>In a 1980 book on the Letelier case, "Assassination on Embassy Row," John
>Dinges and Saul Landau wrote that Letelier learned in early September 1976
>that Chile's military government had stripped him of his citizenship for
>"carrying out in foreign lands a publicity campaign aimed at bringing about
>the political, economic and cultural isolation of Chile."
>After a reporter called Letelier with the news shortly before a speaking
>engagement in New York, Dinges and Landau wrote, Letelier announced at
>Madison Square Garden's Felt Forum that he had just been stripped of his
>citizenship by Pinochet and members of his Cabinet.
>"I was born a Chilean, I am a Chilean, and I will die a Chilean," Letelier
>said. "They, the fascists, were born traitors, live as traitors, and will
>be forever remembered as fascist traitors."
>Less than two weeks later, the powerful bomb ripped through Letelier's
>Chevrolet Chevelle as he drove into Sheridan Circle here, killing him
>Copyright 2000 The Washington Post Company
>International News
>Sunday, 28 May 2000
>by Michael Leidig in Vienna and Tony Paterson in Berlin
>JORG HAIDER, Austria's far-Right leader, has been called on to explain a
>secret meeting this month with Libya's Col Gaddafi amid growing speculation
>over clandestine financial links between the Austrian Freedom Party and
>Mr Haider admitted last week that he made what he described as a "private
>visit" to Libya on May 9 after he was seen emerging from the Libyan
>leader's tent by an American journalist waiting for an interview. Mr Haider
>was accompanied by a leading Austrian banker.
>While the Freedom Party insists that there was nothing untoward about the
>meeting, opposition politicians in Austria have voiced concern. Doris
>Bures, the manager of the Austrian Social Democrat Party, said: "This
>meeting was extremely dubious and demands an immediate explanation."
>Concern about Mr Haider's links with Libya has since been fuelled by
>remarks given in an interview by Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to the
>Austrian magazine, News, in which he pledged to give political support to
>the Freedom Party during the next Austrian elections.
>Gaddafi's son told the magazine: "At the next election he [Haider] has his
>best chance of becoming chancellor and I will do all I possibly can to
>support him." Asked if he would provide financial support, he said: "I will
>start a campaign for him."
>Wolfgang Kulterer, the chairman of Austria's Hypo Bank, last week admitted
>accompanying Mr Haider to Tripoli. The presence of a leading banker on an
>allegedly private visit caused alarm among opposition politicians in
>Austria. The Social Democrat politician Melitta Trunk, said: "You do not
>need a bank director to make a private visit to Libya."
>Austria's Social Democrats have demanded a parliamentary inquiry into the
>affair. Their calls have been given added weight after disclosures last
>week of longstanding links between the Freedom Party and Libya. They said
>Mr Haider's "various statements" on the subject of his visits to Libya on
>May 9 and on at least two other previous occasions were "at the least
>Mrs Trunk said Mr Haider had been highly evasive over his trip. She said:
>"First he was not there, then he was there to see Gaddafi's son, then for
>business reasons, and finally a private visit."
>She pointed out that Mr Kulterer admitted accompanying Mr Haider a day
>after the politician had insisted: "It would have been great if a banker
>had come along, at least it would have meant the trip was financed." She
>said Mr Haider needed to explain why he had accepted the use of the private
>Lear jet of Robert Rogner, a Carinthian businessman, to travel in.
>The Freedom Party's "Libyan connection" appears to have been established in
>1988, the year in which the party scored its first success in an Austrian
>general election. The party's then financial manager, Harald G–schl, was
>exposed for maintaining links with both Libya and the Palestine Liberation
>Organisation. He was widely rumoured to have been involved in supplying
>weapons to the Libyan leader.
>Although Mr G–schl denied charges that he had helped Gaddafi to set up a
>missile defence system - four years after the 1985 American air strike on
>Libya - he admitted in an interview that he was prepared to supply
>everything "that helps Libya to strengthen its armed forces". But Mr G–schl
>denied charges that he had used Libyan cash to fund the Austrian Freedom
>Mr Haider has also maintained close links with Libya. He befriended Saif
>al-Islam Gaddafi three years ago, when the Libyan leader's son began a
>postgraduate economics course at the private "Imadec" university in Vienna.
