto Dini, Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Italy, and his party
arrived here today.
    They were greeted at the airport by Pak Tong Chun, DPRK vice-Minister
of Foreign Affairs, and officials

Sustained efforts to preserve national customs

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The Korean people treasure the national
customs and good manners in all
aspects of social life.
    Since olden times, the diligent and resourceful Korean people have
created good customs.
    Koreans' character, qualities, profound emotion and noble sentiment are
fully reflected in their dietary, dressing
and family customs, holiday making, folk games and etiquette of salutation.
They prefer traditional Korean food on
holidays such as lunar new year's day, Tano (the 5th day of the 5th lunar
month) and the autumn festival despite
several years of shortage of food.
    Special attention is paid to dressing suited to their way of life.
Women are encouraged to go in Korean long
skirts and jackets.
    Korean wrestling, swinging, seesawing and other amusements are played
on folk holidays.
    In daily life adults like to play Korean chess and Yut game while
children are fond of spinning a top, flying
kites, jumping over rope and playing shuttlecock and other games.
    The good manners and customs of the Korean nation are being fully
displayed. Parents, elders, the aged and
children are respected and taken care of.
    Customs of marking ceremonial occasions are suited to the socialist way
of life.
    Efforts are being exerted to pass the good manners and customs of the
nation on to the rising generation.
    Books on the national customs are coming off the press and mass media,
including education and culture
channel of TV give wide publicity to the good manners and customs.

S. Korean warmongers of retaliation without warning

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- As already reported, the navy command of
the Korean People's Army on
March 23 issued an important communique on declaring "order of navigating
to and from five islands" as a
follow-up measure related to the fixing of the military demarcation line at
the West Sea of Korea.
    But the South Korean warmongers in their "statements," let loose a
torrent of provocative outcries that they can
"not accept" the "order of navigating to and from five islands" and would
"stick to the Northern Limit Line to the
    These remarks flatly rejecting the order cannot be construed otherwise
than a very serious development which
may escalate the inter-Korean confrontation and drive once again the
military situation on the Korean peninsula to
the brink of war.
    The military demarcation line at the West Sea of Korea which we have
already declared is the most justifiable,
reasonable and realistic one in full line not only with the Korean
Armistice Agreement but with the international
    The Military Demarcation Line at the west sea should be respected as no
one can deny it and the "order of
navigating to and from five islands" be strictly observed.
    No one can predict when and where something will happen if this order
is not observed at the west sea.
    If the South Korean warmongers violate the order and trespass on the
military demarcation line at the West Sea
of Korea even an inch, our revolutionary armed forces will strongly
retaliate against them without warning.

S. Korean authorities' ridiculous farce assailed

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- A "cenotaph" to the GIs killed in the
Korean War is expected to be erected
near River Rimjin flowing through Phaju close to panmunjom under "full
cooperation" from the South Korean
authorities. The erection of the "cenotaph" is reportedly meant to mark 50
years since the U.S. launched a war of
aggression against the Korean people.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a commentary describes this as a burlesque to
call back the departed soul of the GIs
who died a dog's death in the war of aggression. It is intended to
embellish the U.S. aggressors and incite a second
war to invade the DPRK, the commentary notes, and goes on:
    The South Korean authorities decided to erect the "cenotaph" to the
U.S. war dead in South Korea which is
dyed with the blood of those fellow countrymen killed by them and are keen
on the project at a time when all the
countrymen are shaking with burning hatred against the U.S. imperialist
ogres and their pledge to take revenge upon
them. This is an intolerable treachery.
    This thrice-cursed crime can be committed only by flunkeyists, war
servants and traitors without equal who are
keen on currying favour with the U.S. and Japan, their masters, even by
selling off the national pride and dignity.
    History and the nation will never pardon and connive at this insult and

