>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 12th May, 2000.
>1) Editorial - The racist curve.
>2) Lead story - Dramatic IRA move lifts Irish peace.
>3) Feature article - No prosecution over Paddington crash.
>4) International story - General strike paralyses South Africa.
>5) British news item - Rover workers celebrate while Ford faces end of the
>1) Editorial
>The racist curve.
>HOME SECRETARY Jack Straw struck a new low in his less than distinguished
>career by taking part in a debate with a reactionary guru from America who
>claims that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites and that
>the poor as a whole are poor because they are genetically inferior to the
> This great debate in London on the "Growing Threat of the Underclass" was
>sponsored by the Sunday Times and all it serves to do is help Dr Charles
>Murray promote the cranky views embodied in his 1994 book, The Bell Curve.
>Straw, of course, was there to argue against Murray but by doing so he
>gives an air of respectability to the nonsensical and dangerous ideas he
>claims he's trying to refute.
> Murray's views, predictably based on 1Q tests, go far beyond race. He
>argues for the scrapping of benefit payments to single mothers claiming
>that single parents help create a crime ridden underclass, which he calls
>the "new rabble". He also calls for the total abolition of all state welfare.
> In the United States Murray's book, which sold over 400,000 copies,
>delighted racists as it confirmed their own bigoted views. His considered
>opinions on welfare are music to Tory ears. He apparently helped inspire
>John Major's rubbishy "back to basics" campaign and Tory Shadow Home
>Secretary Ann Widdecombe held talks with Murray on "prison reform" when she
>was in the States recently.
> Dr Murray's views are nothing new. The ancient slave-owning Greeks and
>Romans claimed that slaves were destined to be slaves even when they were
>still free, determined by the will of the "gods". The Hindu caste system
>claims that an individual's lot is either a reward or punishment for acts
>in a previous life.
> In the hey-day of colonialism British children were told that the "white
>man" was superior to all others and the "British way" its highest
>expression. Hitler's Nazi professors used pseudo-scientific evolutionary
>jargon to justify the theory of the "master race" and the enslavement and
>extermination of those deemed useless by Nazi Germany. And in the post-war
>period we've had other venal academics churn out theories to justify
>segregation in America or apartheid in South Africa.
> Straw says he deplores many of Murray's views but he believes in argument.
>Now some reactionary Muslim clerics argue that women are genetically
>inferior to men. The former Speaker of the Iranian parliament once publicly
>said this was obvious because women's heads were smaller than men's. If
>they came to Britain on a speaking tour to promote these views would a
>Government minister want to take part in a public debate with them? That's
>the difference and that's the danger.
> The idea that "the poor" are actually a different breed who cannot be
>helped and should not he helped reflects the current thinking of the ruling
>class throughout the imperialist world. It justifies their own wealth,
>power and position and provides ammunition for further attack on state
>welfare and social provision. It seeks to deny the obvious fact -- equally
>apparent from the slave era to today -- that working people are poor
>because they are oppressed.
> The ruling class, the capitalists, landowners, exploiters and parasites
>despise the very people who have created all the wealth of the world in the
>first place. They can despise us -- soon they will fear us.
>                                   *********************
>2) Lead story
>Dramatic IRA move lifts Irish peace.
>by Steve Lawton
>YET again, Irish Republicanism has shown its mettle and raised the positive
>stakes in the peace process. But this time there is a sense that the IRA
>have made a major, definitive statement. Last Saturday they declared that
>"the IRA leadership will initiate a process that will completely and
>verifiably put IRA arms beyond use."
> This came just hours after two days of concentrated discussions between
>Prime Minister Tony Blair, Irish Premier Bertie Ahern, and the north's
>parties at Hillsborough Castle last week.
> President Clinton applauded the IRA's announcement as a "truly historic
>step." Leader of the SDLP John Hume said: "It's all very positive and I
>want to see a positive response now from all parties."
> It represents the culmination of weeks of patient talks that now envisage
>complete implementation of the Good Friday Agreement by June 2001 with the
>possibility of the Assembly and Executive being reinstated by 22 May.
