>sign of membership in the Pioneers children organization and revolutionary
>unity, is part of "communist indoctrination".
>The published photo of Elian with the Cuban student Pioneer scarf evidently
>infuriated the most recalcitrant US political sectors.
>A Republican congressional representative repeated one of the many arguments
>used by the Miami-based distant relatives and their cohorts to demonstrate
>the theory of communist indoctrination.
>Elian's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, his wife, kindergarten teacher, four
>classmates, and Elian's cousin and stepbrother, Yasmani and Hianny, are all
>officers in that "Castro-communism crusade", according to the promoters of
>this new campaign.
>The discussion originated from one of the protests by Elian's distant
>relatives, who sequestered him since November 25 shortly after the child
>reached the US and are still fighting for custody.
>The child was found and rescued in Florida waters and some days later given
>to his great-uncle but on April 22, INS officers removed him by force and
>returned him to his father, but they are still captive by US courts.
>Demonstrations coordinated with Florida congress people, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
>and Lincoln Diaz Balart, who persist in influencing the Atlanta Court of
>Appeals with the same arguments.
>Now the pretext used by the anti Cuban groups of Elian's scarf symbolic
>message shows clearly the political character of all this process
>surrounding the Cuban child. LPL/CCS
>SAN JUAN, May 19 (PL) Arrests and charges at Puerto Rican Federal Court will
>not dissuade the opposition in their fight against the US Armada's presence
>in Vieques, national radio confirmed.
>Robert Rabin, Vieques Development and Pro-Rescue Committee spokesperson
>asserted those who oppose the Navy and other NATO forces' military exercises
>in Vieques would extend their protests to the US and other countries.
>Civilians will continue disobedience by entering the Armada's target area to
>permanently hinder bombing here.
>Isolated civil-disobedience incursions by civilians have taken place since
>May 4 when the US combined police forces arrested some 200 who had been at
>the Navy drill grounds for a year.
>Some 54 people, including former president of Puerto Rico's Law School,
>Graciany Miranda, were arrested at dawn Sunday when they entered, evading
>military police.
>Actions to stop the Armada's six-decade military exercises in Vieques began
>April 19, 1999 when plane failed to launch 2-500 lb.
>bombs and a civilian died.
>Entries to the military zone create human shields to block bombing and
>provoke arrests in the national and international Vieques' drama Rabin
>He said they are analyzing the possibility of new civilian camps in the bomb
>zone, where there are still persons who have not been found by the Navy.
>A mass demonstration in Washington will be held next month simultaneously
>with protests in front of US military and federal facilities in Vieques and
>other areas in Puerto Rico, Rabin said.
>Suits are in preparation by the Puerto Rican Law School and Robert Kennedy
>Jr.' environmental law office in the US to definitively end Navy bombing in
>Vieques. DIG/CCS
>MEXICO, May 18 (PL) The President of Latin American Economy Graduate
>Schools, Universities and Institutions Association, Dominican Porfirio
>Garcia Fernandez, stated today that establishing a single currency in Latin
>America is still far in the future.
>At the 5th Regional Congress of Economy Students in Merida, Yucatan, Garcia
>Fernandez asserted regional countries have not the conditions to circulate a
>unique currency in the short term.
>According to the specialist, every nation must first clean and strengthen
>its economy before initiating a general Latin American integration process
>like the one made by the European Union with its unique currency, the Euro.
>The Dominican professor said that consolidation of the European block took
>many decades, while Latin America is just beginning to be conscious of the
>need for larger approaches among regional markets.
>Garcia Fernandez stated that in 2002, the Euro would substitute for all the
>other European currencies, after years of agreements.
>According to the specialist, the establishment of a unique currency in Latin
>America will be useful when a better general economic situation exists,
>above all in Central America and the Caribbean.
>At the meeting that concludes Saturday, participants include students of
>Southeast Mexican Economy and specialists from Peru, Cuba, Puerto Rico,
>Honduras and Mexico. LPL/CCS
>ASUNCION, May 19 (PL) An insurrection by military and police that began last
>night is finally under control, government sources stated.
>Paraguay's President Luis Gonzalez Macchi asserted the military uprising
>against his government is under complete control and the country is now
>In a message broadcast by Channel 4 Telefuturo, the president stated he will
>have no mercy -legally speaking- toward those responsible for the aggression
>against the constitutional order.
