Is this not additional material toward
the call for the expulsion of US from
the United Nations?


----- Original Message -----
From: heikki sipilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 5:10 AM
Subject: U.S. Exemption From Int'l Prosecution An Insult To World

>China Daily
>June 24, 2000
>Exemption requests a slap in the face
>The United States is demanding its citizens be
>protected from international prosecution, while
>denying similar rights to the citizens of other
>David Scheffer, US ambassador at large for war crimes,
>is busy negotiating with US allies, particularly the
>European Union and Canada, at the United Nations to
>change the rules of its war crimes tribunal to protect
>US soldiers and government officials from prosecution.
>Scheffer's attempt is evident: By tailoring the rules
>to suit their own needs, US servicemen and government
>officials will be exempt from prosecution, regardless
>of the crimes they commit.
>US servicemen and US citizens would be entitled to do
>whatever they like if Scheffer's unilateral demands
>are met.
>The US request makes sense because US servicemen are
>more likely to fall victim to politically-motivated
>prosecution, Scheffer told the UN. The United States
>has made, and continues to make, enemies around the
>world - from Cuba to Kosovo.
>The US decision to build the National Missile Defence
>system also stems from its worry about the "perceived
>threat" of its enemies.
>>From this perspective, Scheffer put forward a
>"commendable" proposal.
>But Scheffer's proposal, if adopted, would allow US
>servicemen to orchestrate crimes without fear of
>prosecution and further violate the human rights of
>non-US citizens.
>This apparently clashes with the United States'
>billing itself as a champion of human rights.
>To protect its citizens' interests at the price of
>others puts an ugly face on US diplomacy.
>Giving US citizens more human rights is nothing short
>of stripping rights away from citizens of other
>Asked if he thought the proposal would succeed,
>Scheffer said he was optimistic about the negotiations
>and, if successful, the court would benefit from US
>In Scheffer's eyes, money talks, regardless of the
>circumstance. Economic assistance is Scheffer's best
>bargaining chip.
>Scheffer's attitude is not surprising. The dollar has
>traditionally been seen as an effective weapon in
>bringing a country under US influence.
>Scheffer's countrymen attempted to use the dollar's
>magic power to keep Elian Gonzalez, the young Cuban
>shipwreck survivor, in the United States.
>They also tried to discredit Yugoslavian President
>Slobodan Milosevic and force him to step down by
>promising economic assistance to opposition parties in
>Scheffer is again resorting to dirty tactics to gain
>privileges for his countrymen.
>But Scheffer's tactics are heavy-handed. Instead of
>articulating his real intention - helping some of his
>culprits with blood on their hands in Kosovo and Iraq
>escape punishment - he lied, saying his proposal is
>designed to strengthen the effectiveness of the court.
>His argument is full of holes and even a child can see
>he is lying.
>Date: 06/24/2000
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