TODAY'S NEWS (June.25.2000 Juche 89)


   * WPK praised

   * Chinese residents help socialist builders

   * Korean books presented to Peru

   * Kim Jong Il's exploits praised

   * DPRK player placed second at world Go championship

   * Rodong Sinmun on federal formula

   * Japan's arms buildup for overseas aggression flayed

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il presencia funcion de grupo artistico de esposas de

   * donan libros coreanos a granada

   * "ministro de defensa nacional" surcoreano fomenta enfrentamiento con

WPK praised

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- Foreign political party officials, who
visited the Worker's Party of Korea
Founding Museum, unanimously said that the WPK is a veteran and tested
ever-victorious revolutionary party.
    Hannu Harju, chairman of the For Peace and Socialism-the Communist
Worker's Party of Finland, said his visit
to the museum provided him with a good opportunity to know in what a unique
manner the great leader Kim Il Sung
founded the party despite ordeals and difficulties, while waging a
life-and-death struggle, and how wisely he led the
party building.
    Paulo Eduardo, representative of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement
of Brazil, wrote in the visitor's book that
the experience gained by the WPK in its struggle under the guidance of the
respected leader Kim Il Sung clearly proved
that when a party awakens and organizes the masses, it can win great
victory despite whatever difficulties.
    Anders Karlsson, head of the delegation of the Communist Party of KPML
(R) in Sweden, noted that the great
successes made by the Korean people in socialist construction under the
leadership of the WPK instill confidence in
future and great strength into them.
    Manuel Pareno, representative of the Communist Party of the Peoples of
Spain, said that today the WPK is a great
model party in the era of independence, adding only victory and glory are
in store for the WPK vigorously advancing
under the guidance of such prominent genius as Kim Jong Il.

Chinese residents help socialist builders

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- Chinese residents in South Hwanghae
Province of the DPRK helped people in
the province in building a powerful nation.
    They visited the Singwang cooperative farm in Haeju city on June 23,
taking a lot of aid materials with them. They
transplanted rice with farmers, deepening the friendship between the DPRK
and China.
    Earlier, they offered many aid materials to the construction sites of
the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia green house in
Haeju city and of the Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway.

Korean books presented to Peru

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- A presentation ceremony of Korean books
was held at the building of the
National Reconciliation Front of Peru on June 15.
    At the ceremony the Korean ambassador to Peru conveyed famous works of
the President Kim Il Sung and
General Secretary Kim Jong Il and other Korean books to the chairman of the
front .
    The chairman said that Kim Jong Il's works will serve as an
incomparably valuable textbook and a guideline of
struggle in arming the leading officials of the front and its members and
Peruvian people with the socialist idea and
strengthening his party.
    Kim Jong Il is a genius of ideology and theory, an ever-victorious
military strategist, a peerless patriot and a
lodestar of Korea's reunification, he stressed.

Kim Jong Il's exploits praised

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- Prof. and Dr. Kurt Ebert, director of the
international politics institute of the
University of Innsbruck of Austria who is also director of the board of the
International Institute of the Juche Idea,
released a statement on June 15 on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of
the great leader Kim Jong Il's start of work
at the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Exploits of Kim Jong Il are praised by the international community, he
noted, and went on:
    I, as an intellectual of Europe specializing in the study of philosophy
and state politics, give a great deal of thought
to Kim Jong Il's idea of love for the country, people and nation.
    Conception of a country, people and nation is abused and trampled down
by the ruling circles in not a few
    Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Preserving the Juche Character and
National Character of the Revolution and
Construction" is a textbook that taught the European intellectuals to
inform the people of a correct viewpoint on the
country, the people and the nation with a correct understanding of the
Juche character and national character so that
they may perform their mission before the times.
    I will do my best to introduce the Juche philosophy and the DPRK where
its ideas has become a reality.

DPRK player placed second at world Go championship

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- DPRK player Pak Ho Gil placed second at
the 22nd World Amateur Go
Championship held in Sendai, Japan, from June 19 to 22.
    He won seven games out of all the eight games.
    The championship was participated in by top-notch players from more
than 50 countries and regions of the world.

