Communist Internet
Monday 12th May 2000 9.30pm gmt

Putin Blasts U.S. ABM Plan

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday strongly denounced the U.S. plan to deploy
a national missile defense (NMD) system and urged Europe to support the preservation
the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty.

The creation of the national missile shield is a "big strategic error that will only
strategic threats to the United States and Russia, as well as other states," Putin
said in an
interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

He said he sees no real missile threat from the so-called "rogue countries" mentioned
the U.S., and such a threat "is not going to emerge in the visible future."

"The only reasonable and truly responsible approach lies in another sphere. There is a
positive alternative to the deployment of the national ABM system," he said, stressing
that "the powerful arsenal of political and diplomatic cooperation" should be brought
to tackle possible missile threats.

The Russia's constructive program to create an all-Europe non-strategic ABM system
means further cooperation in the development of the disarmament process, including
further profound reduction of strategic offensive weapons under the auspices of the
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty-III (START III) and the preservation of the ABM
treaty, said Putin.

He urged that non-proliferation regimes should be strengthened by establishing a
missile and missile technologies non-proliferation system.

If Washington withdraws from the ABM treaty, Russia will cancel its obligations not
only under the START treaties, but also under the treaty on elimination of medium and
shorter-range missiles, he warned.

He called on Europe to maintain the ABM treaty for "consolidating the stability in the
continent and in the world," warning Great Britain, Denmark and Norway that they "will
risk getting involved in the process to unpredictable destruction of the strategic
stability if
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