TODAY'S NEWS (July.05.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 3971

   * Films showing revolutionary life and achievements of Kim Il Sung screen

   * "Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" vol. 31 published

   * Japanese reactionaries' anti-DPRK diatribe under fire

   * Kim Il Sung praised

   * Korean dendrologists' achievements

   * Greetings to President of Bolivar Republic of Venezuela

   * Greetings to Malawian President

   * Kim Yong Nam cables President of Cape Verde

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 3971 de epc

   * ciencia y tecnica selvatica

   * peligroso desafio de reaccionarios japoneses

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 3971

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
inspected unit no. 3971 of the Korean
People's Army. He was accompanied by generals Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae
Gyong and other general officers of the
    After receiving a salute from the commanding officers of the unit, he
went round the monument to the on-site
guidance of late President Kim Il Sung and buildings associated with his
revolutionary history.
    He looked round barrack precincts and its surroundings and highly
praised servicepersons for their efforts made to
keep their post and mountains and rivers of the country in beautiful shape,
saying that that is a revelation of the
revolutionary spirit and noble spiritual world of soldiers of the KPA full
of warm love for the country and optimism
about future.
    He then went round entertainment and logistic facilities of the unit
and told the commanding officers to value and
love the soldiers as they would do their real brothers and take care of
their living like their real mothers.
    He met with soldiers in the barrack to learn about the details of their
work and life, including training and lodging
conditions and military uniforms.
    He said that all the commanding officers should pay primary attention
to the supply service so as to provide
valuable soldiers with the best living conditions.
    He posed for a photograph with servicepersons of the unit.

Films showing revolutionary life and achievements of Kim Il Sung screen

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Films showing the noble revolutionary life
and immortal exploits of late President
Kim Il Sung are now screening at cinema houses in all parts of the country
on the occasion of his sixth death
anniversary. Documentary films including "Fatherly Leader Among Soldiers"
and "The Great Life In 1994" show the
greatness of his idea, leadership and virtues.
    Put on the screen are "Star of Korea," "The Sun Of The Nation" and
other feature films depicting his glorious
revolutionary history.

"Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" vol. 31 published

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- "Complete Collection Of Kim Il Sung's
Works" vol. 31 was brought out by the
Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House. The book contains 23 works
including speeches, concluding speeches
and talks made by late President Kim Il Sung from April to September of
Juche 52(1963). Comprehensively laid down
in the book are unique ideas, theories and policies set out by the
president with a deep insight into the requirements of
the developing Korean revolution to step up socialist construction and
consolidate our revolutionary base as firm as an
iron wall.

Japanese reactionaries' anti-DPRK diatribe under fire

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary
assails the Japanese reactionaries for
their persistent anti-DPRK diatribe over its "missile issue." In spreading
the sheer rumour about "threat" from the
DPRK after falsifying the truth they seek to deflect caution from them and
further accelerate their moves to convert
Japan into a military power, the commentary notes, and goes on:
    Japan is now emerging as a dangerous force of aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries have become more desperate in their moves
for arms build-up under the pretext of
"coping with emergencies in areas surrounding Japan" and maintaining
Japan's "security."
    They are keen on the modernization of the Japan "Self-Defence Forces"
and the indigenous production of military
equipment. This is not aimed to cope with any "threat" but round off their
preparations for overseas invasion.
    Their moves for the conversion of Japan into a military power are
intended to realize their ambition for overseas
    The DPRK is the first target of the Japanese reactionaries' overseas
aggression. The daredevil drill of pursuing
"mysterious ships" being staged by them, while spreading the rumour of
"threat" from the DPRK is nothing but a
prelude to their invasion of the DPRK.
    The DPRK will never remain a passive onlooker to these moves.

Pres. Kim Il Sung praised

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) - Late President Kim Il Sung is the sun of the
century who recorded great feats in the
political history of the 20th century. Vishwanath, director general of the
International Institute of the Juche Idea, said
this in a statement issued on June 29 on the occasion of the 6th
anniversary of the demise of the great leader President
Kim Il Sung.
    Noting that the president was a great man possessed of all the
qualifications as an outstanding thinker and
theoretician and an illustrious leader, he said the words "great man"
represent a high tribute to the president who was
possessed of everything a true man should have.
    He went on:
    All thinkings and activities of the president and policies put forward
by him stemmed from his warm love for the
people. All the power stations and chicken factories built in Korea are
associated with his efforts to improve the
standard of people's living.
    The president was the father of a great family and a teacher who
exalted the political integrity of all the Korean
    The president bestowed the same love and benevolence upon progressive
figures of the world.

