>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 2nd June, 2000.
>1) Editorial - Shadow boxing.
>2) Lead story - Tuition fees: The real barrier to university.
>3) Feature article - Africans need no interference from neo-colonialists.
>4) International story - Assembly doors are open again in Belfast.
>5) British news item - GM crops fiasco deepens.
>1) Editorial
>Shadow boxing.
>THE jeering and party political point scoring of the Labour and Tory
>parliamentary front benches is always a tedious spectacle. Anyone with the
>stomach to follow the "debates" between these pompous individuals over the
>past two weeks must by now be ready for a good loud scream.
> The leaderships of both parties are beginning to focus their attention on
>the next election. Their problem is that neither intends to abandon the
>policy introduced by Thatcher of protecting the rich from higher taxes and
>neither intends to cut Britain's huge "defence" budget. As a result we are
>going to get a lot of soft words in lieu of hard cash and a lot of "new"
>ideas for re-arranging the few bits of furniture we already have.
> Labour has chosen to make an issue of Oxford university's failure to give
>a place to a young woman from a state school. This has enabled the Labour
>leaders to cast themselves as principled opponents of snobbery and
>privilege and champions of state education and working class pupils.
> There's nothing wrong with championing state education of course. The
>trouble is, none of it rings true because we all know that these supposed
>champions of the working class have not only failed to restore the student
>grants system -- they have supported the introduction of tuition fees for
>students and made it even tougher for working class young people to go to
>college at all.
> In fact all the fine words in defence of one young woman have cost the
>government nothing -- making the money available to give everyone a chance
>is another matter and does not enter the Labour leaders' arguments.
> The Tories have chosen a different battleground -- their old favourite
>subject of law'n'order. For them it's always the same recipe of tackling
>crime by taldng up a bigger stick and dishing out more punishment to
>offenders. We're all supposed to forget that crime figures actually rose
>when they were in government.
> Was it not it the Tories who presided over a prison system that was
>bursting at the seams and then proceeded to privatise prisons and prisoner
>transport? During those years there were riots by prisoners, industrial
>actions by prison officers and scandals over breaches of security. And all
>the time civil liberties were eroded and the level of crime still went up.
> The Tories also hope to score with the pensioners by promising a rise in
>the weekly pension instead of the one off payments for winter fuel and the
>Christmas bonus. They are doing their best to exploit the widespread anger
>at the recent insulting 75p a week increase offered to pensioners.
> But pensioners are not impressed by a proposal that is merely a
>re-packaging of the same money. Neither front bench is prepared to give the
>pensioners what they have repeatedly called for -- restoration of the link
>between pensions and average male earnings. Britain's campaigning
>pensioners will not be fobbed off and will carry on their fight for justice.
> Militant action and active campaigning on the part of the whole working
>class is needed now to put an end to the parliamentary shadow boxing. The
>coming year has to be a year of action and the focus of the campaigning has
>to be the Labour Party's current leadership.
> The Tories are, as they have always been, a party created to represent the
>interests of the ruling capitalist class and despite their crude populist
>appeals they will uphold through thick and thin the economic gains the
>Thatcher government brought to their class.
> The Labour Party on the other hand is largely financed by the trade unions
>and has an organisational and historic link with the labour movement. It is
>not the property of Blair, it does not have to be dominated by the
>careerists of Millbank Tower. We say, Blair's class collaborationist
>politics can and must be defeated. That requires making the call for a
>democratic Labour Party a reality. It requires struggle and participation
>in our own movement.
>                                   *********************
>2) Lead story
>Tuition fees: The real barrier to university
>by Daphne Liddle
>VARIOUS Government ministers this week have been courting publicity by
>attacking the Oxford University selection process -- after it rejected the
>highly talented Tyneside 18-year-old Laura Spence -- for being culturally
> The Labour Party is blatantly trying to win back some of its fast
>dissolving popularity among the working classes by pretending to champion
>working class applicants to traditionally middle and upper class seats of
> But at the same time it has been planning to increase student tuition fees
>to the full cost -- with help only a means tested basis for the most hard up.
