>Date: June 2, 2000           Declaration 114
>The June 1 issue of Hurriyet has an article by Yusuf Cinal with the
>responsible editor Ertugrul Ozkok and the editor-in-chief Oktay Eksi have
>also devoted their columns to the non-extradition of Fehriye Erdal.
>Attempts had already been made to influence the outcome of a trial in
>progress by means of newspaper articles and provocations, notably an article
>published on March 8, 2000, also signed by Yusuf Cinal and headed, ìFEHRIYE
>ERDAL IS GOING TO BE EXTRADITEDî. We have already responded appropriately to
>the slanders this person has uttered. We have exposed all his lies. From now
>on everybody is aware that he is controlled by the National Intelligence
>Organisation, MIT.
>Yusuf Cinal is intellectually incapable of turning out lies of this calibre
>all by himself. He is, you might say, a low-grade agent of MIT. Oktay Eksi
>and Ertugrul Ozkok, respectively editor-in-chief and responsible editor, are
>the ones who have authorised Yusuf Cinal to act and have dictated his
>slanders and provocations.
>It is nothing new for Hurriyet to publish contra lies and provocations in an
>attempt to manipulate public opinion. The newspaperís character is
>completely laid bare in the rubric by Nezih Demirkent written to introduce
>the article, ìWhen I was the general director at the Hurriyet newspaper, MIT
>was present at Hurriyetî. It is no secret, especially in the media, that
>Ertugrul Ozkok and Oktay Eksi have published articles on behalf of MIT.
>Unfortunately, a large number of honest journalists are still afraid to
>denounce them as MIT agents. We invite everyone to skim through the output
>of these two, and Hurriyetís. What will be immediately obvious is that they
>have always defended torture, massacres, disappearances committed in the
>name of the state, as well as the frauds, chicanery and torture perpetrated
>for the sake of the monopolies. If you pay particular attention to the
>writings of these two editors, you will be able to confirm that they have
>always been acting as apologists for police torturers and murderers and have
>always applauded their bloodiest deeds.
>They work for MIT. It is MIT which dictates news to them. Using the media,
>they are conducting psychological warfare in conformity with the lessons
>they have learned from the CIA. They defend every loathsome deed, illegality
>and massacre in Turkey. But they do not have the courage to admit that they
>do this in the interests of MIT. They defend everything committed by the
>state. But they are afraid to embark on an open career as MIT agents.
>Because MIT is behind every massacre, every act of torture and all the
>oppression and exploitation in Turkey. And for this it is cursed.
>Now they are slavering at the mouth because they could not kill Fehriye
>Erdal in the same way they could arrange the killing of Mustafa Duyar at the
>hands of mafia gangs (Note: Duyar turned traitor to the DHKC and gave
>himself up, but was killed when he was no longer useful.) Even with a
>traitor like Mustafa Duyar, they did not abide by the law. They always talk
>of justice, murder and the laws. In Turkey, when justice and the laws are
>spoken of, they are particularly applied to revolutionaries and the people.
>We hold MIT agents like Ertugrul Ozkok responsible for the murder of
>thousands, for the torture of millions and for the disappearance of hundreds
>of our people. For they have always cheered on the murderers and torturers
>and supported them by disseminating their mendacious news items. And they
>are still doing so. They have not had their fill of bloodshed and torture.
>We also hold them responsible for the Susurluk gangs which are able to roam
>freely in Europe and Turkey, as well as Sabanciís hit squads sent out to
>seek revenge. Like Sabanci and people of his stamp, they have supported
>every fascist junta in Turkey. They have even disseminated propaganda for
>the fascist MHP (Nationalist Movement Party).
