TODAY'S NEWS (June.29.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to Sudanese President

   * Message of greetings to Congolese President

   * Gift to Kim Jong Il from Jong Ju Yong

   * Kim Yong Sun meets Jong Ju Yong and his party

   * 2nd north-south Red Cross talks held

   * Russian title of academician awarded to Kim Jong Il

   * Japan urged to drop its wild ambition for aggression

   * Pochonbo Torch Prize Sports Contest closes

   * Liaoning provincial exports sample exhibition opens

   * Greatness of Kim Jong Il praised

   * Seminar held in field of social science

   * Socialist industrialization in DPRK

   * "Western way" rejected

   * Zimbabwean committee for remembering Kim Il Sung formed

   * Statement by world trade unionist

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * dirigente kim jong il recibe presente de presidente honorario de grupo
     hyundai de surcorea

   * comite nacional de zimbabwe de recordacion de kim il sung

   * en pyongyang presidente honorario de grupo hyundai de sudcorea y su

   * reaccionarios japoneses no podran evitar vergonzosa derrota

   * simposio por 70 aniversario de conferencia de kalun

   * rpdc: torneo deportivo por "premio antorcha de pochombo"

Greetings to Sudanese President

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, sent a message of greetings to President Omar Hassan Ahmed
al-Bashir today on the occasion of the 11th
anniversary of the Sudanese revolution.
    Extending congratulations to the President, government and people of
Sudan on the anniversary, Kim Yong Nam
in the message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries would
continue to develop on good terms.
    He also wished the Sudanese President and people success in their
efforts for stability and prosperity of the
country and national unity.

Message of greetings to Congolese President

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, yesterday sent a message of
greetings to Laurent Desire Kabila,
President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on the occasion of the 40th
anniversary of independence of his
    The message extended warm felicitations to the Congolese President,
government and people on the 40th
anniversary of independence of the country.
    Wishing the Congolese President and people great success in their work
to achieve national sovereignty and
territorial integrity and restore peace and stability of the country, the
message expressed belief that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the DPRK and democratic Congo would grow
stronger and develop in the future.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Jong Ju Yong

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on Wednesday
received a gift from Jong Ju Yong,
Honorary President of the South Korean Hyundai Business Group, who came to
    The gift was handed to Kim Yong Sun, chairman of the Korean
Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, by Jong Ju Yong.

Kim Yong Sun meets Jong Ju Yong and his party

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Sun, chairman of the Korean
Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, on
Wednesday met Jong Ju Yong, Honorary President of the South Korean Hyundai
Business Group, and his party
staying here and conversed with them in an atmosphere overflowing with
compatriotic feelings.
    The committee arranged a reception at the Mokran House for Jong Ju Yong
and his party.

2nd north-south Red Cross talks held

    Kosong, June 29 (KCNA) -- The second round of the north-south Red Cross
talks was held at Kumgangsan
Hotel today to discuss such humanitarian issues as exchange of visiting
groups of separated families and relatives and
repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners to mark August 15, this
year, in accordance with the historic
north-south joint declaration.
    At the talks the head of the north side put forward a new, landmark
proposal that took the proposal of the south
side into consideration out of the stand to honor the spirit of the
declaration and put it into practice in a lightning way.
    Taking a particular note of the fact that in the declaration the heads
of the north and south of Korea explicitly
agreed to simultaneously realize the exchange of visiting groups of
separated families and relatives and the repatriation
of unconverted long-term prisoners on the occasion of August 15 and made it
public, he said the north side would like
to unveil the following very concessive offer to seek solution:
    1. The north and south will exchange 100-member visiting groups of
separated families and relatives, first of all,
on the occasion of the coming August 15.
    2. Repatriation of all the unconverted long-term prisoners who want to
return to the North Korea will be made in
early September.
    3. Red Cross talks will continue to discuss and settle the issue of
arranging the rendezvous for separated families
and relatives along with this.
    He repeatedly urged the south side to accept the offer of the north side.

