TODAY'S NEWS (July.04.2000 Juche 89)


   * Staff members of Cuban embassy visit victorious war museum

   * Firmly adhering to idea of attaching great importance to science

   * Art performance by families of servicemen

   * Line of simultaneously carrying on building up of economy and defenses

   * New ozonizer developed

   * Japan should feel ashamed of remaining "enemy state"

   * Koreans meet in U.S. to probe GIs' killings

   * U.S. sheer distortion of truth of history

   * Remember-Kim Il Sung committees inaugurated

   * Symposium for establishment of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations held

   * Floral baskets laid before portraits in Guyana

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * miembros de embajada de cuba visitan museo

   * articulo conjunto de "rodong sinmun" y "kunroja"

   * comites de recordacion de camarada kim il sung

   * funcion artistica de esposas de oficiales

Staff members of Cuban embassy visit victorious war museum

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, ambassador of
the Republic of Cuba to the DPRK,
and staff members of the embassy visited the Victorious Fatherland
Liberation War Museum yesterday in the month of
solidarity with the Cuban people.
    They looked round relics and materials on display in the museum with
deep attention, hearing the explanation that
the Korean people and servicemen of the people's army defeated the
imperialist allied forces and thus defended the
dignity and sovereignty of the country by displaying mass heroism and
matchless self-sacrificing spirit in the just
fatherland liberation war under the wise leadership of the great President
Kim Il Sung.
    Before visiting the museum, they were shown round the monument to the
victory in the Fatherland Liberation

Firmly adhering to idea of attaching great importance to science

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun, the organ of the Central
Committee of the Worker's Party of
Korea (WPK), and Kulloja, the political and theoretical magazine of the WPK
Central Committee, published a joint
article titled "Let us build powerful nation, firmly adhering to the idea
of attaching great importance to science".
    Rodong Sinmun today dedicates one whole page to the article.
    The idea of attaching great importance to science is a strategic line
of building a prosperous and powerful nation
which the WPK has brought into limelight, the article says, and goes on:
    The WPK is a revolutionary party relying on science. The essence of the
WPK's idea of attaching great importance
to science is to give definite precedence to science and technology in the
revolution and construction, channel utmost
efforts into them and solve all the issues arising in the building of
socialism in reliance upon them.
    The great leader Kim Jong Il said that in order to rapidly develop the
country it is necessary to attach great
importance to science and give precedence to the development of science,
and giving priority to the development of
science is a state policy.
    This idea calls for giving definite precedence to science in order to
take a firm grip on science and technology in
any adversity and an idea of making a bold and ambitious scientific
revolution to bring the nation's science and
technology to the world's level at the earliest possible date, the article
says, and stresses:
    In the DPRK, there will not happen in the future, too, such things as
abandoning the line of attaching great
importance to science and technology while seeking immediate gains and
being keen on the fulfillment of pressing
economic tasks.
    The DPRK's cause of building a powerful nation is bound to be crowned
with victory as it is guaranteed by
science and technology.
    The powerful socialist country which we are building means a country
powerful in science and technology.
    It is necessary to develop science and technology by all means so as to
solve the problem of food and build an
economically powerful nation.
    Science and technology alone paves the only right way to live on one's
own. This is a precious truth the Korean
people have learned through an arduous struggle.
    The development of science and technology is an important work to
resolutely smash the imperialists' moves to
isolate and stifle the DPRK and thus firmly defend the sovereignty of the
nation, and a work of eternal value for the
future development of our nation and the everlasting prosperity of the
generations to come.
    The WPK, considerate of the future destiny of the country and nation,
has boosted scientifically backward fields
one by one and developed all spheres of science from basic science to space
science. This shows its will to take
responsibility for the destiny of the nation to the last.
    The Korean people will never repeat their bitter history of a colonial
backward country as they are firmly adhering
to the great idea of giving great importance to science and technology.
    The DPRK has strong ideology and army.
    If we rapidly develop science and technology, our country will surely
reach a high eminence of a powerful
    The rapid scientific and technological development in the DPRK is
firmly guaranteed by the respected leader Kim
Jong Il's politics of giving great importance to science, the article says,
adding that the Korean people are looking
forward to the bright future of the Juche-oriented science and technology
thanks to his politics.
    The factor of steady development of Korea's science and technology lies
in the inexhaustible might of the Korean
style socialist system. A bright prospect of science and technology is
surely guaranteed by strong scientific and
technological forces.
    It is the desire and militant spirit of the Korean people to vigorously
advance towards progress and prosperity
without the slightest stagnation and marking time.
    The article calls on the people to scale the high peak of a powerful
nation depending on science and technology in
the 21st century and demonstrate the dignity of the country and the nation
to the world.
    Underlining the need to develop science and technology our own way, the
article says that our own way means
Juche-style and a treasured sword which makes it possible to achieve the
rapid development of science and technology.