Rodong Sinmun on federal formula

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- Korea must be reunified through federal
formula based on the conception of one
nation, one state, two systems and two governments on the principle of
allowing no one side to swallow up the other
side or being swallowed up, says Rodong Sinmun in a signed article today.
    The proposal for reunification by federal formula calls for achieving
the country's reunification by leaving the
differing systems and governments existing in the north and the south as
they are and building a unified national state,
the article says, and goes on:
    Though there is heterogeneity related to the two differing systems in
the north and the south which have lasted for
55 years, the two systems can surely co-exist within the framework of the
one nation and one unified state if based on
the commonness of the nation which has been formed and consolidated for
thousands of years.
    The issue of unifying the differing systems in the north and the south
as one may be left to posterity to settle it
slowly in future. But the issue of building a unified state as one nation,
transcending difference in ideologies and
systems, is the supreme task of the nation whose fulfillment brooks no
further delay.
    History proves that Korea cannot be reunified by means of conquering
the other side. In other words, its
reunification allows neither war nor a peaceful method that involves this
    Reunifying the country through federal formula based on the conception
of one nation, one state, two systems and
two governments is the great principle of achieving national reunification
in keeping with the specific conditions of
    The principle is applied to the proposal for founding the Democratic
Federal Republic of Koryo (DFRK) advanced
by the great leader Kim Il Sung.
    The proposal for founding the DFRK is the most realistic and
reasonable, fair and aboveboard proposal for
reunification acceptable to anyone who loves the country and the nation and
truly wants reunification.
    If the country is reunified by federal formula, the north and the south
will realize the nation's cherished desire for
reunification with their interests not being encroached upon, and will
demonstrate to the world the resourceful and
proud image of the reunified nation.

Japan's arms buildup for overseas aggression flayed

    Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- Recently the Japan Defence Agency unveiled
its plan to deploy from 2011 new
type anti-submarine pursuit and attack patrol planes to modernize the
Maritime "Self-Defence Force" and increase its
combat efficiency.
    Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    The Japan defence agency plans to replace patrol planes P-3C with which
the Maritime "SDF" is now equipped by
jet patrols with more rapid speed and a wider operation radius.
    It intends to allocate about 250 billion yen for starting their
development from 2001.
    In recent years the Japanese reactionaries have escalated arms buildup
under the pretext of "coping with
emergencies in areas surrounding Japan" and Japan's "security".
    The "SDF" has been rapidly beefed up through the introduction of aegis,
large transport ships, large submarines
and destroyers, etc. This is aimed to build armed forces for attack, with a
main emphasis put on realizing their strategy
for overseas aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries are describing the build-up of their armed
forces for attack as "defensive" but there is
no country which threatens Japan. Japan is under strong "protection" by its
ally. The former soviet union which was a
potential "threat" to Japan in the Cold War era collapsed and Japan is
looking forward to the signing of a "peace
agreement" with Russia.
    The Japanese reactionaries are stepping up the modernization of their
armed forces to round off the preparations
for their overseas aggression, not to cope with any "military threat". Such
moves are a factor of destabilizing the
situation in Asia as a whole including northeast Asia.
    The rumour about "threat" from the DPRK spread by them and their madcap
drill of "pursuing unidentified ships"
are a prelude to their attack on the DPRK.
    Japan still remains the DPRK's dangerous enemy and aggression forces
against it as it is keen on the reconquest of
    History proves that aggressors are bound to meet a miserable doom.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised not to act rashly, mindful
that they will meet the same miserable end
while getting overheated with reinvasion of Korea.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il presencia funcion de grupo artistico de esposas de oficiales