Russian title of academician awarded to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Chairman of the Russian Heroes Association
Varennikov, former vice-Minister
of Defense and commander-in-chief of the Army of the Soviet Union, sent a
letter to General Secretary Kim Jong Il as
regards the decision of the Petrovsk Science and Art Academy of Russia to
award the title of academician to him.
    The letter said that the soviet heroes and heroines and those of the
Russian Federation, together with all the
veterans of the country, highly praise Kim Jong Il as an outstanding
statesman, a prominent theoretician and a famous
commander who is working hard for revolutionary changes in the world.
    It said that Kim Jong Il's works on the issues of developing socialism
which failed temporarily in some countries
that had taken the road of socialist development, and on national
reunification and development of the Korean
revolution are making great contributions to the history of human development.
    The letter in the name of the Russian heroes association extended
sincere congratulations to Kim Jong Il on
holding the high title of academician of the Petrovsk Science and Art Academy.

Japan urged to drop its wild ambition for aggression

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- The Japan Defence Agency is going to
introduce a new system aimed to increase
the effectiveness of the deployment of the units and tank gun-firing by use
of computers to the ground "Self-Defence
Force" in the future.
    In this regard, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says it is a
clear indication that the combat efficiency
and operation system of the "Self-Defence Forces" have been rounded off and
the Japanese reactionaries' design for
overseas aggression has reached a more dangerous phase.
    The commentary goes on:
    The Japanese reactionaries claim that the introduction of a new system
is aimed to increase the capability of the
ground "Self-Defence Force" to cope with the "landing operation" of the
"enemy." But there is no country around
Japan which threatens or is going to attack it by force of arms.
    Noting that the introduction of a new system is needed for overseas
aggression, the commentary recalls that all the
military measures of Japan have been taken for its overseas aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries designated Korea as the first target of
their overseas aggression and are now
redeploying all their armed forces to achieve it, the commentary notes, and
    During the past Korean War employees of the former Japanese imperial
army participated in mine-sweeping
operations in the name of "support". But today the "SDF" plans massive
landing operations and surprise air raids
against the DPRK. The new system to be introduced to the ground
"Self-Defence Force" under the pretext of dealing
with someone's "landing operation" is aimed at aggression against Korea.
    Japan is well advised not to forget the lesson drawn from its past
defeat but discontinue such a foolish act as
inviting misfortune of its own accord.

Pochonbo Torch Prize Sports Contest closes

    Hyesan, June 28 (KCNA) -- The Pochonbo Torch Prize Sports Contest
opened on June 4 and closed on June 28.
    More than 30 sports events including football, basketball, volleyball
and shooting games were held in Pyongyang
and local areas.
    The April 25 Defence Sports Group broke the world record in the 10 m
men's team air pistol shooting
    The Amnokgang Defence Sports Group smashed the Asian record in the
women's team skeet shooting event.
    The national records were renewed in the 10 m men's individual air
pistol shooting event, 10 m mixed women's
team and individual events, wireless high-speed communication contest and
weightlifting (men's 62 kg and women's
69 kg).
    A closing ceremony was held at the Hyesan Stadium.

Liaoning provincial exports sample exhibition opens

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Chinese Liaoning provincial export sample
exhibition opened in Pyongyang on
June 28.
    Present at the opening ceremony were vice-Minister of Foreign Trade Ku
Song Bok, vice-chairman of the
Pyongyang City People's Committee Choe Yun Sik and officials concerned.
    Also present were the economic and trade friendship delegation of
Liaoning Province, China, the delegation of the
Chinese Liaoning Provincial Export Sample Exhibition, Chinese ambassador to
Korea Wang Guozhang and embassy
    On display there were machinery, electronic, light industrial and
chemical products and foodstuffs from Liaoning
Province, China.
    The exhibition will mark an occasion in promoting friendship and
cooperation between the two countries.

Greatness of Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, chairman of the
Soekarno Foundation for Education
and of the Indonesia-Korea Association for Friendship and Cultural
Exchange, who visited the DPRK, heading the
friendship delegation of Indonesia, praised the greatness of the respected
Kim Jong Il.
    He said that the great leader Kim Jong Il successfully carries forward
the respected President Kim Il Sung's cause
of revolution.
    He went on:
    Korean socialism is making a long drive because Kim Jong Il is standing
in the van of revolution, who is identical
with Kim Il Sung in idea, leadership and virtues.
    It is the great honor and fortune of the Korean people that they are
led by him.
    Korea's reunification is sure to come as it is led by Kim Jong Il who
is true to the cause of Kim Il Sung.
    Korea's reunification will surely be achieved by the concerted efforts
of the Korean people united close around
Kim Jong Il and Korea will, no doubt, demonstrate the might of a reunified
and powerful nation before long as Kim Il
Sung wished in his lifetime.

