----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 10:09 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Fwd: san: UN Report Rich live longer- poor die younger 


In a message dated 29/06/00 3:55:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

   UN report highlights growing gap between developed
   countries and those ravaged by war, poverty and Aids
 Rich live longer, poor die younger in a divided world 
 UN report highlights growing gap between developed countries and those
 ravaged by war, poverty and Aids The full list 
 Victoria Brittain and Larry Elliott Thursday June 29, 2000 
 The mapping of the human genome may hold out the prospect of life
 expectancy in the west nudging 100 but it comes far too late for
 countries where poverty, war and HIV/Aids have turned the clock back
 on development by decades, the UN says in a report published today. 
 Its annual assessment of progress in 174 states finds that the
 super-rich are not only getting richer, they are living longer as
 While the income gap between rich and poor countries continues to
 widen, the lifespan in some sub-Saharan Africa countries is only half
 that in the developed world. 
 The human development report (HDR) says the top 200 billionaires had a
 combined wealth of $1,135bn last, up by $100bn from the previous year.
 The total income of the 582m people in all the developing countries
 barely exceeds 10% of that: $146bn. 
 In the 30 countries considered to have the highest level of human
 development, life expectancy at birth is more than 75 years. In
 sub-Saharan Africa it is 48.9 years, falling to 39.1 years in Malawi
 and 37.9 years in Sierra Leone. 
 For the first time since it was launched in 1990, the HDR argues that
 these are inequalities which the UN classes as human rights violations.
 A yawning gap
 The report breaks new ground this year with the assertion that human
 rights must include economic, social and cultural rights, not just
 political and civil rights. Richard Jolly, the report's main author,
 says this is the most important of the 11 reports produced so far.
 "We've taken a major conceptual step." 
 The report says global inequalities have increased in the 20th century
 "by orders of magnitude out of proportion to anything experienced
 before". The gap between the incomes of the richest and poorest
 countries was about 3 to 1 in 1820, 35 to 1 in 1950, 44 to 1 in 1973,
 and 72 to 1 in 1992. Dr Jolly estimates that a calculation of a
 comparable figure today would show an even wider discrepancy. 
 Between 1990 and 1998, per capita income fell in 50 countries, only
 one of them in the 29 developed states which make up the Organisation
 for Economic Cooperation and Development. 
 Some progress
 The national disparity between rich and poor is similarly widening in
 many countries, the report says. In Russia the gulf is dramatic, but
 even in countries not undergoing great social changes, such as Britain,
 Sweden and the United States, there gap has been steadily widening for
 20 years. 
 Progress has been made in some areas, it says. Between 1980 and 1999,
 the proportion of underweight children in developing countries fell
 from 37% to 27%, and access to safe water has increased from 13% to
 71% since 1970. 
 But while income poverty in countries such as China has fallen
 dramatically, 1.2bn people - a fifth of the world's population - are
 living on less than $1 (66p) a day. 
 In addition, 100m children are estimated to be living or working on
 the streets and 1.2m women and girls under 18 are trafficked for
 prostitution each year. 
 Problems exist in the world's richest countries as well as the
 poorest, the UN says. In the OECD as a whole, 8m children are
 undernourished, and in the US 40m people are not covered by health
 insurance and one in five adults is functionally illiterate. 
 Britain remains 10th in the UN's human development index, which
 measures literacy and life expectancy in addition to living standards.
 The report calls for bold new approaches to achieving economic and
 other human rights for all. "Advances in the 21st century will be won
 by human struggle against divisive values - and against the opposition
 of entrenched economic and political interests." 
 The report is upbeat about the surge of change in the human rights
 climate in many countries, involving many different civil groups,
 women's groups and media. 
 This in turn has brought about a new democratic climate far removed
 from formal election processes with no real participation by ordinary
 In a special contribution to the report, the Nigerian president,
 Olesegun Obasanjo, writes of the "evil governance" experienced by his
 country before its return to civil government. 
 "The dark years spawned human rights activism . . . the more
 tyrannical the regime got, the more people became aware of what they
 were losing by way of freedom of expression and the right to determine
 how they were to be governed."
 These changes, Dr Jolly says, are underpinned by the large number of
 countries ratifying the various UN conventions on human rights. 
 The convention on the rights of the child, for instance, has been
 ratified by every country except two: the US and Somalia. 
 And countries such as Norway, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, South Africa
 and Sri Lanka have adopted special budgets for matters relating to
 But these steps forward are against the background of some grim
 realities for children in other areas. For instance, Dr Jolly says,
 "HIV/Aids is the disaster factor for a dozen or more countries in
 Africa, pulling down their life expectancy and their ranking in the
 human development index. Meanwhile life expectancy at the top end is
 going up". 
 The cost of war
 Botswana, which has enjoyed rapid growth in recent years, has income
 per capita on a par with Russia and Brazil, but its life expectancy
 has fallen by around 10 years as a result of the spread of HIV/Aids to
 more than 25% of the population. 
 Although the number of conflicts fell during the 90s, the cost to the
 international community of the seven main wars (not including Kosovo)
 was $200bn - four times the development aid in any one year. 
 "Not too surprising then that the volume of development aid went down
 substantially in the 1990s. The shift of resources away from
 development may even be contributing to future conflicts - as
 assistance is withdrawn just when needed to prevent escalation," the
 UN says. 
 Get Geeky! Win a free Samsung DIGIMAX 800K Digital Camera ($350 value)
 in the Great GirlGeeks Give-A-Way.  And while you're there, 
 meet this week's GirlGeek of the Week.
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FYI- janet 


