>                (21) Registered number of illegal entries of foreign citizens
>into the FR of Yugoslavia (Kosovo and Metohija) without the necessary papers
>(visas and registration of stay with the competent authorities): 811
>                Over 250,000 foreigners have illegally entered Kosovo and
>Metohija with approval of UNMIK and KFOR. The Government of the FR of
>Yugoslavia has officially requested their deportation on several occasions.
>These requests went unheeded, although those persons are international
>terrorists, criminals, narco-mafia members, white slave merchants, organizers
>of brothels and other forms of international crime.
>                (22) Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12,000
>                As a result of open borders with Macedonia and Albania 250,000
>vehicles were brought into Kosovo and Metohija without payment of customs
>duties. Most of these vehicles were stolen.
>                UNMIK has extended the period for the registration of vehicles
>in Kosovo and Metohija until 31 May 2000. It is expected that it will register
>about 200,000 vehicles thus legalizing crime and theft.
>                (23) Registered number of cases of violation of the ground
>security zone by KFOR: 364.


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