Communist Web 
Monday 29th May 2000 9.30pm gmt 
Oakland event honors area activists 

By Herb Kaye and Marilyn Bechtel 
OAKLAND, Calif. - In a festive, colorful celebration of May Day and 
Cinco de Mayo, a wide array of groups joined the People's Weekly World 
earlier this month at a holiday event honoring unions and community 
groups engaged in struggles for workers' rights, for ending racism and 
discrimination, and for greater educational and cultural opportunities for 
working class youth. 
In the audience for the May 13 program at Mosswood Park Recreation 
Center were many area young people who had earlier participated in a 
labor-led march in San Francisco for Mumia Abu-Jamal. 
Judy Goff, executive secretary-treasurer of the Alameda County Central 
Labor Council, pointed proudly to the labor council's leading role in 
initiating a resolution calling for the AFL-CIO to take a strong position in 
support of the rights of immigrant workers to join unions without fear of 
deportation or other forms of retaliation. 
"That resolution," she said, "was later adopted by the state and national 
AFL-CIO and represented a big step forward for all working people." 
Clarence Thomas, chair of the International Longshore and Warehouse 
Union's East Bay Legislative Council, emphasized to the many young 
people present the benefits of belonging to a strong, democratic union like 
the ILWU. 
"Our union is not just concerned with getting benefits for our members," 
said Thomas, who heads the union's Port Commission. The union also 
works to guarantee good jobs and the needed job training for young people 
and to stop pollution generated in the community by the port's employers. 
Thomas stressed the ILWU's strong tradition of coming to the defense of 
workers and communities victimized by the global corporate giants, at 
home and around the world. 
Antonio Abarca and Greg Smith of Service Employees International Union 
Local 1877 called on the audience to support the sharp struggle now being 
waged by... 

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