>Last year Mr Haider appeared in public with Gaddafi junior. Since then Mr
>Haider has been televised during his meetings with Saif al-Islam in Austria
>on numerous occasions.
>However, Gaddafi junior failed to make any significant political impact in
>Austria until last week when he pledged to offer support to Mr Haider's
>cause. In his interview with News he said: "J–rg Haider is a very good
>friend of mine, my father's and of our country."
>Although the Freedom Party has declined to provide a full explanation as to
>what occurred during Mr Haider's visit, the Austrian foreign ministry said
>that there was nothing unusual about the trip. A spokesman said: "Austria
>maintains diplomatic relations with Libya. Therefore Haider's visit was not
>The Austrian Green Party condemned the visit outright. The MP Peter Pilz
>said: "Whoever courts dictators like Gaddafi is sending completely the
>wrong signal."
>Gaddafi's son said last week that the visit was merely concerned with
>attempts to supply Austrian timber to Libya. Saif al-Islam said: "The
>Libyan government would like to get into the timber trade with Carinthia."
>Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000.
>Security forces kept memorabilia of shot suspects
>UK News
>Wednesday, 24 May 2000
>John Mullin, Ireland correspondent
>Undercover soldiers in Northern Ireland would celebrate the shooting dead
>of a terrorist suspect with a cake adorned with the victim's name in icing,
>it emerged yesterday.
>The BBC released a photograph of one of the cakes, in the shape of a cross,
>baked to mark the SAS killing of the IRA man William Price, 28, in Ardboe,
>Co Tyrone, 16 years ago. It was marked RIP, with his name and where he
>The reporter Peter Taylor discovered it when interviewing members of the
>security forces for Brits, the BBC2 series on the role of intelligence
>during the troubles. They often kept memorabilia, including snaps of shot
>suspects, and the cake photo was no big deal to them, he said.
>In tonight's episode, a member of 14 Intelligence Company, an undercover
>army unit, denied there was any shoot to kill policy. Soldiers adhered to
>the yellow card stipulating when they could legitimately open fire, she
>said. But they would mark the killing of suspected IRA volunteers.
>The woman, identified as Anna, said: "We celebrated, if you like, as the
>IRA would if they had shot somebody. They made no secret of the fact that
>they celebrate the death of a soldier or a policeman, and they can be
>highly public about their celebrations. We celebrated in the same way. We
>went to the bar. We drank quite a lot. The cooks made us a cake."
>She added: "After a shooting occurred, if a terrorist was killed there was
>a cake made with their name on it, part of the celebration. Some of the
>cakes were in the form of a cross with RIP on it."
>Asked by Taylor whether she thought that macabre, she replied: "Possibly,
>but the saying is: Live by the sword and die by the sword."
>Price was shot four times in July 1984 as the IRA planned an incendiary
>attack on a factory to coincide with the death of the hunger striker Martin
>Hurson. The SAS was laying in wait.
>Two soldiers told the inquest they had opened fire fearing Price was about
>to shoot. He was hit in the legs and then in the head as he was in a
>sitting position.
>An IRA statement at the time said Price was scouting a way to the factory
>with another IRA man, adding: "When they got within 20 yards or so of the
>bushes, three to four figures rose in front of them, and suddenly the whole
>place lit up with gunfire. William Price fell moaning. The other volunteer
>crawled back through the long grass to make his escape.
>"From the time William Price was shot and wounded to the time the other
>volunteer got out of the firing line, the shooting never stopped. Some time
>after that shooting the other volunteers heard the SAS whooping
>hysterically like Indians in a wild west film. A good three minutes after
>the firing, there seemed to be one shot and then a burst of shots."
>A private in the parachute regiment said on the programme that he had
>arrived on the scene after a shootout in Belfast between undercover
>soldiers and the IRA. It was hard to know who the enemy was. He began
>dressing the wound of an injured with his own shoulder dressing, reassuring
>him. The victim was going blue when the private learned he was an IRA man.
