----- Original Message -----
From: Sandeep Vaidya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 10:28 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO] KAL 007 & Iran Air 655


The on going trial of two Libyan men accused of blowing up the PanAm
ariplan over Lockerbie is a  good time to remember two other civillian
plane tragedies, and how the US media covered them.


Extra!, July/August 1988

KAL 007 and Iran Air 655: Comparing the Coverage

The day after a Soviet interceptor plane blew up a Korean passenger jet,
the first sentence of a New York Times editorial (9/2/83) was
unequivocal: "There is
no conceivable excuse for any nation shooting down a harmless airliner."
Headlined "Murder in the Air", the editorial asserted that "no
whatever justifies attacking an innocent plane."

Confronted with the sudden reality of a similar action by the U.S.
government, the New York Times inverted every standard invoked with
indignation five years earlier. Editorials condemning the KAL shootdown
were filled with phrases like "wanton killing," "reckless aerial murder"
and "no
conceivable excuse." But when Iran Air's flight 655 was blown out of the
sky on July 3, excuses were more than conceivable -- they were profuse.

Two days after the Iranian passenger jet went down in flames killing 290
people, the Times (7/5/88) editorialized that "while horrifying, it was
an accident." The editorial concluded, "The onus for avoiding such
accidents in the future rests on civilian aircraft: avoid combat zones,
fly high,
acknowledge warnings."

A similar pattern pervaded electronic media coverage. In the aftermath
of the KAL incident, America's airwaves routinely carried journalistic
CBS anchor Dan Rather, for example, called it a "barbaric act." No such
adjectives were heard from America's TV commentators when discussing the
shootdown of a civilian jet.

As soon as the Iranian Airbus crashed into the Persian Gulf, the Reagan
administration set out to discourage what should have been obvious
between the Soviet Union's tragic mistake and our tragic mistake. The
New York Times and other media uncritically quoted the President's July
resurrection of his administration's timeworn deceit: "Remember the KAL,
a group of Soviet fighter planes went up, identified the plane for what
it was and
then proceeded to shoot it down. There's no comparison."

Virtually ignored was a key finding of Seymour Hersh's 1986 book The
Target Is Destroyed -- that the Reagan administration knew within days
of the
KALshootdown that the Soviets had believed it to be a military aircraft
on a spy mission. Soviet commanders had no idea that they were tracking
a plane
with civilians on board. The Times had acknowledged this long after the
fact in an editorial, "The Lie That Wasn't Shot Down" (1/18/88); yet
when Reagan
lied again, the failed again to shoot it down.

Instead, Times correspondent R.W. Apple, Jr. weighed in (7/5/88) with an
analysis headlined, "Military Errors: The Snafu as History". In his
lead, Apple
observed that "the destruction of an Iranian airliner...came as a sharp
reminder of the pervasive role of error in military history." The piece
drew many
parallels to the Iran jetliner's tragic end -- citing examples from the
American Revolution, World War II and Vietnam -- while ignoring the most
analogy. About the KAL 007 shootdown, Apple said not a word.

If anything, the recent tragedy was less defensible than the KAL
disaster. The Iran Air jet went down in broad daylight, well within its
approved commercial
airline course over international waters, without ever having strayed
into any unauthorized air space. In contrast, the Korean plane flew way
off course, deep
into Soviet territory above sensitive military installations, in the
dead of night.

But, as with Washington's policy-makers, the mass media was intent on
debunking relevant comparisons rather than exploring them. The
public relations spin quickly became the mass media's: A tragic mishap
had occurred in the Persian Gulf, amid puzzling behavior of the
passenger jet.
Blaming the victim was standard fare, as reporters focused on the plight
of U.S.S. Vincennes commander Capt. Will Rodgers III, whose picture
appeared on
tabloid covers (7/5/88) with bold headlines -- h|q" -->"Captain's
Anguish"Newsday and "Captain's Agony" (New York Post).

At the same time, U.S. journalists asserted that the Iranian government
was eager to exploit its new propaganda advantage. Correspondent Tom
informed viewers of the CBS Evening News (7/6/88) that Iran was intent
on making sure the event would not slip from the world's front pages;
Bert Quint followed up minutes later with a similar theme.

Sorely lacking from the outset was any semblance of soul-searching about
the holier-than-Moscow Soviet-bashing that followed the KAL accident.
last thing that White House officials wanted was any such national
self-examination. But we might have hoped for more independence from the
U.S. media,
which allowed their proclaimed precepts to spin 180 degrees in an
instant, while discarding basic insights like the one expressed in a New
York Times
editorial six days after KAL 007 exploded (9/7/83): "To proclaim a
'right' to shoot down suspicious planes does not make it right to do

Reported by Norman Solomon.

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