>From: "Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Putin asks Duma to ratify North Korea treaty
>MOSCOW, June 24 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, who will next
>month become the first Kremlin leader ever to visit North Korea, asked
>parliament on Saturday to ratify a new friendship treaty with the secretive
>Stalinist state.

Putin asked the State Duma, Russia's lower house, to ratify the treaty
which was signed by Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on a visit to Pyongyang on
February 9, replacing a Cold-War-era mutual defence pact.
>The Soviet Union was a major patron of Communist North Korea. But Russia
>recognised capitalist South Korea in 1990 and has since developed strong trade
>relations with Seoul that have tended to overshadow its ties with Pyongyang.
>Russia, however, remains one of the only countries with extensive diplomatic
>representation in Pyongyang and Putin has said Moscow intends to play an
>important diplomatic role on the divided peninsula.
>No Soviet or Russian leader has ever visited Pyongyang and Putin's trip there
>next month will give the outside world another chance to glimpse North Korea,
>after South Korean President Kim Dae-jung's historic visit last week.


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