DPRK  News  May 26

       Kim Jong Il's famous work hailed abroad

       Guyanese committee for remembering Kim Il Sung formed

       Foreign diplomats and representatives of int'l organizations plant trees

       U.S. newspaper reports on mass killings by GIs in Rogun-ri

       U.S. forces' bomb-dropping denounced

       Japanese government urged to make apology and compensation

       KCNA warns Yomiuri Shimbun not to speak for militarists

       B-1 bomber deployed in S. Korea

       Reception given by Nigerian ambassador

       U.S. procrastination on lwr project flayed

       Step to arrest praiser of north under fire

       Declaration on situation issued in S. Korea

       South headquarters formed to probe truth behind GIs' massacres

       Military attaches corps visits realigned fields

       Biggest-ever chorus performed by young builders

       Essential qualities of man clarified by Juche philosophy

       Over 400 cases of damage reported

       S. Korean authorities frantic in suppressing Hanchongryon

       S. Korean authorities' indifferent attitude toward Tok Island condemned

       Proposal for founding DCRK

       U.S. ambassador urged to apologize to Maehyang-ri villagers

       Japan urged to compensate for its past crimes

       For Spanish-speaking people

       agregados militares visitan parcelas recien estandarizadas

       sobre ee.uu. recaera responsabilidad, comentario de "rodong sinmun"

       constituida direccion surena de "jonminthukwi"

Kim Jong Il's famous work hailed abroad

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Abani Roy, secretary of the Revolutionary
Socialist Party and member of Rajya
Sabha of India, made public a press statement on May 20 hailing the famous
work of General Secretary Kim Jong Il
"On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution
and Construction."
    In the statement he said the respected Kim Jong Il, who began his work
at the Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea long ago, has performed brilliant exploits for the
strengthening of the party and the revolution and
    He further said:
    In the work, Kim Jong Il completely clarified the essence of preserving
the Juche character and national character
of the revolution and construction, its importance and significance and the
important theoretical and practical problems
which would serve the revolutionary parties and peoples as guideline in
maintaining the revolutionary principles.
    All the ideas and theories in the work are new and unique ones that
fully reflect his remarkable wisdom.

Guyanese committee for remembering Kim Il Sung formed

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Georgetown on May 19
to inaugurate the Guyanese
committee for remembering the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung.
    The Minister of Public Service of the Presidential Office of Guyana in
his speech at the inaugural meeting said Kim
Il Sung wrought a miracle in the 20th century that political veterans of
the world could not work.
    The Minister of Public Service of the Presidential Office, the Minister
of Ameriindian Affairs and the leader of the
Good Green Guyana were elected co-chairmen of the committee at the meeting.
    The meeting set the days from May 19 to July 15 for remembering him and
adopted an action program to hold
different commemorations such as rally, lecture meeting, symposium, film
show and book and photo exhibition.

Foreign diplomats and representatives of int'l organizations plant trees

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Foreign diplomatic envoys and
representatives of international organizations in
the DPRK on Thursday went to the central nursery in Sunan district,
Pyongyang, and planted memorial trees with the
approach of the world environment day which will fall on June 5.
    They were accompanied by Jang Il Son, Minister of Land and Environment
Protection, and officials concerned.
    They went round the nursery, being briefed on the fact that land
management and environment protection are
making rapid progress and the long-term plans for the improvement of
environment are being implemented nationwide
in the DPRK.
    After speeches were made they planted pine-nut trees there.

U.S. newspaper reports on mass killings by GIs in Rogun-ri

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The Washington Post on May 22 reported that
killings of civilians by U.S.
aggression forces in Rogun-ri during the last Korean War are a real fact,
according to a Seoul-based radio report.
    AP reporters followed up for two years the incident, which the U.S.
administration had not admitted for a long
time but kept silence, and reported it after fierce disputes with the
editorial board, the newspaper noted.
    Evidence, except the testimony of Edward Daily, an eyewitness of the
scene, suffices to prove the core of the
Rogun-ri incident in which civilians were shot to death under a railroad
bridge following an aerial strafing.

