

>Anti-Intervention Networkers and Friends,
>There are important national events against the sanctions on Iraq
>planned for August 5-7 in Washington, DC. Please visit the Voices in
>the Wilderness Website to get a copy of the flyer to get the word out
>in your area. Also, please respond to this e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED],
>attention: Margo) if there's any chance that you may attend. We would
>like to send an Anti-Intervention Network contingent to DC to
>contribute to these historic actions.
>Margo, AIN, Seattle
>Why Protest the Economic Sanctions on Iraq?
>"We are destroying an entire society. It is as simple and terrifying
>as that." -Denis Halliday, former UN
>Assistant Secretary General and Oil for Food Coordinator in Iraq
>Approximately 200 Iraqis die EVERY DAY due to the effects of sanctions.
>"There is an excess of 90,000 Iraqi civilian deaths per year,
>compared with pre-sanctions studies done in
>1989" -UNICEF April 1998
>50% of rural people have no access to potable water and waste water
>treatment facilities no longer
>function in most urban areas. -WHO
>"After nine years of trade sanctions ... the situation of the
>civilian population is increasingly desperate.
>Deteriorating living conditions, inflation, and low salaries make
>people's everyday lives a continuing
>struggle." -International Committee of the Red Cross report to
>Security Council, February 2, 2000
>Sanctions at a Glance Originally imposed as a way to force Iraqi
>withdrawl from Kuwait, the US backed,
>UN Security Council imposed economic sanctions have resulted in the
>most comprehensive economic
>blockade in modern history.
>Schedule of Events                                     For More Information
>Saturday, August 5th                                  *About
>endorsing, participating or Teach In
>helping organize the weekend
>Benefit Concert
>"Pedal Pushers for Peace" arrive from across
>the country                                                     *on
>connecting with the
>bikers traveling to DC
>Sunday, August 6th
>Interfaith Vigil                                                 *on
>local organizing or to
>receive "March and Rally at Layfette Park"
>   an organizing
>Nonviolence Trainings
>Monday, August 7th
>Nonviolent Direct Action                               Contact:
>Danny Muller, Voices In
>the Wilderness
>Kate Reuer, Fellowship of Reconciliation
>914 358 4601
>Current Involved Organizations
>American Friends Service Committee, Fellowship of  Reconciliation,
>Institute for Policy Studies,
>for Peace in Iraq Center, American Arab Anti-Discrimination
>Committee, Friends Committee on
>National Legislation, Voices in the Wilderness, Coordinating Council
>of Muslim Mosques, Adams
>Youth Center, Bruderhof, Mennonite Central Committee, Peace Action.
>Anti-Intervention Network (AIN)
>c/o VVAW AI
>PO Box 21604
>Seattle, WA 98111
>(206) 374-2215 ph/fx


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki - Finland
+358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081



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