DPRK  News  May 28

       Kim Jong Il praised by Guinean figure

       Denial to damage done to inhabitants in Maehyang-ri

       Massacres of civilians by U.S. troops assailed

       Ethiopian charge d'affaires calls press conference

       S. Korean students hold rally on eve of inauguration of 8th-term

       S. Korean authorities' moves to refuse withdrawal of U.S. troops

       S. Korean hack pressmen accused of moves against anti-U.S. struggle

       Profound idea and theory developing Juche philosophy

Kim Jong Il praised by Guinean figure

    Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- The Minister of Higher Education of Guinea
highly praised General Secretary
Kim Jong Il for his leadership exploits for education.
    Kim Jong Il put forth it as an important problem to educate the younger
generations in patriotism and the spirit of
serving the country and the people, the minister said, adding this is the
best line.
    He further said:
    Kim Jong Il saw to it that basic scientific and specialized
professional education was continuously improved to go
with the trend in the development of modern science and technology and
strong scientific educational forces built so as
to produce many world-level scientists and inventors. This is the mode of
leadership that all the developing countries
should follow.
    Even under the present difficult economic situation, he is channeling
much appropriation of state investment into
laying a solid material foundation for education and scientific research.
    The minister expressed the belief that under the wise leadership of Kim
Jong Il the science and technology of
Korea will reach the world level in the near future, which will be
decisively helpful to making Korea prosperous.

Denial to damage done to inhabitants in Maehyang-ri

    Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- A U.S. high-ranking official on a visit to
Seoul on May 24 called a press
conference and said that although there was a report about the damage done
to inhabitants in Maehyang-ri, the South
Korea-U.S. joint investigation found "no severe damage," a Seoul-based
radio reported.
    Such assertion is an intolerable challenge to the fair public opinion
and an unpardonable crime to make the
inhabitants of Maehyang-ri fall victim to bombing exercise of the U.S. air
    What made people more angry is that the South Korean rulers chimed in
with their master U.S. who refused to
admit the Maehyang-ri incident.
    The South Korean "Ministry of National Defence" in an announcement on
May 25 said that at least 360 cases out
of 400 odd cases of damage reported by inhabitants of Maehyang-ri to the
"joint investigating team" cannot be defined
as damage by bombing exercise.
    This attempt of the U.S. and their stooges to gloss over the
Maehyang-ri incident clearly shows once again that
they are the sworn enemies with whom the South Korean people, cannot live
under the same sky.

Massacres of civilians by U.S. troops assailed

    Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- The National Progressive Unionist Party of
Egypt on May 23 released a statement
denouncing the massacres committed by the U.S. troops during the Korean War.
    The statement noted that millions of innocent civilians and tens of
thousands of prisoners of war were killed and a
number of non-military establishments were destroyed by the U.S. troops'
bombing, bombardment, use of chemical
and bacterial weapons and brutal atrocities, etc, during the three-year
Korean War.
    Since such massacres were committed in the name of "the UN forces," the
United Nations should take immediate
measures to thoroughly probe them and set up a special tribunal to punish
those criminals in conformity with its
charter, purpose and mission, it said.

Ethiopian charge d'affaires calls press conference

    Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- Charge d'affaires ad interim of the
Ethiopian embassy in the DPRK Dubale
Belihu on Saturday called a press conference at the Taedonggang club for
the diplomatic corps on the occasion of the
9th National Day of Ethiopia.
    On hand were media-persons in Pyongyang, foreign diplomatic envoys,
embassy officials and members of
international organization offices in the DPRK.
    The charge d'affaires made a speech before he gave answers to questions.

S. Korean students hold rally on eve of inauguration of 8th-term Hanchongryon

    Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- More than 8,000 students from across South
Korea reportedly held a rally at
Pusan National University on the eve of the "inaugural ceremony of the
8th-term Hanchongryon" (South Korean
Federation of University Student Councils).
    The rally proceeded from Friday evening to Saturday morning.
    A welcome address was made by the chairman of Hanchongryon and a
celebration performance was given there.
    Earlier to this eve, the Pusan, north and south Kyongsang provincial
and Ulsan joint measure committee for
peaceful opening of the "inaugural ceremony of Hanchongryon" on May 26 held
a rally calling for withdrawal of the
decision of defining Hanchongryon as "enemy benefiting organization" and
frustration of the suppression of the
popular movements, with an attendance of at least 2,000 students. After the
rally they staged a street march, conducting
propaganda activities. Then they joined the students standing by the front
gate of Pusan National University to hold a
meeting of citizens and students demanding a stop to suppression of
Hanchongryon and repeal of the "Security Law"
and condemning GIs' massacres of civilians.
    Hanchongryon was going to hold an exhibition and lecture meeting on the
anti-U.S. struggle and the struggle for
national reunification on May 27 as planned and then "its inaugural
ceremony" from 23:00 to 01:00 on May 28.
    It also planned to hold a rally at the central district of Pusan and
take a street march on Sunday morning.
    Meanwhile, the authorities deployed more than 6,000 policemen of 50
companies in every corner of Pusan city,
arguing that Hanchongryon's rally cannot be allowed as it has been defined
as an "enemy-benefiting organization."