U.S. forces' bomb-dropping denounced

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Democratic
Front of South Korea (NDFSK) issued
a statement on May 23 denouncing the U.S. forces for dropping bombs in a
firing range of Maehyang-ri, Hwasong
county, Kyonggi Province of South Korea, according to Seoul-based radio
Voice of National Salvation.
    The statement said the bombing incident in Maehyang-ri is not
accidental but inevitable, caused by the war moves
against the north of the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea.
    The statement went on:
    The U.S. aggression forces have fired and dropped depleted uranium
shells and bombs for 60 hours every week,
leaving a large number of people dead and wounded and hundreds of farm
houses destroyed.
    The United States should apologize and compensate overall for all
atrocities in this land including bombing in
Maehyang-ri and immediately withdraw its troops, the target of curse and
denunciation of the whole nation, from
South Korea.

Japanese government urged to make apology and compensation

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Koji Ito, head of the Japanese delegation
of the Nagano Prefectural People's
Council for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea,
had an interview with the KCNA upon
winding up a visit to the DPRK and demanded the Japanese government clearly
settle its past through apology and
    Noting that he was moved to see the Korean people's struggle, he said
the diligent and talented Korean nation with
a 5,000-year-long history should be reunified as one.
    He went on:
    The Korean people are still compelled to undergo immeasurable
sufferings from the national division by the
outside forces. The Japanese government should feel responsibility for it
and make efforts to clearly redress its
disgraceful past.
    The Japanese people earnestly hope that Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations
will be established. But the relations
between the two countries have not been improved because the Japanese
government laid an obstacle in the talks for
opening diplomatic ties by raising those problems which are not related to
the agenda of the talks.
    The relations between the two countries will be improved when the
Japanese government sincerely reflects on its
wrong history of the past, clearly redresses its past through apology and
compensation and drops its hostile policy
towards the DPRK.
    We will conduct colourful activities including a signature campaign for
the independent and peaceful reunification
of Korea and the improvement of the relations between Japan and the DPRK.

KCNA warns Yomiuri Shimbun not to speak for militarists

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The Japanese paper Yomiuri Shimbun on May
22 in an editorial stirred up war
hysteria under the pretext of "threat from North Korea."
    The editorial asserted that the DPRK's "missile launch" and the
"incident of its operation ship" clearly showed that
"what North Korea does is the biggest factor of instability in Japan and
its surrounding areas." It also argued that "in
order to allay the Japanese people's uneasiness it is absolutely necessary
for Japan to establish a perfect defense system
with hard-line and flexible stance, while sustaining diplomatic efforts."
    This tenor of the editorial betrays the conservative and reactionary
tendency of the editorial staff of the paper as it
tailored to meet the objective and taste of the Japanese reactionaries who
are putting spurs to militarism and their moves
to turn Japan into a military power.
    The story about "threat from North Korea" spread by hack writers of
Yomiuri Shimbun is a sheer fiction and lie.
This is no more than a ploy of Japan to seek a pretext for becoming a
military power and launching overseas invasion.
    A noisy call made by the Japanese reactionaries and hack writers, their
mouthpiece, for "handling a crisis" and
"establishing a defense system," talking about "people's awareness" is
nothing but a gimmick to cover up their
dangerous militarist design and deceptive agitation to mobilize the
Japanese people again to a war of aggression.
    If the Japanese media truly have a stake in peace and stability of the
Korean peninsula and hope for the welfare of
the Japanese people, they should stop floating the fiction about "threat
from North Korea," a product of the
anachronistic anti-DPRK policy, and speaking for the militarists.
    And the Japanese reactionaries should not use any longer hack writers
in hatching sinister plots to justify their
moves for a war of aggression against others but reflect on and apologize
for the indelible crimes committed against the
Korean people and redeem their past as early as possible.