  UN report highlights growing gap between developed
  countries and those ravaged by war, poverty and Aids

Rich live longer, poor die younger in a divided world 

UN report highlights growing gap between developed countries and those
ravaged by war, poverty and Aids The full list 

Victoria Brittain and Larry Elliott Thursday June 29, 2000 

The mapping of the human genome may hold out the prospect of life
expectancy in the west nudging 100 but it comes far too late for
countries where poverty, war and HIV/Aids have turned the clock back
on development by decades, the UN says in a report published today. 

Its annual assessment of progress in 174 states finds that the
super-rich are not only getting richer, they are living longer as

While the income gap between rich and poor countries continues to
widen, the lifespan in some sub-Saharan Africa countries is only half
that in the developed world. 

The human development report (HDR) says the top 200 billionaires had a
combined wealth of $1,135bn last, up by $100bn from the previous year.
The total income of the 582m people in all the developing countries
barely exceeds 10% of that: $146bn. 

In the 30 countries considered to have the highest level of human
development, life expectancy at birth is more than 75 years. In
sub-Saharan Africa it is 48.9 years, falling to 39.1 years in Malawi
and 37.9 years in Sierra Leone. 

For the first time since it was launched in 1990, the HDR argues that
these are inequalities which the UN classes as human rights violations.

A yawning gap

The report breaks new ground this year with the assertion that human
rights must include economic, social and cultural rights, not just
political and civil rights. Richard Jolly, the report's main author,
says this is the most important of the 11 reports produced so far.
"We've taken a major conceptual step." 

The report says global inequalities have increased in the 20th century
"by orders of magnitude out of proportion to anything experienced
before". The gap between the incomes of the richest and poorest
countries was about 3 to 1 in 1820, 35 to 1 in 1950, 44 to 1 in 1973,
and 72 to 1 in 1992. Dr Jolly estimates that a calculation of a
comparable figure today would show an even wider discrepancy. 

Between 1990 and 1998, per capita income fell in 50 countries, only
one of them in the 29 developed states which make up the Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development. 

Some progress

The national disparity between rich and poor is similarly widening in
many countries, the report says. In Russia the gulf is dramatic, but
even in countries not undergoing great social changes, such as Britain,
Sweden and the United States, there gap has been steadily widening for
20 years. 

Progress has been made in some areas, it says. Between 1980 and 1999,
the proportion of underweight children in developing countries fell
from 37% to 27%, and access to safe water has increased from 13% to
71% since 1970. 

But while income poverty in countries such as China has fallen
dramatically, 1.2bn people - a fifth of the world's population - are
living on less than $1 (66p) a day. 

In addition, 100m children are estimated to be living or working on
the streets and 1.2m women and girls under 18 are trafficked for
prostitution each year. 

Problems exist in the world's richest countries as well as the
poorest, the UN says. In the OECD as a whole, 8m children are
undernourished, and in the US 40m people are not covered by health
insurance and one in five adults is functionally illiterate. 

Britain remains 10th in the UN's human development index, which
measures literacy and life expectancy in addition to living standards.

The report calls for bold new approaches to achieving economic and
other human rights for all. "Advances in the 21st century will be won
by human struggle against divisive values - and against the opposition
of entrenched economic and political interests." 

The report is upbeat about the surge of change in the human rights
climate in many countries, involving many different civil groups,
women's groups and media. 

This in turn has brought about a new democratic climate far removed
from formal election processes with no real participation by ordinary

In a special contribution to the report, the Nigerian president,
Olesegun Obasanjo, writes of the "evil governance" experienced by his
country before its return to civil government. 

"The dark years spawned human rights activism . . . the more
tyrannical the regime got, the more people became aware of what they
were losing by way of freedom of expression and the right to determine
how they were to be governed."

These changes, Dr Jolly says, are underpinned by the large number of
countries ratifying the various UN conventions on human rights. 

The convention on the rights of the child, for instance, has been
ratified by every country except two: the US and Somalia. 

And countries such as Norway, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, South Africa
and Sri Lanka have adopted special budgets for matters relating to

But these steps forward are against the background of some grim
realities for children in other areas. For instance, Dr Jolly says,
"HIV/Aids is the disaster factor for a dozen or more countries in
Africa, pulling down their life expectancy and their ranking in the
human development index. Meanwhile life expectancy at the top end is
going up". 

The cost of war

Botswana, which has enjoyed rapid growth in recent years, has income
per capita on a par with Russia and Brazil, but its life expectancy
has fallen by around 10 years as a result of the spread of HIV/Aids to
more than 25% of the population. 

Although the number of conflicts fell during the 90s, the cost to the
international community of the seven main wars (not including Kosovo)
was $200bn - four times the development aid in any one year. 

"Not too surprising then that the volume of development aid went down
substantially in the 1990s. The shift of resources away from
development may even be contributing to future conflicts - as
assistance is withdrawn just when needed to prevent escalation," the
UN says. 


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