>The private added: "Without thinking, I took the shoulder dressing off,
>threw it on the floor, picked up a handful of grass and sod of earth and
>shoved that where the shoulder dressing had been in his femur, obviously
>creating a load of pain and alarm." Asked if he had said anything, he
>replied: "'It looks like you're on the way out, mate,' and that was it.
>Thought no more of it."
>Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000
>World News: Europe
>Wednesday, 24 May 2000
>DOCUMENTS found by chance in a Rome flea market prove that Pope Pius XII,
>accused of having turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, was given a daily
>account of Nazi atrocities by the British envoy to the Holy See.
>Defenders of Pius XII, who include the present Pope, insist that he could
>not have known about the Nazi death camps, but Francis D'Arcy Godolphin
>Osborne, the British Minister to the Holy See, gave the Pope a daily
>typewritten report culled from Allied broadcasts after he took refuge in
>the Vatican in 1940.
>Fabrizio Coisson, a journalist and antiquarian book collector, came across
>bound carbon copies of the reports at Porta Portese market in Rome. "I was
>astonished to find a signed note in which the British diplomat describes
>how every day he transcribed BBC broadcasts and passed them to the Pope,"
>Signor Coisson said. He did not know how the papers had found their way on
>to the second-hand market, but Osborne died in Rome in 1964 and Signor
>Coisson presumed that some of his effects were sold.
>Professor Owen Chadwick of Cambridge University, author of Britain and the
>Vatican During the Second World War, said that the find was remarkable.
>Father Pierre Blet, the Jesuit historian whose recent book Pius XII and the
>Second World War is seen as the Vatican's riposte to accusations that the
>Pope turned a blind eye, said he was astonished by the discovery.
>The reports, which Osborne hoped would counteract Italian and German
>propaganda, give a detailed account of Jewish deportations, mass killings
>and "inhuman experiments". The disclosure is bound to slow down further the
>Vatican's much-criticised plans to beatify Pius XII. Rabbi Marvin Hier of
>the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Los Angeles said it would "desecrate the
>memory of the Holocaust victims" to beatify a man "who sat in silence on
>the throne of St Peter and watched the trains take Jews across Europe to
>the death camps".
>Last autumn the writer John Cornwell caused a furore by claiming in his
>book Hitler's Pope that Pius XII not only failed to speak out against Nazi
>persecution when he was Pope but, as Papal Nuncio (ambassador) in Berlin in
>the 1920s and Secretary of State in the 1930s, helped Hitler to come to
>power by suppressing German Catholic resistance to the Nazis. The book was
>denounced by the Vatican as "trash".
>Osborne, who arrived in Rome to represent Britain at the Holy See in 1936
>and initially regarded Pius XII as "saintly", retreated inside the Vatican
>walls when Fascist Italy entered the war on Hitler's side in June 1940. He
>followed Allied broadcasts intently and began compiling what he called
>"British wireless news" for the Pope, emphasising "the sufferings of
>civilians in Nazi occupied Europe" and German "crimes against humanity".
>Although it was known that he wrote the reports, scholars failed to find
>In October 1940 he warned the Pope that the Germans were "actively
>promoting anti-Semitism in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria". By 1941 the tone
>became more dramatic, as the Nazis committed "atrocities in the name of the
>myth of the superior race". He wrote: "They are conducting experiments on
>sick and mentally deficient children in Germany."
>Osborne, noting that Hitler had vowed to "liquidate the Jews for at least a
>thousand years", told the Pope that Jews in Poland were being murdered and
>deported en masse, adding - in words that carry poignancy with hindsight -
>that some were being given "special permits" to travel by rail, "but only
>by slow trains".
>After Pius XII's Christmas Eve homily in 1942, in which he condemned
>extermination "by reason of nationality or race" but failed to mention the
>words Nazi or Jew, Osborne stepped up the campaign, informing the Pope in
>1943: "In Slovakia, 77 per cent of the Jewish population has been deported
>to an unknown destination, which probably signifies death." He added: "The
>number of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto has been reduced by 400,000 since last
>July - there are barely 35,000 left."