S. Korean authorities' moves to refuse withdrawal of U.S. troops

   Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "Ministry of National
Defence" on May 25 contended,
reiterating inter-Korean military confrontation situation, that they could
not take into "consideration" the withdrawal of
the U.S. troops from South Korea but would "continue to develop the
alliance relations with the United States in the
future, too."
    This argument was made in answer to the nine-point open questionnaire
put by the "Citizens' Network for Peace
of the Korean Peninsula" in late March. The "ministry" totally denied the
possibility and necessity of the withdrawal of
the U.S. troops from South Korea the citizens network has called for.
    This openly betrayed the South Korean authorities' dark intention to
put South Korea at the disposal of the U.S.
troops and perpetuate the division of the nation.
    Those remarks of the U.S.-toeing, anti-reunification elements of South
Korea are inviting indignation and
condemnation of the 70 million fellow countrymen.

S. Korean hack pressmen accused of moves against anti-U.S. struggle

    Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- Some phony and hack pressmen of South Korea
admonished the people in the
struggle against the U.S. to "behave themselves."
    They should be mindful that such admonition is needed for themselves,
Minju Joson today in a commentary
    The paper says:
    All the fellow countrymen are fully supporting the South Korean
people's struggle to regain the lost dignity and
sovereignty of the nation.
    However, some hack media-persons of South Korea are engrossed in
writing despicable articles abusing the
anti-U.S. struggle.
    They contend in their articles that the anti-U.S. struggle unfavorable
for the U.S. troops present in South Korea
should not be conducted as the U.S. is "protector" and "an ally" of South
    The U.S. occupied South Korea, dividing the Korean nation, and drove it
into calamity of war. Discontent with
such actions they are now seeking to unleash another war in Korea.
    It is none other than the U.S. who manipulated the Kwangju massacre
behind the scene and placed the South
Korean economy under the trusteeship.
    Mass killings in Rogun-ri, the case of spraying defoliant and the
intentional bombing in South Korea evidently
revealed again the U.S.'s colors as aggressors and murderers.
    It is clear that as long as they remain in South Korea it is impossible
to achieve independence and democratization
of the South Korean society and national reunification.
    Those hack pressmen will be severely punished by the nation for their
dirty and despicable deed.

Profound idea and theory developing Juche philosophy

   Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- An article of Rodong Sinmun today deals with
the great leader Kim Jong Il's
profound ideological and theoretic exploits in having developed and
enriched the Juche philosophy.
    The author of the article says:
    What hold an important place in the ideas and theories put forward by
him to develop and enrich the Juche
philosophy are the idea and theory on the law of social development and
essential characteristics of its function.
    It is an essential demand for powerfully accelerating social
development to have a correct understanding of the law
governing social progress and essential characteristics of its function.
    His original idea and theory on the law and the essential
characteristics of its function made it possible to creditably
carry out important philosophical task raised by our era.
    What is important in his idea and theory on the law of social
development and essential characteristics of its
function is, above all, the idea and theory that society changes and
develops in accordance with its own law.
    This idea and theory gave a perfect understanding of essential
differences of laws governing nature and society and
eloquently proved the originality and truth of the Juche philosophy which
raised it as an important philosophical task to
clarify a law on social movement and made it possible to successfully carry
it out.
    What is also important in his idea and theory is the idea and theory
that the law of social development works
through man's independent, creative and intentional activities.
    This original idea and theory eloquently showed the scientific
character and truth of the Juche-based social and
historic outlook viewing people as the center of the course of social
development and the wisdom of leadership of the
Worker's Party of Korea which has carried out revolution and construction
in reliance on people.
    What is also important in his idea and theory is the idea and theory on
actions affecting the work to abide by the
law of the social movement.
    This is an immortal historic exploit performed by him in the course of
successful developing and enriching the
treasure-house of the Juche philosophy.


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