Japan hit for vicious anti-DPRK moves

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The Japan Defense Agency and National
Police Agency reportedly hatched a
plot on March 25 to reexamine the agreement on the share of role between
the "Self-Defense Forces" and the police
in the "moving for public security" to use it for the anti-DPRK campaign.
    Commenting on this, the Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun March 26 said that the
Defense Agency and the National
Police Agency defined the main purpose of the reexamination as "countering
the armed guerrillas of North Korea
and etc." and agreed that the "Self-Defense Forces" would come to the
forefront to "counter" the case.
    The Japanese reactionaries are scheming to drastically widen the
activity sphere of the "Self-Defense Forces"
under the pretext of non-existent "intrusion by North Korean armed guerrillas."

Developments unfavorable to DPRK-Japan talks

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Inter-governmental full-dress talks
between the DPRK and Japan for the
establishment of diplomatic relations are near at hand.
    The world public opinion shows great expectation and concern for the
resumption of the talks, hailing it as
fortunate. It is the unanimous wish of the world that the DPRK-Japan talks
will proceed smoothly to open a new
phase of peace and security in northeast Asia.
    But there are highly disturbing developments before the talks.
    Tokyo metropolitan governor of Japan Shintaro Ishihara on March 7
talked rubbish that "Japan would destroy
North Korea at one blow." He might be aware what implications his anti-DPRK
statement will have for the
DPRK-Japan talks. His outbursts cannot be considered as his personal view only.
    Kanji Nishio, chairman of the "Society for New History Textbook", in
the book "the People's History" denied
Japan's responsibility for an apology and compensation and revealed its
wild ambition for overseas aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries are kicking up such a row as staging a drill
under the simulated conditions of the
"intrusion of mysterious ships" under the pretext of "taking security
measures" for the G-8 summit.
    Pursuant to its new strategy of "giving importance to the southwest,"
Japan is rapidly redeploying its
"Self-Defense Forces" in the western region facing the DPRK and
reorganizing them.
    These facts make the people worry about the future of the talks.
    The recent moves of the Japanese reactionaries suggest that they do not
truly stand for a dialogue. They are
seriously mistaken if they think they can expect understanding from their
dialogue partner even after coming out to it
with daggers in their belts.
    If Japan truly wants a dialogue, it should drop its hostile policy
toward the DPRK and honestly comply with the
DPRK's just demand for its settlement of past wrongdoings.

Japanese reactionaries' moves against DPRK

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary
lays bare the deception of the
Japanese reactionaries' argument about "suspected kidnapping."
    A 9-year-old girl, who was missing in Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture of
Japan ten years ago, appeared in public as
an adult, it says, and goes on:
    The "suspected kidnapping" on the lips of the Japanese extreme
right-wing reactionary forces is nothing but a
product of their intentional and premeditated hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    The Japanese extreme right-wing reactionary forces and mass media are
now organizing a "society for assisting
the kidnapped people," saying that a match written in Korean was found on
the scene when they "investigated" a
case of missing person, in a bid to slander and harm the DPRK. And they are
openly distributing a book "history of
the people", praising the blood-stained history of the Japanese
imperialists who occupied Korea and other Asian
countries by force of arms and committed unprecedented crimes.
    This is one more crime that can never be pardoned.
    The ulterior intention of the Japanese reactionaries, who are running
amok in hostility toward the DPRK, is to
escape the atonement for their past wrongdoings, realise their old dream of
"Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere"
and lay an artificial obstacle in the way of the DPRK-Japan talks that has
been arranged with so much effort.
    Japan should stop a foolish act of doubling crimes, sincerely reflect
on all its crimes of the past and apologize
and compensate for them, which is a right conduct for Japan itself.