>However, Sir Martin Gilbert, the historian and biographer of Churchill,
>said the Vatican had sheltered 4,000 Jews during the Gestapo raids in Rome
>in 1944. Sir Martin, whose latest book Never Again is a history of the
>Holocaust, said many Christians had taken a stand against the Nazis, and
>that "Christian anti-Semitism" should not be confused with the Holocaust,
>which had been "carried out by people who were hostile to Christian
>Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd.
>Wednesday, May 24 10:45 PM SGT
>PRETORIA, May 24 (AFP) - Apartheid chemical warfare expert Wouter Basson
>held freeze-dried HIV-infected blood and a cocktail of poisons and bacteria
>to kill or sicken opponents of the white regime, a witness told his trial
>Bacteriologist Mike Odendaal said he collected lethal substances while
>working at Roodeplaat Research Laboratories outside Pretoria, a front
>company for the apartheid military, and that his main client was Basson.
>Dubbed "Dr Death," Basson is facing 61 charges ranging from fraud to drug
>dealing, and his trial in the High Court has for weeks heard harrowing
>tales of how hundreds of apartheid foes were murdered using sinister
>methods he allegedly suggested. Basson has pleaded not guilty to all
>Odendaal said on one occasion the head of Roodeplaat handed him a bottle of
>HIV-infected blood taken from a man who had died of AIDS in a military
>He was ordered to freeze-dry the blood for Basson, who wanted to use it
>"against a political opponent."
>Odendaal said he thought his job was to develop a defensive capability
>against biochemical attacks, but soon found himself supplying chemical and
>biological agents to attack anti-apartheid activists.
>One of the victims of Roodeplaat's germ factory was a cleric, Frank
>Chikane, now a senior advisor to President Thabo Mbeki, he told the court.
>He said he was never too sure where the poisons he prepared went, but
>Roodeplaat boss Andre Immelman once told him that organophosphate was put
>on someone's clothes to poison him.
>After reading newspaper reports about such an attack on Chikane, who became
>very ill, he came to the conclusion that Immelman had been talking about
>the cleric.
>Another time, he was told to give Immelman salmonella to slip into the
>sugar at a meeting of African National Congress members.
>It worked well because everyone became ill, he said.
>Odendaal had also tested the use of botulinum, one of the most toxic
>substances on earth, in liquids such as water and whisky, which were then
>injected into laboratory animals.
>At one stage, he also put anthrax into cigarettes destined for "terrorists
>in Zambia or Angola," into soft-centred chocolates and on a letter.
>Odendaal made it clear that he had received his orders from Immelman, but
>that Roodeplaat's main client was the military, represented by Basson.
>Basson's defence has ridiculed the testimony of a string of witnesses who
>connected Basson to acts ranging from the bizarre -- such as bewitching
>Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu with a baboon foetus -- to the
>brutal, including injecting captured freedom fighters with lethal
>substances before throwing them into the sea from high-flying planes.
>On Wednesday defence council Jaap Cilliers said he found absurd the
>suggestion that one would "grab the enemy, inject him with the (HIV)
>infected blood, and he would only die 14 years later".
>"I suppose that is what one can call long-term planning," he said.
>Copyright 2000 AFP. All rights reserved.
>Saturday, May 27, 2000 1:59 PM ET
>PASSAU, Germany (Reuters) - Around 4,000 neo-Nazis and skinheads from
>Germany's ultra right-wing National Democratic Party marched through the
>Bavarian town of Passau shouting right-wing slogans on Saturday.
>A police spokesman said 50 people were arrested, most of them left-wing
>activists staging a counter-demonstration. One policeman was injured.
>Around 850 left-wing demonstrators tried to stop the march to the Nibelung
>Hall, which was used by the Nazis in the 1930s to stage party congresses
>and has become a shrine for right-wing extremists.
>The march through the normally calm town on the Czech border was escorted
>by a large number of police officers.
>Around 1,000 people protested against neo-Nazism in a separate
>demonstration organized by the Social Democrats, church groups and trade
>Addressing the demonstration, Michel Friedman, deputy chairman of the
>Central Council of Jews in Germany, warned of the danger of right-wing
>radicalism in Germany. ``We cannot accept right-wing violence,'' he said.
>Copyright 2000 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
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