    The article continues:
    The establishment of Juche will help gain actual profits in the
development of science and technology:
    We should concentrate efforts on the solution of urgent scientific and
technological problems in building a
powerful nation and thus fully settle the problems of food and clothing,
keep production at a high rate and improve
land administration.
    We should earnestly learn from the scientific and technological
successes made in various countries around the
world and widely introduce them and rapidly develop the up-to-date science
and technology such as electronics and
bio-engineering to suit the trend of the modern scientific and
technological progress.
    Our scientists and technicians are faced with very important tasks to
bring the nation's science and technology to
the world's advanced level as early as possible. The qualifications of
scientists and technicians should be raised and
many world famous inventors and scientists produced to implement the tasks.
    The article underscores the need to establish the spirit of giving
great importance to science and technology in the
whole society.
    The upcoming 21st century will be a century of great national
prosperity in which the Korean people will scale a
high peak of a scientifically and technologically strong nation by
displaying the strength built up for over 50 years
under the guidance of the party and the leader.
    Final victory is in store for the Korean people holding fast to science
and technology.
    The cause of building a powerful nation will be achieved without fail
as long as there are the guidance of the great
Kim Jong Il, the most correct line of giving great importance to science, a
large contingent of scientists and technicians
loyal to the party and the leader and revolutionary people, the article

Art performance by families of servicemen

   Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Wives of officers of the Korean People's
Army are now giving art performances at
the Mansudae Art Theatre in Pyongyang drawing capacity audiences.
    Put on the stage are colorful numbers of various genres such as chorus,
drama based on real story, singing and
story telling, group singing and vocal solo.
    Through songs, dances and dramas they truthfully represented the
validity and vitality of the great army-first
politics of the Worker's Party of Korea and the truth of the philosophy on
giving priority to arms and transparent spirit
of devotedly defending the leader.
    It was emphasized in the dialogic poem and group poem recital that the
army of the revolution should never waver
though time goes by and one generation is replaced by another and the
target of our revolution can never change.
    Their performance also successfully depicts an optimistic and militant
way of life of the wives of the officers who
are effectively helping their husbands in their revolutionary work while
managing economic life assiduously and
tenaciously despite difficulties and hardships under the banner of
    Watching the performances truthfully mirroring the life and sentiments
of the families of servicemen, audiences
praised them as dependable women revolutionaries.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il viewed the performance of the families of
servicemen on June 24. He highly
praised them for giving an inspiring performance fully reflecting their
lives and sentiments in the program.
    Having women revolutionaries like families of servicemen, the cause of
the Korean revolution is bound to
triumph, he added.

Line of simultaneously carrying on building up of economy and defenses

   Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- The Worker's Party of Korea put forth a new
strategic policy of simultaneously
carrying on the building up of economy and defenses at the fifth plenary
meeting of the 4th Central Committee of the
WPK held in December, Juche 51 (1962).
    At that time the U.S. imperialists sparked the Caribbean crisis against
the Republic of Cuba and escalated their war
of aggression in Vietnam. They further intensified their moves for a war of
aggression against the DPRK, frantically
stepping up preparations for a new war in South Korea.
    Under that situation the WPK put up the militant slogan "A rifle in one
hand and a sickle or hammer in the other"
and called on all the people to vigorously push ahead with the socialist
economic construction while increasing defence
capability of the country .
    After the plenary meeting the WPK decided to exert great efforts for
the building of national defence.
    The Korean People's Army (KPA) energetically conducted the work to turn
the entire army into a cadre army and
modernize the whole army. As a result, the KPA grew strong and developed to
be a-match-for-a-hundred cadre army
fully prepared politically and ideologically and in military technique and
invincible revolutionary armed forces equipped
with powerful offensive and defensive means.
    The gigantic work of placing all the people under arms and turning the
whole country into a fortress, was
successfully carried out. All the people were thus versed in military
knowledge and tactics necessary for waging a
modern war and strong defenses were built in all parts of the country.
    The WPK also vigorously pushed forward the economic construction.
    In order to accelerate the socialist industrialization in economic
construction, the party took measures to increase
the production by making a more effective use of economic foundations
already laid, while making preparations and
creating conditions for expanding and strengthening the heavy industrial base.
    Steps were taken to further readjust and reinforce the heavy industry
and thus produce and supply in time
machines and equipment necessary for the development of light industry,
agriculture and fishing industry.
    It also paid a deep attention to keeping the capital construction
going, boosting transport and developing science
and technology.
    It was thanks to the WPK's line of simultaneously carrying on the
building up of economy and defenses that the
DPRK could achieve an independent development with its own strong defence
and economic forces.