> This will mean fees ofaround £4,000 a year for an arts course, £6,000 for
>science and even more for medicine. The fees are supposed to be met by
> This will do far more to prevent students from working class and middle
>income homes getting to any college than any alleged snobbery among Oxford
>course selectors.
> There is of course cultural snobbery involved in the selection processes.
>The selectors deny this and are probably unaware of it -- but it's
> Selectors look for more than just paper qualifications. They say they are
>looking for confidence and other less tangible qualities.
> In reality they are, unconsciously looking for a reflection of their own
>middle class academic cultural values and world outlook.
> But this is not the biggest obstacle in the path of aspiring working class
>students. Lack of funding for the whole education system is -- and that's
>the Government's responsibility.
> The medical course that Laura Spence applied for only had five places and
>that too is a scandal. This country is in desperate need of more good doctors.
>There are no heart operations happening in the whole country of Scotland at
>present because the one and only heart surgeon resigned recently.
> The Government's plans to combat cancer cannot happen because ofa shortage
>of specia Iist doctors. NHS wai ting lists are a national scandal because
>we do not have enough doctors.
> We cannot afford to lose people like Laura Spence. It is a false economy.
>The money spent on training her at Oxford would be more than repaid by the
>work she would one day be able to do for the NHS to relieve illness, to
>rescue people from being on sickness benefit while on long waiting lists.
> There were almost certainly other good applicants rejected for that course
>who are also a loss to British medicine.
> The university selectors have complained that not enough students from
>working class backgrounds apply to the most prestigious universities.
> One of them let slip one of the main reasons. Students nowadays apply for
>courses at whatever higher education institute is near their home so they
>can live more cheaply with their parents while they study.
> This is an effect of removing student maintenance grants and imposing the
>existing £1,000-a-year tuition fees.
> Working class young people are afraid of taking out huge student loans
>that will leave them to begin their working lives saddled with big debts.
> Even with the student loans, most find it very hard to make ends meet and
>are forced to take on part-time or even full-time jobs while they study.
> The jobs market is now geared to this with employers siting call centres
>and such near universities to benefit from the cheap, non-unionised labour.
> But the students suffer from trying to do too much. They spend their
>student years fighting exhaustion and anxiety. There is not much time for
>traditional student activities like having fun or political campaigning.
> The traditional social life of young adults away from home for the first
>time does not exist for those who have to stay in the parental nest to make
>ends meet.
> Their work suffers too. Working class students are distinguishable from
>their wealthier colleagues because their grades are lower, projects less
>likely to be handed in on time and so on because work and study are not
>easy to combine.
> It is a very unequal struggle and working class students are daunted. They
>do drop out or fail to achieve their potential.
> They are being betrayed by Labour politicians who themselves benefited
>from a proper grant system that enabled them to get where they are.
> There are thousands of other working class pupils who never even
>contemplate going to university because they have been let down by an
>education system that does not have enough teachers.
>Laura Spence has been accepted by Harvard University in America and
>probably has a bright future. But there are thousands of other young
>working class people whose talents and potential are being poured down the
>drain by the system and we are all the poorer for it.
>                                  **********************
>3) Feature article
>Africans need no interference from neo-colonialists.
>THERE is a new scramble for Africa going on among imperialist powers that
>is comparable to what was happening at the end of the 19th century,
>speakers told a meting in London last week.
> The meeting was organised by the New Worker to honour Africa Liberation
>Day with invited speakers Explo Nani Kofi of the African Liberation Support
>Campaign, Hakim Adi of the African and Caribbean Progressive Study Group,
>Chris Coleman of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain
>(Marxist-Leninist) and New Communist Party general secretary Andy Brooks.
> Explo Nani Kofi began by attacking the role of the capitalist press in
>spreading misinformation and covering up the truth of what is happening in
>many African struggles but in particular what is now happening in Zimbabwe
>and Sierra Leone.