> The two governments set new target dates around key issues of equality,
>policing, criminal justice, demilitarisation and human and cultural rights.
>Sinn Fein are expecting early progress on these areas agreed at Hillsborough.
> UUP leader David Trimble, who responded on Sunday with optimism tempered
>by his usual pragmatic caution, will go into session with the UUP
>860-member Council to dissect the IRA's statement focusing on the
>practicalities of the what and how of disarmament.
> Developments are awaited, but only the ultra-hardline unionists could see
>the IRA's magic words as simply a trick. Hence, leaders of the Democratic
>Unionist Party (DUP) and in the Tory Party argue the IRA failed to say
>weapons would be put permanently beyond use.
> But the unionist consensus is moving ahead of this. John Taylor, Trimble's
>deputy and a powerful critic of Sinn Fein, has predicted that the
>Hillsborough proposals, if presented by Trimble, will be accepted.
> The IRA rightly expect the Irish, and especially British government to
>"fulfil their commitments under the Good Friday Agreement and the Joint
>Statement." The letter and spirit of this process the IRA have taken beyond
>what any other participant has, under intense unjust pressure to act in a
>unilateral way. And that's despite its dogged adherence to the most
>important demonstration of IRA commitment -- its ceasefire.
> And to act unilaterally, without firm reciprocal and verifiable
>commitments from the British government and the unionists, would not only
>render the Catholic, nationalist and republican movement defenceless; it
>would be a tacit admission that unionist objections had substance.
> The only substance has been in the fact that blocking tactics serve to
>prevent change and risk a slide backwards. Clearly, for unionists, not only
>the great unknown is at play here, so too are vested interests in the
>future economic and political shape of Ireland. And not least of course,
>that the republican position to achieve a united Ireland is not slipping
>off their agenda.
> The "Group of Seven" representing a strong grouping of commercial,
>industrial and trade union support for the political process, urged
>participants to Lake the Hillsborough proposals on board last Tuesday.
> The group -- Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Institute of Directors,
>Northern Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of British Industry --
>said Hillsborough represented a "major advance towards a durable peace and
>political stability."
> This ought now to be the critical point at which unionists' objections
>are, in the main, laid to rest. The principle consideration being the
>regime and logistics of carrying out the IRA's disarmament.
> The IRA declared they will reengage the Independent International
>Commission on Decommissioning (IICD), headed by General John de Chastelain.
>Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari and African National Congress
>Secretary General Cyril Ramaphosa will be responsible for IRA arms dump
> It now means that the IRA have firmly hit the ball back into the
>unionists' and British government's court. This is the most pointed test
>ofjust how genuine the unionists can be in seeing the political process
>through. And it is now up to the Loyalists' armed groups to make their
>move. The British government's response can only be meaningful if
>demilitarisation were now to be immediately acted upon to rebuild all-round
> On Tuesday the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) chief Sir Ronnie Flanagan
>announced that two military installations -- one among the nationalist
>people of Foyle in Derry and another in Cookstown, County Tyrone -- would
>be shutdown.
>That is to include the observation posts in north and west Belfast and in
>south Armagh and a further post in the frontier town of Crossmaglen. These
>steps are to be taken over the next three months, Flanagan said.
> South Armagh SDLP Assembly member John Fee said: "It if impossible to
>describe the sense of siege and occupation that has pervaded south Armagh
>for so long. The sense of relief for families in these areas will be
>overwhelming." Sinn Fein"s chief negotiator Martin McGuiness MP said this
>would "help create the conditions in which we can demonstrate that poll
>lies works."
> But at the same time there is disquiet over the reaction to the Policing
>Commission head Chris Patten's proposals for reform of the RUC. Parliament
>is due to enact legislation to create the Northern Ireland Police Service.
> "Any tampering with Patten," Sinn Fein vice-president Pat Docherty warned
>the British government on Tuesday, "would be a recipe for disaster." SDLP
>and Sinn Fein want rid of the title and current structure of the RUC.
>Bertie Ahern defends Patten's reforms.
