----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 4:21 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Colombia: Truth About The 'Drug' War


Published Tuesday, June 20, 2000, in the Miami Herald
Colombia strikes gold in big oil field
 OPEC expected to pump more oil
BOGOTA, Colombia -- The state oil company on Monday said a consortium of
Colombian, Brazilian and Canadian companies had struck Colombia's first
major oil field in more than a decade.
The oil field, near the capital of Bogotá, may contain more than 200
million barrels of light sweet crude, said Alberto Calderón, president
of the national oil company, Ecopetrol.
``It wasn´t known that this area would have such potential,´´
Calderón said.
One of the three companies in the consortium, Calgary-based Canadian
Occidental Petroleum, celebrated the find as a ``major oil and gas
The discovery is likely to forestall a sharp slide in oil production in
Colombia, a nation that was the seventh-largest source of U.S. crude oil
last year. It also may slow an exodus of foreign oil companies
discouraged by rampant guerrilla violence.
Leftist rebels plague the major oil fields of the nation's vast eastern
jungles. Last year, rebels bombed an oil pipeline there a record 79
The newly discovered field, known as Guando, is less remote and may be
easier to protect from rebel attack. The site, near the town of
Boquerón, sits in the Upper Magdalena River Basin between the central
and eastern Andean ranges, 44 miles southwest of Bogotá. An existing
oil pipeline passes nearby.
``This is an important find,´´ Calderón said. ``It would be the
third most important in the last 20 years in Colombia.´´
Previous major finds include the Caño Limón field in 1983 near the
border with Venezuela, and the Cusiana-Cupiagua fields in 1988-1989, in
the eastern foothills of the Andes. The two fields produce the bulk of
the nation's oil.
Colombia has 2.6 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, although some
of the crude is trapped in difficult rock formations and not
economically feasible to tap.
The probable reserves of 200 million barrels at the Guando field pale
beside the 1.5 billion barrels of proven reserves at the mammoth
Cusiana-Cupiagua oil fields. But Calderón said Guando would boost oil
export revenues by ``$500 million or more´´ in coming years -- or
alternatively satisfy Colombia´s domestic oil needs for at least 2 1/2
Oil has become vital to Colombia's economy, earning the nation $3.7
billion in 1999, more than coffee, coal and cut flowers. Colombia's oil
exports to U.S. markets grew to 450,000 barrels per day last year, a
That level is likely to be short-lived. Colombia is exhausting its
current oil fields, and has seen daily production drop from 846,000
barrels in early 1999 to about 723,000 barrels in March. Further
declines are expected, and before Monday's announcement experts
predicted that Colombia would become a net importer of crude oil by
The Guando field consortium is led by a subsidiary of the Brazilian
company Petrobras, with 30 percent; and Canadian Occidental, with 20
percent. Ecopetrol retains a 50 percent interest for representing the
host nation.
``We expect that the field will be in production within 12 months,´´
Calderón said.
The Ecopetrol chief said the state company felt fortunate to strike a
significant reserve given the track record of recent worldwide
``More or less 15,200 wells have been drilled around the world in the
1990s, and of these less than 2 percent [struck oil] of greater than 100
million [barrels of reserves],´´ Calderón said. ``That means that
on the worldwide scale . . . this is an important discovery.´´
Frightened by its dwindling oil exports, Colombia recently approved more
attractive terms for foreign companies, giving them speedier
environmental licensing and greater percentages.
The reforms came after 11 companies, including Texaco, Chevron and
Triton, pulled out of exploration contracts in 1999 after failing to
find oil.

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