Korean dendrologists' achievements

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Researchers of the Academy of Forestry of
the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea recently studied and solved various scientific and technological
problems in turning forests more useful. Among
the achievements are selection of high-yielding species of walnut and their
cultivation, selection of white-seed pine-nut
and its propagation by budding, cultivation of big bamboo and acacia firewood.
    The researchers studied the yielding rate, vitality and quality of more
than 340,000 walnut trees which have borne
fruits for the last 16 years. On this basis they chose over 30
high-yielding trees of them and grafted those trees before
examining the results.
    This led to selecting and breeding six high-yielding species.
    Per-hectare walnut yield of these species is seven or eight times that
of an ordinary walnut tree.
    They found white-seed pine-nut trees for the first time and succeeded
in obtaining good-quality high-yeilding
species by a new method of pine-nut bud-grafting.
    The pine-nut yielding rate of the species is 1.5 times that of an
ordinary one and the shell of white-seed pine-nut is
0.3 mm thiner than others.
    This method of grafting makes it possible to increase the rate of
rooting to over 90 per cent and boost the
propagation rate more than 10 times as compared with branch-grafting.
    The researchers adapted big bamboo from tropical and subtropical areas
to the climatic and soil conditions of
Korea and improved its nutritive condition to change its metabolic form and
strengthen its cold-resisting nature.
    They studied and succeeded in fixing a proper time for bamboo cutting,
and developing its new method,
transplanting young bamboo and improving its species.
    New achievements have been introduced into cultivation of acacia for
firewood to open a prospect of increasing
per-hectare productivity.

Greetings to Pres. of Bolivar Republic of Venezuela

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the presidium of
the Supreme People's Assembly of
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea today sent a message of greetings
to President Hugo Chavez Frias of the
Bolivar Republic of Venezuela on the occasion of the Independence Day of
Venezuela. The message extends
congratulations to the president, the government and people of Venezuela on
the Independence Day of Venezuela.
    It expresses hope that there will be progress in the efforts of the
president and people of Venezuela for the
reconstruction of the republic and the friendly and cooperative relations
between the two countries will develop on
better terms.

Greetings to Malawian President

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of
the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Malawian President Bakili Muluzi
on Monday on the occasion of the 36th
Independence Day of Malawi and the 34th anniversary of the proclamation of
its republic. Extending warm
congratulations to the Malawian president, government and people, kim in
the message expressed the belief that the
friendly relations between the two countries would further strengthen and
    He also wished the president and people of Malawi greater success in
their efforts for the independent development
and prosperity of the country.

Kim Yong Nam cables Pres. of Cape Verde

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the presidium of
the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly on July 3 sent a message of greetings to President Antonio Manuel
Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro of the
Republc of Cape Verde on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the
Independence and the Proclamation of the
Republic of Cape Verde. The message extends warm felicitations to the
president, the government and people of Cape
Verde on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Independence and the
Proclamation of the Republic of Cape
    In the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the
DPRK and Cape Verde will develop on good
terms, it wishes the president and people of Cape Verde greater success in
their efforts for the nation's political stability
and economic prosperity.

For Spanish-speaking people

comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 3971 de epc

    pyongyang, 5 de julio (atcc) -- el estimado comandante supremo kim jong
il, secretario general del partido del
trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea inspecciono el
dia 4 la unidad no. 3971 del ejercito popular de corea. le acompanaron los
generales de ejercito hyon chol hae y pak jae
gyong del epc y otros generales.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il, luego de recibir el saludo de los
comandantes de la unidad recorrio el
monumento a la direccion sobre el terreno del gran lider presidente kim il
sung y edificios visitados por este.
    al recorrer el recinto del cuartel y su contorno elogio altamente a los
militares que arreglan hermosamente sus
puestos y la naturaleza de la patria y dijo que esto es una manifestacion
del espiritu militar revolucionario y noble
mundo espiritual de nuestro ejercito que ama fervorosamente la patria y
esta lleno del optimismo con respecto al futuro.

