DPRK News April 6

3rd session of 10th SPA of DPRK closes

Credentials from Chinese ambassador

Speech of DPRK delegate at UN commission on human rights

Agrarian reform

Great political program for great national unity

U.S. and S. Korea urged to observe "order of navigating to and from five

KCNA blasts rubbish of S. Korean "ambassador" to Russia

Symposium on promotion of normalization of Japan-Korea relations

Symposium on Kim Jong Il's army-first politics held in Russia

Preparatory committees for commemorating Sun's Day formed

Armenia-DPRK cooperation association formed

For Spanish-speaking people

3rd session of 10th SPA of DPRK closes

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The 3rd session of the 10th Supreme
People's Assembly of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea that began here on April 4 came to a close today
after successful discussions on its
agenda items.
    A decision of the spa of the DPRK on the first agenda item "on the
summing up of the fulfillment of the state
budget for Juche 88 (1999) in the DPRK" and an ordinance of the spa of the
DPRK "on the state budget for Juche
89 (2000) in the DPRK" were separately adopted with the approval of all the
deputies at the session.
    Also adopted separately with the approval of all the deputies were
ordinances of the SPA of the DPRK "on
approving 'on the adoption of the educational law of the DPRK,' a decree of
the presidium of the SPA of the
DPRK," "on approving 'on the adoption of the law on foreign-related
economic arbitration of the DPRK,' a decree
of the presidium of the SPA of the DPRK" and "on approving 'on the adoption
of the civil aviation law of the
DPRK,' a decree of the presidium of the SPA of the DPRK."
    At the session a decision of the spa of the DPRK on the third agenda
item "on renaming the Ministry of Public
Security of the DPRK" (draft) was read out and adopted with the approval of
all the deputies.
    According to the decision, the SPA of the DPRK has renamed the ministry
of public security of the DPRK
Ministry of People's Security in order to glorify the undying exploits made
by the President Kim Il Sung by
founding and leading a genuine people's security body and to enhance the
function and role of the public security
organ in conformity with the requirements for the building of a powerful
socialist nation.
    A decision of the spa of the DPRK on the fourth agenda item "on
ratifying the treaty signed between the DPRK
and the Russian Federation" (draft) was read out and adopted with the
approval of all the deputies at the session.

Credentials from Chinese ambassador

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly
of the DPRK, received credentials from Wang Guozhang, newly appointed
Ambassador E.P. of the People's
Republic of China to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    Present there was vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK Pak Kil Yon.
    After receiving credentials, Kim Yong Nam conversed with the ambassador.

Speech of DPRK delegate at UN commission on human rights

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The DPRK delegate made a speech at the
56th session of the UN commission
on human rights held in Geneva on March 29.
    The vital issue in the field of human rights is to stop grave violation
of human rights including infringement on
sovereignty by power politics and arbitrariness, he stressed, and went on:
    Some forces, talking about "universality," now openly insist that there
should be intervention even across
border for the sake of "human rights" and even the principle of respect for
national sovereignty be revised.
    Their allegation is based on a political purpose to bring small and
independent countries to their knees by
strength and strong arm under the cloak of "protection of human rights."
    If such action is continuously allowed, the world will turn into a
lawless land of wars and disputes, big or
small, and small and weak nations, victims, will undergo baptism of fire.
    National sovereignty is the life and soul of a country and a nation and
human rights are unthinkable apart from
    The DPRK government has steadily developed the policy of protecting
human rights, regarding human rights as
inviolable rights.
    The DPRK will respect the international covenants on human rights and
cooperate with international human
rights organizations on the principle of respect for sovereignty and mutual
trust and cooperation and fulfil its duty.

