>ML Update
>A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
>Vol.-3; No.-22; 7-6-2000
>Strengthen India-China Cooperation and Friendship
>President K.R. Narayanan has just come back after a week-long visit to
>China. Both India and China share a modern republican history of more
>than fifty years and KRN’s visit marked the fiftieth anniversary of
>bilateral relations between these two ‘billionnaire’ Asian republics.
>The warmth with which his visit was greeted in China is indeed
>remarkable. After all, only two years ago Fernandez had termed China
>India’s number one enemy and Vajpayee had written a personal letter to
>US President Bill Clinton, justifying the Pokhran blasts in the context
>of the 1962 India-China war and the alleged threat posed by China’s
>nuclear capability. The saffron rulers never miss an opportunity to
>indulge in China-bashing, one of their favourite pastimes, and the
>continuous Indian appeasement of Washington and all the accompanying
>rhetoric of a so-called strategic partnership between India and the US
>have a pronounced anti-China edge.
>India’s relations with China have long been inconsistent and uneasy.
>With less cultivable land and water and many more mouths to feed, China
>has managed to stay far ahead of India in terms of almost every
>socio-economic indicator. This has created a complex in the official
>Indian attitude towards China resulting in an inconsistent policy
>approach. The most glaring expression of this inconsistency lay of
>course in the sudden outbreak of the 1962 border war which rudely
>interrupted the apparent bonhomie of the 1950s. In spite of prompt and
>unilateral withdrawal on the part of China, Indian ruling classes
>continued to suffer from a veritable Sino-phobia and it took almost
>twenty-five years for bilateral relations to return to anywhere near
>normal. Since late 80s, the two countries were however moving quite
>smoothly, never allowing the border dispute to overshadow the
>multi-dimensional ties in other spheres of bilateral relations. The
>BJP’s rise to power has once again upset the rhythm, with Indian foreign
>policy acquiring a pronounced pro-US anti-China tilt.
>India has a lot to learn and gain from China. While Indian rulers never
>tire of citing the Chinese economic reforms, obviously hoping to confuse
>and silence the domestic leftwing criticism of India’s neo-liberal
>economic campaign, the specificities of the Chinese experience - its
>revolutionary rural reforms, extensive social infrastructure and strict
>control of economic crimes - are always sought to be ignored. More
>importantly, close cooperation between China and India can go a long way
>to counter the US strategic design on Asia and tackle the challenges of
>imperialist globalisation. Good neighbourly relations with China are
>indeed an indispensable input for India’s economic development and a
>strong safeguard for India’s sovereignty and independence. On the other
>hand, the anti-China course sought to be pursued so zealously by India’s
>saffron rulers is a sure recipe for crisis.
>Democratic opinion in India should put sufficient pressure on the Indian
>government to reciprocate the warmth displayed by China to KRN’s visit.
>Bilateral relations between our two republics must be allowed and
>encouraged to grow unhindered in every sphere of mutual concern and
>benefit and the border dispute must not be unduly emphasised. It is well
>known that the US wants to draw India into a so-called civilisational
>alliance against China and Islam and secular, democratic and patriotic
>Indians must thwart this sinister American design. Making Indian foreign
>policy reflect the interests and aspirations of the Indian people as
>opposed to the imagined nation of the Hindutva brigade is an important
>agenda of anti-fascist struggle.
>Ranvir Sena and Other Criminal Gangs Must Be Thoroughly Disbanded
>While the state administration in Bihar is busy congratulating itself on
>the arrest of a few Ranvir Sena henchmen, Party asserted that the common
>people of central Bihar cannot heave a sigh of relief till the Sena is
>completely disbanded and the spate of killings brought to a credible
>end. Citing the confessions of the arrested Sena man, Party reiterated
>that the Sena is just a bunch of professional killers operating with the
>one-point programme of perpetrating massacres of landless agricultural
>labourers and intimidating the rural poor. All misleading attempts to
>justify and even glorify the Ranvir Sena as a legitimate reaction of a
>helpless peasantry to 'excesses' committed by agricultural labourers
>stand exposed in the face of emerging official revelations regarding
>this private army. It is indeed time for all sections of the agrarian
>population to acknowledge the truth and denounce the Sena's nefarious
>activities in no uncertain terms, the Party said.