> But Patten's reforms are, nevertheless, still limited. Docherty said: "We
>need to establish a non-partisan, non-political police force that
>nationalists and republicans can recommend young nationalists to join and
>that will serve the entire, community."
> At heart, the vast majority -- even beyond the over 70 percent
>cross-community vote for the Good Friday Agreement in May 1998 -- want to
>get to the point, as the IRA statement puts it, "in which Irish
>republicans, and unionists can, as equals pursue our respective political
>objectives peacefully."
>  The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission has joined others in a call
>for an independent judicial inquiry into the killing of Belfast solicitor
>Pat Finucane. This followed meetings with family members and legal
> It said that the current inquiry under Sir John Stevens "does not seem to
>be wide-ranging enough". Commission head Prof Brice Dickson added that Sir
>John's record "did not inspire confidence". Stevens is now head of the Met
>  The family of Diarmuid O'Neill said Tuesday that they will appeal against
>the verdict of lawful killing returned at Kingston Coroners Court in February.
>                                  **********************
>3) Feature article
>No prosecution over Paddington crash.
>by Caroline Colebrook
>THE CROWN Prosecution Service announced last Tuesday that it will not bring
>a prosecution against anyone in connection with the Paddington rail crash,
>in which 31 people died last October.
> The crash happened when a crowded Great Western train collided with a
>Thames commuter train which was on the wrong track.
> The Thames train had just passed signal 109 while it was at danger. This
>signal was notorious for the number of trains that had passed in at red in
>recent years and was reported to he difficult to see clearly.
> Both drivers were among the 31 dead and in addition some 250 people were
>injured, many with severe burns.
> Railtrack, the company responsible For the signals, and the two train
>operating companies have blamed each other.
> The CPS Said it could not find enough evidence to prosecute. As the law
>stands, for a charge of corporate manslaughter to succeed, named
>individuals within the accused company have to be proved to be negligent.
> As in similar cases, the accident was the result of a series of errors and
>no individual can be held totally responcible.
> Currently there are proposals to change the law so that companies can be
>sued more easily.
> Railtrack last Monday put on display the £150 million automatic train
>braking system it has decided to adopt -- the Train Protection and Warning
>System (TPWS) -- rather than the more expesive but more effective Automatic
>Train Protection (ATP) system.
> Both systems are designed to prevent trains passing signals at danger. The
>TPWS links the train's brakes aurotnatically with the signal system. But it
>can fail to stop a train travelling at more than 70 miles an hour.
> This means, if it had been fitted, it would probably have prevented the
>Paddington crash.
> But it would not have prevented the September 1997 Southall disaster when
>a highspeed express went through an unexpected red light and ploughed into
>a goods train which had been given priority to cross the tracks in front of
> The ATP system was first recommended after the inquiry into the 1988
>Clapham Junction disaster where faulty wiring led to a misleading,
>flickering signal.
> The Tory government of the day agreed to fit ATP to all trains in Britain
>and then dropped the plan in the run-up to rail privatisation as being too
> If ATP had been fitted then, probably neither the Southall nor Ladboke
>Grove disasters would have happened -- and a number of other crashes.
> Two years ago the Health and Safety Executive recommended that TPWS be
>fitted but Railtrack has only just got round to Monday's demonstration, on
>a track between Bromley North and Grove Park stations in south-east London.
> Railtrack is seeking to convince the 25 passenger train operating
>companies to share the costs of TPWS.
> * An industrial tribunal opened last Monday into the sacking of train
>driver Sarah Friday who is also a health and safety officer for the RMT
>transport union.
> Her sacking has been the cause of three one-day strikes by RMT members at
>Waterloo Station.
> She has been charged with "Failing to do her job properly" but the union
>asserts she was sacked for being assertive on health and safety issues.
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>General strike paralyses South Africa.
>MILLIONS of workers downed tools across South Africa in a one-day general
>strike on Wednesday called by the Congress of South African Trade Unions
>(COSATU) in protest at massive job losses and demanding national action to
>boost the economy. Since 1984 over a million workers have lost their jobs.
>The number of employed people has now fallen to levels last seen in the
>1970s. COSATU is calling on business and government to take urgent steps to
>end this "catastrophic" situation.
