----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 6:23 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO] China and Russia take stance against USA


Russia Says to Bolster Strategic Ties With China

DUSHANBE, Jul 5, 2000 -- (Reuters) Russia said on Tuesday it was boosting 
efforts to carve out a strategic partnership with China amid concerns about 
how a proposed U.S. missile defense system could upset the global balance of 

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, in Tajikistan for a regional security 
summit to be attended by the leaders of China, Russia and four Central Asian 
states, told reporters Moscow and Beijing had a common position on 
Washington's plans.

"We are preparing for the visit by Russia's president to China, and we have 
joint documents on the development of a strategic partnership in the 21st 
century," Ivanov said after a meeting of regional foreign ministers.

"The process is not only continuing, but the practical content is increasing."

Ivanov said Russian President Vladimir Putin would meet Chinese leader Jiang 
Zemin on Wednesday to discuss the partnership ahead of his visit to China on 
July 18-19.

"Today the (key) question is without doubt...maintaining strategic stability 
and not violating the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) treaty of 1972. Our 
position and the position of China are the same," said Ivanov.

China and Russia say that the proposed U.S. system, aimed at blocking attacks 
by what Washington brands "rogue states", would undermine existing arms 
control agreements by violating the ABM treaty.

U.S. President Bill Clinton has said he will decide later this year whether 
to go ahead with the $60 billion NMD system. The Pentagon has scheduled a 
crucial test of that system over the Pacific Ocean for July 7.


China has already said that if NMD is deployed, Beijing will be forced to 
build up its small nuclear arsenal to avoid its missiles being neutralized by 
a more comprehensive system.

Defense analysts also warn that any Chinese build-up could prompt an arms 
race involving India and Pakistan. It would also undermine relations between 
Washington and Beijing and Moscow.

Putin arrives on Wednesday in the Tajik capital Dushanbe for the fifth summit 
of the so-called Shanghai Five grouping China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan 
and Tajikistan.

The group was formed in 1996 to resolve border issues along the old 
Sino-Soviet frontier, but has since broadened its focus to regional security 
and the perceived threat of religious extremism, separatism and international 

Uzbekistan joins the five states for the first time as an observer.

Ivanov said a joint document being drawn up for the final signing ceremony 
between the five leaders would include a statement on their joint support for 
preserving the ABM treaty.

"This is our common position," he said.

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan told a news conference that the 
Shanghai Five structure was unique and differed from international relations 
during the Cold War.

"I am sure that the Shanghai Five mechanism...will play an active role in 
securing peace and stability in the region and the world as a whole," he said 
through an interpreter.

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