>        WW News Service Digest #118
> 1) Fw: Long live Shaka Sankofa/Gary Graham!
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Message-ID: <013d01bfdd35$74a8adc0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [WW]  Fw: Long live Shaka Sankofa/Gary Graham!
>Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 13:07:04 -0400
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>What the execution of Shaka Sankofa (aka Gary Graham) shows is
>what many have known all along: that this system is inherently racist, it
>is incurably barbaric.  This shows once again that capitalism has no
>answer for working people or for young people.
>Rule by the rich ... and the death penalty for the poor.
>This so-called "democratic" system is ruled by the rich, the bankers and
>the CEOs.  It's democracy for the rich -- and the death penalty for the
>poor.  All this system has to offer is police, prisons and more racist
>repression, politically and economically, for poor and working people
>while rich white men determine the fate of poor people like Shaka
>How many millionaires or billionaires do you know of that languish on
>death row?  Not a one.  Prisons are concentration camps for the poor.
>Blacks and whites are murder victims of an equal rate but 82 percent of
>all executions involve the murder of white people.  Only six white
>people have been executed for killing Blacks since 1977, the year the
>death penalty was reinstated according to Amnesty International.  The
>U.S. executes more juveniles than any other industrialized country.
>The real criminals are hidden on Wall Street.
>They're riding around in chauffeured limousines and trading billions in
>stocks while people are homeless outside their penthouse apartments.
>They are the ones investing billions of dollars into building the
>repressive prison industrial complex to help satisfy their greed for more
>profits.  These are the class interests that George Bush and Al Gore
>truly represent.
>Working people need jobs, health care, child care and education.  And
>we're not going to get it from either of the big business candidates.
>There's an election coming up so that we can "choose" who will
>oppress us for the next four years.   History has shown that
>independent mass movements win social justice, not capitalist
>Build the movement against capitalism.
>What young people and working people really need is to build a
>movement against this system -- against capitalism -- because it is
>beyond reform.  We need to build a different type of society based on
>meeting the real needs of people instead of profit for a few millionaires
>and billionaires.  The execution of Shaka was an attempt to kill the
>growing anti-death penalty movement but this atrocity will have the
>opposite impact on the movement.  The U.S. can no longer hide the
>fact that it is the number one human rights violator in the world.
>Bush with the ruling class behind him can execute Shaka Sankofa, but
>they can't kill his voice or his spirit. His heroic defiance and his
>revolutionary example will continue to be an inspiration to our
>Long live Shaka Sankofa!
>Turn the execution of Shaka Sankofa into a summer and a lifetime of
>united resistance.
>Death Row must go!
>Converge on the Republican and Democratic Conventions this summer
>to say:
>Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
>Fight back against police terror!
>Shut down the prison-industrial complex!
>End the racist death penalty!
>Shut down capitalism!
>International Action Center
>39 West 14th Street, Room 206
>New York, NY 10011
>web: www.iacenter.org
>CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
>phone: 212 633-6646
>fax:   212 633-2889


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