> Some four million workers -- more than double COSATU's own total
>affiliated membership of 1.8 million -- responded to the strike call which
>is also backed by the South African Communist Party. Dismissing accusations
>that the general strike will disrupt an already weak economy, communist
>leader Blade Nzimande said, "There is nothing as disruptive to any economy
>than massive unemployment and poverty, which disrupts family life and
>deprives workers of their only means of livelihood. It is not the general
>strike by workers that is disruptive, but the ongoing investment strike by
>the bosses in this country,".
> COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi said, "The response given by the
>workers of South Africa to our call proves one more that the number one
>problem our country is facing is that of unemployment. The success of
>today's action comes despite massive propaganda claiming our strike to be
>irresponsible or mischievous, and despite much intimidation on our members
>to stay away. We call again on business and government to address all the
>demands that we have tabled,".
> COSATU President Willie Madisha added, "Today's strike does not mark the
>end of the campaign. Our struggle for fulltime, quality jobs goes on. We
>will continue to press -- in negotiating forums, through NEDLAC, on the
>streets again if necessary -- for our demands to be addressed,".
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>Rover workers celebrate while Ford faces end of the line.
>by Daphne Liddle
>CAR WORKERS throughout the West Midlands rejoiced last week when former
>Rover chief executive John Towers pulled off a deal which will save the
>Longbridge factory for mass car production for the forseeable future.
> Mr Towers bought the company for a token £10 from German owners BMW, who
>were in haste to get rid of the plant that has been losing too much money
>for a long time.
> BMW even agreed to lend Tower's new company, Phoenix, £575 million to
>cover initial running costs.
> The new deal is not without cost. Around 1,000 jobs will still be lost but
>it could have been 24,000 jobs in the region as a whole if BMW has turned
>down the deal and simply closed the plant.
> Phoenix calculates that those who are laid off will get a £25,000
>redundancy deal.
> And the new deal may have an adverse effect on the Cowley plant near
>Oxford as production of the Rover 75 executive model is to be transferred
>from there to Longbridge.
> But Cowley is to be retained by BMW to build the new Mini next year.
> Unions welcomed the deal. Tony Woodley, chief negotiator for the Transport
>and General Workers' Union, said: "We've worked extremely hard, thousands
>of hours of work with the towers team, to be able to limit the damage after
>the industrial disaster that BMW left us with."
> But not all the clouds have gone away -- chiefly that the world is
>currently producing more cars, than it can sell. The survival of Phoenix is
>not guaranteed.
> Business analyst Graeme Maxton said: "Phoenix is buying a marginal brand
>which lacks scale in a market which is consolidating. It is good for
>employment but I suspect this just prolongs the agony."
> It is part of the madness of capitalism that workers' incomes are put in
>jeopardy when they are so productive the bosses can't sell all they make.
>Under socialism, production is planned in advance to meet real social needs
>-- and if a surplus is produced it leads to a cut in working time, not in
>jobs or wages.
> Ford workers in Dagenham faced far worse news on Wednesday with the giant
>US-based company announcing plans to end car production at the Dagenham
>plant -- the oldest car factory in Britain.
> Newly-elected London Mayor Ken Livingstone immediately charged Ford with
>breaking existing agreements with the workforce.
> He pointed out that transnational companies facing problems of
>over-production and a need to make cut-backs pick on their British
>workforces because employment protection laws and redundancy provision are
>weaker in Britain.
> It costs a company like Ford or BMW a lot less to sack a British worker
>than a French or German one.
> So, far from attracting business to come and stay in Britain, our extra
>severe anti-union laws and poor protection of workers' rights, actually
>leads to businesses giving preferential treatment to continental workers.
> Livingstone called on the Government to bring workers' protcction levels
>in Britain up to those in Europe.
> He also pointed out the help that has been given to Ford by Britain over
>the years, right from when the old London County Council built huge estates
>in Dagenham to house the Ford workforce.
> He warned Ford that if the company pulls out of Britain, it cannot expect
>people living here to go on buying around a third of Ford's total European
>                               *********************
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