B-1 bomber deployed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The U.S. recently deployed two B-1 bombers
at the U.S. air force base in Osan,
Kyonggi Province, a new move to escalate the tensions on the Korean
peninsula and perfect their strategy for air raids
on the DPRK "in contingency," according to a foreign press report.
    These bombers were reported to have already staged a series of combat
flying exercises.
    This fact was disclosed by the U.S. military magazine aviation week and
space technology.
    The U.S. has already laid down an "order for the air force to fulfil
its mission" which calls for hurling the U.S.
troops in Japan into South Korea the moment a "new war breaks out in Korea."
    They have also ordered the U.S. air force in South Korea to "intensify
its drills," while committing a watch and
espionage against the DPRK on a permanent basis by mobilizing electronic
reconnaissance plane E-8C to collect
information about movements on the land from the onset of the year.
    At a time when a climate is being created for peace and peaceful
reunification of the Korean peninsula, the U.S.
keeps shipping new types of military hardware into South Korea and issuing
military orders to escalate tensions. This
lays bare their true colors as the chieftain of war of aggression.

Reception given by Nigerian ambassador

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Alhaji Daudu Sulaiman, Nigerian ambassador
to the DPRK, hosted a reception
yesterday on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between the DPRK and
the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
    Invited were Minister Paek Nam Sun and vice-Minister Pak Tong Chun of
Foreign affairs, Ryo Chun Sok,
vice-Minister of the People's Armed Forces, Ri Song Ho, vice-chairman of
the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations With Foreign Countries, and officials concerned.
    Speeches were exchanged at the reception.

U.S. procrastination on lwr project flayed

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Papers here today in signed commentaries
assail the South Korean "Intelligence
Service" for issuing a warrant of arrest of a citizen in Kwanak district in
Seoul on May 22 on charge of praising the
North Korea.
    The "Intelligence Service" is going to invoke the notorious "Security
Law" against him on charges that he was
active in an ideology study circle during his university days and recently
sent e-mails lauding the DPRK to 36 trade
unions and progressive organizations five times after opening an internet
    Rodong Sinmun dismisses this as a blatant crackdown upon the South
Korean people aspiring after reunification
through alliance with communism and the north and an unpardonable
provocation against the DPRK.
    Realities in South Korea go to prove that neither dialogue between the
north and south nor national reconciliation,
unity and reunification are possible without the abolition of the "Security
Law" and the "Intelligence Service" in South
    The "Intelligence Service's" action to arrest that citizen on charges
of violating the "SL" is clear evidence that they
still regard the DPRK as their "principal enemy."
    The north cannot remain a passive on-looker to this.
    Minju Joson says that if the South Korean authorities truly wish
national reconciliation and unity, they should
immediately abolish anti-national and anti-reunification "Intelligence
Service" and "Security Law," both bitterly cursed
by the whole nation.

Step to arrest praiser of north under fire

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- At least 200 figures of civic, public and
religious organizations of South Korea
held a press conference in Seoul on May 25 at which they issued a
declaration on the situation, a Seoul-based radio
    In the declaration they strongly demanded a fundamental revision of the
"ROK-U.S. status of forces agreement"
and an immediate closure of firing range of the U.S. air force in
Maehyang-ri, Hwasong county, Kyonggi Province.
    It also demanded the "government" authorities be positive in their
actions to thoroughly probe the truth behind
GIs' mass killings of civilians during the Korean war and make the U.S.
apologize and compensate for them.

Declaration on situation issued in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the national ad
hoc committee for probing the truth
behind GIs' massacres was formed in Seoul on May 19.
    Present at an inaugural meeting were representatives of the south
headquarters of the National Alliance for the
Country's Reunification, "the National Alliance for Democracy and
Reunification," the South Korean Federation of
University Student Councils, the South Korean Confederation of Trade
Unions, "the National Alliance of the Peasant
Movement," the Council of the Movement for Independence and Reunification,
the struggle headquarters of the
pan-national rally, the Joint Measure Committee for Basic Rights of People
and the release of prisoners of conscience,
the committee of emergency measures against U.S. and war, the people
working for peace and reunification, the joint
meeting of youths, the central council for national independence and
reunification and the committee for defending the
spirit of the nation.
    The meeting discussed the organizational system and decided to form a
steering committee of the south
headquarters of the national ad hoc committee for probing the truth behind
GIs' massacres with representatives of
affiliated organizations and individual figures.
    The south headquarters discussed and decided on the orientation of the
work and action plans. They include such
activities as fully accepting the Beijing agreement of the working
officials of the relevant organizations in the north,
south and overseas to form the national ad hoc committee for probing the
truth behind GIs' massacres, staging an
anti-U.S. demonstration in front of the white house on June 23, holding an
all-nation rally on June 25 demanding the
withdrawal of the U.S. troops who are chiefly responsible for massacres of
civilians, releasing a white paper on those
mass killings, building a museum in Rogun-ri and staging an anti-U.S.
cultural festival, seminar, every Wednesday
propaganda and signature campaign.
    A declaration on the formation of the south headquarters was read out.