New ozonizer developed

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- A new ozonizer was recently developed by
scientists at the electricity research
institute of the Academy of Sciences in the DPRK.
    It is capable of generating a large quantity of ozone without using
dielectric substance.
    It was made on the principle of obtaining ozone by use of positive
streamer corona discharge.
    The ozonizer is characterized by a rational space between electrodes
put in a cylindrical shape and central pole,
needle accurately placed at the central pole and angleless needle.
    Ozone is generated when air passes through a tube after corona
discharge is made at the cylindrical electrodes put
in a cylindrical shape and central pole with an input of 18 kv d.c. into them .
    The ozonizer is widely introduced into different domains of the
national economy including food and chemical
industries and agriculture.

Japan should feel ashamed of remaining "enemy state"

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Japan can shake off the disgrace of being
an "enemy state" and become a dignified
member of the international community enjoying its confidence only when it
fully redresses its crime-woven past and
starts with a clean sheet, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    Although a half century has passed since the end of World War II, Japan
has not yet shaken off the disgrace of an
"enemy state".
    To get rid of this disgrace means making its new appearance in the
international community. This entirely depends
on what efforts the country concerned exerts to do so.
    Japan should consider it as its bitterest shame to remain an "enemy
state" and honestly work to get rid of the
    First of all, it should admit its crimes committed in the past.
    Japan describes its past aggression of Asia as an operation to "protect
and liberate" the Asian people from big
powers trying to expand the sphere of influence.
    Japan's wrong viewpoint and attitude toward its past crimes find
expression in its efforts to evade the
compensation for them.
    If Japan is to win recognition and confidence from the international
community, it should compensate for its past
crimes. In other words, it should take measures to pay material
compensation of which the assailant can convince the
    Japan still remains an "enemy state" enjoying neither support nor
understanding from the world people because it
has not taken any measure for compensation.
    Failing to judge how the world sees Japan as it is overcome with joy,
it seeks the position of a political power
commensurate with its status as an economic power.
    If Japan goes on as now the world people's bad feelings and impression
of it will remain unchanged.
    Japan's any delay in admitting and redressing its crime-woven past will
only increase people's caution against
    Japan should clearly see this and redress its past as early as possible.

Koreans meet in U.S. to probe GIs' killings

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- A joint inaugural meeting of the north,
south and overseas headquarters of the
Nationwide Special Committee for Probing the Truth Behind GIs' Massacres
(Jonmintukwi) was held in front of the
White House in Washington, the United States, on June 23, according to
Yonhap News of South Korea.
    Present at the meeting were Ryu Kum Su, co-chairman of "Seoul Yonhap",
Jong Yon Uk, director of the external
cooperation department of the "National Federation for Democracy and
Reunification", Jo Hyon Gi, executive
chairman of the South Kyongsang Provincial Measure Committee, and Kim Kye
Ri, representative of the South
Korean Federation of University Student Councils, from the south
headquarters of Jonmintukwi.
    The inaugural meeting was held to coordinate activities of the north,
south and overseas headquarters of
Jonmintukwi respectively formed after the truth about GIs' massacres
committed in Rogun-ri, Yongdong county in
North Chungchong Province, South Korea, during the Korean War was disclosed.
    The joint secretariat of those headquarters is now active in Washington
and its secretary general is Rev. Jong Ki
Ryol, former chairman of the independent reunification committee of the
American Federation for Independence,
Democracy and Reunification.
    Prior to the meeting, the participants called a press conference in
front of the White House and waged a
demonstration in demand of a probe into the truth behind the GIs' massacres
of civilians.