Seminar held in field of social science

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- A seminar in the field of social science
was held at the Grand People's Study
House yesterday to mark the 70th anniversary of the Kalun meeting guided by
the President Kim Il Sung.
    Present there were Thae Hyong Chol, president of the Academy of Social
Sciences, officials concerned and
officials from the fields of science, education, the press and institutions
for the preservation of revolutionary relics and
party cadre training.
    Speeches were made on the subjects "It was a great event in paving the
way for the anti-imperialist national
liberation revolution in the era of independence that the great leader
comrade Kim Il Sung proclaimed the founding of
the Juche idea and the birth of the revolutionary line of Juche at the
Kalun meeting," "The Kalun meeting, a historic
meeting which expounded the theory of the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal
democratic revolution, a new type of
revolution" and "The Kalun meeting, a historic meeting which indicated the
original way of the armed struggle in the
national liberation revolution in colonies," and so on.
    It was a great event in paving the way for the anti-imperialist
national liberation revolution in the era of
independence that President Kim Il Sung proclaimed the founding of the
Juche idea and the birth of the revolutionary
line of Juche at the Kalun meeting, said the speakers.
    They referred to the historic position and significance of the Kalun
meeting which laid down the lines of the
Korean revolution, armed struggle in the national liberation revolution in
colonies and building of a working class party
and the idea of the anti-Japanese national united front.

Socialist industrialization in DPRK

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- The socialist industrialization was
realised in the DPRK in a short span of time
under the wise guidance of the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK).
    The industrialization involved two stages: Laying of foundations and
overall implementation of its tasks.
    It was main tasks of the first stage to consolidate key sectors of
heavy industry and do away with the colonial
one-sidedness and technical backwardness in industrial production.
    For the successful fulfillment of these tasks, the WPK worked out the
five-year plan for the development of
national economy (1957-1961) and called on all the people to implement it.
    This period witnessed radical improvement of technical equipment at all
the enterprises of heavy industry and wide
introduction of advanced production methods and technical processes.
    The establishment of machine-building industry made it possible to
produce major machines and equipment and
consolidate material and technical foundations of light industry and
    The plan was honored in two and half years in terms of total industrial
output value and in 4 years on all indices of
products. In that period the industrial output value increased 3.5 times.
As a result, the foundations of industrialization
were successfully laid.
    The WPK worked out the first seven-year plan for the comprehensive
realization of industrialization (1961-1967)
whose main tasks for the industrial sector were to further perfect the
production structure and build comprehensively
developed independent industry and wisely led the work for its fulfillment.
This resulted in readjusting and reinforcing
the foundations of heavy industry the core of which is machine-building
industry and establishing a self-reliant
industrial system which depends on locally available raw materials.
    Technical equipment in all the fields of the national economy was
radically improved and electrification and
automation were widely introduced there.
    During this period the DPRK adopted a new line of simultaneously
carrying on the building up of economy and
defenses to cope with the ever more pronounced moves of the enemies to
launch a new war and took a measure of
extending the period of the plan 3 more years.
    During this period the total industrial output value grew 11.6 times
that in 1956: The production of means of
production swelled 13.3 times and that of consumer goods 9.3 times.
    During the entire period of industrialization (1957-1970) the
industrial production registered average annual
growth of 19.1 percent.
    The share of industry in the total industrial and agricultural output
value rose to 74 percent in 1969 from 34 percent
in 1956.
    The socialist industrialization was completed in the DPRK in a matter
of 14 years. This was an epoch-making

"Western way" rejected

   Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Any attempt to admit "western way," deluded
by false propaganda about it, failing
to see through its reactionary nature, danger and harmfulness leads to
national ruin and death, says Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed article.
    It continues:
    "Western way" means the mode of politics, economy and culture and
"human rights" standards in the capitalist
    Every country and nation has a different history of development and
culture and view on value peculiar to it.
    So, all the countries and nations vary in their specific conditions,
morality, feelings and emotions of peoples. If
any of them unwillingly introduces a foreign way, "western way," in
particular, into its society without taking all this
into consideration, it will create confusion and disorder.
    If each country and nation is to achieve fair and free development and
prosperity it should firmly preserve its own
ways and fully apply it.
    The best is the way suited to its specific conditions and the sentiment
of its people. All the countries and nations of
the world are required to find their own way suited to their specific
conditions and solve all the problems in keeping
with them as they have different histories, national traditions, views on
value, feelings and emotions and conditions.
    Doing one's own way means solving all the problems by one's own efforts
in keeping with one's actual situation
and national interests with one's own view and methodology. In short, it
means thoroughly preserving and applying
Juche character and national character in the revolution and construction.
    Only when all the countries and nations live their own ways, can they
achieve the independent and well balanced
development and prosperity of the country and the nation.
    One's own way is the only way out for every country and nation.