>Hold Panchayat Elections at the Earliest
>While welcoming the fact that the Bihar government had been forced to
>recognise the need for holding the long-awaited elections to panchayats
>and other local bodies, CPI(ML) expressed concern that in the name of
>waiting for the Supreme Court verdict, the state government wants to
>adopt a dilatory approach on this vital question of democracy. So the
>Party called upon left and democratic forces in the state to mount
>greater pressure on the state government and force it to make a
>categorical and time-bound commitment for holding panchayat elections at
>the earliest.
>Civic Polls in West Bengal
>Election to 79 municipalities in West Bengal is over. Out of 78
>municipalities (counting suspended in one), 34 have gone to the Left
>Front, 17 to Congress and 9 to Trinamul. BJP has failed to capture even
>a single municipality. In the rest 17 municipalities, formation of
>boards remains uncertain due to fractured verdict. Number of seats won
>by LF has gone down from 843 in ’95 to 797 this time, and in terms of
>percentage of votes too they have gone down from 53.66% to 50.02%.
>CPI (M-L) contesting in as many as 50 seats conducted wide propaganda to
>expose anti-people policies of LF as also against the fascist emergence
>of Trinamul-BJP alliance. However, in terms of votes the tally is not
>A fresh round of hobnobbing between Congress and Trinamul has started to
>reach an adjustment regarding 17 hung municipalities. CPI (M), which
>congratulated Congress for its secular stand in the elections is now in
>a fix.
>Statewide Campaign Against Criminalisation
>Criminalisation in Bihar has reached an unprecedented high water mark.
>In just 10 days as many as four massacres have took place, viz. in
>Nawada, Mairwan (Siwan), Nasriganj (Rohtas), and Palani (Nalanda).
>In Nawada, as our investigation team revealed, Akhilesh Singh gang of
>upper caste (Bhumihars) patronised by both BJP and Congress has killed 6
>Yadav peasants in Pakri Barama. The gang also maintains links with
>police personnel and murders with impunity.
>In Mairwa P.S. of Siwan, goons belonging to Rajput caste murdered
>Rajnath Bhagat (60), a Party sympathiser in Chhotka Majha village on May
>25. The news was received late but Party organised road jam with the
>corpse on 31 May which ended only after the administration gave
>assurance of arresting the criminals. In another incident, Suresh Yadav
>gang fired to kill Shivnath Prasad and his son Sunil Prasad sitting at
>their shop. The same gang had killed 4 persons a few days back. Soon as
>they got the information, people gheraoed the police station to look out
>for the police sub-inspector who is suspected to have connived with the
>killers, but he had already fled away. A successful Mairwa bandh was
>observed on 4 June demanding arrest and suspension of the sub-inspector.
>The police authorities assured to suspend and transfer the sub-inspector
>and provide arms license to the shopkeepers, as demanded by the Party.
>On 5 June a large mass meeting of over 5,000 was held at Mairwa.
>In Pipradih of Nasriganj PS in Rohtas district, Bhagwan Das, a party
>cadre was killed by criminals on 28 May. Protesting against this
>hundreds of militant cadres staged a demonstration with the dead body at
>Nasriganj market. Only after 22 hours when the administration bowed down
>to protestors' demand did they hand over the dead body to police. Again
>on 31 May hundreds of militant cadres ensured Nasriganj bazar bandh. Ex
>RJD minister and MP tried to pit shopkeepers against CPI(ML) and their
>goons attacked our Party Office. Later they had to retreat.
>A CPI(ML) investigating team visiting Palani village in Nalanda revealed
>that local feudal elements had killed two dalits because dalits had
>earlier opposed the encirclement of a public well by upper caste men.