U.S. sheer distortion of truth of history

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- The U.S. chief executive in a recent
proclamation made on the occasion of the 50th
anniversary of the Korean War asserted on June 25, 1950, armed forces from
the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea launched invasion of South Korea and the U.S. forces participated in
the war according to a resolution of the
United Nations Security Council.
    In this regard Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says that the
past Korean War was a war of aggression
started by the U.S. under a pre-arranged plan.
    The commentary goes on:
    Even Macarthur, the then commander of the U.S. far eastern headquarters
who directly commanded the war, said
that the June 25 Korean War was carried out by the United States under a
concrete plan for aggression and full
    With nothing can the United States ever cover up its true colors as the
provoker of the Korean War.
    The truth of history can neither be forged nor falsified.
    The anti-DPRK smear campaign launched by the U.S. on the basis of its
distortion of historical facts will only
more saliently reveal its true colors as a wrecker of global peace and
    The United States had better behave itself, properly seeing the trend
of the times.
    The world is closely watching the U.S. behaviour.

Remember-Kim Il Sung committees inaugurated

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- A committee for remembering comrade Kim Il
Sung was inaugurated by the
secretariat of the Communist Party of Germany on June 27.
    Werner Schulwese, chairman of the central committee of the party, was
elected chairman of the committee.
    The committee decided to hold various events including lecture meeting
and symposium on feats of the great leader
Kim Il Sung in the period till the end of July.
    A committee of Democratic Congo for remembering the great leader
comrade Kim Il Sung was formed in Kinshasa
on June 28.

Symposium for establishment of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations held

    Tokyo, July 2 (KNS-KCNA) -- A symposium on the tasks and prospect of
the establishment of diplomatic
relations between Japan and the DPRK was held in Tokyo on June 30 under the
sponsorship of Japanese
non-governmental organizations.
    Speakers noted that Japan's past colonial rule over Korea was a main
factor of its division.
    The issue of Korea's reunification is an internal affair of the Korean
nation and Japan should not obstruct
north-south dialogue, they said.
    Referring to the hostile policy pursued by Japan against the DPRK, they
stressed that Japan should, first of all,
change its attitude and settle the liquidation of its past in order to
establish diplomatic relations with the DPRK.

Floral baskets laid before portraits in Guyana

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Peter Persaud, leader of the Amerindian
Action Movement of Guyana, and Robert
Williams, general secretary of the Good Green Guyana, visited the DPRK
embassy in Georgetown on June 30 on the
occasion of the 6th anniversary of the President Kim Il Sung's passing away.
    They laid floral baskets before the portraits of President Kim Il Sung
and leader Kim Jong Il and paid their
respects to them.
    The general secretary of the Good Green Guyana said that although the
President passed away he is always with
the people of Guyana and his exploits will shine forever not only in the
20th century but also in the 21st century.
    The leader of the Amerindian Action Movement of Guyana said that they
would as ever actively support the
proposal and policies set forth by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for Korea's
reunification and invariably support the
just struggle of the Korean people for their realization.

For Spanish-speaking people

miembros de embajada de cuba visitan museo

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- con motivo del mes de solidaridad con
el pueblo cubano jose manuel inclan
embade, embajador de la republica de cuba en la rpdc y otros miembros de
esta sede diplomatica visitaron el dia 3 el
museo conmemorativo de la victoria en la guerra de liberacion de la patria.
    los huespedes recorrieron con gran interes los datos y objetos
historicos exhibidos al escuchar la explicacion de
que bajo la sabia direccion del gran lider presidente kim il sung dando
pruebas del heroismo masivo y el espiritu de
sacrificio incomparable en la justa guerra de liberacion de la patria el
pueblo y el ejercito de corea derrotaron a las
fuerzas aliadas del imperialismo y defendieron la dignidad y la soberania
del pais.
    con anterioridad recorrieron el monumento a la victoria en la guerra de
liberacion de la patria.

articulo conjunto de "rodong sinmun" y "kunroja"