Kim Il Sung praised by Indian public figures

    Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Indian public figures praised the
President Kim Il Sung for his ideological
and theoretical exploits on the occasion of Sun's Day.
    N. K. Shukra, joint secretary of the all-India peasants' union, in a
statement on March 20 noted that Kim Il
Sung is the great sun of revolution who indicated the path of the times and
revolution and opened a new era of
human history with his profound and unique ideas and theories.
    When the Korean nation and the oppressed people of the world were
hankering for the road of revolution, he
founded the immortal Juche idea and indicated the right way of struggle by
which the popular masses could carve
out their destiny, he said.
    He stressed that the great Juche idea will always display its vitality
as the soul of Kim Il Sung's nation and the
torch for the human cause of independence in the future, too, and Kim Il
Sung will always live in the hearts of
humankind as the sun of revolution with the brilliant rays of the Juche idea.
    M. M. Verma, director of the Indian center of the UN studies, in a
statement on March 21 said that the
revolutionary idea of Kim Il Sung is the immortal revolutionary banner of
the present times, era of independence,
and the complete communist revolutionary theory.
    He said that the Korean people have advanced without an inch of
deflection or failure under the banner of the
Juche idea and that the great sun in the era of independence will brightly
shine forever in the hearts of humankind.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il recorre central electrica de unidad de epc

    pyongyang, 28 de marzo (atcc) -- el estimado comandante supremo kim
jong il, secretario general del partido
del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea recorrio
la central electrica construida por los militares de la unidad no. 380 del
ejercito popular de corea.
    los militares de la unidad, al desplegar altamente el espiritu militar
revolucionario, espiritu revolucionario de
autoconfianza y de tenacidad realizaron con exito durante un ano y pico la
enorme y dificil obra de construccion de la
central electrica incluida la perforacion del tunel - canal de mas de dos
mil metros y la construccion del dique.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il al recorrer las salas de generadores
y de distribucion electrica y otros lugares
hizo conocimiento de los detalles de la construccion de la central y de la
generacion electrica.
    elogio altamente las hazanas de los militares constructores diciendo
que es un gran exito el que estos hayan
construido la central electrica de eterna duracion al superar con valentia
los obstaculos y pruebas cuando todo es
dificil y escaso.
    esto es un milagro que pueden crear unicamente los militares del epc,
poseedores del espiritu militar
revolucionario, apunto el y subrayo que toda la sociedad debe aprender
activamente el estilo de lucha revolucionario
y combativo del ejercito.
    dijo que se debe organizar con mas esmero la vida economica de la
unidad para ofrecer mas excelentes
condiciones de vida a los soldados y presento las tareas programaticas para
el respecto.

responderemos con accion inesperada, comentario de atcc

    pyongyang, 28 de marzo (atcc) -- como trascendido, la comandancia de la
fuerza naval del ejercito popular de
corea hizo publica el 23 de marzo la informacion importante sobre el
anuncio del "orden de navegacion para 5 islas"
como medida siguiente al establecimiento de la linea de demarcacion militar
en el mar oeste de corea.
    al respecto los belicistas surcoreanos publicaron una "declaracion" en
la cual insistieron con arrogancia: "no se
puede permitir el orden de navegacion para 5 islas" sino "se debe defender
hasta el fin la linea limite norte".
    esta peroracion malsana es una provocacion muy grave que puede agudizar
la confrontacion norte sur y llevar de
nuevo la situacion militar de la peninsula coreana al borde de la guerra.
    la linea de demarcacion militar en el mar oeste es la mas justa,
racional y realista que conviene enteramente al
acuerdo de armisticio de corea y al derecho internacional.
    esta linea innegable debe ser respetada y el "orden de navegacion para
5 islas" observado rigurosamente.
    nadie puede prever cuando, donde y que cosa ocurrira en el caso en que
se transgreda el orden de navegacion
establecido en el mar oeste.
    si los belicistas surcoreanos invaden aunque en lo minimo la linea de
demarcacion militar en el mar oeste
anunciada por nosotros en desacato al "orden de navegacion para 5 islas"
nuestras fuerzas armadas revolucionarias
les responderan con una resuelta accion inesperada.


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