>Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
>UNITED STATES: Pressure grows to lift blockade against Cuba
>The US Senate's Appropriations Committee voted on May 9 to lift the embargo
>on sales of food and medicine to Cuba. Supported by both houses of Congress,
>the move now has an excellent chance of becoming law when the next fiscal
>year starts on October 1.
>The House Ways and Means Committee has also requested a study be done of the
>blockade, the first-ever such investigation of its impact on Cuba or the US
>itself. The US International Trade Commission's report is expected to be
>tabled by February and will likely increase pressure for an end to the
>blockade altogether.
>The Clinton administration decided to lift the ban on sales of food and
>medicine to Iran, Libya and Sudan last year but was barred from including
>Cuba by the embargo-tightening Helms-Burton Act.
>Jesse Helms, the powerful chairperson of the Senate Foreign Relations
>Committee, dropped his opposition to easing parts of the 40-year-old embargo
>on Cuba in March.
>The US economic blockade of Cuba has been championed for years by right-wing
>Cuban emigres in Florida, who see it as a means to overthrow Cuba's
>revolutionary government.
>The Senate Appropriations Committee's decision is another blow to them,
>already smarting at US federal action on April 22 to return six-year-old
>Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez to his father. Elian had been held captive by Cuban
>emigres in Miami since December.
>The lifting of food and medicine sanctions would save Cuba millions of
>dollars in transport costs. It presently buys 700,000 tonnes of wheat a
>year, mainly from Europe and Canada.
>Farm groups and agribusinesses are behind the move to ease the blockade.
>They're keen to remove all barriers to food exports, so as to move a glut of
>grain that has depressed commodity prices for the past three years.
>US farmers have been pressing for the past two years for a lifting of the
>embargo, which has kept them out of Cuba's bulk food import market, valued
>at US$700 million in 1999. Rice farmers in the Mississippi delta are also
>keen to return to a market they traditionally supplied before the embargo
>began, especially as a record crop last year has caused prices to drop. Cuba
>imports more than 272,000 tonnes a year of rice, mostly from Vietnam and
>A US farmer delegation from the Texas Farm Bureau visited Cuba in late April
>to discuss trade openings. The president of the US Chamber of Commerce
>visited Cuba last year and afterwards called for an end to the embargo.
>US pharmaceutical and medical companies are also lobbying hard for an end to
>the blockade, eyeing a health care market they estimate as being worth US$1
>billion a year. US medical equipment manufacturers held their first trade
>fair in Cuba for forty years in January.
>US analysts estimate that access to Cuban food and tourism markets would
>allow potential annual exports of US$3-4 billion within three to five
>Green Left Weekly #406, May 24, 2000
>Correspondence and hard copy subscription inquiries:
>glw @ greenleft.org.au or http:// www. greenleft.org.au
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