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- "rodong sinmun", organo del comite
central del partido del trabajo de corea y su
revista teorico - politica "kunroja" publicaron el articulo conjunto:
"construyamos la potencia en pleno acato a la idea de
dar importancia a la ciencia".
    "rodong sinmun" lo inserto hoy en la primera plana entera.
    el articulo conjunto consta de los siguientes subtitulos: "el nuestro
es el partido que hace la revolucion apoyandose
en la ciencia", "la potencia del juche es la cientifico-tecnica", "la
perspectiva de nuestra ciencia y tecnica esta garantizada
seguramente" y "hagamos brillar el siglo 21 con la ciencia y tecnica del
    el articulo conjunto senala en particular:
    la esencia de la idea del partido del trabajo de corea de dar
importancia a la ciencia conocida ampliamente por el
mundo reside en anteponer con firmeza la ciencia y la tecnica a toda la
labor de la revolucion y la construccion,
encauzar mayor fuerza a ellas y resolver los problemas que se presentan en
la construccion socialista apoyandose en
    la rpdc podra arribar a la alta cumbre de la potencia al lograr el
desarrollo rapido de la ciencia y tecnica dado que
son firmes nuestra ideologia y fuerzas armadas.
    el rapido desarrollo de la ciencia y tecnica es garantizado con firmeza
por la politica de dar importancia a la ciencia
del querido camarada kim jong il.
    es muy buena la perspectiva del desarrollo de la ciencia y tecnica de
nuestro pais. la correcta politica del partido del
trabajo de corea, la superioridad de nuestro regimen, el poderio de la
unidad monolitica, el alto nivel de cultura y
tecnica de nuestro pueblo y las poderosas fuerzas cientifico-tecnicas son
la base sobre la cual nuestra ciencia y tecnica
pueden desarrollarse ininterrumpidamente.
    hay que desarrollarlas a la coreana.
    hay que orientar la labor de investigacion cientifica a resolver por
completo el alimento y el vestido, normalizar la
produccion y mejorar la administracion territorial.
    es menester aprender activamente los exitos de la ciencia y tecnica
logrados en varios paises del mundo,
introducirlos con audacia y desarrollar rapidamente la electronica, la
biotecnologia y otros campos de ciencia y tecnica
de punta conforme a la tendencia del desarrollo de este sector.
    en el cumplimiento de la revolucion cientifico-tecnica se debe elevar
decisivamente el rol de los cientificos y
tecnicos y formar mayor numero de inventores y cientificos de talla mundial.
    hay que lograr que reine plenamente en toda la sociedad el ambiente de
dar importancia a la ciencia y tecnica.
    se debe hacer del 21 un siglo de prosperidad nacional en que el pueblo
coreano arribe a la alta cumbre de la
potencia cientifico-tecnica valiendose de toda la fuerza que ha acumulado
durante mas de 50 anos bajo la direccion del
partido y lider.

comites de recordacion de camarada kim il sung

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- el secretariado del partido comunista
de alemania constituyo el 27 del mes pasado el
comite de recordacion del camarada kim il sung.
    como presidente del comite fue electo werner schulwese, presidente del
cc de este partido.
    el comite decidio definir el periodo de recordacion hasta finales de
julio y efectuar la conferencia y el seminario
sobre las proezas del gran lider, camarada kim il sung y otros actos
dedicados a este.
    por otra parte, en kinssasa quedo constituido el 28 de junio el comite
de congo democratico de recordacion del gran
lider, camarada kim il sung.

funcion artistica de esposas de oficiales

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- en estos dias las esposas de los
oficiales del ejercito popular de corea ofrecen
funcion artistica en el teatro artistico mansudae de la capital.
    las ejecutoras pusieron en la escena coro, drama narrativo, canto
homofono en dialogo, conjunto vocal, solo vocal
y otras variadas piezas.
    reflejaron en sus canciones, danzas y dramas la justedad y la vitalidad
de la gran politica del partido del trabajo de
corea de dar prioridad al ejercito, la verdad de la filosofia de prioridad
a las fuerzas armadas y el firme
    espiritu de defender a ultranza al lider.
    subrayan en sus poemas en dialogo y en coro la idea de que hay que
mantener siempre con firmeza el arma de la
revolucion de generacion en generacion y el blanco de nuestra arma es
    demuestran bien el estilo de vida optimista y combativa de las esposas
de los oficiales. ellas apoyan con seguridad
la labor revolucionaria de sus esposos al organizar con esmero la vida
familiar sobreponiendose a las dificultades y
obstaculos interpuestos con la bandera de la autoconfianza en alto.
    al ver la funcion que refleja con veracidad la vida y el sentimiento de
las esposas de los oficiales los espectadores
abrigan vehemente simpatia hacia estas fidedignas revolucionarias.
    al presenciarla el dia 24 de junio el comandante supremo kim jong il
del ejercito popular de corea dijo que las
ejecutoras reflejaron bien su vida y sentimiento en las piezas. al
evaluarla de muy vigorosa recalco que es invencible
nuestra causa revolucionaria al contar con las revolucionarias que son
esposas de los oficiales.


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