Zimbabwean committee for remembering Kim Il Sung formed

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- On the occasion of the 6th anniversary of
the President Kim Il Sung's passing
away the Zimbabwean national committee for remembering President Kim Il
Sung was inaugurated in Harare on June
    At the inaugural meeting, Nelson T. Mawema, member of the central
committee of the Zimbabwe African National
Union-Patriotic Front, chairman of the Zimbabwe-Korea Solidarity and
Friendship Association and chairman of the
Zimbabwean National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, was elected
chairman of the committee.
    The meeting decided to hold various functions on the 6th death
anniversary of Kim Il Sung.

Statement by world trade unionist

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Debkumar Ganguli, deputy secretary general
of the World Federation of Trade
Unions and secretary of its Asia-Pacific regional office, issued a
statement to the press on June 23 on the occasion of
the 6th anniversary of the President Kim Il Sung's passing away.
    He, in the statement, said that Kim Il Sung is an outstanding leader of
the international communist and
working-class movement who dedicated his whole life to the world people's
cause of independence against imperialism
and the cause of human emancipation.
    He continued:
    Kim Il Sung founded the immortal Juche idea, the banner of the great
struggle to lead the cause of anti-imperialist
independence to victory, and made a breakthrough in the collapse of the
world's imperialist system by defeating
formidable imperialist enemies.
    He set forth independence, peace and friendship as the principle of the
external activities of the Worker's Party of
Korea and the DPRK government.
    The principle of independence, peace and friendship reflects the common
desire and requirement of the world
people and it is of universal significance in developing international
relations to meet the need for global independence.
    Global independence and the principle of independence, peace and
friendship are products of valuable exploits and
rich experience of the President who devoted all his life to the victory of
the cause of independence against imperialism.

    Ibrahima Soridien, editor-in-chief of the Guinean newspaper Horoya, in
a press statement issued on the same
occasion said that the great man-centered Juche idea founded by Kim Il Sung
is the most scientific and unique idea that
indicates the road ahead of humankind.

For Spanish-speaking people

dirigente kim jong il recibe presente de presidente honorario de grupo
hyundai de

    pyongyang, 29 de junio (atcc) -- el gran dirigentekim jong il recibio
ayer presente del presidente honorario jong ju
yong del grupo hyundai de surcorea de visita en esta capital.
    el presidente honorario lo entrego al presidente kim yong sun del
comite coreano por la paz de asia y pacifico.

comite nacional de zimbabwe de recordacion de kim il sung

    pyongyang, 29 de junio (atcc) -- el comite nacional de zimbabwe de
recordacion del presidente kim il sung quedo
constituido el dia 20 del actual con un acto en harare con motivo del 6
aniversario del fallecimiento del gran lider
presidente kim il sung.
    como presidente del comite fue electo n. t. mawema, miembro del cc de
la union nacional africana de zimbabwe -
frente patriotico, presidente de la asociacion de solidaridad y amistad
zimbabwe - corea y presidente del comite nacional
de zimbabwe para el estudio de la idea juche.
    el acto decidio efectuar varias actividades dedicadas al 6 aniversario
del fallecimiento del presidente kim il sung.

en pyongyang presidente honorario de grupo hyundai de sudcorea y su comitiva

    pyongyang, 29 de junio (atcc) -- jong ju yong, presidente honorario del
grupo hyundai de sudcorea y su comitiva
llegaron el dia 28 a pyongyang via phanmunjom.
    en phanmunjom acogieronlos cordialmente con un sentimiento fraternal
kang jong hun, secretario general del
comite coreano por la paz de asia y pacifico y otros funcionarios.