> "The capitalist press calls the tune and too many people who think of
>themselves as progressives are dancing to it" he warned.
> He went on to give an account of his own experiences of living under
>neo-colonialism in Ghana. He saw political comrades who were active against
>capitalism incarcerated or even killed.
> He was among those forced to find a way out of his home country -- though
>the governmentwas trying to shoot those trying to escape. This was done at
>the behest of the imperialist powers. Explo told the meeting that if he had
>not been forced into exile in Britain he would have been unaware of the
>existence of the working class movement here.
> On Zimbabwe he cautioned against helping imperialist aims to divide the
>workers and peasants of that country.
> The peasants and workers are united in reclaiming the land that was
>forcibly taken from them.
> On Sierra Leone he said the motive of imperialists like Tony Blair was
>profit -- the arms trade and diamonds.
> He called on progressives in Britain to recognise that working class and
>peasants throughout Africa have a vital leading role to play which should
>be supported.
> "Africans need no interference to liberate themselves from
>neo-colonialism," he said.
> Hakim described the blatant interference of imperialist organisations like
>the World Trade Organisation among sovereign African countries.
> But he said the opposition to all this is growing. The recent
>demonstrations in Seattle and the City of London against capitalism are
>only the latest events in a long-running movement that has been fighting in
>Africa for many years.
> He then gave a lengthy account of how the people of Zimbabwe were forcibly
>robbed of their land by British imperialist forces under the command of
>Cecil Rhodes.
> Chris Coleman also warned against the new scramble for Africa and stressed
>the importance of combating imperialism here in one of its main homelands.
> Andy Brooks supported this. He said it was not our job to interfere in how
>African people conducted their struggle for liberation but to support all,
>throughout the world, who make a stand against imperialism.
> There followed an interesting discussion and a collection raised £135.
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>Assembly doors are open again in Belfast.
>by Steve Lawton
>CERTAINTY is a rare commodity in Irish history. The twists and turns in the
>recent years of the peace process epitomise the way progress has so far
>defied everything thrown at it. It has stalled, taken a battering and
>looked like breaking down catastrophically many times. It still may,
>depending on how the British Government now proceeds.
> Following the Ulster Unionist Party council's decision last Saturday to
>accept the IRA's decommissioning statement, devolved governing powers were
>restored to the Legislative Assembly at Stormont Castle, Eelfast. Though
>still far from business as usual, it does mean all parties to the process
>-- including the UUP and Sinn Fein -- will re-connect in addressing the
>daily political challenges.
> But the Democratic Unionist Party, which has two seats on the 12-member
>Executive, remains "semi-detached", as Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams put it.
> The IRA had said it would put weapons permanently beyond use in the
>context of the overall arms hand over, including British demilitarisation
>and on the basis of the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement. The
>UUP vote has cleared the way for the political institutions, which were up
>and running seven months ago but suspended in February, to resume work for
>a second time.
> David Trimble's recommendation as UUP leader and First Minister to support
>that IRA statement won the day by a close margin, bringing into sharper
>relief the persistentdivision in unionism as it comes under increased
>pressure. The 862-member council voted 459 to accept with 403 against (56
>and 47 per cent respectively). The result was welcomed by US President
> Hardline unionist opposition therefore remains unrepentant. Given such a
>substantial vote against Trimble, fears have been prompted of a serious
>polarisation within unionism.
> No doubt this is reflected in the heightened Loyalist paramilitary feuds.
>And they, of course, must also submit to the disarmament process. But that
>will only add up to a destabilising movement if the British government give
>them the opportunity to wreck the Agreement.
> Gerty Adams said: "I met a rejectionist unionist in the hall [of Stormont
>Castle] and he said 'It won't last'. If that attitude is taken then our
>confidence is ill founded; but our confidence is in the people who voted
>for this agreement north and south and we cannot let their votes be
>foundered or undermined by those who resist change."
> The British government having suspended the Assembly powers once until the
>IRA had made yet another unilateral concession, has clearly demonstrated
>its arrogance to both communities.