Agrarian reform

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- After the liberation of Korea from the
Japanese colonial rule in August Juche 34
(1945) the Worker's Party of Korea made the agrarian reform, a top priority
for the building of a new society.
    In those days nearly 80 percent of the population were peasants in
Korea. The peasants had centuries-old desire
to do farming in their own fields.
    The agrarian reform was a prerequisite to freeing the peasants from
feudal exploitation, rapidly developing
agricultural productive forces and achieving prosperity of national
industries and the national economy as a whole.
    The agrarian reform was urgently required to do away with the economic
foundation of the reactionary forces,
including landlords in rural villages and powerfully rouse the peasants,
the driving force of the revolution, to the
building of new Korea.
    That was why the President Kim Il Sung put forward the slogan "land to
the tillers " and a unique policy of
agrarian reform.
    The policy was aimed at enforcing the agrarian reform on the principle
of confiscation without compensation
and distribution without charge and confiscating the land of the Japanese ,
pro-Japanese elements and traitors to the
nation, the land of landlords who had more than five hectares of fields and
the land rented out to others.
    The WPK worked hard for the successful agrarian reform, true to the
class policy of relying on the poor and
hired peasants, isolating the rich peasants by allying with the middle
peasants and liquidating the landlords.
    The 5th enlarged meeting of the executive committee of the central
organizing committee of the Communist
Party of North Korea that was convened on March 4, 1946, adopted a decision
on the enforcement of the agrarian
reform. The law on agrarian reform was promulgated on March 5.
    The WPK saw to it that more than 11,500 rural committees involving the
poor and hired peasants were formed
in North Korea, so that the reform was the concern of peasants.
    It also dispatched teams to rural villages to support the reform. It
mobilized all the political parties and public
organisations to the struggle for successful agrarian reform. As a result,
more than three million people of the New
Democratic Party, the Democratic Party, trade union, the Democratic Youth
League and women's union helped
enforce the reform.
    The historic task of the agrarian reform was carried out in a matter of
some 20 days.

Great political program for great national unity

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed
article to the 7th anniversary of the
publication of the President Kim Il Sung's famous work "10-Point Program of
the Great Unity of the Whole Nation
for the Reunification of the Country."
    The President put forward the program, the library of great national
unity on April 6, Juche 82 (1993) reflecting
the desire and demand of the Korean people for reunification that grew
stronger at the beginning of the 1990s than
ever before.
    The article says:
    The program gives a perfectly logical and principled explanation of all
the matters arising in achieving the unity
of the whole nation for the founding of a unified state, independent,
peaceful and neutral. It is a political charter and
an undying great programme for great national unity for reunifying the
country in reliance upon the efforts of the
    The program was one more undying exploit he performed on behalf of the
country, the nation, history and the
    All the people in the north and south of Korea and abroad should turn
out as one in a patriotic struggle for
national reconciliation and unity and the reunification of the country
under the banner of the program.
    Implementation of the five-point policy of great national unity laid
down by the Kim Jong Il is of weighty
importance in achieving the great unity of the Korean nation. The policy is
very instrumental in putting into practice
the President's idea of great national unity and the programme.
    The Korean people should get united on the principle of national
independence, the basis of the great unity of
the whole nation. Only then is it possible to defend the rights and
interests of the nation and shape the destiny of the
nation independently in keeping with the will and requirements of the nation.
    They should achieve a firm unity for the country, the nation and
reunification, transcending the interests of the
classes and social strata irrespective of the differences in ideology,
system, political view and religious belief under
the banner of patriotism and national reunification.
    They should also wage a vigorous struggle against outsiders, the main
obstacle to national unity and
reunification, and traitors following them.
    For great national unity it is of weighty importance for the whole
nation to make mutual visits and contacts,
develop dialogue and strengthen solidarity.
    A firm will for national unity and national reunification makes it
possible to achieve great national unity in
defiance of any fascist suppression and obstruction.
    Minju Joson today runs a by-lined article on this occasion.

U.S. and S. Korea urged to observe "order of navigating to and from five

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea
issued a statement yesterday, assailing the U.S. and the South Korean
ruling quarters for challenging the "order of
navigating to and from five islands" at the West Sea of Korea proclaimed by
the navy command of the Korean
People's Army as an important measure.
    The statement bitterly denounced the imprudent moves of the U.S. and
the South Korean ruling quarters as a
vicious challenge to the magnanimous and sincere efforts of the DPRK to
remove the source of armed conflict at the
west sea, ensure peace and security of the country and promote the
convenience of the islanders in life.
    The five islands are clearly inside our territorial waters, the
statement said, and continued:
    The U.S. and the South Korean ruling quarters have no justification to
say this or that about the "order of
navigating to and from five islands" and they have an obligation to observe
it strictly.
    If they run amok, negating our self-defensive measure, our workers and
revolutionary armed forces will never
pardon it but mete out severe punishment to the aggressors and provokers,
the statement warned.