South headquarters formed to probe truth behind GIs' massacres

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
rails against the United States for
dragging on the light water reactor (LWR) project under an unreasonable
pretext in a bid to scuttle it.
    The commentary says:
    The U.S. conservative hard-liners are letting loose such a piffle that
"nuclear and missile threat" from the DPRK
will adversely affect the LWR project. It was against this backdrop that
the U.S. House of Representatives recently
adopted a "bill" calling for "compulsory house and senate approval" of any
U.S. transfer of facilities and technology
for atomic energy to the DPRK.
    This is a move to deliberately throw hurdles in the way of carrying out
the project that has already been much
    Under the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework adopted in 1994 the United States
is committed to complete light water
reactors and hand them over to the DPRK by 2003.
    But the United States has not properly fulfilled it. This has seriously
retarded the LWR project and it will most
probably be finished much behind the schedule. The United States is to
blame for this. The U.S. has dragged on the
project under this or that pretext.
    The LWR project is not something which the United States may or may not
do. This is an unavoidable
commitment and responsibility which it is committed to fulfil under the
agreed framework and according to its
President's guarantee message.
    The United States should make its stand clear.
    The DPRK has suffered heavy economic losses due to its measure of
freezing nuclear facilities. They are
increasing due to the delayed construction of light water reactors.
    Now that United States seeks to delay this project, persistently
raising a hue and cry over the non-existent "threat"
from the DPRK, the DPRK can not but reconsider a corresponding counter-measure.
    The United States will be held wholly responsible for all the
consequences of its unreasonable stand.

Military attaches corps visits realigned fields

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The military attaches corps in Pyongyang
yesterday visited the realigned fields in
North Phyongan Province, the northwestern part of Korea.
    Hearing the explanation that the 50,000-hectare-land realignment
project in North Phyongan Province was
completed in a short span of time, they looked round the realigned fields
of Chojang cooperative farm in Kwaksan
county and Sinchon cooperative farm in Jongju city.
    After inspection, head of the corps Vu Dinh Thang, military attache of
the Vietnamese embassy, said that he
understood better the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Korean
People's Army who do anything unconditionally
when the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il is determined.
    Yan Jiang Feng, military attache of the Chinese embassy, noted that the
realigned fields are a great achievement
made by the Korean people and army in the grand nature-harnessing project
under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Cuban military attache Eduardo Sanchez Pena said the DPRK has opened a
promising prospect for increase of
grain production by realigning land wonderfully.
    Mohamed Mohamed Ahmad Ashour, military attache of the Egyptian embassy,
emphasized that it is the peculiar
character of the Korean people and army to unconditionally realize the plan
of Kim Jong Il.
    Vladimir Dombrovski, military attache of the russian embassy, said the
land rezoning is very important in Korea
where the cultivated area is limited.