    pyongyang, 24 de junio (atcc) -- el comandante supremo del ejercito
popular de corea kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa
nacional de la republica popular democratica
de corea presencio el dia 23 la funcion del grupo artistico de la unidad
no. 604, que forma parte del tercer concurso de
grupos artisticos de esposas de oficiales del epc.
    junto a el la vieron kim kuk thae, secretario del cc del partido del
trabajo de corea, los primeros subjefes de
departamento del cc del ptc. los generales de ejercito hyon chol hae y pak
jae gyong y otros generales del epc.
    las miembros del grupo artistico pusieron en la escena el coro "dia del
sol, fiesta primaveral", "avanza corea con la
bandera roja en alto" y otras variadas piezas.
    las ejecutoras cantaron en tono elevado su orgullosa vida de
revolucionarias dignas de confianza.
    el estimado comandante supremo kim jong il se mostro muy satisfecho de
la excelente y vigorosa funcion de las
miembros del grupo artistico de esposas de oficiales de la unidad y evaluo
altamente sus exitos.
    dijo que las esposas de oficiales son las revolucionarias orgullosas y
loables que ayudan con sinceridad la labor
revolucionaria de sus esposos y los soldados y elogio sus trabajos.
    al contar con el pueblo revolucionario y esposas de los oficiales que
piensan primero en el pais y la revolucion que
en si mismos, nuestra patria es inexpugnable y nuestra causa revolucionaria
es invencible, preciso el.
    es una cosa muy buena el que al hacer tradicional el concurso de grupos
artisticos de esposas de oficiales en el
ejercito se ejecute cabalmente la orientacion del partido de popularizar
literatura y arte, dijo el y presento las tareas
programaticas que sirven de guia para desarrollar las actividades
artisticas populares y masivas.

donan libros coreanos a granada

    pyongyang, 24 de junio (atcc) -- una ceremonia de donacion de libros de
la rpd de corea tuvo lugar el dia 13 del
actual en la universidad de india occidental en granada.
    en la ceremonia fueron entregados al director del centro cultural de
esta universidad imperecederas obras clasicas
del gran lider presidente kim il sung y del gran dirigente kim jong il y
otros libros coreanos.
    dara a conocer activamente a traves de los libros a los visitantes al
centro cultrual sobre el pueblo coreano que
unido solidamente en torno al dirigente kim jong il se esfuerza por
construir el socialismo y lograr la reunificacion de la
patria, dijo el director.

"ministro de defensa nacional" surcoreano fomenta enfrentamiento con norcorea

    pyongyang, 24 de junio (atcc) -- jo song thae, "ministro de defensa
nacional" de sudcorea volvio a revelar su
naturaleza de opositor a la nacion y reunificacion.
    en el "comite de defensa nacional de la asamblea nacional provisional"
celebrada el pasado 22 dijo con absurdidad
que "la perfecta postura de seguridad sirvio de base para la culminacion
exitosa de las conversaciones cumbre
sur-norte" y que "es invariable la posicion fundamental del ejercito de
tomar por enemigo principal a norcorea".
    es un acto malsano tendente a reducir a nada los exitos del historico
encuentro de pyongyang y de las
conversaciones de nivel supremo norte-sur e impedir la ejecucion de la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur.
    hoy, todos los coreanos apoyan absolutamente esta declaracion que es el
jalon de la reunificacion de corea y los
paises interesados y otros varios paises del mundo la aplauden.
    precisamente en este tiempo el "ministro de defensa nacional" de
surcorea volvio a vociferar de la teoria de
"enemigo principal" que habia definido arbitrariamente antes de la
publicacion de dicha declaracion. eso demuestra que
ellos no renuncian la linea de enfrentamiento con el norte.
    despues de publicado el acuerdo norte-sur del 8 de abril jo song thae
produjo gran escandalo al proferir palabra que
irritan la rpdc y entenebrecen el ambiente de dichas conversaciones.
    durante su visita al japon a finales de mayo hablo de la "cooperacion"
y la "colaboracion e intercambio militares"
con ee.uu. y el japon para hacer frente a dichas conversaciones y asi
contravino al ambiente de estas. tal proceder
prueba que es un gangster militar que ignora la corriente de la epoca y la
aspiracion de los coreanos en el pais y
extranjero y es un individuo repudiado por la nacion.
    para lograr la reunificacion de corea que es anhelo supremo de la
nacion hay que eliminar este divisionista.
    las autoridades surcoreanas deben reflexionar en las influencias
negativas del comportamiento de los opositores a
la nacion y reunificacion como jo song thae sobre el desarrollo de las
relaciones norte-sur.
    calcularemos ciertamente los crimenes de los maniacos de enfrentamiento
con la rpdc como jo song thae.


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