KCNA blasts rubbish of S. Korean "ambassador" to Russia

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "ambassador" to Russia in
an interview with a Russian
paper Rosinskaya Gazeta shamelessly justified the sinister aim of the
"sunshine policy", letting loose a string of
rubbish about the issue of Korea's reunification and the issue of the U.S.
troops stationed in South Korea,
according to the paper on March 30.
    It is a well-known fact that the "sunshine policy" on the lips of the
South Korean authorities is a policy of
confrontation and war full of rhetoric. This is evidenced by their
ceaseless war exercises and arms buildup against
the north.
    We have consistently held that the South Korean authorities should not
give lip-service to "cooperation" and
"reconciliation" but make a switchover in their policy toward reunification
and show their willingness to improve
relations with the north in practice.
    Their mere talk about "cooperation" and "reconciliation" is an empty
talk and it cannot be construed otherwise
than a window-dressing to conceal their anti-north confrontation policy.
    In the interview the "ambassador" went the length of talking such
gibberish that 8 to 9 million "divided families"
in South Korea look forward to meeting with their relatives in the north
but do not pin any hope on reunification as it
is unrealistic.
    This is an unpardonable insult to the aspirations of the Korean nation
for reunification and clearly proves that
the South Korean authorities' loudmouthed "settlement of the issue of
divided families" is not aimed at reunification
but seeks a sinister separatist aim.
    The "ambassador" did not bother to talk nonsense that the U.S. troops
in South Korea, the root cause of all
misfortune and sufferings of the Korean nation, are "playing an important
role in preserving peace" on the Korean
    If the South Korean authorities have even an iota of national
conscience and human dignity, they should stop
orchestrating such balls intended to insult the nation's desire for
reunification and justify their dependence on outside
forces as what the "ambassador" to Russia said in a foreign country.

Symposium on promotion of normalization of Japan-Korea relations

    Tokyo, April 4 (KNS-KCNA) -- A symposium on promotion of the
establishment of diplomatic relations
between Japan and the DPRK was held in Tokyo on April 1 under the
co-sponsorship of the Japan-Korea Society
for Scientific and Educational Exchange, the Liaison Council of the
Societies for the Study of the Juche Idea of
Japanese Teachers, the Japan Committee for Supporting the Independent and
Peaceful Reunification of Korea and
the Japan-Korea Cultural Interchange Association.
    The symposium was addressed by Motofumi Makieta, chairman of the Japan
Committee for Supporting the
Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea, and by the head of a
delegation of the Korean Society for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries.
    At the symposium professor of Chuo University Narihiko Ito and editor
of "Japan and South Korea analysis"
Hirogazu Kitakawa gave lectures on the subject of "for success of
Japan-Korea talks" and "Japan-Korea relations
after the suspension of negotiations on normalizing Japan-Korea diplomatic
relations. What is the factor of impeding
    They said that Japan's liquidation of the past and compensation should
be concentrically discussed at the ninth
full-dress talks between the governments of Japan and the DPRK.
    They proved with historical facts that the "Korea-Japan annexation
treaty" is null and void and noted that the
correct cognition of history, apology and compensation are the starting
point of friendship between Japan and the
    The suspension of the full-dress talks was due to the wrong policy of
the Japanese government which evaded
the liquidation of the past and sought to enact an "emergency legislation,"
they said, adding:
    The starting point of independent diplomacy is to get rid of
U.S.-toeing diplomacy.

Symposium on Kim Jong Il's army-first politics held in Russia

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Representatives of Russian political
parties and organizations held a
symposium on the outstanding army-first politics of the great leader
Marshal Kim Jong Il in St. Pertersburg on
March 29.
    The first secretary of the central committee of the Russian Communist
Worker's Party made a statement which
was followed by speeches of representatives of different political parties
and organizations.
    The speakers said the unique army-first politics of Kim Jong Il, a
peculiar political mode of pushing ahead with
socialist construction as a whole with the army as the main force of
revolution, is most correctly reflecting the
realistic requirements of the developing revolution.
    Under his experienced leadership, the Korean people will smash the U.S.
and other imperialists' pressure and
blockade and achieve a great goal of building a powerful nation they said.
    They expressed support and solidarity with the Korean people's struggle
for socialist construction and the
independent and peaceful reunification of the country.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the symposium.

Preparatory committees for commemorating Sun's Day formed

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- A national preparatory committee of Guinea
was formed in Conakry on March
14 to commemorate Sun's Day.
    The chairman of the National Information Committee of Guinea was
elected chairman of the preparatory
committee at an inaugural meeting.
    The meeting set a month from march 15 to April 15 for commemoration and
decided to hold various functions
in this period.
    Meanwhile, a preparatory committee for commemorating Sun's Day was
formed by the Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
Group for the Study of the Juche Idea on March 26.

Armenia-DPRK cooperation association formed

    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Armenian Association for Cultural
Relations and Cooperation with the DPRK
was formed on March 16.

