Communist Web
Sunday 28th May 2000 9.30pm gmt

U.S. farm groups join move to ease Cuba embargo

World Combined Sources
WASHINGTON - Under pressure from farmers to open
new markets, Congress is considering softening the United
States trade embargo against Cuba to permit the export of
food, medicine and medical products.
Powerful farm groups, sensing a swing in momentum this
election year, are pushing lawmakers to reconsider the 38-
year-old embargo, arguing that it does more harm than
good. Business groups and pharmaceutical companies are
also rallying for change.
The effort even got unexpected support this year from the
Elián González saga as some Americans, deluged with
stories about Cuba and Cuban-Americans, began to re-
evaluate whether the United States' cold war strategy
toward the Communist island nation still made sense.
Economically, the proposed measure is largely symbolic: It
specifically rules out purchase of food using United States
government credit, making it unlikely that cash-starved
Cuba would be able to buy much from American farmers.
And it does little to expand a current provision on
exporting medicine and medical products to Cuba.
The measure's true significance is political, in its new-
found popularity on the Hill among both conservatives and
liberals. That marks an important shift in Congress,
indicating a growing impatience with the embargo's failure
and a desire to explore different approaches to dealing with
the government of Fidel Castro.
The measure, tucked inside a mammoth agriculture
spending bill, was approved by the Appropriations
Committee this month. It has attracted so many allies that it
withstood an attempt by the majority whip, Rep. Tom
DeLay of Texas, to strip the measure from the larger bill.
Last year, DeLay killed the measure before it could be
voted on in the House.
The provision has also cleared the Senate Appropriations
Committee, and faces little opposition there, although Sen.
Jesse Helms, a North Carolina Republican and Castro foe,
has expressed his displeasure. Last year, the Senate
approved a similar measure in a 70-to-30 vote.
Although the measure stands its best chance ever this year,
it faces a few hurdles in the House, where Republican
leaders could still defeat the provision by preventing an up-
or-down vote on it. One hurdle, in the Rules Committee,
could come as early as this week. Supporters say killing the
language will be more difficult this year.
The measure would permit the United States to export
food, medicine and medical products to Cuba, under
certain stringent conditions, which were written into the
bill to draw support. In addition to the prohibition on use
of government credit, the bill also specifies that companies
wanting to sell to Cuba would have to obtain yearly
licenses to export their products and would have to wait six
months after the law is enacted to conduct business.
Medicine and medical products are already exported to
Cuba under slightly tougher regulations. Last year, the
Commerce Department approved 63 licenses to export
medicine and...

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