    al recorrer las instalaciones de cultura, educacion e intendencia de la
unidad dijo que los oficiales deben querer y
apreciar a los soldados como a sus hermanos carnales y atender con
sentimiento de una madre su vida. en el dormitorio
se encontro con los soldados para enterarse del estado de entrenamiento,
condiciones de comida y sueno, uniforme y
otros pormenores de vida militar.
    dijo cordialmente que todos los oficiales deben prestar atencion
primordial a la labor de intendencia y ofrecer
excelentes condiciones de vida a nuestros valiosos soldados.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il se fotografio junto a los militares
de la unidad.

ciencia y tecnica selvatica

    pyongyang, 5 de julio (atcc) -- recientemente, los investigadores de la
academia de silvicultura de la rpd de corea
solucionaron varios problemas cientifico-tecnicos que se presentan para
hacer mas utiles los bosques. entre ellos
figuran el metodo de seleccion y cultivo de nogal de buena variedad, la
seleccion de pino con pinon blanco y su
reproduccion por injerto de yema, el metodo de cultivo de bambu de talla
grande y el metodo de acacia destinada a
servir de lena, etc.
    durante 16 anos pasados los investigadores averiguaron el rendimiento y
la vitalidad de mas de 340 mil unidades
de nogal y la calidad de sus frutos y seleccionaron mas de 30 nogales de
buena variedad con alto rendimiento, lo
reprodujeron por metodo de injerto y lo verificaron.
    como resultado obtuvieron 6 variedades buenas con un rendimiento de 7-8
veces mayor por hectarea.
    descubrieron el pino con pinon blanco y lo mejoraron con la nueva
tecnica de reproduccion por injerto de yema
para obtener la buena variedad de rendimiento de 1.5 veces mayor con el
espesor de cubierta de semilla de 0.3 mm mas
delgado que el original.
    con el metodo de injerto de yema se puede asegurar mas de 90 por ciento
de tasa de radicacion y aumentar objetos
de reproduccion mas de 10 veces que con el injerto de ramas.
    tambien lograron exitos en la investigacion sobre el metodo de cultivo
del bambu de talla grande. mejoraron la
accion metabolica y de hiemacion del bambu tropical y subtropical con el
metodo de adaptarlo al clima y suelo del pais
y de mejorar condiciones nutritivas.
    investigaron y completaron el metodo y la epoca de cosecha del bambu,
metodo de sacar sus posturas y de
    lograron nuevo exito en la investigacion sobre el metodo de cultivo de
acacia de lena y asi dejaron abierta
perspectiva para aumentar considerablemente la productividad por hectarea.

peligroso desafio de reaccionarios japoneses

    pyongyang, 5 de julio (atcc) -- el periodico "minju joson" en un
comentario de hoy condena a los reaccionarios
japoneses que no cesan de acusar a la rpd de corea de "problema de
misiles". el comentario dice en particular:
    los reaccionarios japoneses tergiversan la verdad y difunden la
"doctrina de amenaza" de la rpdc con el proposito
de desviar la atencion de la gente dirigida a si mismos y acelerar sus
maquinaciones de conversion en potencia militar.
    hoy en dia el japon aparece como peligrosas fuerzas agresivas.
    los reaccionarios japoneses recurren perversamente al aumento
armamentista so pretexto de "hacer frente al caso de
emergencia en el contorno" y de "seguridad" de su pais.
    ellos se aferran con rabia a la modernizacion de sus "fuerzas de
autodefensa" y tratan de cubrir con la fabricacion
nacional la demanda sobre su equipamento, lo cual no se debe a la "amenaza"
de alguien sino para perfeccionar sus
preparativos de agresion al ultramar.
    las maquinaciones de los reaccionarios japoneses dirigidas a
convertirse en la pontencia militar son estrictamente
para realizar su ambicion de expansion al ultramar.
    la rpdc es el blanco no. uno para la agresion al ultramar de los
reaccionarios japoneses.
    estos desarrollan con frenesi ejercicios militares de "perseguir a
barcos no identificados" al difundir la "teoria de
amenaza" de la rpdc. esto es un preludio para invadir la rpdc.
    la rpdc no podra estar indiferente ante estas maquinaciones de nueva
agresion de los reaccionarios japoneses.


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