>Last October, before Parliament elections, 5 dalit hutments were put on
>fire by the feudal goons. Despite assurances given by the police
>following a gherao by dalit masses, no criminal has been arrested till
>date. This has emboldened the criminals to kill dalits with impunity. In
>connivance with police their terror tactics continue till date. Even
>before the police camp the criminals armed with fire arms come and
>terrorise dalits.
>In this backdrop, Party's State Committee has launched a statewide
>campaign on 4 June against increasing incidents of crime in the state.
>Under the campaign, meetings, rallies and demonstrations will be
>organised and police stations, the centres of the
>criminals-politicians-police nexus, will be gheraoed. The first leg of
>this movement will end on June 10. During this period, the list of
>criminals at local levels will be made public and their heinous
>activities will be exposed before the masses. The Party holds that mass
>initiative, and mass activity alone can provide a befitting answer to
>this criminalisation as no state or police is expected to come to the
>protection of rural or urban toiling people.
>Yashwant Sinha Must Resign, DTAT Must Be Scrapped
>CPI(ML) in a press statement issued from Patna said that Yashwant
>Sinha's previous term as Finance Minister was surrounded by
>controversies and allegations of several scams raised by none other than
>Mr. Mohan Guruswamy, who was an advisor to the ministry. Now new scams
>have started surfacing in his current term. It is well known that Sinha
>had stopped the Income Tax department from punishing the foreign
>institutional investors who were found guilty of largescale tax evasion
>by registering fake companies in Mauritius with which India has a
>dubious Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty (DTAT). It has now been exposed
>that the Finance Minister's daughter-in-law is the chief portfolio
>manager of one such company, viz., India Fund Inc., which has been the
>biggest beneficiary of the DTAT and Sinha's discriminatory intervention
>restraining the IT department. In view of the disclosures CPI(ML)
>demanded that Mr. Sinha must immediately step down from the Finance
>Minister's post and face a joint Parliamentary enquiry. It also demanded
>from Vajpayee govt. to immediately scrap the DTAT which is resulting in
>a recurring loss of at least Rs. 3,000 crore per year.
>Protest Rallies on Famine in South Rajasthan
>CPI(ML) and Rajasthan Kisan Union staged a protest demonstration and
>rally on May 30 at Lasarhia sub-divisional headquarters in Udaypur
>district, participated in by hundreds of villagers including adivasis
>from Lasaria Dhariawad area. The rally was called to protest against
>callousness and incompetence of the state govt. in tackling the grave
>situation of famine. Party and Rajasthan Kisan Union leaders Com.
>Mahendra Chaudhary, Srilata Swaminathan, Ambelal gometi, Puranmal Mal,
>Mangilal Mina and Narendra Mina addressed the gathering.
>Another demonstration called jointly by the two organisations was held
>on 29 May at Salumber on the demand of providing employment, fodder and
>potable water as part of the famine relief. It culminated into a mass
>meeting addressed by Srilata Swaminathan who apart from criticising the
>state govt. for its callousness and corruption in relief work, accused
>both BJP and Congress of neglecting the problems of adivasis. Com
>Mahendra Chaudhary accused the police, forest officials and feudal
>forces of looting the adivasis who were already in the grip of
>worst-ever famine.
>Addressing yet another mass meeting held at Padawali in Kotra
>subdivision of Udaipur district on 27 May, Com. Srilata Swaminathan said
>that the government that cannot provide food, fodder, potable water and
>employment to the famine stricken people has no right to stay in power.
>RYA Dharna in Patna
>Revolutionary Youth Association staged dharna at Income Tax crossing on
>30 May on the demand of pucca houses for mushahars who have been evicted
>from Rajendra Nagar while their houses were bulldozed on 10 May. The
>dharna was led by Com. K.D. Yadav, RYA leaders Kamlesh Sharma and
>Paramhans, AISA leaders Dhananjay and Ranvijay. Large number of evicted
>mushahars were also there at the dharna. The mushahars had been dwelling
>there for the past 70 years. Now land mafia patronised by Laloo Yadav
>with the connivance of Patna Development Authority has got that land
>registered in their names.