reaccionarios japoneses no podran evitar vergonzosa derrota

    pyongyang, 29 de junio (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserto un comentario dedicado al
hecho de que la agencia de defensa del japon intenta introducir el nuevo
sistema cuya esencia es para elevar la eficiencia
del despliegue de la unidad y del canonazo desde el tanque con el uso de
computadora en las "fuerzas terrestres de
    el comentario senala:
    la intencion de introducir el nuevo sistema insinua que se han
reforzado y perfeccionado la capacidad combativa y
el sistema operacional de las "fuerzas de autodefensa" y la intencion de
agresion al ultramar de los reaccionarios
japoneses ha llegado a la etapa muy peligrosa.
    los reaccionarios japoneses alegan que el nuevo sistema tiende a elevar
la capacidad de las unidades terrestres
frente a la "operacion de desembarco y agresion del enemigo". pero
alrededores del japon no existe ni un pais que
pretenda amenazar y atacar con fuerzas armadas a esta nacion islena.
    la introduccion del nuevo sistema de las "fuerzas de autodefensa" es
necesaria para la agresion al ultramar.
    todas las medidas militares del japon son esgrimidas a la agresion al
    los reaccionarios japoneses toman a corea por el blanco numero uno de
su agresion al ultramar y de acuerdo con
eso reajustan generalmente la ubicacion de sus fuerzas armadas.
    durante la guerra coreana los civiles al servicio del ejercito japones
tomaron parte en el desminado a rotulo de
"apoyo". hoy las "fuerzas de autodefensa" se proponen emprender la gran
operacion de desembarco, el golpe
sorpresivo aereo contra la rpdc. es precisamente para la agresion a la rpdc
el nuevo sistema que se va a introducir en las
"fuerzas terrestres de autodefensa" so pretexto de hacer frente a la
"operacion de desembarco" de la rpdc.
    el japon no debe olvidarse de las lecciones de su derrota. debe
abstenerse de actos estupidos.

simposio por 70 aniversario de conferencia de kalun

    pyongyang, 29 de junio (atcc) -- un simposio del sector de ciencias
sociales consagrado al 70 aniversario de la
conferencia de kalun dirigida por el gran lider presidente kim il sung tuvo
lugar ayer en el palacio de estudio del pueblo.

    en el simposio estuvieron presentes thae hyong chol, presidente de la
academia de ciencias sociales y otros
funcionarios asi como funcionarios de los sectores de la ciencia,
ensenanza, prensa e informacion, la reliquia historica
revolucionaria y organos de formacion de cuadros partidistas.
    hubo intervenciones bajo titulares de "la proclamacion de la creacion
de la idea juche y del nacimiento de la linea
revolucionaria del juche por el gran lider camarada kim il sung en la
conferencia de kalun fue un gran evento que dejo
abierto el camino de la revolucion antimperialista de liberacion nacional
de la epoca de la independencia", "la
conferencia de kalun es un foro historico que presento la teoria sobre la
revolucion democratica antimperialista y
antifeudal de nueva forma", "la conferencia de kalun es una reunion
historica que indico el camino original de la lucha
armada en la revolucion de liberacion nacional en colonia" y etc.
    los oradores senalaron que la proclamacion de la creacion de la idea
juche y del nacimiento de la linea
revolucionaria del juche por el presidente kim il sung en la conferencia de
kalun fue un gran evento que dejo abierto el
camino de la revolucion antimperialista de liberacion nacional de la epoca
de la independencia.
    en el simposio se refirio a la posicion historica y el significado de
la conferencia de kalun en que se presentaron las
lineas sobre la revolucion coreana, la lucha armada en la revolucion de
liberacion nacional en colonia, la fundacion del
partido de la clase obrera y la idea sobre el frente unido nacional

rpdc: torneo deportivo por "premio antorcha de pochombo"

   hyesan 28 de junio (atcc) -- quedo clausurado hoy en el estadio de
hyesan el torneo deportivo por el "premio
antorcha de pochombo" desarrollado en pyongyang y distintas localidades
luego de inaugurado el 4 del mes en curso.
    tuvieron lugar partidos de mas de 30 disciplinas deportivas entre otras
futbol, baloncesto, volibol y tiro.
    los tiradores del equipo deportivo de defensa nacional "25 de abril"
participantes en el juego colectivo (m) de tiro
de pistola de aire de 10 metros renovaron el record mundial y las tiradoras
del equipo deportivo de defensa nacional
amrokgang participantes en el juego colectivo de tiro skeet rompieron el
record asiatico.
    ademas en el tiro individual (m) de pistola de aire de 10 metros, el
juego colectivo (f) de mixto de mudanza de 10
metros y el individual (f), el juego de alta velocidad de comunicaciones
inalambricas y el levantamiento de pesas de
categorias 62kg (m) y 69kg (f) se registraron nuevos records de la republica.


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