>"The situation is under control. From now on all citizens willing to
>collaborate with their government must do it by working, which is the only
>way", the leader said.
>Colonel Felix Dario Collante, chief of the First Cavalry Division, one of
>the units that had been taken overnight in the attempts, said his division
>was loyal to the presidency and added that everything was now normal.
>The source added that the plotters were followers of former General Lino
>Cesar Oviedo, who made an attempted coup against then President Juan Carlos
>Wasmosy in April 1996, and escaped from prison December 1999 when he
>abandoned the political asylum granted by former Argentinean president,
>Carlos Menem.
>Troops loyal to the government finally controlled the situation and captured
>a non-specified number of insurrectionists and tanks the source told
>journalists in the military territory.
>Some minutes before, Interior Minister Walter Bower announced on the radio
>that security forces had occupied the police command and the
>insurrectionists had to evacuate. Chief Sheriff Castro Gillen was replaced.
>Defense Minister Nelson Argana, son of former Paraguayan Vice President Luis
>Argana, assassinated March 23, 1999, attributed the attempt to Oviedo.
>Today in this capital, the US embassy and those of South Common Market
>(MERCOSUR) member countries condemned the attempted coup d'etat by military
>and police followers of former General Lino Oviedo.
>National radio also broadcast an interview with the General Secretary of the
>Organization of American States (OAS), Cesar Gaviria, where he stated he was
>opposed to the attempt and reiterated his support to the constitutional
>The 34 member countries of the OAS support the constitutional regime of
>President Luis Gonzalez Macchi, Gaviria said in a telephone statement.
>CARACAS, May 19 (PL) Organization of American States (OEA) observers
>witnessing the Venezuelan electoral process expressed satisfaction with the
>preparations and voter guarantees.
>Ruben Perina, delegation chief, yesterday met with the National Electoral
>Council (CNE) Board of Directors and magistrates from the Supreme Court
>Political Department to exchange opinions on plans.
>Thus far there are no concerns over the process and the Supreme Court is
>willing to address any questions candidates may wish to have clarified up
>until the moment voting ends May 28, Perina explained.
>OEA mission members will be witnessing in all the country's different
>states, including the capital.  US Carter Center's members, who announced
>that their chief, former President James Carter will arrive in Venezuela
>next week, are also observing.
>The Venezuelan government invited these two groups to observe the elections
>in which the entire government structure will be renewed at different
>levels.  There were also invitations to the European Union, non-governmental
>organizations and various political parties to send observers and audit the
>With such important foreign and independent presence to supervise voting,
>the largest the country has ever had, authorities neutralized opposition
>criticisms on potential irregularities in order to guarantee President Hugo
>Chavez' reelection would be unquestionable.
>Yesterday, CNE again disproved the existence of problems in the automatic
>system used for elections, and in response to opposition rumors it
>guaranteed elections will be held May 28 "not a single day before or after".
>Meanwhile, chief opposition presidential candidate, Francisco Arias,
>yesterday publicly presented his governmental program, which supports
>private corporations, separates military forces from social programs now in
>development and has closer contact with the US in reformulating Venezuelan
>foreign affairs policy. DIG/CCS
>Culture & Arts:
>HAVANA, May 19 (PL) Havana's Zoological Park is giving 20 pink flamingos to
>Toronto (Canada) Zoo as part of a cooperation program between the two
>institutions, the Canadian Embassy reported here.
>The birds will be sent to Canada in the next few days to be shown at the
>Toronto Zoo.
>The zoos are collaborating in rare species' preservation, conservation of
>species in danger of extinction and bio-diversity in general.
>Jorge Fernandez, Chief biologist of Havana Zoo, will take the 20 birds to
>Canada, where he will take part in a three-week training course on animal
>nutrition as well as visit pertinent institutions. IFF/CCS
>MEXICO, May 19 (PL) Cuban actress Isabel Santos confirmed she will soon
>travel to Cuba to film a movie directed by Cuban Humberto Solas and so
>fulfill one of the strongest dreams of her professional life.