>Subsidised Foodgrains Siphoned Off
>A special investigating team probing the Public Distribution System
>under Food and Civil Supplies Ministry has now established that more
>than Rs.35 crores of subsidised foodgrains meant for distribution among
>85.90 lakh people below the poverty line in Bihar is siphoned off to
>black market each month. The total worth of ration sanctioned to Bihar
>is worth Rs.40 crore each month. Over 500 cases have been filed in 32
>districts and over 350 dealers licenses recommended for cancellation
>after preliminary enquiries.
>The officials estimate that Bihar's poor have been set back by at least
>Rs.1050 crore since 1998 when the schemes were started with the local
>block-politician-dealer-civil authorities combine all sharing the loot.
>Bihar, which had 48% of its people below the poverty line in 1991 has
>now 54.96% of people below it (assessed by a centrally deputed Modified
>Expert Group).
>Follow-up on the instructions by several district administrations have
>now revealed that the racket in foodgrains is all pervasive affecting
>each district, specially those south of the Ganga divide. The lapse is
>much more in most districts which would form a part of Jharkhand. (The
>Hindustan Times, 27-05-2000)
>Youth Attempts Self-Immolation at Parliament
>Shiv Kumar, an unemployed youth from Kanpur of U.P. attempted
>self-immolation at Gate No.2 of Parliament on 3 June. With 95% burns he
>has been admitted to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital in New Delhi. In a
>statement the youth said that some local Congress leaders raped his
>sister in Kanpur but police and administration are busy whitewashing the
>incident. Even in Delhi nobody is lending an ear to him. So he had no
>other way but to take this course. In a similar incident an ordinary
>Congress worker had attempted self-immolation before Delhi Chief
>Minister Sheila Dixit's residence. A month back a worker had committed
>self-immolation on May Day in Delhi. Similar incidents are taking place
>in various parts of the country.
>On A Bumpy Ride BJP Prepares for A Blast
>Kahin ki eent, kahin ka roda, Bhanumati ne kunba joda (to somehow jumble
>up different things gathered from different places). With that epithet
>Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee as the leader of the opposition lampooned the
>United Front govt. for pulling together a ragtag coalition. Little had
>he thought then about leading a similar assortment like National
>Democratic Alliance of today. Blame it on irony of fate that, when he
>could not succeed to pull together an 18-party coalition govt. he was
>entrusted with a responsibility to pull together a 24-party coalition.
>What outcome could one expect of such a feat?
>Not unexpectedly, while lust for power has compelled BJP to pick all and
>sundry as a 'strategic partner', it could nowhere prosper at the expense
>of its allies. In U.P., where it had been the dominant political force
>since 1991, an alliance with an odd assortment of breakaway groups had
>to be kept intact to help the BJP to retain power.
>Now the man who performed the trick, Mr. Kalyan Singh, has only to say,
>"It is the beginning of the end of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the BJP...
>BJP's doom is written on the wall. Everyone but the BJP can see it. In
>fact their MLAs are worried not knowing who should lead them in the next
>election (in U.P.).
>Not that this is the situation in U.P. alone. "State of party's health
>worries BJP top brass... Whether it is in U.P., or M.P., Bihar or
>Gujarat, senior BJP leaders are concerned that the organisation has been
>on a downhill", observes a journalist. "It is no longer a secret that
>the health of the organisation will have to be restored", says
>senior-most BJP vie president K. Jana Krishnamurthy.
>Bu then, amidst this utter frustration and desperation, a quiet but
>definite preparations have begun for the next major electoral battle --
>the U.P. Assembly elections due next year. And, the Sangh Parivar seems
>to have left with no option but to revive Ayodhya issue! The aerial
>avenue conjured up by BJP from Washington to Jaipur failed to save it.
>Therefore, an earthly route is being paved from Jaipur to Ayodhya. Ram
>Mandir by 2001, as announced by VHP's Giriraj Kishor. Has not Vajpayee
>heard the Hindi saying: a wooden vessel cannot be mounted on fire twice?