For Spanish-speaking people

no se puede hablar de derecho humano a margen de soberania de estado

    pyongyang, 6 de abril (atcc) -- el 29 de marzo el delegado coreano hizo
uso de la palabra en la 56 reunion de la
comision de derechos humanos de la onu efectuada en ginebra.
    el subrayo que el problema vital en este dominio es acabar con grave
acto de pisoteo a derechos humanos que
tiene por contenido principal el atentado a la soberania por la fuerza y la
    en estos dias algunas fuerzas pretextan la "universalidad" para
insistir abiertamente en que para los "derechos
humanos" se debe practicar la intervencion fuera de la frontera y enmendar
tambien el principio de respeto a la
soberania de estado, senalo el y continuo:
    esta insistencia parte del objetivo politico de doblegar a los pequenos
paises soberanos por la fuerza y la
arbitrariedad so pretexto de "proteccion de derechos humanos". si se
permite de continuo tal acto en este mundo
surgira un sinnumero de las grandes y pequenas guerras y conflictos y
entonces los paises debiles recibiran solo
granizadas de bombas.
    no se puede concebir el derecho humano al margen de la soberania que es
la vida del pais y la nacion.
    el gobierno de la republica popular democratica de corea considera el
derecho humano algo sagrado e inalienable
y no cesa de desarrollar la politica de esta materia.
    en el futuro tambien respetara los convenios internacionales de
derechos humanos, seguira cumpliendo su deber
y colaborando con los pertinentes organismos internacionales basandose en
el principio de respeto a la soberania y
de confianza mutua y cooperacion.

clausurada tercera sesion de decima legislatura de aps de rpdc

    pyongyang, 6 de abril (atcc) -- quedo clausurada hoy luego de debatir
con exito los puntos de la agenda la
tercera sesion de la decima legislatura de la asamblea popular suprema de
la republica popular democratica de corea
inaugurada el pasado dia 4 en esta capital.
    la sesion aprobo con consenso de todos los diputados la decision de la
aps de la rpdc "sobre el balance de la
ejecucion del presupuesto estatal para el ano 88 (1999) de la era juche de
la rpdc" y la ley de la aps de la rpdc "sobre
el presupuesto estatal para el ano 89 (2000) de la era juche de la rpdc"
sobre el primer punto de la agenda.
    tambien aprobo por unanimidad de todos los diputados las leyes de la
aps de la rpdc sobre el segundo punto de
la agenda: "acerca de la aprobacion del decreto del comite permanente de la
aps de la rpdc 'sobre la adopcion de la
ley de educacion de la rpdc'", "acerca de la aprobacion del decreto del
comite permanente de la aps de la rpdc 'sobre
la adopcion de la ley de arbitraje de la economia exterior de la rpdc'" y
"acerca de la aprobacion del decreto del
comite permanente de la aps de la rpdc 'sobre la adopcion de la ley de
aviacion civil de la rpdc'".
    se dio lectura a la decision de la aps de la rpdc sobre el tercer punto
de la agenda "sobre el cambio de la
denominacion del ministerio de seguridad publica de la rpdc" (proyecto),
que fue aprobada por el consentimiento de
todos los diputados.
    segun la decision, la aps de la rpdc cambia la denominacion del
ministerio de seguridad publica de la rpdc por el
ministerio de seguridad del pueblo para eternizar las hazanas inmortales
del gran lider presidente kim il sung
realizadas al fundar y conducir el autentico organismo de seguridad del
pueblo y para elevar la funcion y el papel del
organismo de seguridad publica conforme a la demanda de la construccion de
potencia socialista.
    se dio lectura a la decision de la aps de la rpdc sobre el cuarto punto
de la agenda "sobre la ratificacion del
tratado concertado entre la rpdc y la federacion de rusia" (proyecto), que
fue aprobada por unanimidad de todos los

acto por 140 aniversario de formacion de chondogyo

    pyongyang, 6 de abril (atcc) -- en esta capital tuvo lugar el dia 5 el
acto por el 140 aniversario de la formacion de
chondogyo (religion coreana).
    en su informe, ryu mi yong, presidenta del comite de direccion central
de la sociedad de chondoistas de corea,
    chondogyo creada hace ahora 140 anos bajo el ideal de oposicion al
feudalismo y las fuerzas extranjeras ha
recorrido el camino patriotico con la consigna de lucha: "el rechazamiento
a la invasion de los europeos y los
japoneses" y "la proteccion del pais y la tranquilidad del pueblo".
    a traves de la historia pasada y la experimentacion de vida practica
los chondoistas llegaron a convencerse
firmemente de que solo cuando toda la nacion logre la unidad monolitica
enalteciendo como lideres de la nacion al
gran lider, presidente kim il sung, y al respetado general kim jong il
podran lograr el deseo secular para la
construccion del paraiso terrenal.
    todos los chondoistas del norte, el sur y el ultramar deben levantarse
como un solo hombre en desplegar con
vigor el movimiento por la reunificacion de la patria y hacer del presente
un ano en que se abra una coyuntura
trascendental para esta causa nacional.


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