>Yesterday, in a statement to Prensa Latina, the leading lady of "Se permuta"
>(Juan Carlos Tabio, 1983) said she felt doubly glad because she will work
>under Solas' direction and be the first actress film with digital techniques
>in Cuba, which are more economical and favorable for the actor.
>Santos, known for her performance in "Clandestinos" (Fernando Perez, 1987),
>will share the starring role in the next film with Jorge Perugorria
>(Strawberry and Chocolate), who refused other projects to respond to this
>creative director's proposal.
>The star of "Adorables Mentiras" (Gerardo Chijona, 1993) refused to give
>further details on the new film, but foretold it will be shot all over the
>Island and she will play "a very interesting character demanding great
>physical and acting effort." Shooting with digital techniques "helps an
>actor's performance", said the co-star of Spanish "Cosas que deje en la
>Habana" (Things I Left Behind in Havana -Manuel Gutierrez, 1997), for which
>she won her most recent award.
>"I think this technique favors the actor, because he faces a smaller team
>and has more possibilities for quality work," she pointed out.
>Santos said she is enchanted by Solas' film script and asserted she will do
>something new with this latest challenge in her productive career; she has
>received over ten national and international awards.
>The last prize was at Colombian 1999 Cartagena de Indias' Movie Festival
>when she was awarded best supporting actress for her performance in "Cosas
>que deje en la Habana.
>"I feel happy because I have done a lot of movie and TV work in my 20-year
>professional career, and almost all the time as star with good actors and
>scripts. Awards have surprised me not only in Cuba but also in other
>countries," she stated.
>The star of "Vidas Paralelas'" (Parallel Lives - Pastor Vega, 1991) affirms
>that both TV -which has given her so much happiness- and movie interest her.
>"I like to appear on TV because it has a peculiar language, but only if the
>project is worthwhile," the actress affirmed.
>The protagonist of Colombian soap opera "Amor Amor" (Love Love), currently
>broadcast in that South American nation, has been awarded at least three TV
>The "Lejania" film (Jesus Diaz, 1984) actress, praised by the Mexican
>audience attending Cuban Movie Week at Cineteca Nacional, stated that
>experience enriched her professional life.
>It was very interesting because we met Mexican intellectuals, moviemakers
>and stars, who did not know our work, said Santos who is currently living in
>the Federal District.
>The co-star of "La vida es silbar" (Fernando Perez, 1998) the film that
>closed Cuban Movie Week Wednesday, will return to Mexico City within a month
>when she finishes shooting with Humberto Solas. AJS/CCS
>HAVANA, May 19 (PL) Cuban writer Eliseo Diego's poetry will be the central
>topic of discussion in the International Colloquy on the author's work in
>Havana, June 28-30.
>According to national press, "A Traves de su Espejo" (Through His Looking
>Glass), the forum held by the Linguistics and Literature Institute, will
>analyze aspects related to the aesthetics, subjects and motives of the work
>of the author of "En la Calzada de Jesus del Monte". The program will
>include scientific sessions, seminars, chats, book and video presentations
>and concerts.
>Participants in the meeting will present reports on Eliseo Diego's work and
>the socio-cultural context, as well as his influence on Hispanic literature
>and the Origenes group.  Works will be received until June 15.
>Diego died of a heart attack March 2, 1994 in Mexico City. JCT/CCS
>HAVANA, May 19 (PL) Spanish actor Francisco Rabal confirmed he would have a
>role in a film by Carlos Saura about filmmaker Luis Bunuel, whose 100th
>birthday anniversary is this year.
>In an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina, Rabal said, "I don't know what
>part I will play, but Saura wants actors that worked with Bunuel to be in
>the cast, like Catherine Denueve, Angela Molina and me".  The actor recently
>received a Goya (Spanish Oscar) for his role in "Goya en Burdeos" (Goya in
>For the part of the director when he was young in "El Perro Andaluz"
>(Andalusian Dog), Paco Rabal suggested Javier Bardem saying, "He is very
>like him and is a great actor".
>Paco Rabal is in Havana shooting "Las noches de Constantinopla"
>(Constantinople nights) by Cuban filmmaker Orlando Rojas and his grandson
>Liberto Rabal is also taking part in the film. IFF/CCS
>(c) 2000 Prensa Latina, S.A. (PL). All rights reserved.
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