> In its temporary, yet swift and arbitrary dismissal of the fledgling
>institutions, certain forces within the state are reminding everyone that
>it can take such decisive action whenever it deems it in its interests to
>do so. In part, this is the securocrat problem that Sinn Fein refer to.
> The hard and long process required for cross-community development and
>reconciliation to take root is dependent upon the British Government
>sticking to the Good Friday Agreement. Both Sinn Fein and the unionists
>have gradually developed in many local ways a degree of cooperation on
>everyday issues. This is also reflected in north/south links and in the
>growing commercial interests in the north.
> The heart of the long term issue is that the British state wants to make
>very sure there is no dominant political shift that challenges the social
>and economic basis of society in Ireland. That may seem, in any case, a
>long way off; but peoples re-united develop a new arsenal of knowledge for
>the future based on centuries awareness of their history to continue
>change, once that challenge has been taken up.
> Nothing stands still. The momentum remains strong for a permanent
>settlement of the conflict which has deeply scarred the north of Ireland.
>Sinn Fein chief negotiator Martin McGuinness said: "We want to build a
>future for everybody. The question is, are we up to it? I think we are. I
>think we can get this right." The first reconvened Executive gathers as we
>go to press.
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>GM crops fiasco deepens.
>THE RESULTS of the sowing of crops contaminated with genetically modified
>seeds by mistake are deepening.
> The Government has failed to either advise farmers to plough up the crops
>now in the ground or offer them compensation.
> In Scotland, Scottish Rural Affairs Minister Ross Finnie has ruled out any
>Government compensation and told farmers they must sue the Canadian
>company, Advanta, that supplied the seeds for any costs they may incur.
> This has led Jim Walker, the head of the National Farmers' Union in
>Scotland, to advise farmers to leave the crops growing until the Government
>clarifies the position on compensation.
> Speaking for the environmental group Friends of the Earth, Kevin Dunion
>said: "Yet more conflicting advice puts the environment at risk. Every
>additional day these illegal crops remain in the ground they pose a real
>and unnecessary risk to the environment.
> "The seed crushers will not crush it and the supermarkets will not buy it.
>The only decision which will protect the environment is to plough these
>crops under."
> Farmers fear that supermarkets will boycott any seed that may be
>contaminated and the whole disaster could cost them millions.
> But there are far greater potential costs. Monsanto, the company that has
>pioneered these crops has recently discovered that GM soya -- widely used
>in all kinds of food products -- contains unexpected gene fragments.
> There is no evidence that these in themselves are dangerous -- or that
>they are safe. What the evidence does show is that companies like Monsanto
>have no real idea what they are unleashing and cannot hope to control all
>the knock-on effects of what they are doing.
> Another four-year study by Professor Hans Hinrich Kaatz, a leading German
>zoologist, has found that genes from GM crops can jump the species barrier
>to mutate.
> He found that an alien gene used to modify oilseed rape has transferred to
>bacteria living in the digestive systems of bees.
> This implies that such genes could transfer to the bacteria in our own
>insides. This could have an impact on the bacteria's role in helping the
>human body fight disease, aid digestion and facilitate blood clotting.
> A year ago Dr Arpad Putzai published research which showed that eating GM
>potatoes damaged the stomach lining of rats but his work was fiercely
>attacked by scientists working for the GM companies and for the Government.
> It could give rise to any number of totally new, mutated bacteria, some of
>which could be harmful.
> Dr Mac-Wan Ho, a geneticist at the Open University, said: "These findings
>are very worrying and provide the first real evidence of what many have
>feared. Everybody is keen to exploit GM technology but nobody is looking at
>the risk of horizontal gene transfer.
> "We are playing with genetic structures that existed for millions of years
>and the experiment is running out of control."
> Scientists are now worried that if a gene which provides resistance to
>anti-biotics crosses from a GM crop to bacteria it would make many diseases
>impossible to treat.
>                               *********************
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