Biggest-ever chorus performed by young builders

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- On April 15, the significant Sun's Day,
50,000 young builders of the
Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway presented the biggest-ever chorus at the bank of
lake Thaesong overlooking the
construction site.
    Their singing in chorus of such famous songs as "Song of Loyalty" and
"Where Is Dear General" seemed to shake
the earth and sky.
    This chorus demonstrated to the world that no one can match the young
builders rallied close around their leader
and the Korean youth can work any miracles.
    The chorus was repeated several times.
    This motorway project started in Korea when the country was in a very
difficult situation.
    There was an acute shortage of not only equipment and materials but food.
    It was a Herculean task to carry out the project.
    Though the project was to be undertaken along the old road between
Pyongyang and Nampho, it did not stand
comparison with it in terms of its width and technical needs and a now
roadbed in all sections extending well over 40
kilometers had to be built.
    Despite severe cold in winter, the young builders successfully carried
out a series of blasting to remove hundreds
of thousands of cubic metres of earth by drilling blast holes manually.
They had to carry bags of sand, gravel and earth
on their backs to build the roadbed.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il highly appreciated the feats of the young
builders, saying that he wanted to invite
all of them to sit on "gold cushions".
    And he showed such loving care for them as seeing to it that special
food and gifts were repeatedly sent to them.
    The young builders were firmly confident that they could create
anything out of nothing and work any miracles
under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Not a single day and month passed without witnessing the loyalty and
devoted efforts of the builders of the
    It was thanks to this faith that they succeeded in completing the
roadbed in a matter of little over a year despite all
difficulties and bottlenecks.
    That was why they performed the unprecedented-in-scale chorus in high
praise of the great leader.
    The construction of set-ups and paving are in full gear in various
sections of the motorway.

Essential qualities of man clarified by Juche philosophy

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The Juche philosophy scientifically and
perfectly elucidated the essential qualities
of man for the first time in the human history of philosophy.
    The Juche philosophy clarified from a new angle that independence,
creativity and consciousness are the essential
qualities of man as a social being.
    According to a definition made by the Juche philosophy, independence is
an attribute of man as a social being who
is desirous of living and developing independently as master of the world
and his own destiny.
    Man is desirous of living and developing independently as master of
nature and society free from all manner of
subjugation and fetters of nature and society.
    Having independent idea and consciousness reflecting this desire, man
conducts independent activities to dominate
the world.
    Independence is the most essential and fundamental attribute of social man.
    Creativity is an attribute of social man who transforms the world and
shapes his destiny purposefully and
    This attribute means man's capacity to cognize and transform the world
not inherent in living things in general.
    By virtue of his creative consciousness and transformation capacities,
man transforms nature and society to be
more beneficial to him.
    Consciousness is an attribute of social man which determines all his
endeavors to understand and reshape the
world and himself.
    The attribute means character of man who understands the world and
transforms it, guided by his idea and
consciousness. This guarantees all independent and creative activities of man.
    The Juche philosophy clarifies that independence, creativity and
consciousness are closely linked with each other
and they are attributes which find a common expression in activities of
man. Man has such attributes as people are
social beings who form a social collective and live and work in social
    The Juche philosophy thus defined the essential qualities of man as a
social being with independence, creativity
and consciousness. It is an ideological, theoretical and methodological
cornerstone of the man-centred philosophical
outlook on the world.

Over 400 cases of damage reported

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- At least 400 cases of damage have been
reported so far by inhabitants in the area
around the firing range of the U.S. air force in Maehyang-ri, Hwasong
county, Kyonggi Province of South Korea,
according to a radio report from Seoul.
    This was disclosed by the "joint investigation team" of the United
States and South Korea which perfunctorily
began its work on May 18.
    The U.S. troops and the South Korean authorities took the stand of
brushing aside the demand of the inhabitants
for the shift of the firing range from Maehyang-ri by declaring "it is
impossible." This is lashing them into greater fury.

S. Korean authorities frantic in suppressing Hanchongryon

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities are hell-bent
on suppressing the South Korean
Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) on the occasion of
its 8th-term inaugural meeting.
    The inaugural meeting is scheduled to be held at Pusan University from
May 26.
    In order to break it up at the initial stage, the Pusan "Police Agency"
is going to arrest Kang Jong Ho, chairman of
the General Student Council of Dong-a university, and 10 other students on
charges of violating the notorious
"Security Law" for the mere reason that they do not secede from
Hanchongryon which was prescribed as an
"enemy-benefiting organization" and requested a warrant for the arrest of
Ri Hui Jong, chairman of the General
Student Council of Pusan University, and 20 other students.
    Meanwhile, the South Korean authorities deployed police force of 10
companies around Pusan University from
May 24 in a bid to block the gathering of students under Hanchongryon at
the university.
    But Hanchongryon declared their will to hold the inaugural meeting in
the teeth of any suppression.

