>Russia Strengthens Yugoslav Ties
>By Daniel Williams
>Washington Post Foreign Service
>Wednesday, May 17, 2000 ; A18
>MOSCOW, May 16 ññ Russia has taken dramatic steps in
>the past week to tighten relations with Yugoslavia,
>officially hosting a war crimes suspect and agreeing
>to provide loans to the cash-strapped government of
>President Slobodan Milosevic.
>The two events signaled new President Vladimir Putin's
>willingness to actively undermine the West's pariah
>treatment of Milosevic. Further, the visit by
>Belgrade's defense minister, Gen. Dragolub Ojdanic,
>suggests that Russia rejects the indictments brought
>by the U.N. war crimes tribunal against him and other
>officials, including Milosevic, for alleged atrocities
>committed during the Kosovo war.
>Ojdanic visited Russia last week on the day of Putin's
>inauguration, attended World War II anniversary
>commemorations and held talks with Defense Minister
>Igor Sergeyev and Army Chief of Staff Anatoly
>Kvashnin. As a permanent member of the U.N. Security
>Council, Russia had the obligation to detain him as a
>war crimes suspect.
>Instead, Ojdanic came and went freely. News of the
>visit emerged only after he departed. A short dispatch
>issued by the official Tass news agency described the
>official meetings on military cooperation as
>Ojdanic was army chief of staff during the Kosovo war
>and therefore responsible for at least seven civilian
>massacres, according to the war crimes tribunal.
>"The prosecutor is alarmed by these reports, which
>indicate that Ojdanic, a person under indictment
>before the tribunal, may have visited Russia and no
>steps were taken to arrest him," said tribunal
>spokesman Paul Risley. "International arrest warrants
>were issued for this person, and Russia was sent one.
>This incident is truly exceptional."
>A reporter's questions about the visit produced
>confused responses here today.
>Presidential spokesman Igor Shyogolev said Putin's
>office had "nothing to do with it. We never deal with
>invitations at this level. . . . Call the Foreign
>Foreign Ministry spokesman Anatoly Kobzev said he "had
>no information" about who invited him. "Try the
>Defense Ministry," he suggested.
>Defense Ministry spokesman Vyacheslav Sedov paused and
>then responded: "Invited or not invited? I can only
>confirm he was in Moscow from May 7 to 12. I don't
>know who invited him."
>At the end of a two-day visit to Moscow today,
>Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic praised
>"cooperation" between the two countries. Russia
>granted Belgrade a $102 million loan and announced the
>sale of $32 million worth of oil to Yugoslavia. The
>loan comes at a time when the International Monetary
>Fund, whose activities are underwritten by U.S.
>taxpayers, is considering resumption of loans to
>Russia. Russian credits to Yugoslavia may make it
>difficult for the Clinton administration, which
>spearheads sanctions against Yugoslavia, to justify
>IMF help for Moscow.
>Putin's policy is consistent with Russian sentiment
>toward Yugoslavia. Moscow opposed the war and
>considered the NATO bombing campaign illegal because
>it was initiated without the specific approval of the
>Security Council, where Russia holds a veto. Moscow
>views the war crimes accusations against Belgrade as
>politically motivated.
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