>Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 09:22:18 -0700
>From: Green Left Parramatta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>                        http://www.greenleft.org.au
>                            Green Left Weekly,
>                                 Issue #411
>                               July 12, 2000
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
>environmental and left perspective.
>The ALP ``opposition'' has been making much ado about its intention to
>``roll back'' the GST when next in government but stops well short of
>promising to abolish this regressive and discriminatory tax. Abolishing the
>GST would be easy, so what's Labor's problem?
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Why Labor won't abolish Howard's GST
> * INDONESIA: Behind the `religious' violence in Maluku
> * PAKISTAN: Authorities arrest unionists
> * FIJI: Military appointed government `completes the coup'
> * IRAQ: Let's destroy this lethal weapon!
> * IRAQ: Support the campaign against the sanctions
> * ZIMBABWE: ZANU-PF severely injured in MDC landslide
> * SOUTH AFRICA: Thousands march to demand access to AIDS treatment
> * Rich countries' post-Seattle manoeuvring
> * CUBA: Elian's homecoming -- when the people heard the news
> * CUBA: New US bill tightens blockade
> * EAST TIMOR:Political clarification as transition unfolds
> * INDONESIA: PRD files lawsuit against Suharto
> * INDONESIA: Yet another human rights investigation compromised
> * INDONESIA and EAST TIMOR news briefs
> * SWITZERLAND: Conference against neo-liberalism
> * GERMANY: The end of nuclear power or the end of the Greens?
> * MEXICO: Ruling party's defeat changes political panorama
> * AUSTRIA: Trade unions organise day of action
> * INDIA: Mass campaign to resist massacres in Bihar
> * HONG KONG & MACAU: Protest waves test Beijing's promises
> * UNITED STATES: Race and class -- `Downloading while Asian'
> * LEBANON postcard
> * IMF: A `useful veil' for austerity
> * The Female Eunuch 30 years on
> * Editorial: Slash Australia's war spending!
> * Phil Cohen and Patricia Ford: Emotionally powerful stories of real
> * Cannon's Socialism on Trial: Clear and convincing account of
> * Bring Out the Dead: Barbarism, US style
> * Resistance conference dares to struggle and win
> * Australian plutonium venture warrants scrutiny
> * Late-term abortion fans anti-choice flames
> * A letter from John Howard
> * Robert Long is lucky to be alive
> * Judith Wright, 1915-2000
> * Jessie Mary (Bon) Hull, March 28, 1915-June 16, 2000
> * ACTU congress goes nowhere
> * The `privatisation of everything'
> * Tasmanian upper house stymies land rights
> * Union backdown on tax office agreement
> * Queensland hospital workers strike
> * Student environmentalists back collective action
> * Clouds gather over Bondi stadium
> * Sydney protests against the GST
> * Arabunna walkers reach Broken Hill
> * Pay equity a small step closer in NSW
> * Textile workers win right to pattern bargain
> * John Howard, the `miniature man'
> * `World heritage in danger' campaign intensified
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Articles posted are as they were before proofreading, and prior to any
>final changes in the printed version.
>All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly, and reprinted here, are
>copyright by their authors. However, most regular contributors have granted
>permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green, left,
>human rights or generally progressive publications.
>Where such permission has NOT been granted, articles are marked with the
>symbol && in the index above. Before reprinting such an article, or if
>uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint, please inquire by
>e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ALL cartoons are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of
>the artist.
>  We like to know what audiences we are reaching, and would therefore
>appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
>                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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