S. Korean authorities' indifferent attitude toward Tok Island condemned

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The Tokdo Museum closed the door on May 23
in protest against the South
Korean authorities' indifferent attitude toward Tok Island, according to a
radio report from Seoul.
    The museum side hung a streamer bearing letters reading "Tok Island not
defended. The Tokdo Museum has
closed the door" on the entrance gate and closed the door upon visitors.
    The curator of the museum expressed his wrath, saying what operation of
the museum means under the condition
in which the South Korean authorities are indifferent to Tok Island and the
island is faced with dangerous situation. He
said that the museum would not open until the "government" has a firm will
to defend Tok Island.

Proposal for founding DCRK

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in an article stresses
that the proposal for founding the
Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo advanced by the President Kim Il
Sung at the sixth congress of the
Worker's Party of Korea on October 10, Juche 69 (1980) is the reunification
formula common to the Korean nation.
    The proposal calls for reunifying the country by founding a confederal
state on the condition that the north and
south of Korea recognize and tolerate each other's ideas, social systems
and governments.
    Namely, it is to found a unified state by confederal formula based on
one nation, one state, two systems and two
    The proposal for founding the DCRK reflects the three principles of
national reunification--independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity--the reunification program common to
the nation, which were declared in the
north-south joint statement on July 4, 1972. The proposal is the best way
for the independent and peaceful
reunification of Korea, the article says, clarifying its grounds.
    The proposal indicates the most reasonable, fair and aboveboard ways of
reunification acceptable to all classes,
circles, parties and groups--composition of a unified national government,
its mission, function and role, the authority
and duty of a confederal government and regional governments, the character
and name of a confederal state, the article
notes, adding:
    The proposal clarifies the external position of a confederal state by
prescribing it as a neutral state, not joining in
any political-military alliance or bloc nor being a satellite country of
any powers.

U.S. ambassador urged to apologize to Maehyang-ri villagers

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The Green Federation, South Korean
Environmental Movement Organization,
urged the U.S. ambassador to South Korea to make a direct apology for his
special article contributed to a daily on
May 23, a Seoul-based radio reported.
    The U.S. ambassador in the article asserted that the South Korean court
exercises jurisdiction on all major crimes
committed by GIs present in South Korea, the organization noted, demanding
the ambassador make a direct apology to
Maehyang-ri villagers as what he wrote does not tally with articles
stipulated in "the ROK-U.S. status of forces
agreement" now in force in South Korea.
    Recalling that he was so brazen-faced as to say they found neither
damage nor any other evidence to compensate
for what happened in Maehyang-ri, the organization demanded he apologize
for his assertion, dismissing it as a denial
of the stark fact that its airforce plane dropped bombs in Maehyang-ri on
May 8, injuring villagers and destroying at
least 700 houses.

Japan urged to compensate for its past crimes

    Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- It has become an international trend to pay
compensation for past crimes. But it is
only Japan which acts contrary to this, Minju Joson today says this in a
signed commentary.
    The Korean people are the biggest victims of the Japanese Asian
aggression, the commentary says, and goes on:
    After occupying Korea by force of arms, Japan kidnapped and forcibly
took away at least six million Koreans to
battle fields and construction sites and forced nearly 200,000 women to
become sex slaves for the "Japanese imperial
    The Japanese robbed Korea of incalculable quantities of agricultural
produce and natural resources and looted
cultural relics listed as national treasures.
    The hearts of the Korean people are shaking with towering grudge and
resentment against Japanese imperialism..
    Japan has persistently pursued a hostile policy toward the DPRK, far
from making apology and compensation.
Due to this shameless act, the relations between the DPRK and Japan have
not improved though more than a half
century has passed.
    There is no other way for Japan to improve its relations with the DPRK
but to honestly admit all its crimes
committed against the Korean people and sincerely apologize and compensate
for them.


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