>Free Phones: The Real Plan Behind
>When the cabinet had rejected an additional Rs.50 crore in perks to the
>telecom employees, approved the ambitious disinvestment plan,
>privatization and downsizing of the Govt. and drastically reducing the
>staff strength coupled with granting 100% FDI in telecom sector, the
>Minister for telecommunication Ram Vilas Paswan announced free
>telephones without registration rental or installation charges with 75
>free monthly calls to 3.2 lakh employees of DOT and DTS.
>This invited lot of criticism from within his own camp as well as
>corporate houses and media. Though he first tried to sell it in the name
>of "social justice" and "pro-poor commitment", he was soon forced to
>reveal the real scheme: "Financial strain on DOT is for only six
>months(!) because by the year end, majority of our workers will be part
>of the corporation". And corporatisation, which was earlier proposed
>with effect from April 2001 but now will be completed before this year
>end, is just a transitory step towards privatization of DOT. The burden
>of free phone for an year is estimated at Rs. 36 crores, which will
>actually reduce to Rs. 6 crores only, because according to Paswan, "Last
>year we had paid bonus for 71 days  whereas this time we will pay for 70
>days. In the process, we will save over Rs.30 crores."
>While the class III & IV employees have been agitating for long time for
>free telephones, the former minister Sushma Swaraj decided to gave the
>facility to the 50,000 retired employees, who could play no part in the
>privatisation drive. A clever Paswan says: "It was part of a
>give-and-take package which would enable the Centre to go in for crucial
>structural changes in the telecom sector without inviting the ire of the
>workers ... to take the workers into confidence... I am hopeful that the
>same workers who had strongly opposed the concept of corporation, will
>now respond more positively." Whereas the NFTE leader Com. OP Gupta
>thinks that the step would assuage the feeling of telecom employees,
>Paswan finds it necessary in order to implement Centre's plan "to push
>through several changes in the telecom sector like converting the DTS
>into autonomous corporation". Whereas his predecessors wasted energy in
>desperately trying to break the unity and resoluteness of the telecom
>workers on the question of bifurcation, corporatisation, privatisation,
>Paswan used sugar coated bullets to deliver what they failed to do.
>Demonstration by Korean Workers
>On 31 May, some 70,000 workers at 140 work sites in south Korea went on
>a four-day general strike. They demanded a shorter (5-day) work week and
>better working conditions. They marched three kilometers through the
>main boulevard in central Seoul, carrying placards and distributing
>leaflets.  South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions threatened to
>extend the strike unless the government accepts its demand by
>June 4.
>Supporting the strike as "an expression of their firm will to win the
>right to existence and democratic freedom through struggle", Rodong
>Sinmun of North Korea said in a commentary: The South Korean rulers have
>sold "market, land and enterprises to foreign monopoly capital lock,
>stock and barrel ... acting as henchmen of the IMF ... bringing the
>economy to total bankruptcy and reducing people to economic slaves of
>foreign forces." It noted that in South Korea there are at least 8
>million jobless people and over 13 million absolutely poor and destitute
>people, among whom suicide is reported in an unbroken chain.
>Norway : Major Strike in Private Sector
>Though the grassroots workers' opposition had lost the vote on the
>question of centralised bargaining in January 2000 to the social
>democrat TUC leadership which commenced to negotiate for the private
>sector as a whole, when the result was made public on April 1, the terms
>were so treacherous that when they were put to referendum, the majority
>of no votes was historically high: 64% voted against.
>The commencing strike was formally led by the TUC-leadership, but was in
>reality led by the left opposition, with massive support in the general
>public. During the strike the opposition formed new demands: 3 kroner
>more per hour in general wage rise; no flexibility clauses, two year
>collective agreement; the four holidays within the two year period and a
>couple immediately.
>After a short week with over 80,000 on strike, the TUC leadership and
>the employers commenced new negotiations. The strike grew in strength
>each day it lasted, and the self-confidence of the trade-union members
>grew proportionately. The social-democrats in the top of the TUC have
>experienced a major political defeat. The general attitude of the left
>opposition in Norway is that the strike is a great victory, both against
>the employers and in the struggle against those who put collaboration
>with the capitalists instead of solidarity with workers internationally.


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