>They have always taken the role of judges and prosecutors acting against the
>people. Look at their headlines and articles: they write ìMurdererî. They
>have already reached their verdict. Because it is MIT which reaches the
>verdict for them. Such things as the honour of the press are nothing to
>them. Their morality is determined by their own interests. Their interests
>are the same as Sabanci, who gives financial aid to the fascist MHP and
>supports every massacre in Turkey. So that is why they are calling Fehriye a
>ìmurderessî. They want Sabanci to obtain revenge against Fehriye in the same
>way that Mustafa Duyar was killed.
>Ertugrul Ozkok writes that ìthe image of these lifeless bodies lying on the
>ground soaked in blood is burned into my brainî. AND WHAT ABOUT OUR BODIES?
>The hundreds of our people murdered in broad daylight amid fascist slogans,
>their bodies ripped apart by bullets and bombs, their arms and legs severed
>and charredÖ Does Ertugrul Ozkok even remember the bodies of the dozens of
>our people killed with torture and gunshots in the very prisons themselves?
>Indignation aside, has he even brought himself to say that these massacres
>were inhuman? Quite on the contrary, he has applauded them. There will
>always be a fight for justice and freedom in a land where massacres are
>applauded and justice and democracy do not exist. Ertugrul Ozkokís
>indignation is directed at those who rebel for the sake of justice and
>Everyone should read again what Hurriyet has had to say about the trial of
>Fehriye Erdal. And everyone should read what Hurriyet has written when
>revolutionaries and progressives were murdered and tortured. When this is
>done it will be clear who directs the newspaper and why they want Fehriye
>Erdal. MIT is present in the newspaper Hurriyet as well as in its editorial
>* MIT ñ Civilian security service of Turkey
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>2000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Declaration
>issue of Hurriyet has an article by Yusuf Cinal with the <BR>headline,
>&ldquo;IT&rsquo;S A PITY, THE MURDERESS WILL GET AWAY WITH IT&rdquo; . Both
><BR>responsible editor Ertugrul Ozkok and the editor-in-chief Oktay Eksi have
><BR>also devoted their columns to the non-extradition of Fehriye
>Erdal.<BR>Attempts had already been made to influence the outcome of a trial
><BR>progress by means of newspaper articles and provocations, notably an
><BR>published on March 8, 2000, also signed by Yusuf Cinal and headed,
>&ldquo;FEHRIYE <BR>ERDAL IS GOING TO BE EXTRADITED&rdquo;. We have already
>responded appropriately to <BR>the slanders this person has uttered. We have
>exposed all his lies. From now <BR>on everybody is aware that he is controlled
>by the National Intelligence <BR>Organisation, MIT.<BR>Yusuf Cinal is
>intellectually incapable of turning out lies of this calibre <BR>all by
>He is, you might say, a low-grade agent of MIT. Oktay Eksi <BR>and Ertugrul
>Ozkok, respectively editor-in-chief and responsible editor, are <BR>the ones
>have authorised Yusuf Cinal to act and have dictated his <BR>slanders and
>provocations.<BR>It is nothing new for Hurriyet to publish contra lies and
>provocations in an <BR>attempt to manipulate public opinion. The
>newspaper&rsquo;s character is <BR>completely laid bare in the rubric by Nezih
>Demirkent written to introduce <BR>the article, &ldquo;When I was the general
>director at the Hurriyet newspaper, MIT <BR>was present at Hurriyet&rdquo;. It
>is no secret, especially in the media, that <BR>Ertugrul Ozkok and Oktay Eksi
>have published articles on behalf of MIT. <BR>Unfortunately, a large number of
>honest journalists are still afraid to <BR>denounce them as MIT agents. We
>invite everyone to skim through the output <BR>of these two, and
>Hurriyet&rsquo;s. What will be immediately obvious is that they <BR>have
>defended torture, massacres, disappearances committed in the <BR>name of the
>state, as well as the frauds, chicanery and torture perpetrated <BR>for the
>of the monopolies. If you pay particular attention to the <BR>writings of
