
Thank you for the link to material regarding Stalin. 

In the US Stalin has been totally demonized. Stalin (and communism) cannot be 
discussed without immediate reference to his "crimes" of the Katyn Forest 
mass murders, the forced collectivization of agricultural lands and 

On Katyn Forest, the only material I found contradicting the abundance of 
anti-Stalin literature available here was the investigation report of the 
Soviet Commission. It was in the New York City Public Library. It is now said 
here that even Putin apologizes for Katyn? Why? Can you refer me to any 
literature available in English which aid toward clarifying what happened at 
Katyn? If there are no informative reports in English is there such 
information available in Russian?

Clarifying information on the Soviet collectivization and Stalin's relations 
to anti-Semitism would also be of great interest to me. 

Thank you,

Stanley Gluck

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