>two editors, you will be able to confirm that they have <BR>always been acting
>as apologists for police torturers and murderers and have <BR>always applauded
>their bloodiest deeds.<BR>They work for MIT. It is MIT which dictates news to
>them. Using the media, <BR>they are conducting psychological warfare in
>conformity with the lessons <BR>they have learned from the CIA. They defend
>every loathsome deed, illegality <BR>and massacre in Turkey. But they do not
>have the courage to admit that they <BR>do this in the interests of MIT. They
>defend everything committed by the <BR>state. But they are afraid to embark on
>an open career as MIT agents. <BR>Because MIT is behind every massacre, every
>act of torture and all the <BR>oppression and exploitation in Turkey. And for
>this it is cursed.<BR>Now they are slavering at the mouth because they could
>kill Fehriye <BR>Erdal in the same way they could arrange the killing of
>Duyar at the <BR>hands of mafia gangs (Note: Duyar turned traitor to the DHKC
>and gave <BR>himself up, but was killed when he was no longer useful.) Even
>a <BR>traitor like Mustafa Duyar, they did not abide by the law. They always
>talk <BR>of justice, murder and the laws. In Turkey, when justice and the laws
>are <BR>spoken of, they are particularly applied to revolutionaries and the
>people. <BR>We hold MIT agents like Ertugrul Ozkok responsible for the murder
><BR>thousands, for the torture of millions and for the disappearance of
><BR>of our people. For they have always cheered on the murderers and torturers
><BR>and supported them by disseminating their mendacious news items. And they
><BR>are still doing so. They have not had their fill of bloodshed and torture.
><BR>We also hold them responsible for the Susurluk gangs which are able to
><BR>freely in Europe and Turkey, as well as Sabanci&rsquo;s hit squads sent
>to <BR>seek revenge. Like Sabanci and people of his stamp, they have supported
><BR>every fascist junta in Turkey. They have even disseminated propaganda for
><BR>the fascist MHP (Nationalist Movement Party).<BR>They have always taken
>role of judges and prosecutors acting against the <BR>people. Look at their
>headlines and articles: they write &ldquo;Murderer&rdquo;. They <BR>have
>reached their verdict. Because it is MIT which reaches the <BR>verdict for
>Such things as the honour of the press are nothing to <BR>them. Their morality
>is determined by their own interests. Their interests <BR>are the same as
>Sabanci, who gives financial aid to the fascist MHP and <BR>supports every
>massacre in Turkey. So that is why they are calling Fehriye a
><BR>&ldquo;murderess&rdquo;. They want Sabanci to obtain revenge against
>in the same <BR>way that Mustafa Duyar was killed.<BR>Ertugrul Ozkok writes
>&ldquo;the image of these lifeless bodies lying on the <BR>ground soaked in
>blood is burned into my brain&rdquo;. AND WHAT ABOUT OUR BODIES? <BR>The
>hundreds of our people murdered in broad daylight amid fascist slogans,
><BR>their bodies ripped apart by bullets and bombs, their arms and legs
><BR>and charred&hellip; Does Ertugrul Ozkok even remember the bodies of the
>dozens of <BR>our people killed with torture and gunshots in the very prisons
>themselves? <BR>Indignation aside, has he even brought himself to say that
>massacres <BR>were inhuman? Quite on the contrary, he has applauded them.
>will <BR>always be a fight for justice and freedom in a land where massacres
><BR>applauded and justice and democracy do not exist. Ertugrul Ozkok&rsquo;s
><BR>indignation is directed at those who rebel for the sake of justice and
><BR>freedom.<BR>Everyone should read again what Hurriyet has had to say about
>the trial of <BR>Fehriye Erdal. And everyone should read what Hurriyet has
>written when <BR>revolutionaries and progressives were murdered and tortured.
>When this is <BR>done it will be clear who directs the newspaper and why they
>want Fehriye <BR>Erdal. MIT is present in the newspaper Hurriyet as well as in
>&ndash; Civilian security service of Turkey<BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>


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